Born May 17 & baptised July 15 1902 William George Alfred son of Joseph & Emily HARDY 35 Leesland Rd Gas H? servant Gosport
Born Apr 5 & baptised July 20 1902 Sydney Lawrence son of Sidney & Ellen WASHBOURN 4 Harcourt Rd R.M.
Born July 29 1901 & baptised July 20 1902 Lilian Iris dr of John & Alice JACKSON 18 Leesland Rd RN
Born Mar 19 1900 &baptised July 20 1902 Victoria Alice Florence JACKSON 18 Leesland Rd RN
Born June 13 1902 & baptised July 20 1902 Frederick William son of Ernest Bernard & Louisa Helena DOWLING 70 Whitworth Rd Petty Officer RN
Born May 29 & baptised August 3 1902 Gladys Amelia Jane dr of Arthur Robert & Maria Jane WATTS 15 Whites Place Forton Rd ? N M
Born May 12 1901 & baptised August 5 1902 Emily Dorothy dr of Henry & Emily STRINGER 10 South View Labourer Gunwharf
Born July 11 1899 & baptised Aug 6 1902 William James son of George Spratt & Selina Ann VINEY 77 Leesland Rd Pensioner R M Labr Dockyard
Born July 16 1901 & baptised Aug 6 1902 Violet Ann dr of George Spratt & Selina Ann VINEY 77 Leesland Rd Pensioner R M Lab'r Dockyard
Baptised Aug 27 1902 Arthur Albert Edward son of Stephen Edward & Emma FLEMING 48 Leesland Rd Painter & Pensioner
Born Aug 23 1902 & baptised Sept 10 1902 Nellie Priscilla dr of Edward James & Priscilla BROWN 130 Leesland Rd R M L I
Born July 31 1902 & baptised Sept 10 1902 Emily Elizabeth dr of Edward & Ellen WHEELER 33 Lavinia Rd Stoker Gas Works
Born March 1900 & baptised Sept 10 1902 Martha Ellen dr of Edward & Ellen WHEELER 33 Lavinia Rd Stoker Gas Works
Born Aug 13 1902 & baptised Sept 10 1902 Percival Edward son of James & Harriet PRIOR 10 Lavinia Rd R M L I
Born Apr 26 1902 & baptised Sept 10 1902 Lily dr of James George & Mary Emily ROGERS 20 Pelham Rd Storekeeper
Born Aug 20 1902 & baptised Sept 10 1902 Florence dr of Ernest & Annie PORTSMOUTH 43 Richmond Rd Laborer
Born Nov 28 1901 & baptised Sept 17 1902 Percy William Henry son of Edwi George & Kate COMPOST 43 Lavinia Rd Corpl Rl ?
Born Jan 30 1902 & baptised Oct 8 1902 Arthur Edward son of George & Louisa LANGFORD 26 Lavinia Rd Stone Mason
Born ? 21 1902 & baptised Oct 19 1902 Francis Alexander son of Francis & Henrietta Augusta GODDARD 158 Leesland Rd Clerk
Born Dec 24 1899 & baptised Nov 2 1902 Daisy Bertha dr of Walter Poor? or Pook & Lucy HATT 37 Zetland Rd Labourer
Born Oct 18 1902 & baptised Nov 2 1902 Ivy Emily dr of James Edward & Emily BAILEY 136 Whitworth Rd Naval Bar doorman
Born Apr 12 1902 & baptised Nov 2 1902 George Joseph son of Joseph George & Lily Mabel CORBYN 26 Zetland Rd Labourer
Born Oct 11 1902 & baptised Nov 2 1902 Gilbert Clarence Stanley son of Henry Richard & Edith PROCTOR 11 Pelham Rd Tailor
Born Sept 24 1901 & baptised Nov 2 1902 Ethel Elizabeth dr of George Henry & Eliza Ann PARR 2 Leesland Rd Labourer
Born Sept 17 1902 & baptised Nov 16 1902 Henry son of Henry & Caroline COPPIN 62 Leesland Rd Labourer
Born Sept 27 1902 & baptised Nov 16 1902 Eva May dr of Thos James &Nellie HO-M- ?? 27 Tintern Rd Sergt R M L I
Born Sept 27 1902 & baptised Dec 14 1902 Margaret Amy dr of Herbert & Eliza HAYES 32 Westfield Rd Labourer
Born Nov 27 & baptised Dec 28 1902 Edgar James son of James & Anna Irma RICHARD 19 Osborne Terrace -
Baptised Dec 28 1902 Thomas son of Thomas & P-nn-- HARRIS? 18 Leesland Rd Labourer
Baptised Dec 28 1902 Mary Ann dr of Thomas & " " 18 Leesland Rd Labourer
Born July 2 & baptised Dec 28 1902 Gorge William son of George & Clarissa BULL 69 Leesland Rd ?
Baptised Jan 18 1903 Maude Florence dr of Hen. Thos & Sarah MACKENZIE 15 Tintern Rd Decr
Baptised Jan 28 1903 Wallace Victor son of He. Thos & Sarah MACKENZIE 15 Tintern Rd Decr
Baptised Jan 28 1903 Ernest son of Hen. Thos & Sarah MACKENZIE 15 Tintern Rd Decr
Baptised Jan 28 1903 Harold Victoria dr of Hen. Thos & Sarah MACKENZIE 15 Tintern Rd Decr
Baptised Jan 28 1903 Lily Maud dr of Hen. Thos & Sarah MACKENZIE 15 Tintern Rd Decr
Baptised Jan 28 1903 Ernest George son of Alfred Robert & Mary Ann DAVIS 22 Lavinia Rd Labourer
Baptised Sept 2 1903 William Henry son of John & Mary SAUNDERS 20 Vernon Rd Labourer
Baptised Sept 2 1903 Audrey Ernestina Irma? dr of Ernest & Mary OHARA 18 Lavinia Rd Policeman
Baptised Sept 2 1903 Michael John son of Michael John & Eliz Ann PRESS 120 Leesland Rd Sergt R M
Baptised Sept 2 1903 Thomas Henry son of Michael John & Eliza Ann PRESS 120 Leesland Rd Sergt R M
Baptised Sept 2 1903Sidney Ralph son of Michael John & Eliza Ann PRESS 120 Leesland Rd Sergt RM
Baptised Sept 2 1903 Rose Alice dr of Michael John & Eliza Ann PRESS 120 Leesland Rd Sergt RM
Baptised Feb 4 1903 Alice dr of Charles & Alice HUGHES 1 Richmond Rd Musician
James son of ? BUTTON February ? 1628
James son of James BARTLET August 09 1683
Joseph son of Robert BROWN & Ann his wife December 09 1686
Martha daughter of Edward TALLY & Martha his wife August 17 1693
Thomas son of Thomas & Abigail LEGG September 10 1693
Joanna daughter of Captain Henry PLAYER & Joanna his wife October 17 1693
John son of William & Thomasine CLARK October 30 1693
Elizabeth daughter of William & Thomasine CLARK April 02 1695
Ann daughter of William & ? NEWMAN of Stoake, June ? 1709
William son of William & Rebecca JURD May 29 1751
Richard son of Richard & Sarah HAWKINS April 14 1754
William son of William & Sarah HOLLIS October 09 1757
William son of William & Ann POPE July 05 1761
James son of John & Mary JURD September 02 1764
William son William & Ann IREMONGER Dec 25 1766
Thomas son of Sarah MESHAM base born Aug 7 1768
Ann daughter of William & Ann IREMONGER Oct 2 1768
Jane daughter of William & Ann IREMONGER baptised at Chancel July 6 1770
William son of John & Mary JURD May 18 1773
Thomas son of Richard & Mary PERRIN December 22 1774
John Willy son of Thomas & Ann RICE Apr 6 1783
Thomas son Thomas & Ann RICE (5mths) Nov 20 1785
Elizabeth dr of William & Elizabeth JURD November 30 1789
Susannah Maria dr George & Susannah RICE Dec 9 1790
Thomas son Thomas & Ann RICE born Aug 6 1790 & bap Jan 23 1791
Laz? Dr of Charles & Eliz HAYLES born January 02 1790, August 08 1790Ann daughter of Thomas & Eliz PINK March 31 1791 private baptism
Margaretta dr of Andrew BRODY & Mary TAYLOR July 18 1791
Jno son of John & Charlotte PINK April 09 1794 private baptism
Mary Ann dr of Charles & Eliz HAYLES May 21 1794
May dr of Thomas & Eliz PINK born December 06 1794, December 15 1794
Jno son of William & Rebecca PINK May 24 1795
Celia dr of Jno & Sarah HELLYER March 10 1796
Joseph son of James & Mary BANTING March 20 1797
Mary dr of Thomas & Eliz PINK two and a half yrs old – June 18 1797
Thomas son of Thomas & Eliz PINK October 01 1797
Betsy dr of George & Fanny October 01 1797
Betsy dr of George & Fanny TAYLOR April 29 1798
William son of John & Sarah HILLIER October 15 1799
William son of James & Ann HELLIER March 30 1800
Elianor dr of James & Thomasin MINTON June 14 1801
Frances son of James & Mary CLARKE August 08 1801
Sarah dr of William LEGG September 10 1801
James son of Daniel & Ann VICK December 25 1801
George son of George & Mary POPE April 24 1808
Caroline dr of Charles & Edith MARTIN November 23 1810
John son of John & Sarah EDMUNDS December ? 1810
John son of George & Mary POPE January 01 1810
Stephen son of George & Mary POPE November 24 1811
page 58 no 461 Eliza dr of John & Hannah CHRISTIAN born at Stoke 29 March, baptized May 8 1814, Waterman
page 213 no 1704 Louisa dr of John & Hannah CHRISTIAN of Stoke, born 2 November & baptized March 8 1818 , Waterman
Elizabeth dr of John & Mary HAWKINS of Brockhurst, Gardener January 31 1819
Thomas son of Thomas & Elizabeth POPE (born 06 March) from Gosport, post boy May 09 1819
Mary dr of William & Jane BOWERS of Gosport, labourer July 04 1819
Jane dr of David & Jane WITHERS of Gosport, shipwright December 09 1819
page 279 no 2232 Catherine dr of John & Hannah CHRISTIAN of Stoke born November 9 1819 & baptised January 9 1820 Waterman
Jane dr of William & Mary HABENS of Forton, Cordwainer, September 28 1820
Edward son of Edward & Martha OLIVER of Gosport, Mariner November 01 1820
George son of George & Mary POPE of Gosport, Waterman May 04 1821
page 74 no 588 Ellen dr of John & Hannah CHRISTIAN Alverstoke, born May 20 1822 & baptized June 16 1822 Waterman
page 136 no 1083 Harriet dr of John & Hannah CHRISTIAN Alverstoke, born June 8 1824 baptized June 8 1824, Waterman
page 10 no 78 Mary Ann dr John & Elizabeth DUTTON August 27 1826 abode Portsmouth born July 13 1826 Royal Marine Artillery
page 12 no 89 William son of Bartholomew Peter & Maria DROUET Alverstoke born 3 September 1822 baptised September 3 1826 Contractor
page 44 no 349 Joseph son of John & Mary DASH of Gosport born 16 August 1827 baptised August 19 1827
page 76 no 607 Alfred son of John & Hannah CHRISTIAN Alverstoke, born July 4 1828 baptized August 10 1828Waterman
page 14 no 911 George William son John & Mary DASH Gosport labourer born Mar 28 1829 baptised 16 August 1829
Michael son of James & Harriett BALL labourer September 30 1830
page 183 no 1459 William Henry son John & Mary DASH Gosport labourer born 28 November 1830 baptised January 19 1831
page 170 no 1360 Mary Ann dr Henry & Martha DASH Gardiner born 26 July 1819 baptised Apr 1 1831
page 171 no 1361 John son of Henry & Martha DASH of Alverstock, Gardener, born 13 October 1831 & baptised April 1 1831
page 171 no 1362 George son Henry & Martha DASH f Alverstoke, born 24 November 1824 baptised April 1 1831
page 171 no 1363 Frederick son of Henry & Martha DASH, Gardener born 30 Aug 1828 baptised April 1 1831
page 197 no 1574 John James son of John James & Emily COMMERFORD Gosport Mariner born May ? 1830 baptised October 30 1831
page 211 no 1685 Thomas son Thomas & Mary Ann DASH Brockhurst Gardiner born February 15 1832 baptised February 27 1832
page 239 no 1910 Sarah Ann dr John & Mary DASH Gosport labourer born 14 October 1832 & baptised 25 October 1832
page 249 no 1992 John Thomas son of John & Sarah MUNDEN Portsmouth Mariner born 22 December 1832 baptised 10 January 1833
page 257 no 2050 Emily dr of John & Emily COMMERFORD Gosport Musician born January 1 1833 baptised April 23 1833
page 270 no 2155 Ellen dr of Thomas & Mary Ann DASH Brockhurst Gardener born 17 August 1833 baptised 26 August 1833
page 35 no 274 William son John & Sarah MUNDEN Gosport Marine born 2 May 1835 baptised June 14 1835
page 115 no 918 Sarah dr John & Sarah MUNDON of Gosport born 12 June 1837 & baptised October 8 1837
page 13 no 97 William son of John & Jane TRIBE Gosport labourer born April 11 1841 baptised May 9 1841
Elizabeth dr of Richard & Elizabeth REDMAN fisherman privately received into the church September 17 1843 born July 26 baptised August 18 1843
Elizabeth dr of Alexander & Mary RUF(S)SELL Gosport Mariner September 10 1843
Sarah daughter of John & Jane PINK Steep Petersfield Ropemaker September 29 1843 born August 07 1842
Thomas son of Thomas & Fanny GOLDSMITH Gosport born September 11 1843Mariner September 29 1843
page 230 no 1833 Sarah dr John & Jane TRIBE Gosport, Labourer born 4 January 1846 & baptised April 12 1846
James William son of James & Elizabeth CLARK born May 16 of Gosport, mariner June 02 1847
Sarah Ann dr of William & Ann REDMAN Gosport born June 25 1847 fisherman, September 05 1847
Edward George son of Edward & Sophia RUSSELL Alverstoke, born May 05 1848 labourer June 11 1848
Emily Charlotte daughter of John BLACKLOCK & Emily MESSINGER Alverstoke born September 10 1848 servant October 11 1848
Elizabeth Ann dr of George & Elizabeth RUF/SSELL Gosport born July 14 1848,mariner October 11 1848
John Joseph son of James & Elizabeth CLARKE born November 27 1848 Gosport mariner January 24 1849
page 45 no 358 Sarah Jane dr George & Sarah Ann TRIBE Holly St Grove Dairyman born July 25 baptised October 17 1852
page 72 no 574 George William son George & Sarah Ann TRIBE Newtown Dairyman born 25 April 1854 & baptised June 11 1854
page 80 no 634 Elizabeth Sarah Phippard dr George & Jane now TOWN Shipwright born October 1 1854 baptised October 29 1854
page 100 no 800 Frances Maria dr George & Sarah TRIBE Newtown Dairyman born 27 December 1855 baptised April 20 1856
George William son of William & Sarah HELLYER (born April 21 1857)from Brockhurst, shipwright, May 27 1857
Charles Henry son of William & Ellen VICK Newtown labourer born March 26 September 27 1857
page 168 no 1338 Albert Frank son George & Sarah TRIBE Newtown Dairyman born August 1 1859 baptised October 16 1859
page 168 no 1339 John Henry son George & Sarah TRIBENewtown Brewer, born 6 February 1858 baptised October 16 1859
Charles Albert son of Charles Henry & Louisa Elizabeth PINK Gosport born April 26 1860 Blockmaker May 27 1860
George Albert son of Charles & Eliza MARTIN Newtown Smith born June 18 1860 August 19 1860
Henry James son of George & Charlotte POPE Alverstoke Village born June 27 1860 labourer September 13 1860
Philip James son of John & Selina JURD born July 04 1861 GosportLicensed Victualler August 11 1861
James Henry son of James & Eliza POPE born October 04 1861 living Clayhall Shipwright October 31 1861
page 225 no 1800 Private baptism Ann dr William & Ann TRIBE Clayhall Attendant Haslar Hospital born July 21 1862 & baptised August 1 1862
page 227 no 1813 Alice dr George & Sarah Ann TRIBE Newtown Brewer born April 16 1862 baptised August 31 1862
Alice Rosetta dr of William James & Harriet Amy PINK living Newtown born August 16 1861 Shipwright November 17 1861
Alfred Reuben son of Reuben & Jane PINK born August 29 1862 labourer living Anns Hill October 26 1862
page 234 no 1871 Eliza dr of James & Eliza BUDD Forton Private RM born November 23 1862 baptized September 6 1862
page 231 no 1844 Edwin Jeremiah son of Jeremiah & Elizabeth BUDD Brockhurst Private RM born 26 September 1862 baptized October 26 1862
Emily Chatterton dr of Jacob Phillip & Emily Mary LEGG living Gosport bookseller February 23 1863
page 250 no 2000 William Harton son John & Sibel TRIBE Stoke Rd Coal Merchant born July 29 1863 baptised September 13 1863
Mary Ann d r of George & Charlotte POPE born September 14 1863 living Alverstoke, labourer October 04 1863
page 273 no 2177 Alfred William son of Jeremiah & Elizabeth BUDD Alverstoke Private Royal Marines born 9 August 1864 baptized 2 October 1864
page 314 no 251 William Stephen son of Jeremiah & Elizabeth BUDD Forton Private RM born 15 July 1866 baptized September 9 1866
page 258 no 2060 William James son of James & Eliza BUDD Leesland Place Private Royal Marines born 12 December 1860 baptized February 14 1864
page 268 no 2139 Thomas Ashford son George & Sarah Ann TRIBE Stoke Rd, Licenced Victualler born 13 Mar 1864 baptised July 17 1864
page 275 no 2200 Jane Sole dr of William & Anne TRIBE Clayhall Gardner born September 27 1864 baptised December 1 1864
Page 285 entry 2279 Edith Marie daughterof John & Selina JURD Gosport waterman born December 23 1863 June 25 1865
Page 285 entry 2280 Eliza Caroline d r of William & Eliza HERRING of Bay House Coachman born May 25 1865 June 25 1865
Page 288 entry 2297 Samuel son of James WATT Military Hospital ? Hale Barracks Labourer born July 28 1865 August 06 1865
Page 288 entry 2300 Frederick Maurice son of Charles William & ?? HOARE born July 16 Privett yeoman August 09 1865
Page 288 entry 2301 Martha Elizabeth dr of George & Anne SHANNON Gosport ,boatman in coastguard August 10 1865
Page 288 entry 2302 James son of James & Ann SMITH of village Labourer born June 20 August 10 1865
Page 288 entry 2303 privately Charles son of Thomas & Mary WHITCOMB of Anglesey, publican born May 26 1865 August 11 1865
Page 288 entry 2304 Donald Henry son of Henry & Maria MILLER Gosport born ?? 19 1865 carpenter August 13 1865
page 304 no 3429 Georgina Dorcas d r William & Georgina TRIBE Stoke Rd Publican born 11 December 1865 baptised March 4 1866
Page 304 entry 2428 George son of Susannah CAWTE March 08 1866 poor house received into the church March 20 1866
Page 311 entry 2484 Herbert John son of James & Eliza POPE born January 15 f Gosport shipwright June 28 1866
page 313 no 2497 Cecilia Annie dr George & Sarah TRIBE Stoke Rd Publican born 28 March 1866 baptised July 22 1866
page 320 no 2554 Elizabeth Childs dr William & Ann TRIBE Clayhall Gardiner born 22 October 1866 baptised December 9 1866
page 341 no 2725 Florence Elizabeth dr William & Georgina TRIBE Newtown born 4 December 1867 baptised January 26 1868
page 350 no 2796 Jane Charlotte dr of James & Eliza BUDD Leeland Row Marine born 28 February 1868 baptized April 12 1868
page 353 no 2821 Ernest Arthur son George & Sarah Anne TRIBE Newtown born 16 February 1868 baptised June 21 1868
Page 364 entry 2912Albert Henry son of James & Susan NEWMAN Leesland Place labourer born December 07 1861 January 21 1869
Page 364 entry 2913 Caroline dr of James & Susan NEWMAN Leesland Place labourer January 21 1869
page 369 no 2948 Frederick William son William & Georgiana Anne TRIBE Joseph St Newtown Joiner born February 1 1869 baptised Apr il1 1869
page 389 no 3033 Mary Sophia dr of John Charles & Jane Judith SEDGWICK Alverstoke born 9 July baptized 21 October 1869 Railway Porter
Page 370 entry 2959 Frederick George son of Susannah CAWTE born March 20 1869 house of Industry August 29 1869
page 417 no 3332 Edith Annie dr of John Charles & Jane Judith SEDGWICK Alverstoke Village born 28 September 1870 baptized 24 September 1871 Porter
page 441 no 3524 Emily Louisa dr of John & Jane SEDGWICK born 29 August 1872 baptized 17 October 1872 Alverstoke Village Porter
page 480 no 3887 Lucy Jane d r of John Charles & Jane Judith SEDGWICK Alverstoke born 11 May 1874 baptized 14 June 1874 Railway Porter
page 12 no 89 John Frederick son of John & Jane SEDGWICK Alverstoke Village born January 16 1876 baptized February 3 1876 Railway Porter
page 362 entry 2892 private Sylvia May PENTON House of Industry April 14 1902
page 376 entry 3001 Ernest George son of Alfred Robert & Mary Ann DAVIS 28 Lavinia Road labourer January 28 1903
page 395 entry 3158 Ivy May born April 24 dr Walter & Alice DAVIS f 37 Village Road, labourer, June 05 1904
page 411 entry 3287 Edward Horatio son of Edward & Millicent Clara TOOTH 59 Norman Road Stonemason February 15 1905
page 416 entry 3321 Nellie Madeline born June 09 d r of James Cunningham & Annie Amelia DAVIS 5 Church Road bricklayer August 06 1905
page 426 entry 3402 Lily Gladys d r of Walter George & Alice Ethel DAVIS 5 Gladstone Road May 16 1906
page 437 entry 3490 William Frederick John son of James Cunningham & Annie Amelia DAVIS 5 Church Road bricklayer November 04 1906
page 20 entry 133 John Cunningham son of James Cunningham & Annie DAVIS of 5 Church Road bricklayer January 11 1914
Copyright © 2006 Linda & Tony Knight
All Rights Reserved
page 1 no 1 May 10 1846 Eliza Barbara of Thomas & Eliza CHANDLER York St Gosport Smith born Apr 9 1846
page 1 no2 May 10 1846 James Charles son of Walter & Eliza KNIGHT Brandy Mount Gosport Steward of an In-ra-man born Apr 5 1846
page 1 no 3 May 10 1846 Sarah Ann of Walter & Eliza KNIGHT Brandy Mount Gosport born Apr 5 1846
page 1 no 4 May 22 1846 Edward George of George & Charlotte BLOW On the green Gosport Baker born May 9 1846
page 1 no 5 May 29 1846 Alfred John Richard of of Alfred & Elizabeth IRISH On the green Gosport Silversmith born Sept 30 1844
page 1 no 6 June 7 1846 Thomas Edward of Thomas & Sarah Ann MARLOW Hoskins Row Gosport Mariner born Apr 23 1846
page 1 no 7 June 7 1846 Jane of James & Sarah FRYER Bonds Court Gosport Cordwainer born Jan 23 1846
page 1 no 8 June 7 1846 Mary Jane of Charles & Mary HUNT Windmill Row Gosport Carpenter (born Dec 24 1845)
page 2 no 9 June 7 1846 Amelia of Thomas & Sarah Ann DURRANT King St Gosport Labourer (born Apr 20 1846)
page 2 no 10 June 9 1846 William George of William & Mary Ann HUTCHIN High St Gosport Cordwainer (born May 5 1846)
page 2 no 11 June 25 1846 Louisa of Thomas & Eliza STONE King St Gosport Mariner (born Oct 14 1845)
page 2 no 12 June 30 1846 Henry of George & Emily BUTLER Kings Alley Gosport Waterman (born June 11 1846)
page 2 no 13 July 13 1846 James of Eliza LUDWELL King St Gosport (born July 11 1846)
page 2 no 14 July 14 1846 Henry of William & Sarah BARNE 52 North St Gosport Coal Dealer
page 2 no 15 July 17 1846 Jane Elizabeth of Robert & Sarah CLUET North St Gosport Tailor (born July 9 1846)
page 2 no 16 July 29 1846 Martha Jane of William & Ann WEBB Pall Mall Gosport Mariner (born July 22 1846)
page 3 no 17 Aug 2 1846 Emily Jane of Thomas & Mary TALBOT on the green Gosport Labourer (born June 17 1846)
page 3 no 18 Aug 2 1846 Martha Elizabeth of Mary LANAWAY North St Gosport
page 3 no 19 Aug 2 1846 Joseph James of James & Caroline HULL North St Gosport Waterman (born June 2 1846)
page 3 no 20 Aug 2 1846 James of John & Catherine SMART Mansbridge Yard Gosport Waterman
page3 no 21 Aug 2 1846 Frederick of George William & Hannah MARTIN York St Gosport Dairyman (born June 26 1846)
page 3 no 22 Aug 16 1846 Emma Augusta Deharame of Joseph Deharame & Eliza Anna SIMMONDS Cold Harbour Gosport Clerk MA (born July 23 1846)
page 3 no 23 Aug 8 1846 Richard William of Richard Fyfield & Emily WELLS High St Gosport Builder (born July 31 1846)
page 3 no 24 Aug 23 1846 Jane of William & Mary Ann SMITH 19 Winmill Row Pursers Steward (born Aug 2 1846)
page 4 no 25 Aug 30 1846 William Henry of William & Lucy NEWMAN Hoskins Alley Gosport Mariner (born Apr 15 1846)
page 4 no 26 Sept 6 1846 Martha Ruth of Thomas & Mary SCARLET Cold Harbour Gosport Mariner (born Mar 26 1846)
page 4 no 27 Sept 6 1846 Caroline of Caroline DOUGLAS King St Gosport (born Mar 12 1846)
page 4 no 28 Albert William of William & Dina JERMAIN Brandy Mount Gosport Bricklayer (born Aug 21 1846)
page 4 no 29 Oct 4 1846 Henry John of Benjamin & Elizabeth KINGSHOT Rands Court Gosport Blacksmith (born Aug 11 1846)
page 4 no 30 Oct 4 1846 Clara Elizabeth of Henry & Susanna CASS Rands Court Gosport Mariner (born Sept 12 1846)
page 4 no 31 Oct 7 1846 George of William & Ann MORTIMORE York St Gosport Waterman (born Feb 13 1846)
page 4 no 32 Oct 8 1846 Elizabeth of Mary HONEYFORD Cooperage Yard York St Gosport
page 5 no 33 Oct 11 1846 William Francis of Francis & Elizabeth HUNT York St Gosport Mariner (born Feb - 1846)
page 5 no 34 Oct 29 1846 John of John & Sally FINCH Sea Horse St Labourer
page 5 no 35 Nov 1 1846 Jane Ann of Richard & Sarah Anne HAYES Gosport Mariner (born Sept 23 1846)
page 5 no 36 Nov 15 1846 James Thomas of William & Eliza BARNETT The Green Gosport Labourer (born Sept 1 1846)
page 5 no 37 Nov 15 1846 George Charles of William & Harriett WILSON Mount Pleasant Gosport Mariner (born June 19 1846)
page 5 no 38 Dec 6 1846 Walter Henry of Henry William & Jane MOORE 38 High St Gosport Mariner (born June 3 1846)
page 5 no 39 Dec 6 1846 George of Richard & Elizabeth Carter Roal THOMAS 29 King St Gosport Labourer (born Oct 5 1846)
page 5 no 40 Nov 6 1846 Harriet of John & Mary GRAY New Town Labourer (born Nov 13 1845)
page 6 no 41 Dec 8 1846 James of Charles & Elizabeth HOPGOOD Sweetmans Alley York St Gosport Mariner (born Dec 6 1846)
page 6 no 42 Dec 13 1846 John Nathan of John Nathan & Sarah Matilda NORMAN Rands court North St Gosport Shoemaker (born Apr 1 1845)
page 6 no 43 Dec 13 1846 Mary Jane of John Nathan & Sarah Matilda NORMAN Rands Court North St Gosport Shoemaker (born Sept 13 1846)
page 6 no 44 Dec 25 1846 Emma Mary Elizabeth of Henry Edward & Sarah COOKE High St Gosport Outfitter (born Nov 14 1846)
page 6 no 45 Dec 27 1846 Albert William of William & - SPARSHOTT Brandy Mount Gosport Inspector of Police (born Nov 10 1844)
page 6 no 46 Dec 27 1846 Agnes Matilda of William & - SPARSHOTT Brandy Mount Gosport Inspector of Police (born Mar 29 1846)
page 6 no 47 Rosina Barsillisa of Richard & Rosina HOWARD On the green Gosport Mariner (born June 11 1846)
page 6 no 48 Jan 3 1847 Harriet of James & Mary Ann HOARE Sea Horse St Gosport Bricklayer (born Nov - 1846)
page 7 no 49 Jan 17 1847 Harriet of James & Ann HEATH Black Bea- G--- Gosport Painter (born Dec 31 1846)
page 7 no 50 Mar 1 1847 Henry of John & Eliza WILLIAMS 7 King St Gosport Buffer in Dockyard (born Jan 18 1847)
page 7 no 51 Mar 4 1847 Hirany? Henry of B? Hirany PHELAN Barnham Alley Gosport Policeman born Feb 12 1847)
page 7 no 52 Mar 8 1847 John son of John & Susannah TAYLOR 1 on the green Gosport Carpenter (born Mar 8 1847)
page 7 no 53 no entry
page 7 no 54 Mar 16 1847 Kate of John & Helena WOODS Church Path Gosport Mariner
page 7 no 55 Apr 4 1847 Louisa Jane of Edward & Hannah GROSSMITH Rodney's Head Alley Gosport Mariner (born Mar 6 1847)
page 7 no 56 Apr 15 1847 Sarah Ann of John & Harriet DOTTERILL North St Gosport Builder (born Oct 16 1845)
page 8 no 57 Apr 18 1847 William of George & Elizabeth CHINNECK Brandy Mount Gosport Tailor (born Mar 2 1847)
page 8 no 58 No entry
page 8 no 59 June 26 1847 John Bedford of John & Sarah Ann BROOKER Gosport Warrant Officer (born June 26 1847)
page 8 no 60 June 26 1847 Mary Jane of John & Sarah Ann BROOKER Gosport Warrant Officer (born June 26 1847)
page 8 no 61 Aug 8 1847 William Thomas of John & Caroline LAWRENCE Rands Court Gosport Brewer (born Nov 28 1844)
page 8 no 62 Aug 8 1847 James of John & Caroline LAWRENCE Rands Court Gosport Brewer (born Apr 13 1847)
page 8 no 63 Aug 15 1847 Ellen of George & Jane BARNES Kents Alley Gosport Mariner (born Apr 4 1847)
page 8 no 64 Aug 20 1847 Fanny Jane of Emery & Frances Elizabeth CHURCHER High St Gosport (Bookseller & Stationer)
page 9 no 65 Aug 20 1847 Marion Elizabeth of William & Ann TURNBULL Windmill Row Gosport (born Aug 20 1847)
page 9 no 66 Aug 22 1847 Thomas of George & Ann SNOOK New Town Baker (born June 7 1847)
page 9 no 67 Aug 29 1847 Edward Arthur of Edward & Maria Charlotte SUTTON North St Gosport Waterman (born July 8 1847)
page 9 no 68 Sept 7 1847 Henry Joseph Campbell of john & Mary Laura Campbell GRUMLEY Henry St Gosport Shipwright (born Oct 18 1846)
page 9 no 69 Sept 8 1847 George Henry of Hannah Elizabeth BARROW Mill Lane Forton illegitimate
page 9 no 70 Sept 16 1847 James of Thomas & Elizabeth JACKSON Forton Labourer (born Sept 15 1847)
page 9 no 71 Oct 3 1847 William Benjamin of William & Mary Ann ARM Cold Harbour Gosport Mariner (born Aug 30 1847)
page 9 no 72 Oct 3 1847 Alice Eliza of John & Eliza MORGAN Cold Harbour Gosport Mariner
page 10 no 73 Oct 8 1847 Amelia Mary of Alfred & Charlotte Rebecca CARTER Cold Harbour Gosport Schoolmaster (born Sept 5 1847
page 10 no 74 Oct 9 1847 George of Edward William & Sarah VINCENT King St Gosport Blacksmith (born June 11 1847)
page 10 no 75 Oct 19 1847 Robert George of Robert & Charlotte Amelia ROBERTS King St Gosport (born Sept 7 1847)
page 10 no 76 Oct 20 1847 Rosanna Elizabeth of William & Rosanna LEWIS Griffiths R? Gosport Mariner (born Aug 18 1845)
page 10 no 77 Oct 22 1847 Charles George of Charles & Sarah BARKER High St Gosport Professor of Chemistry (born May 8 1847)
page 10 no 78 Oct 25 1847 Alice Jane of Richard Fifield & Emily WELLS High St Gosport Builder (born Oct 18 1847)
page 10 no 79 Nov 21 1847 Mary Ann Jane of Edward & Sophia Evans MILLIDGE North Cross St Gosport Grocer(born Oct 31 1847)
page 10 no 80 Dec 5 1847 Alfred of Gustavus Hoddinott & Mary Ann WHITE North Wharf Gosport Timber Merchant (born Sept 22 1847)
page 11 no 81 Dec 10 1847Emma of John & Harriet DOTTERILL North St Gosport Builder (born Dec - 1847)
page 11 no 82 Jan 2 1848 Ellen Caroline of Edmund & Maria MALONE North St Gosport Shoemaker (born Dec 11 1847)
page 11 no 83 Jan 2 1848 John Charles of John & Maryann SEAGER Brandy Mount Gosport Mariner (born Nov 18 1847)
page 11 no 84 Feb 12 1848 James George of James & Jane Ann CAMPBELL North St Gosport Mariner (born Oct 2 1847)
page 11 no 85 Feb 27 1848 William Frederick of Thomas & Martha GALE North St Gosport Bricklayer (born Apr 10 1845)
page 11 no 86 Feb 27 1848 Anne Maria of Thomas & Martha GALE North St Gosport Bricklayer (born June 2 1847)
page 11 no 87 Mar 10 1848 William Cornelius of James & Hannah MARTIN Charlotte Court Gosport Mariner (born Feb 29 1848)
page 11 no 88 Mar 12 1848 John Charles of Henry & Mary COWDREY Brandy Mount Gosport Labourer (born Feb 13 1848)
page 12 no 89 Mar 12 1848 Louisa Sarah of James & Louisa COX North St Gosport Mariner (born Feb 18 1848)
page 12 no 90 Apr 2 1848 William Joshua of William & Eliza HARDING 12 Burnham's Alley Gosport Mariner (born Feb 4 1848)
page 12 no 91 Apr 4 1848 Andrew Hammond Edmund of William Elworthy & Harriot Butt TRUSCOTT Cold Harbour Gosport Commander R-? (born Feb 5 1848)
page 12 no 92 Apr 4 1848 Emma Amelia of William & Susan BARNES North St Gosport Dealer in Wood & Coals (born Feb 20 1848)
page 12 no 93 Apr 5 1848 Ann Amelia of Mary STAPLETON North St Gosport (born Mar 16 1848)
page 12 no 94 Apr 7 1848 Mary of William & CharlotteKNIGHT King St Gosport Labourer (born Dec 20 1847)
page 12 no 95 Apr 20 1848 William James of Helen STONE Griffith's R? Gosport (born Apr 19 1848)
page 12 no 96 Apr 20 1848 Ellen Louisa of Richard & Ellen ROSE North St Gosport Shipwright (born Nov 5 1848)
page 13 no 97 Apr 28 1848 Jane of Henry & Lucretia MURRANT Royal Clarence Yard Gosport Cooper (born Mar 6 1832)
page 13 no 98 May 12 1848 Emily Madeline Avis of William & Rosanna LEWIS Cold Harbour Gosport Mariner (born Apr 8 1848)
page 13 no 99 May 14 1848 George Henry of Henry & Harriet MATTHEWS Griffith's B? Cold Harbour Gosport Rope Maker (born Apr 10 1848)
page 13 no 100 May 26 1848 Mary Louisa Delasamine? of Joseph Delasamine? & Eliza Anna SIMMONDS Cold Harbour Gosport Clerk MA (born Apr 14 1848)
page 13 no 101 June 4 1848 Fanny of James & Sarah FRYER Bonds Court Gosport Cordwainer (born Nov 27 1847)
page 13 no 102 June 5 1848 Thomas of John & Lydia MULLIN King St Gosport Soldier (born June 5 1848)
page 13 no 103 June 18 1848 William Henry of Daniel & Jane SAUNDERS Griffith's R? Gosport Blacksmith (born May 27 1848)
page 13 no 104 June 20 1848 Arthur William of John James & Eliza HALL North Cross St Gosport Chemist & Druggist (born May 29 1848)
page 14 no 105 July 2 1848 Thomas of George William & Hannah Isabella MARTIN York St Gosport Dairyman (born May 22 1848)
page 14 no 106 July 16 1848 Ann of George William & Jane WEBB Fairlight ---r Hastings Coast guard
page 14 no 107 July 30 1848 William Stephen of Stephen John & Mary Ann HOLLY Black Bear? Yard Gosport Labourer (born June 19 1848)
page 14 no 108 Aug 11 1848 Edward Amyatt of Edward & Caroline BURNEY Cold Harbour Gosport Clerk MA (born June 24 1848)
page 14 no 109 Aug 13 1848 Henry William of Henry William & Jane MOORE 39 King St Gosport Mariner
page 14 no 110 Aug 20 1848 Elizabeth Ann of John & Susannah TAYLOR on the green Gosport Carpenter (born May 4 1848)
page 14 no 111 Aug 25 1848 Kate of William & Diana JERMAINE Rands Court Gosport Bricklayer (born Apr 21 1848)
page 14 no 112 Aug 27 1848 D? of D? & Mary Ann SEYMOUR on the green Gosport Mariner (born Aug 24 1848)
page 15no 113 Aug 27 1848 Sarah Ann of Thomas & Sarah Ann MARLOW Bingham Alley Gosport Mariner (born Aug 4 1848)
page 15 no 114 Aug 27 1848 Charlotte Louisa of Thomas & Louisa JENKINS Griffiths ? Gosport Mariner (born July 23 1848)
page 15 no 115 Aug 27 1848 Edward son of William & Eliza BENNETT Hobbs Alley Gosport Labourer (born Aug 5 1848)
page 15 no 116 Sept 2 1848 James of William & Susannah SCOTT Rands Court Gosport Butcher (born Aug 31 1848)
page 15 no 117 Sept 3 1848 William James of James & Sarah BIDFORD Rodneys Heath Alley Gosport Mariner (born May 28 1848)
page 15 no 118 Sept 22 1848 Harriet Frederica of Robert & Jane RICHARDS York St Gosport Cooper in HM Dockyard (born Mar 22 1848)
page 15 no 119 Sept 22 1848 Sophia Jane of Richard & Jane Eliza UNSTED Spencer Court North St Gosport Sergeant in Royal Marines (born Apr 26 1840)
page 15 no 120 Sept 22 1848 Richard Edward of Richard & Jane Eliza UNSTED Spencer Court North St Gosport Sergeant in Royal Marines (born ? 27 1844)
page 16 no 121 Sept 22 1848 William Henry of Richard & Jane Eliza UNSTED Spencer Court North St Gosport Sergeant in Royal Marines (born Nov 2 1845)
page 16 no 122 Sept 22 1848 John Thomas of Richard & Jane Eliza UNSTED Spencer Court North St Gosport Sergeant in Royal Marines (born Jan 4 1847)
page 16 no 123 Sept 22 1848 James of Richard & Jane Eliza UNSTED Spencer Court North St Gosport Sergeant in Royal Marines (born Jan 21 1846)
page 16 no 124 Sept 25 1848 Jemima Jane of Stephen William & Mary eliza WILLINGTON 5 Windmill Row Gosport Water Carrier (born Oct 27 1847)
page 16 no 125 Oct 1 1848 Jane of Samuel & Jane SLATER Brandy Mount Labourer (born Sept 5 1848)
page 16 no 126 Oct 5 1848 John of John & Caroline FORD Windmill Row Gosport Labourer (born July 6 1848)
page 16 no 127Oct 6 1848 Sarah of John & Charity COVEY - Waterman (born Mar 6 1806?)
page 16 no 128 Oct 8 1848 George William of George & Mary Ann BURBIDGE on the green Gosport Carpenter (born Aug 29 1847
page 17 nos 129, 130, 131 no entries
page 17 no 132 Jan 9 1849 Sarah Anne of George & Anne HUNT North St Miller
page 17 no 133 Jan 14 1849 Sarah Anne of Henry & Elizabeth SANDERCOMB Pauls Yd North St Waterman
page 17 no 134 Jan 21 1849 Emily of Daniel & Martha HINES Hoskins Alley North St Seaman RN
page 17 no 135 Jan 28 1849 George Repson of Henry & Mary ABBENETT North St Shipwright
page 17 no 136 Jan 28 1849 Charles Thomas of Charles & Charlotte SHEATHE Hoskins Alley North St Seaman RN
page 18 no 137 Feb 10 1849 Henry George of George & Sarah SUTHERLAND North St Ship Chandler
page 18 no 138 Feb 11 1849 Thomas Edward of John & Sarah ELLIOT The Green Blockmaker
page 18 no 139 Feb 18 1849 Thomas Henry of Henry & Jane YOUNG - Bargeman
page 18 no 140 Feb 25 1849 William James of John & Emma ELLIOT Blacksmith
page 18 no 141 Feb 28 1849 Rosina Jane of Benjamin & Elizabeth KINGSHOTT Rande- court North St Blacksmith
page 18 no 142 Feb 28 1849 Rebecca Louisa of Samuel & Maria SMITH Rands Ct North St Labourer
page 18 no 143 Mar 4 1849 George Richard of William & Mary SMITH Seaman
page 18 no 144 Mar 11 1849 Elizabeth Anne of ? John WORLEY Seaman
page 19 no 145 Mar 14 1849 Ellen of Arthur & Eliza LIPSCOMBE Labourer
page 19 no 146 Mar 14 1849 Charles of Eliza RUMBOLD Servant
page 19 no 147 Apr 1 1849 Mary Anne of James & Mary Anne HEAD Coastguard
page 19 no 148 May 26 1849 William Weddell of Jane SHEATH King St
page 19 no 149 May 20 1849 John Thomas of Richard & Martha SHERRETT Charlottes Row Waterman
page 19 no 150 June 3 1849 Benjamin of Benjamin & Eliza GERARD King St Seaman (born Nov 7 1837) privately baptised
page 19 no 151 June 3 1849 Thomas of Benjamin & Eliza GERARD King St Seaman (born Nov 7 1837) privately baptised
page 19 no 152 June 3 1849 Jane of Benjamin & Eliza GERARD King St Seaman (born Apr 8 1842)
page 20 no 153 June 3 1849 George of Benjamin & Eliza GERARD King St Seaman (born June 1 1845)
page 20 no 154 June 10 1849 John Charles of James & Charlotte WEEKES York St Blacksmith (born Mar 1 1847)
page 20 no 155 June 10 1849 Jane Elizabeth of Jane & Charlotte WEEKES York St Blacksmith (born Feb 27 1849)
page 20 no 156 June 10 1849 Mary Jane of Charles Field & Clarinda EASTLEY North St Yeoman (born Jan 16 1849)
page 20 no 157 June 24 1849 Mary Ann of James & Charlotte WEEKES York St Blacksmith (born June 15 184-?)
page 20 no 158 July 15 1849 Ralph of James & Sarah FRYER Rands Court North St Shoemaker
page 20 no 159 July 15 1849 George Edwin of George & Frances Harvey DIMOND High St Gosport Bookseller
page 20 no 160 July 14 1849 William of William & Jane BRICKNELL Brewhouse Yard Labourer
page 21 no 161 Aug 31 1849 Edward Scory of Charles & Sarah BARKER Market House Gosport Proprietor of Chemistry
page 21 no 162 Sept 16 1849 Hannah Elizabeth of William & Alice BAXTER Hoskins Alley Fly-Driver
page 21 no 163 Sept 21 1849 Edmund of Edmund & Maria MALONE Rodneys Head Alley Shoemaker
page 21 no 164 Oct 7 1849 Mary Ann of Theophilus & Margaret Elizabeth BRYANT King St Baker
page 21 no 165 Oct 14 1849 Emily Eunice of Thomas & Sarah HARVEY The Star Inn High St Innkeeper
page 21 no 166 Oct 14 1849 Elizabeth Jane of Henry & Elizabeth EASTLAND 49 North St Mariner
page 21 no 167 Dec 9 1849 George Thomas Ayers of Robert & Naomi PAYNE King St Bricklayer
page 21 no 168 Dec 16 1849 Martha Cole of Thomas & Elizabeth CUMMINS 18 King St Corporal of Marines
page 22 no 169 Dec 16 1849 Peter of Thomas & Elizabeth CUMMINS 18 King St Corporal of Marines
page 22 no 170 Dec 16 1849 John David of Thomas & Elizabeth CUMMINS 18 King St Corporal of Marines
page 22 no 171 Dec 16 1849 Eleanor Jane of George & Jane CLARK Mount Pleasant Mariner
page 22 no 172 Dec 23 1849 Martha of Edward & Maria Charlotte SUTTON North St Mariner
page 22 no 173 Dec 24 1850 Elizabeth Jane of William & Sarah BARNES 52 North St Gosport General Dealer
page 22 no 174 Jan 6 1850 John O'Brien of George & Elizabeth PLATT Cold Harbour Marine
page 22 no 175 Jan 13 1850 Harriet Sophia of Henry & Harriett MATTHEWS Griffths R? Cold Harbour Ropemaker
page 22 no 176 Jan 20 1850 Ellen of George William & Hannah Martha MARTIN York St Gosport Labourer
page 23 no 177 Jan 20 1850 Rebecca of James & Rebecca COLEMAN Brandy Mount Private Marine
page 23 no 178 Feb 3 1850 Sarah of George & Ann HUNT 4 Kents Yard York St Miller
page 23 no 179 Feb 10 1850 Herbert Lewis of Thomas & Martha GALE York St Bricklayer
page 23 no 180 Feb 10 1850 Jeremiah of Samuel & Emma COLLINS Kents Alley York St Labourer
page 23 no 181 Feb 17 1850 George of William & Eliza HARDING Burnham's Alley Tailor
page 23 no 182 Feb 17 1849 John Henry of John & Mary Ann MOREY Brewer
page 23 no 183 Feb 17 1849 William of John & Mary Ann MOREY Brewer
page 23 no 184 Feb 19 1849 Emily of James & Elizabeth CANNONS Sea Horse St Labourer
page 24 no 185 Mar 3 1850 Mary Ann of George & Jane BARNES Kent's Alley Mariner
page 24 no 186 Mar 3 1850 Elizabeth of Henry & Mary COWDERY 4 Sprent's Court & Brandy Mount Labour
page 24 no 187 Mar 3 1850 Mar 3 1850 Elizabeth Emma of William Jonathan & Jane Ann MORGAN 5 Sprent's Court Brandy Mount Tailor
page 24 no 188 Mar 15 1850 Jessie C? of Ellen STONE Griffith's R? Spinster
page 24 no 189 Mar 16 1850 Charles Stuart of Arthur John & Fanny Hester BARROW North Cross St Gosport Governor Convict Establishment
page 24 no 190 Apr 7 1850 Frederic Robert of George & Fatima JOHNSON Lock's Alley North St Mariner
page 24 no 191 Apr 7 1850 Emma of Henry Edward & Elizabeth SANDICOMB Arminer's Yard North St Labourer
page 24 no 192 Apr 17 1850 Charlotte Maria of Thomas & Charlotte FAIRWETHER Spencer's Yard North St Shipwright
page 25 no 193 Apr 17 1850 Charles James of James & Martha CHAPMAN 31 York St Seaman
page 25 no 194 Apr 17 1850 Alfred Charles of Richard & Jane Eliza UNSTED Spencer's Yard North St Servant in the Marines
page 25 no 195 June 23 1850 Emma ann of George & Frances DIMOND 39 High St News agent
page 25 no 196 no entry
page 25 no 197 July 30 1850 James William of James & Sarah LAMBETH Lord Nelson Yard Seaman
page 25 no 198 Aug 4 1850 Miriam of Charles & Mary Ann HUNT 34 North St Carpenter
page 25 no 199 Aug 14 1850 John of Samuel & Diane WEST King St Bricklayer
page 25 no 200 Aug 26 1850 Caroline of William & Charlotte LEE Castleman's Yard in the green Labourer
page 26 no 201 Aug 26 1850 Elizabeth of William & Charlotte LEE Castleman's Yard in the green Labourer
page 26 no 202 Aug 28 1850 George John of John Henry & Elizabeth Caroline FARMER 29 King St Groom
page 26 no 203 Aug 30 1850 William Meares of Richard & Emma Mary MARTIN High St Gosport Clergyman
page 26 no 204 George Thomas Cox of Henry & Louisa P/TERRY Black Bear Lane North St Shoemaker
page 26 no 205 Sept 1 1850 William Henry of William & Susan WENHAM Spencer's Court North St Marine
page 26 no 206 Sept 1 1850 Thomas Albert of William & Susan WENHAM Spencer's Court North St Marine
page 26 no 207 Sept 9 1850 Ernle Kerr Amyatt of Edward & Caroline BURNEY Cold Harbour Gosport (born July 18 1850)
page 26 no 208 Sept 15 1850 Elizabeth Susan of William & Susannah SCOTT Rands Court North St Builder
page 27 no 209 Sept 16 1850 William Henry of William & Susannah SCOTT 6 Rands Court North St Builder
page 27 no 210 Sept 22 1850 Elizabeth Charity of Jeremiah & Charity BUTLER Hobb's Yard York St Waterman
page 27 no 211 Oct 6 1850 Eliza Ann of John & Mary MATTHEWS -en's Alley North St Brickmaker
page 27 no 212 Oct 9 1850 Richard William of Richard William & Elizabeth Ann TURNER 3 Rodney's Head Alley North St Mariner
page 27 no 213 Oct 13 1850 Charlotte Elizabeth of Charles & Charlotte POPE Griffith's R? Mariner
page 27 no 214 Oct 30 1850 Emily Maria of Henry & Emily Maria COOK 9 North Cross St Plumber & Glazier
page 27 no 215 Nov 3 1850 Thomas George of William & Eliza BENNETT Hobb's Alley High St Labourer
page 27 no 216 Nov 6 1850 George of Henry & Sarah RODD King St Sargent 7th Marines
page 28 no 217 Nov 6 1850 Sarah Jane of Henry & Sarah RODD King St Sargt of Marines
page 28 no 218 Nov 10 1850 William James of John & Sarah Jane UNDERDOWN The Green Gosport Mariner/Marines
page 28 no 219 Nov 27 1850 Peter William Frederic of Peter & Emma Elizabeth TARGENT South St Cordwainer
page 28 no 220 Dec 1 1850 Henry James of Daniel & Frances SWEET Griffith's R? Labourer
page 28 no 221 Dec 6 1850 Henry Hutt of Henry Duncan Preston & Frances CUNNINGHAM Bury Alverstoke Paymaster & Purser RN
page 28 no 222 Dec 11 1850 Esther of William & Elizabeth PLUMPTON Wise's Alley North St Mariner
page 28 no 223 Dec 15 1850 Thomas William of Thomas & Eliza BUTLER Hoskins alley Marine Private
page 28 no 224 Dec 22 1850 George William of John & Louisa WALLENDER 40 King St Gosport Shoemaker
page 29 no 225 Dec 22 1850 Henry Stephen of John & Louisa WALLENDER 40 King St Gosport Shoemaker
page 29 no 226 Dec 22 1850 Charlotte Angelina Alexandria of John & Mary Elizabeth SWINNEY 37 King St Gosport Mariner
page 29 no 227 Jan 1 1851 Josephine Stephen of William Robert & Melita MENDS Anglesea Gosport Coroner for Royal Marines
page 29 no 228 Jan 5 1851 Frederick of William & Harriet WILSON York St Gosport Mariner
page 29 no 229 Jan 5 1851 Sarah Jane of John & Mary NICHOLL North St Gosport Mariner
page 29 no 230 Jan 5 1851 James of John & Mary Ann RANDALL Vinson's Yard High St Labourer
page 29 no 231 Jan 5 1851 John William of John & Mary Ann RANDALL Vinson's Yard High St Labourer
page 29 no 232 Jan 12 1851 Samuel Thomas of Samuel & Mary Ann BLARNEY Cold Harbour Mariner
page 30 no 233 Jan 19 1851 Elizabeth of William & Sarah WATSON King St Soldier's M?
page 30 no 234 Jan 26 1851 Frederick Charles of Charles & Elizabeth LUSH 67 North St Blockmaker
page 30 no 235 Feb 2 1851 James William Henry of George & Jane SEALEY Windmill Row Marine
page 30 no 236 Feb 2 1851 William Davis of Thomas & Sarah Ann MARLOW Burnham Alley Marine
page 30 no 237 Feb 19 1851 Emily Elizabeth of Charles & Selina WOOD 6 Brandy Mount Marine
page 30 no 238 Feb 26 1851 Louisa Jane of Josiah James & Sarah Ann NEW 4 Elin Stoke Rd Labour
page 30 no 239 Mar 1 1851 George Edward of George & Margaret GARRETT 7 Regent's Court King St Labourer
page 30 no 240 Mar 1 1851 David Doige of Thomas & Elizabeth CUMMINS 18 King St Marine
page 31 no 241 Mar 16 1851 Charles of George & Annie ROSE Railway View Forton Ropemaker
page 31 no 242 Apr 6 1851 George John of George & Mary Ann DASH Hobb's Alley High St Labourer
page 31 no 243 Apr 6 1851 Jane Eliza of George & Elenor JUPP Wilson's Yard King St Corporal in the Marines
page 31 no 244 Apr 13 1851 Robert Henry of Caleb Henry & Mary NEWTON 12 Sea horse St Gosport Bricklayer
page 31 no 245 Apr 18 1851 Henry Thomas of D? & Mary SEYMOUR 10 The Green Waterman
page 31 no 246 Apr 18 1851 Mary Ann of Richard & Jane UNSTED Spencer's Court Sergeant in the Marines
page 31 no 247 Apr 23 1851 William Thomas of George & Frances COWARD Wise's Alley North St Marine
page 31 no 248 Apr 23 1851 Alice of Henry & Agnes THTIERIDGE Windmill Row Cooper
page 32 no 249 Apr 30 1851 Nicolas James of Nicolas James & Henrietta BUTLER Cold Harbour Gunner of the Royal Navy
page 32 no 250 May 4 1851 Anna Maria of John Henry & Sarah QUIN Kings St Gunner of the Royal Navy
page 32 no 251 May 18 1851 Fanny Elizabeth of George John & Jane Elizabeth SHAKELL/SHATRELL North Cross St Auctioneer
page 32 no 252 May 29 1851 Martha of Richard & Martha SHARITT Cold Harbour Masterman
page 32 no 253 June 1 1851 John L? of Nicolas & Hannah Hillier MAUGHAN Gosport Lines Master Gunner
page 32 no 254 June 2 1851 George Edmund of George John & Eliza MORLEY Rodney's Head Alley Able Seaman
page 32 no 255 June 15 1851 George Charles of John James & Eliza HALL 12 North Cross St Chymist (as written)
page 32 no 256 July 6 1851 Mary Jane of Henry & Elizabeth McCARTHY Forton Rd Lieutenant in the Royal Marines
page 33 no 257 July 6 1851 William Jacob of Jacob & Mary Ann MILLETT Gosport Labourer
page 33 no 258 July 6 1851 Elizabeth Ann of John & Elizabeth COLE Gosport Marine
page 33 no 259 July 13 1857 Thomas of Thomas & Ann ROBEY Forton Gardener
page 33 no 260 Aug 10 1851 Mary Kate of John Ledger & Phoebe FROWDELL Gosport Medical Doctor
page 33 no 261 Aug 24 1851 John James of John Henry & Elizabeth Caroline FARMER Gosport Labourer
page 33 no 262 Sept 7 1851 Charlotte Mary of Edward & Sophia Evans MILLIDGE Gosport Grocer
page 33 no 263 Sept 7 1851 Alice Jane of James & Rebecca SAIT Gosport Green Grocer
page 33 no 264 Sept 7 1851 Emma Elizabeth of James & Rebecca SAIT Gosport Green Grocer
page 34 no 265 Sept 7 1851 James Henry of James & Rebecca SAIT Gosport Green Grocer
page 34 no 266 Sept 10 1851 Harry Sidney of Walter & Maria WAKELY Gosport & Marlborough in Wiltshire Schoolmaster
page 34 no 267 Sept 17 1851 Jane of George & Elizabeth HANCOCK York St Gosport Tailor
page 34 no 268 Sept - 1851 Henry Thomas of Thomas & Mary Ann MORTIMORE The Green Gosport Waterman
page 34 no 269 Sept 29 1851 Catharine Anne of Benjamin & Elizabeth HOBBS Windmill Row Brewer
page 34 no 270 Oct 1 1851 George Augustus -lyder/n Dover of George & Elizabeth PLATT Windmill Row Corporal in the Marines
page 34 no 271 Oct Oct 1 1851 Matilda of Henry & Sarah RODD Blue Anchor Court King St Sergeant in the Marines
page 34 no 272 Oct 12 1851 Maria Meloney Knowles of Abraham & Elizabeth PAYNE King St Labourer
page 35 no 273 Oct 17 1851 Charlotte Clara of Edward Thomas & Clara STEPHENS North St Tanner
page 35 no 274 Nov 2 1851 Mary Ann of William & Charlotte HUNT York St Publican
page 35 no 275 Nov 9 1851 Samuel of Samuel & Maria SMITH Rands Court North St Gosport Laborer
page 35 no 276 Nov 12 1851 Harriet Rose of Walter & Harriet JEROME 81 North St Carpenter
page 35 no 277 Nov 12 1851 Albert of Arthur & Eliza LIPSCOMB 30 King St Mariner
page 35 no 278 Nov 16 1851 Emma Susan of George Edmund & Mary Ann WEST 55 High St Gosport Carpenter
page 35 no 279 Nov 23 1851 Joseph of Joseph & Ellen SWEATMAN Windmill Row Gosport Butcher
page 35 no 280 Dec 3 1851Mary Anne Jane of Richard & Emmy Anne DENNISS Cook of the Blenheim
page 36 no 281 Dec 10 1851 Ann Eliza of William & Hannah BUTLER 48 King St Waterman (born Mar 3 1833)
page 36 no 282 Dec 10 1851 Louisa of William & Hannah BUTLER 48 King St Waterman (born July 5 1835)
page 36 no 283 Dec 10 1851 Harriet of William & Hannah BUTLER 48 King St Waterman (born Mar 17 1840)
page 36 no 284 Dec 21 1851 William of Thomas & Elizabeth CHASE Holly St Stoke Rd Builder
page 36 no 285 Jan 7 1852 Alfred of George William & Hannah Isabella MARTIN York St Labourer
page 36 no 286 Jan 11 1852 Henry Edward of Henry Edward & Elizabeth SANDERCOMB Windrow Row Gosport Water Carrier
page 36 no 287 Jan 22 1852 Ellen of John & Sarah Ann SMITH Howferry Road Westminster London Blacksmith
page 36 no 288 Feb 8 1852 William Henry of William & Jane BOWLER Sea Horse St Gosport Cordwainer
page 37 no 289 Feb 11 1852 Sarah Jane of Magnus & Elizabeth HASSELL Rodney's Head Alley Gosport Mariner
page 37 no 290 Feb 11 1852 Mary Ann of Thomas & Mary Ann KEARSLY King St Gosport Marine pensioner
page 37 no 291 Feb 11 1852 Elizabeth Ann of Thomas & Mary Ann KEARSLY King St Marine Pensioner
page 37 no 292 Feb 15 1852 Thomas of Isaac & Elizabeth Jane WHELAN 2 Caroline Place Church Path Gosport Carpenter
page 37 no 293 Feb 25 1852 Arthur son 7 of William John & Amelia RUNDLE 10 High St Gosport Doctor of medicine
page 37 no 294 Mar 7 1852 Prudence Elizabeth of William & Elizabeth ROBERTON no 9 on the green Gosport Mariner
page 37 no 295 Mar 7 1852 Thomas Stone of thomas & Edith WATSON 49 King St Gosport Mariner
page 37 no 296 Mar 14 1852 Edwin of William & Eliza HARDING Rowhouse Yard Forton Mariner
page 38 no 297 Mar 21 1852 Mary Jane of John & Mary Anne SEAGER Brandy Mount Gosport Mariner
page 38 no 298 Mar 24 1852 Emma Jane of John & Emily BAILEY 16 King St Gosport Corporal Marine
page 38 no 299 Apr 4 1852 Henry Norman of John Norman & Dorcas Susanna SUTTON 10 North St Undertaker
page 38 no 300 Apr 11 1852 Henry William of Edward Budgen & Betsey WICKER The Green Seaman
page 38 no 301 Apr 18 1852 Edward Marriott of Henry Edward & Sarah COOKE 70 High St Gosport Outfitter
page 38 no 302 May 22 1852 Susannah of Samuel & Emma COLLINS 4 Mary St Landport Labourer
page 38 no 303 June 6 1852 William of Henry & Mary COWDERY Brandy Mount Labourer
page 38 no 304 June 20 1852 Edward of George & Jane BARNES Kent's Alley Mariner
page 39 no 305 June 23 1852 Ann of Robert & Charlotte CAUTT Priddy's Hard Gardener
page 39 no 306 June 30 1852 June 30 1852 Constance Mary of James Holmes & Mary Elizabeth FURNEAUX Cold Harbour Sergt Royal Mary
page 39 no 307 July 4 1852 Joseph Thomas of Thomas & Charlotte FAIRWEATHER Spencer's Court North St Shipwright
page 39 no 308 July 28 1852 Charles of John & Jane HAMMOND Priddy's Hard Engineers Department
page 39 no 309 Aug 1 1852 Alfred of Nicholas & Hannah Hillier MAUGHAN Stoke Road Joiner
page 39 no 310 Aug 5 1852 Hugh Fortescue of Hugh & Rebecca Rosetta KENNEDY Forton Captain Royal Marines
page 39 no 311 Aug 15 1852 Arthur Thomas of Thomas Henry & Emma SPENCER High St Draper
page 39 no 312 Aug 29 1852 Mary Jane of James & Elizabeth CLARK Seahorse Street Mariner
page 40 no 313 Sept 1 1852 George Thomas of John & Elizabeth WRIGHTSON Rands Court Bricklayer
page 40 no 314 Sept 5 1852 Caleb Henry of Caleb Henry & Mary MARTIN Seahorse Street Bricklayer
page 40 no 315 Sept 5 1852 George Thomas of Daniel & Charlotte FRYER Rands Court Labourer
page 40 no 316 Sept 5 1852 Louisa Selina of Nathan John & Sarah Matilda NORMAN Rands Court Cordwainer
page 40 no 317 Sept 8 1852 Charlotte Louisa of John & Caroline SHIELDS Neals Court Waterman
page 40 no 318 Sept 8 1852 George John of Henry Eastland & Elizabeth EASTLAND North Street Mariner
page 40 no 319 Sept 14 1852 Eleanor Kate of Henry ? Preston & Frances CUNNINGHAM Cold Harbour Paymaster RN
page 40 no 320 Sept 19 1852 Frances of William & Lucy NEWMAN North Street Mariner
page 41 no 321 Sept 22 1852 Emma of Henry & Maria LINTER North Street Publican
page 41 no 322 Oct 20 1852 Mary Ann of William & Charlotte LEE Castlemans Yard Sailor
page 41 no 323 Oct 21 1852 Thomas of Emma NICHOLSON Cooperage Yard
page 41 no 324 Nov 10 1852 Eliza Ann of William & Eliza BENNETT The Green Labourer
page 41 no 325 Nov 10 1852 Rachel of Thomas & Louisa FOX Viger's Yard Labourer
page 41 no 326 Nov 17 1852 George Henry of Peter & Emma SERGEANT Windmill Row Mariner
page 41 no 327 Nov 18 1852 James George of William & Elizabeth DOEL King Street Marine
page 41 no 328 Nov 21 1852 William George of George & Keziah ROE Landport Convict Guard
page 42 no 329 Dec 5 1852 John Henry of John Henry & Sarah QUIN King Street Warrant Officer
page 42 no 330 Dec 5 1852 William James of William & Charlotte Amelia WATSON King Street Steward in the navy
page 42 no 331 Dec 12 1852 Emily Agnes of George Shering & Hester GRAINGER North Cross Street Grocer
page 42 no 332 Dec13 1852 Richard of Hugh & Amelia ADAMS Smith View Cooper
page 42 no 333 Dec 19 1852 William George of James & Rebekah SAIT Hobb's Alley Green Grocer
page 42 no 334 Dec 22 1852 John of Richard & Matilda HERRING Hobb's Alley Mariner (born Jan 14 1843)
page 42 no 335 Dec 22 1852 Richard of Richard & Matilda HERRING Hobb's Alley Mariner
page 42 no 336 Dec 26 1852 Harriet Jane of John & Mary Ann RANDALL Vigers Yard Labourer
page 43 no 337 Jan 2 1853 George Benjamin of Benjamin & Elizabeth KINGSHOTT Reeds Court Blacksmith
page 43 no 338 Jan 2 1853 William Henry of Henry & Eliza HOPKINS York Street Joiner
page 43 no 339 Jan 5 1853 Thomas William of Thomas Nicholas & Georgina CLARK North Street Stoker in the navy
page 43 no 340 Jan 16 1853 James of George Bowers & Mary Ann WRIGHT Cold Harbour Drill Sergeant
page 43 no 341 Jan 16 1853 Caroline of John & Sarah GOOMES Wise's Alley Waterman
page 43 no 342 Jan 16 1853 Matilda Ann of Richard & Sarah Ann AVERY York Street Sailmaker
page 43 no 343 Jan 23 1853 Caroline Ellen of John Henry & Elizabeth Caroline FARMER Seahorse Street Labourer
page 43 no 344 Feb 6 1853 Thomas George Stephen of Thomas & Sarah Jane GULLIVER North St Sailor
page 44 no 345 Feb 6 1853 Thomas of Thomas & Louisa JENKINS Rodney Head Waterman
page 44 no 346 Feb 13 1853 Edwin Walter of Nathaniel & Mary Jane COOPER Brewer's Yard North St Butcher
page 44 no 347 Feb 13 1853 Rebekah of James & Rebekah COLEMAN Elm Grove Forton Marine
page 44 no 348 Feb 13 1853 David Thomas of Thomas & Sarah Ann DURANT Henry St Newtown Labourer
page 44 no 349 Feb 20 1853 Sarah Emily Kate of Benjamin & Jane Eliza BRICE Portsea Convict Warder
page 44 no 350 Feb 23 1853 Frederick of George & Ellen PERKINS Brandy Mount Gosport National Schoolmaster
page 44 no 351 Feb 23 1853 George Alfred of Stephen & Eliza CHURCHER Stoke Road Shipwright
page 44 no 352 Feb 27 1853 John James of John & Elizabeth COLE North Street Mariner
page 45 no 353 Feb 27 1853 William Robert of Robert & Mary BURNETT Forton Road Royal Marine
page 45 no 354 Feb 27 1853 Jane Matilda of Thomas & Sarah Ann MARLOW York St Mariner
page 45 no 355 Feb 28 1853 Oliver of James & Fanny BARTLETT Holly St Newtown Tinman
page 45 no 356 Mar 13 1853 Sarah Ann of George & Selina SAMPHIRE North St Labourer
page 45 no 357 Mar 13 1853 William of John & Elizabeth SERGENT Forton Royal Marine
page 45 no 358 Mar 13 1853 Alfred John of Daniel & Frances SWEET Cold Harbour Labourer
page 45 no 359 Mar 20 1853 Edward William of Edwin Thomas & Clara STEVENS North St Carpenter
page 45 no 360 Mar 20 1853 Thomas James of Edward & Jane COTTER High St Seaman
page 46 no 361 Mar 20 1853 Sophia of Lewis & Sophia CAWSIN Weevil Lane Royal Artillery
page 46 no 362 Mar 27 1853 Walter Edward of George & Annie ROSE Brandy Mount Ropemaker
page 46 no 363 Mar 27 1853 Caroline Jane of Joseph & Ann RIDE King Street Marine
page 46 no 364 Mar 27 1853 Emily Ann of Henry & Sarah RICHARDSON Chapel Street Mariner
page 46 no 365 Apr 3 1853 George Frederick of Henry & Elizabeth SANDERCOMB Holly Street Stoke Rd Water Carrier
page 46 no 366 Apr 6 1853 Mary Louisa of Alexander & Martha LEIGH 25 High Street Gosport Chemist
page 46 no 367 Apr 10 1853 Emily of Charles & Elizabeth LUSH Newtown Brushmaker
page 46 no 368 Apr 10 1853 George of George & Mary ANDREWS Newtown Labourer
page 47 no 369 Apr 17 1853 Elizabeth of Richard & Elizabeth SLOANE Upper South St Drill Sergeant Clarence Yard
page 47no 370 May 3 1853 Mary Jane of Robert & Mary Ann FERRE Rodney Head Yard Mariner
page 47 no 371 May 8 1853 Robert James of James & Amelia GREGORY Brandy Mount Carpenter
page 47 no 372 May 15 1853 Sarah Ann of Edward & Maria Charlotte SUTTON The Green Mariner
page 47 no 373 May 29 1853 Walter Henry of Walter & Ellen CLEVERLY North Cross St Draper
page 47 no 374 May 20 1853 Henry Charles of Henry Charles & Charlotte Amelia NEWMAN 32 King St Gosport Labourer
page 47 no 375 June 12 1853 Harriet Elizabeth of George & Harriet PLATT King St Sergeant of Mariner
page 47 no 376 June 19 1853 Emily of John & Mary Ann WOODROW 17 York Street Mariner
page 48 no 377 July 3 1853 Emily Mary Ann of Robert & Mary Ann DYBELL Gosport Royal Marine
page 48 no 378 July 3 1853 Alfred Charles of Charles & Martha GLOVER Brandy Mount Gosport Labourer
page 48 no 379 July 7 1853 William Thomas of Edward & Sarah Elizabeth CHURCHER Paul's Yard Gosport Labourer
page 48 no 380 July 10 1853 William Francis of Richard & Martha SHERRETT Hoskins Alley Gosport Waterman
page 48 no 381 July 27 1853 Catherine Anne of Benjamin & Elizabeth HOBBS Windmill Row Gosport Brewer
page 48 no 382 July 27 1853 Lucy Jane of Benjamin & Elizabeth HOBBS Windmill Row Gosport Brewer
page 48 no 383 Aug 1 1853 Annie Ada of James & Sarah Ann TOWELL Gosport Payment RN
page 48 no 384 Aug 5 1853 George of William & Jane BOWLER Dunnaway Yard Gosport Shoemaker
page 49 no 385 Aug 17 1853 John William of Charles & Eliza COX Spence's Court Mariner
page 49 no 386 Aug 17 1853 Henry of Charles & Eliza BURBIDGE Burnhams Alley Joiner
page 49 no 387 Aug 28 1853 Joseph of Isaac & Ann Maria RABBETS North Street Labourer
page 49 no 388 Sept 5 1853 Robert Charles of William & Sarah MUNDAY Dunnaway's Alley Sailor
page 49 no 389 Sept 11 1853 John William of John & Mary Ann McKINNEY King Street Mariner
page 49 no 390 Sept 2 1853 Mary Elizabeth of John James & Eliza HALL 11 North Cross Street Chymist
page 49 no 391 Sept 14 1853 Joseph Edward of Thomas & Matilda SPEARING Brandy Mount Sailor
page 49 no 392 Sept 17 1853 Caroline Amanda of David & Caroline WELCH Richard Court alverstoke Master in the navy
page 50 no 393 Sept 27 1853 Mary Jane of Charles & Mary COOPER Spencer's Court Gosport Waterman
page 50 no 394 Oct 5 1853 Jane of William & Elizabeth PLUMPTON Wise's Alley Sailor
page 50 no 395 Oct 9 1853 Sarah Elizabeth of George & Christiana EDNAMS Henry Street Newtown Mariner
page 50 no 396 Oct 10 1853 Ellen Elizabeth of Edward & Ellen Elizabeth TERRY The Green Butcher
page 50 no 397 Oct 16 1853 Frederick John of John & Elizabeth JEROME Eliza Place Forton Marine
page 50 no 398 Oct 16 1853 James of Samuel & Maria SMITH North Street Labourer
page 50 no 399 Oct 23 1853 Martha Eliza of William & Alice BAXTER North Street Coachman
page 50 no 400 Oct 30 1853 Emily Caroline of Samuel & Caroline LOCK King Street Mariner
page 51 no 401 Nov 2 1853 Stephen pf George & Mary Ann DASH Hobbs Yard High Street Labourer in Clarence Yard
page 51 no 402 Nov 9 1853 James of James & Eliza WOOD Dock Village Stoke Road Seaman
page 51 no 403 Nov 13 1853 William Charles of Charles & Ann BACKSHELL North Street Pawnbroker
page 51 no 404 Nov 23 1853 William Henry of John & Sarah BESWICK Titcher's Court South Street Pensioner
page 51 no 405 Nov 23 1853 Alfred James of James & Mary TIPPLE Castleman's Yard the green Maltster
page 51 no 406 Dec 3 1853 Joseph John of Joseph & Susanna GILES North Street Waterman
page 51 no 407 Dec 7 1853 Charles of George William & Hannah Isabella MARTIN York Street Labourer
page 51 no 408 Dec 14 1853 Mary Jane of George & Eliza STENTON King Street Royal Mariner
page 52 no 409 Dec 25 1853William George son of Alfred & Mary GRANT Cold Harbour Sawyer
page 52 no 410 Jan 1 1854 Alice Woodland dr of George & Emily Sarah JOHNSTON York Street Servant
page 52 no 411 Jan 1 1854 George son of John & Elizabeth COLE North Street Sailor
page 52 no 412 Jan 1 1854 William George son of Samuel & Jane BARTLETT Oak Street Stoke Road -
page 52 no 413 Jan 1 1854 Rosina Sabina dr of Samuel & Jane BARTLETT Oak Street Stoke Road -
page 52 no 414 Jan 8 1854 Alice dr of John & Elizabeth KEIT York Street Sailor
page 52 no 415 Jan 8 1854 Catherine Anna dr of William & Maria ADAMS Joseph Street Newtown LAbourer
page 52 no 416 Jan 11 1854 Emma Harriet dr of Robert & Harriet STRONG Harding's Yard North St Tailor
page 53 no 417 Jan 11 1854 Ellen dr of Henry William & Fanny ABRAHAM The Green Gosport Coal Merchant
page 53 no 418 Jan 20 1854 Frank son of Caleb Henry & Mary MARTIN Seahorse St Gosport Bricklayer
page 53 no 419 Jan 25 1854 Ellen Rosina dr of William & Hannah LILLYWHITE Upper South St Gosport born Dec 2 1845 Blacksmith
page 53 no 420 Jan 25 1854 Ellen Victoria dr of John & Ellen LIPSCOMBE High St Portsmouth Carpenter
page 53 no 421 Jan 26 1854 Private Baptism Frederick William son of Thomas & Charlotte FAIRWEATHER Spencer's Court Shipwright
page 53 no 422 Jan 31 1854 Private Baptism George son of William & Harriet SMITH Rand's Court Tailor
page 53 no 423 Feb 1 1854 Anna Elizabeth dr of Benjamin & Ellen WILCOCKS Grove Building Stoke Road Sawyer
page 53 no 424 Feb 1 1854 Harriet Jane dr of Benjamin & Ellen WILCOCKS Grove Building Stoke Road Sawyer
page 54 no 425 Feb 1 1854 Walter Richard son of John & Eliza WILSON King St Confectioner
page 54 no 426 Feb 1 1854 Edward John son of Edward & Anna MOYLE North St Labourer
page 54 no 427 Feb 1 1854 Jemima dr of Edward & Anna MOYLE North St Labourer
page 54 no 428 Feb 1 1854 Louisa dr of Charles & Mary SCOTT Haslar St Mariner
page 54 no 429 Feb 1 1854 Walter Albert son of Richard & Jane UNSTEAD Spencer's Court Sergeant of Marines
page 54 no 430 Feb 1 1854 James son of William & Elizabeth METCALF King St Confectioner
page 54 no 431 Feb 3 1854 Frederick James son of John & Mary Ann BEST Hoskins Alley Cab driver
page 54 no 432 Feb 5 1854 Jane Ernestine dr of Henry & Jane Ernestine WHITE Windmill Row Merchants Clerk
page 55 no 433 Feb 5 1854 Eliza dr of Henry & Jane LAWS Brandy Mount Seaman
page 55 no 434 Feb 5 1854 William Henry son of Charles & Ann MITCHELL Brandy Mount Labourer
page 55 no 435 Feb 15 1854 Jim son of Edward & Charlotte SHERRINGTON High St Gosport Shoemaker
page 55 no 436 Feb 22 1854 Abraham son of Charles & Sarah Ann TIMSON born March 3 1849 Dark Alley Gosport Mariner
page 55 no 437 Feb 22 1854 Sarah Ann dr of Charles & Sarah Ann TIMSON born June 7 1847 Dark Alley Gosport Mariner
page 55 no 438 Feb 22 1854 Charles Isaac son of David Thomas & Mary Ann BENNETT Crown Court Gosport Mariner
page 55 no 439 Feb 26 1854 Josiah John son of Josiah James & Sarah Ann NEW Alver Road Labourer
page 55 no 440 Feb 26 1854 Eliza Harriet dr of William John & Rachel GATES Spring Gardens Sergeant Royal Marines
page 56 no 441 Mar 8 1854 John Dacres son of Henry Dunton Preston & Frances CUNNINGHAM Cold Harbour Paymaster RN
page 56 no 442 Mar 8 1854 George son of Samuel & Mary VICKERY Brandy Mount Gosport Shipwright
page 56 no 443 Mar 19 1854 George son of William & Harriet SMITH North Street Tailor
page 56 no 444 Mar 25 1854 Walter son of Rosina Ann SUTTON Brandy Mount Gosport Spinster
page 56 no 445 Mar 28 1854 Alfred Henry son of Frederick & Martha HIGHATT High Street Gosport Outfitter
page 56 no 446 Mar 29 1854 Frederick Mark son of Mark & Rachel HELPS? Forton Barracks Sergeant Royal Marines
page 56 no 447 Apr 4 1854 Private Baptism Mary Ann dr of James & Susanna FIELD King St Gosport Royal Marine
page 56 no 448 Apr 5 1854 Private Baptism Charles son of John & Sarah UNDERDOWN Hobb's Yard Gosport Sailor
page 57 no 449 Apr 9 1854 William son of William Patric & Hannah BRIGGS Brandy Mount Gosport Shipwright
page 57 no 450 Apr 9 1854 William Alexander son of James & Charlotte JOHNSON Brandy Mount Gosport Coast Guard
page 57 no 451 Apr 9 1854 Kate Julia Hall dr of John & Maria GENGE High St Gosport Licensed Victualler
page 57 no 452 Apr 18 1854 Alexander Haslop son of Alexander & Martha LEIGH High St Gosport Chymist
page 57 no 453 Apr 12 1854 Private Baptism Eliza Grace dr of Charles Henry & Ann Eliza SMITH North St Gosport Waterman
page 57 no 454 Apr 14 1854 Private Baptism Sarah dr of Sarah NICHOLSON Cooperage Yard Spinster
page 57 no 455 Apr 19 1854 Jane Caroline dr of Alfred & Jane KNIGHT Albert St Forton National Schoolmaster
page 57 no 456 Apr 23 1854 Joseph son of James & Amy HARRIS born Ap 15 1853 Little Beach Gosport Publican
page 58 no 457 Apr 30 1854 Stephen Frederick son of John Norman & Susanna Dorcas SUTTON 10 North St Upholsterer
page 58 no 458 Apr 24 1854 William John son of Thomas & Louisa JENKINS Hoskin's Alley Waterman
page 58 no 459 May 10 1854 Henry Rowland son of Richard & Matilda HERRING Hobb's Alley Gosport Seaman
page 58 no 460 May 17 1854 Rosina dr of George & Emma PARCELS North St Gosport Waterman
page 58 no 461 May 21 1854 Edward Charles son of Charles & Betsey HIGGINS Bury Road Alverstoke Coachman
page 58 no 462 May 21 1854 George Henry son of Francis & Anne FOE Rodney's Alley Labourer
page 58 no 463 May 28 1854 Margaret Ann dr of Robert & Jane EMERY Wise's Alley Gosport Mariner
page 58 no 464 June 4 1854 Phebe Eleonore dr of Henry John & Eliza GERMAIN Read's Court North St Gosport Bricklayer
page 59 no 465 June 4 1854 Frank son of Henry & Mary COWDREY Seahorse St Gosport Labourer
page 59 no 466 June 4 1854 Emily dr of William & Elizabeth ROBERTSON York St Mariner
page 59 no no 467 Private Baptism June 5 1854 George son of George & Jane CARPENTER Black bear yard Labourer
page 59 no 468 June 14 1854 Ellen Emily Jane dr of John & Sarah SMITH born 10 January 1852 Burnham Alley Gosport Blacksmith
page 59 no 469 June 14 1854 Catherine Matilda dr of John & Sarah SMITH Burnham Alley Gosport Blacksmith
page 59 no 470 June 18 1854 Mary Ann dr of Charles & Mary Ann HUNT born Dec 14 1852 Kent's Alley Gosport Carpenter
page 59 no 471 June 25 1854 Mary Jane dr of Thomas & Elizabeth CHASE Newtown Stoke Rd Carpenter
page 59 no 472 June 25 1854 Private Baptism Charlotte Waldron dr of Henry & Elizabeth TOUT King St Gosport Shoemaker
page 60 no 473 June 25 1854 Private Baptism Elizabeth Waldron dr of Henry & Elizabeth TOUT King St Gosport Shoemaker
page 60 no 474 July 2 1854 Sarah Louisa dr of Thomas & Martha LEAF North St Gosport Green grocer
page 60 no 475 July 2 1854 Thomas William son of Thomas & Martha LEAF North St Gosport Green grocer
page 60no 476 July 9 1854 William Michael son of James & Ellen LONG The Green Gosport Seaman
page 60 no 477 July 12 1854 William Robert son of Charles & Selina LYNE Seahorse St Gosport Labourer
page 60 no 478 July 13 1854 Benjamin son of Benjamin & Elizabeth BAKER Wilson's Yard Gosport Sailor
page 60 no 479 July 16 1854 Cecilia Sarah dr of Richard & Sarah Ann AVERY Joseph St Newtown Sailmaker
page 60 no 480 July 16 1854 Alfred Frost son of Henry & Eliza HOPKINS Mount Pleasant Gosport Carpenter
page 61 no 481 July 25 1854 William son of John & Sarah GOMES Wise's Alley Gosport Mariner
page 61 no 482 July 30 1854 Sarah Jane dr of John & Rhoda GOLDRING Kent's Alley Gosport Grocer
page 61 no 483 August 8 1854 Robert son of Robert & Hannah AMBROSE King St Gosport Mariner
page 61 no 484 August 13 1854 William son of William & Bridget GROSSMITH born Apr 4 1852 North St Gosport Mariner
page 61 no 485 August 13 1854 George son of William & Bridget GROSSMITH North St Gosport Mariner
page 61 no 486 August 13 1854 Emily dr of William & Elizabeth CHIPPERFIELD Hollis St Newtown Seaman
page 61 no 487 Aug 16 1854 Matthew son of John & Ellen MILLER 52 King St Gosport Warrant Officer RN
page 61 no 488 Aug 16 1854 Richard son of John & Ellen MILLER 52 King St Gosport Warrant Officer RN
page 62 no 489 Aug 20 1854 Daniel son of Daniel & Jane INGS Kent's Alley Gosport Labourer
page 62 no 490 Aug 20 1854 Jane Sophia dr of Daniel & Jane INGS Kent's Alley Gosport Labourer
page 62 no 491 Aug 20 1854 Walter son of Daniel & Charlotte FRYER Green Row Gosport Labourer
page 62 no 492 Aug 20 1854 George Henry son of Henry & Elizabeth STOWELL North Cross St Gosport Mariner
page 62 no 493 Aug 23 1854 Charles Richard Harris son of Charles & Mary Ann FOWLING Haslar Row Gosport Mariner
page 62 no 494 Aug 27 1854 Emily Sarah dr of George & Mary Ann BURBIDGE The Green Gosport Carpenter
page 62 no 495 Sept 4 1854 Harriet dr of Joseph & Amy HARRIS Little Beach Gosport Tailor
page 62 no 496 Sept 10 1854 William Joseph Germain son of Henry & Susanna CASS North St Gosport Mariner
page 63 no 497 Oct 8 1854 Mary Ann dr of Charles & Caroline POOR Joseph St Newtown Labourer
page 63 no 498 Oct 30 1854 Clarence Elmer son of George Hope & Eliza Jane SKEAD Victoria St Forton Rd Master in Royal Navy
page 63 no 499 Oct 22 1854 Elizabeth Mary dr of Thomas & Sarah Ann DURANT Newtown Labourer
page 63 no 500 Oct 27 1854 Frances son of William & Sophia SMITH Steed's Yard Gosport Preventive Service
page 63 no 501 Oct 27 1854 William son of William & Sophia SMITH Steed's Yard Gosport Preventive Service
page 63 no 502 Nov 5 1854 Joseph Alfred son of William & Sarah BARNES Charlotte Court Gosport Labourer
page 63 no 503 Nov 5 1854 Ellen dr of David & Ellen COLE Seagrove St Gosport Blacksmith
page 63 no 504 Nov 8 1854 Charlotte Walden dr of Henry & Elizabeth TOUT Brandy Mount Gosport Shoemaker
page 64 no 505 Nov 8 1854 Elizabeth Walden dr of Henry & Elizabeth TOUT Brandy Mount Gosport Shoemaker
page 64 no 506 Nov 19 1854 John Maner son of John & Henrietta MILLS Cold Harbour Gosport Waterman
page 64 no 507 Nov 19 1865 Rebecca Susanna dr of Henry Frederick & Mary Ann ANDREWS High St Gosport Mariner
page 64 no 508 Dec 10 1854 Private Baptism Mary Jane dr of William Stephen & Mary Ann SMITH North St Gosport Mariner
page 64 no 509 Dec 24 1854 Walter son of Charles & Frances CASWELL Brandy Mount Gosport Carpenter
page 64 no 510 Dec 24 1854 Joseph Isaac son of Thomas & Louisa FOX Vigor's Yard High St Labourer
page 64 no 511 Jane dr of John & Mary Ann RANDALL Chapman's Yard Gosport Labourer
page 64 no 512 Dec 31 1854 Harriet dr of John Henry & Elizabeth Caroline FARMER Seahorse St Gosport Labourer
page 65 no 513 Jan 7 1855 Francis William son of William & Charlotte HUNT York St Gosport Victualler
page 65 no 514 Jan 10 1855 William James son of Thomas & Eliza BUTLER North St Gosport Mariner
page 65 no 515 Jan 7 1855 Mary Jane dr of William Stephen & Mary Ann SMITH North St Gosport Mariner
page 65 no 516 Jan 21 1855 Rhoda dr of James & Emma FAIR Chapel St Gosport Royal Artillery
page 65 no 517 Jan 21 1855 George James son of Josiah & Ann RIDE Kent's Alley Gosport Marine Artillery
page 65 no 518 Feb 4 1855 Emma Jane dr of William Charles & Amelia NORMAN Rodney's Head Yard Gosport Mariner
page 65 no 519 Feb 4 1855 William Alfred son of Charles & Emma GOODING Rodney's Head Yard Gosport Mariner
page 65 no 520 Feb 7 1855 Mary Ann Harriet dr of James & Caroline HILL Castle Row Gosport Waterman
page 66 no 521 Feb 7 1855 Emily Jane dr of James & Caroline HILL Castle Row Gosport Waterman
page 66 no 522 Feb 7 1855 Maria Eliza dr of James & Caroline HILL Castle Row Gosport Waterman
page 66 no 523 Feb 25 1855 Eliza Caroline dr of Lewis & Sophia CAUVIN Weevil Lane Royal Artillery
page 66 no 524 Feb 28 1855 Edward son of George & Ann BALCOMBE Rodney's Head Yard Gosport Labourer
page 66 no 525 Mar 4 1855 Martha Lanaway dr of William & Charlotte LEE King St Gosport Mariner
page 66 no 526 Mar 25 1855 Harriet dr of John & Harriet GOTTS Albert St Forton Miller
page 66 no 527 Mar 28 1855 William Thomas son of Frederick & Elizabeth ELLIS The Green Gosport Hostler
page 66 no 528 Apr 7 1855 Jane dr of Alfred & Jane MORTIMER North St Gosport Marine Storekeeper
page 188 no 1500 Private Baptism 30 July 1892 Mary Beatrice of Joseph & Emily HAWKES 7 Fifield Court Gosport, Engine Driver
page 188 no 1501 Private Baptism 30 July 1892 Ethel Ellen of Joseph & Emily HAWKES 7 Fifield Court Gosport, Engine Driver
Copyright © 2006 Linda & Tony Knight
All Rights Reserved
John STARES born March 30 1669 son of John & Jane May 05 1669
Elizabeth STARES born December 17 1672 daughter of John & Jane January 21 1673
Charles STARES born October 14 1674 son of John & Jane October 23 1674Mary STARES born January 25 1676 daughter of John & Jane February 09 1676
Jane STARES widow & relict of John May 20 1681
Barbery JELLY November 08 1715
John son of Elisha & Elizabeth HUMBY from Beddenham, January 07 1776
William son of William & Janer NEWMAN from Beddenham January 28 1776
Catharine daughter of Joseph & Sarah WARREN June 01 1777
Peter son of William & Jane NEWMAN from Beddenham, February 08 1778
Ann daughter of Elisha & Elizabeth HUMBY July 05 1778
Ann daughter of Joseph & Sarah WARREN October 04 1778
James son of Reverend James & Susan HENVILL January 26 1779
Jane daughter of William & Jane NEWMAN July 23 1780
page 55 Henry son of Henry & Elizabeth NEWLAND 9 Oct 1789
page 65 Ann daughter of Henry & Elizabeth NEWLAND 26 May 1791
page 78 Elizabeth daughter of Henry & Elizabeth NEWLAND 11 July 1793
page 89 Mary daughter of Henry & Elizabeth NEWLAND 22 Feb 1795
page 109 Newman son of Henry & Elizabeth NEWLAND born 3 June & baptised 7 July 1797
page 138 Jane daughter of Henry & Elizabeth NEWLAND born 16 Apr & baptised 18 May 1800
Joseph son of Joseph & Anne STURMEY from Rowner,labourer March 07 1813
William COZENS born April 22 son of William & Elizabeth,labourer from Cherque Common May 16 1813
Martha AVERY daughter of James & Mary from Rowner,gardener June 27 1813
James MURRANT son of Thomas & Sarah from Rowner,labourer September 20 1813
Anne daughter of George & Martha EVANS from Rowner, labourerJanuary 07 1815
Henry son of Henry & Jane LOVECHILD from Titchfield,labourer November 24 1824
Thomas son of George & Mary VOAKES from Alverstoke, coachman May 21 1826
James son of Joseph & Sarah RATTY from Alverstoke, coachman August 12 1826
Copyright © 2006 Linda & Tony Knight
All Rights Reserved
GOSPORT METHODIST CIRCUIT 69M73 March 7 1878- September 13 1904
page 5 no 3 March 7 1878 William Thomas son of Thomas & Harriett HOWARD Hardway born December 1 1877
page 5 no 4 March 28 1878 Archibald Alexander son of Joseph & Jessie COLQUHOUN Master at Arms HMS Asia Hardway born January 16 1878
page 6 no 5 May 9 1878 William James son of George Henry & Victoria Augusta FLORENCE Hardway born February 18 1877
page 6 no 6 May 28 1878 Frances daughter of George & Elizabeth BULL Sergeant Royal Engineers Fort - Mormilla? Gosport born April 8 1878
page 6 no 7 May 28 1878 Georgina Louise May daughter of John Henry & Jane RIDOUT Stoke Road Gosport born February 24 1878
page 6 no 8 June 5 1878 Gertrude Mary Jane daughter of Joseph & Rosina DAY Sergeant - ahc Military Hospital Haslar Gosport born December 3 1877
page 7 no 9June 25 1878 Gertrude Annie daughter of George & Annie GREY R.Engineers Fort Monkton Gosport born February 22 1878
page 7 no 10 June 18 1878 Georgina Beatrice daughter of George Thomas & Ellen Haarriet CARTER Burnham Place Gosport born May 10 1878
page 7 no 11 July 16 1878 Henry William son of Henry & Fanny Elizabeth GATE Alverstoke born November 21 1877
page 7 no 12 July 16 1878 George John son of John & Sarah Ann DAIMAN Sergeant RMLI Forton born June 1 1878
page 8 no 13 August 20 1878 John William son of John & Sarah Ann PLAYFAIR Gosport born April 16 1875
page 8 no 14 August 20 1878 Charles Alexander son of John & Sarah Ann PLAYFAIR Gosport born May 6 1878
page 8 no 15 August 20 1878 Ellen Laurence daughter of William John & Elizabeth Jane WOOD Gosport born June 2 1878
page 8 no 16 August 22 1878 Eliza Daisy daughter of George & Julia MAYS Hardway born April 24 1878
page 9 no 17 September 10 1878 Mabel daughter of James & Ellen ALLEN Shedfield in the parish of Fareham born July 5 1878
page 9 no 18 October 14 1878 Margaret daughter of George & Elizabeth SLAUGHTER Gosport born August 31 1878
page 9 no 19 October 27 1878 Ethel Mary daughter of George & Mary LEGG Sergeant Instructor in Musketry RMLI Forton born August 4 1878
page 9 no 20 October 29 1878 Alfred Selby son of Alfred & Emma HARVEY Gosport born September 28 1878
page 10 no 21 December 3 1878 Christiana Emily daughter of Henry & Elizabeth Mary EASTMAN Forton Gosport born September 18 1878
page 10 no 22 December 10 1878 Ada Sarah daughter of Elias & Sarah MARETT Albert St Forton born October 4 1878
page 10 no 23 December 10 1878 David Thomas son of Thomas & Clara Amelia NICKLIN Forton Gosport born October 6 1878
page 10 no 24 February 10 1879 Edith Mary daughter of Samuel Henry & Mary Ann CANTLE Stoke Road Gosport born October 18 1878
page 11 no 25 February 12 1879 Jerry Corbett son of William & Mary SUDDABY Royal Artillery Rowner Married Quarters Gosport Garrison born December 27 1878
page 11 no 26 February 12 1879 Edith Ada daughter of George & Rosina JONES Hardway born December 31 1878
page 11 no 27 February 16 1879 Frederick Thomas son of Henry & Lucy PETTY Private RMLI Forton born December 3 1878
page 11 no 28 March 6 1879 Jessie daughter of Richard & Elizabeth NEWSHAM Sergeant 66 Regiment Portsmouth born January 11 1879
page 12 no 29 March 6 1879 Sarah Elizabeth daughter of Edgar & Sarah Elizabeth HOLDER Sergeant RMLI Albert Street Forton Gosport born December 23 1878
page 12 no 30 no entry
page 12 no 31 Mabel Louisa daughter of Aurelian & Amy Maria HOOPER High Street Gosport born February 3 1879
page 12 no 32 March 19 1879 May daughter of Thomas & Harriett MONTGOMERY Sergeant 37th Regiment Depot Elson born December 26 1878
page 13 no 33 March 20 1879 Joseph Frederick son of Joseph John & Sarah Ann SWEETENHAM 4 Sweets Building Gosport born January 11 1879
page 13 no 34 April 24 1879 Florence Maud daughter of William Henry & Susanah FOWLING Joseph St Stoke Rd Gosport born December 10 1878
page 13 no 35 April 24 1879 Lottie Elizabeth Ann daughter of John & Charlotte COLEMAN 2 Tamworch Place Alver Road Gosport born November 16 1878
page 13 no 36 May 21 1879 Fanny daughter of William & Elizabeth PARMENTER Officers Groom Fort Elson 37th Inf Depot born April 28 1879
page 14 no 37 May 22 1879 Charlotte Harriett daughter of William & Emma GANN Chapel Lane Gosport born April 24 1879
page 14 no 38 May 22 1879 William Alfred son of George Alfred & Mary Anne WEAVER York Court Chapel Lane Gosport born April 30 1879
page 14 no 39 May 29 1879 Elizabeth Jane daughter of Jessie & Charlotte DRAPER Officer's Groom RMLI Park St Forton born April 9 1879
page 14 no 40 June 12 1879 Edward Arthur William son of Edward Ralph & Isabella FISHER Sergeant 7th R Artillery Fort - rowner Married Quarters born April 11 1879
page 15 no 41June 12 1879 Edith Emily daughter of George & Ellen COATES Private RMLI 39 Seafield Gosport born April 3 1879
page 15 no 42 June 25 1879 Amelia Amy daughter of Joseph & Emily NISBETT Hardway born January 27 1878
page 15 no 43 June 25 1879 Charles Joseph son of Joseph & Emily NISBETT Hardway born March 30 1879
page 15 no 44 July 18 1879 Caroline daughter of Henry & Ann DORCAS Corporal RMLI Forton born November 3 1868
page 16 no 45 July 18 1879 William son of Henry & Ann DORCAS Corporal RMLI Forton born April 29 1876
page 16 no 46 July 18 1879 George son of Henry & Ann DORCAS Corporal RMLI Forton born January 14 1878
page 16 no 4 7 July 18 1879 John son of Henry & Ann DORCAS Corporal RMLI Forton born April 29 1879
page 16 no 48 August 14 1879 Mabel daughter of Phillip John & Sarah Ann WEAVER York St Gosport born May 8 1879
page 17 no 49 August 14 1879 Alice May daughter of Charles & Ann GAMBLEN 20 Chapel Row Gosport born June 28 1879
page 17 no 50 August 14 1879 May Priscilla daughter of George Charles & Priscilla HARRIS 21 Queens Road Gosport born May 22 1879
page 17 no 51 August 17 1879 Eva daughter of Henry & Eliza Jane STUBBINGTON Stoke House Alverstoke Gosport born June 29 1879
page 17 no 52 Sept 18 1879 Ada Kate daughter of John & Sarah Ann DURWAN (Sergt RMLI) 9 White Slip Gosport born August 14 1879
page 18 no 53 September 25 1879 Annie daughter of James & Lucy WALLACE (C?) Clayhall born August 21
page 18 no 54 October 1879 Ed Jane daughter of Charles & Jane MOUNTIFIELD Hardway born August 30
page 18 no 55 October 5 1879 Harold Norman son of Anthony Fulford & Agnes Ann REED Portsmouth born August 7
page 18 no 56 October 19 1879 George son of Henry & Harriett GENT Gosport (Brockhurst) Sergt RMLI born July 21 1879
page 19 no 57 November 13 1879 Ellen Eliza daughter of Daniel & Sarah PERRITT Gosport born August 21 1879
page 19 no 58 November 13 1879 William James son of William John & Sarah Lavinia WILKS Gosport born October 26 1879
page 19 no 59 December 11 1879 Albert John son of George & Annie GRAY (Private RE) Fort Monckton born September 11 1879
page 19 no 60 December 4 1879 Maud Alma daughter of John Henry & Jane RUTHERFORD Fort Monckton (Pte RE) born September 23 1879
page 20 no 61 February 12 1880 Eleanor daughter of John & Elizth Esther NAIRN (now WS COLLIER) RE Fort Monckton born November 1 1873
page 20 no 62 February 12 1880 Edward son of John & Elizth Esther COLLIER Sergt RE Fort Monckton nr Gosport born December 7 1879
page 20 no 63 February 12 1880 Emily Maria daughter of Edgar &Sarah Elizabeth HOLDEN Sergt RMLI Forton Gosport born July 5 1880
page 20 no 64 February 22 1880 Ethel Violet Annie daughter of Edward & Betsy DYER Bemisters Lane born January 12 1880
page 21 no 65 February 29 1880 Arnold Aurelian son of Aurelian & Amy Maria HOOPER The Counters Barn Gosport born July 30 1880
page 21 no 66 March 4 1880 Ethel Rowina daughter of Chas John & Elizth S POOK High St Gospoty born September 12 1879
page 21 no 67 March 4 1880 Geo Wile - DENT of Geo & Fanny Maria IDLETT Gosportborn July 16 1880
page 21 no 68 March 11 1880 - WOOD (Ships Cooper) Chapel Row Gosport Born November
page 22 no 69 March 18 1880 Charles Henry son of Charles Alexander & Alice Matilda DAVIDSON Sergt RA Fort Brockhurst born February 27 1880
page 22 no 70 April 29 1880 William Thomas son of Robert & Sarah LITTLEFIELD Police Officer Woolstone nr Southampton
page 22 no 71 May 5 1880 Isabella daughter of Geo Ed & Rosina JONES Mariner Hardway born March 7 1880
page 22 no 72 May 26 1880 James Woodford son of James & Eliza Ann SMITH Mariner Hardway born March 19 1880
page 23 no 73 July 8 1880 James George son of Henry & Susanah FOWLING Newtown born 1 April 1880
page 23 no 74 July 8 1880 Mary Anne Emery daughter of David & Emily MILLEN Sergt RM Forton born November 4 1880
page 23 no 75 August 1 1880 Leopold George Alfred son of William & Emily MOUNTIFIELD Police Constable Hardway born January 3 1880
page 23 no 76 September 9 1880 Ada Maud daughter of William & Emma GANN Gosport born 1 August 1880
page 24 no 77 September 9 1880 Hilda Mary daughter of Edward Ralph & Isabella FISHER Portsea born 21 June 1880
page 24 no 78 September 23 1880 Albert Edward son of William Silas James & Phoebe BUDD Gosport born November 5 1880
page 24 no 79 September 23 1880 Frederick Dickinson son of William & Elizabeth SHORTLAND Gosport born 10 June 1880
page 24 no 80 September 23 1880 Lillie Elizabeth daughter of William & Louisa RENDLE Gosport born 18 May 1889
page 25 no 81 September 26 1880 Christianna Bessie daughter of Joseph & Emily Ann JONES Gosport born 17 July 1880
page 25 no 82 September 30 1880 James Douglas son of James & Lucy WALLACE Clayhall Coast-Guard Station Gosport born 27 August 1880
page 25 no 83 September 30 1880 Rosina Elizabeth Ethel daughter of George & Elizabeth BEVIS Gosport born 1 September 1880
page 25 no 84 November 3 1880 William George son of George & Julia MAYES Hardway born April 15 1880
page 26 no 85 November 24 1880 Ernest Reginald son of Joseph & Charlotte ALLEN Fort Brockhurst born August 28 1875
page 26 no 86 November 24 1880 Louisa Maud daughter of Joseph & Charlotte ALLEN Fort Brockhurst born July 29 1879
page 26 no 87 December 2 1880 Frederick John son of Eli & Frances Ellen SPILLER Gosport born November 6 1880
page 26 no 88 December 5 1880 George Harry son of George Robert & Elizabeth Hilda EDGELL Hardway born January 14 1879
page 27 no 89 December 5 1880 Jessie Elizabeth daughter of George Robert & Elizabeth Hilda EDGELL Hardway born September 20 1880
page 27 no 90 December 9 1880 Alick John son of John & Clare Frances McDERMOTT Landport born October 27 1880
page 27 no 91 January 13 1881 Beatrice Alice son of Francis Henry & Rosina Eliza GILLARD Gosport born 11 October 1880
page 27 no 92 January 13 1881 Emily Matilda daughter of George & Mary LEGG Forton Gosport born 16 October 1880
page 28 no 93 February 2 1881 Henry Charles Nicholson son of Thomas & Harriett Lydia MONTGOMERY Hardway born 21 December 1880
page 28 no 94 March 2 1881 Frances Jane daughter of Thomas Moon & Mary Jane LYNAS Hardway born 28 September 1880
page 28 no 95 March 3 1881 Bertram son of Agnes &Emma HARVEY Gosport born January 23 1881
page 28 no 96 March 5 1881 Ernest Alfred Charles son of Alfred & Mary Ann WEST Gosport born January 1 1881
page 29 no 97 March 17 1881 Eliza daughter of George & Elizabeth SLAUGHTER Gosport born 8 January 1881
page 29 no 98 March 17 1881 Thomas Valentine son of Thomas Charles & Louisa Jane WEARN Gosport born 14 February 1881
page 29 no 99 March 17 1881Percival Oswald son of Charles & Sarah Ann SILLAY Gosport born 16 February 1881
page 29 no 100 April 3 1881 Edward Nathan Holmes son of Edmund & Betsey DYER Gosport born February 9 1881
page 30 no 101 April 14 1881 Joseph William son of Joseph & Emily Jane CLIFTON Gosport born 30 January 1881
page 30 no 102 April 14 1881 Joseph William son of William & Emma BOUND Gosport born 10 February 1881
page 30 no 103 April 21 1881 Ernest son of Phillip John & Sarah Ann WEAVERS Gosport born 27 March 1881
page 30 no 104 April 28 1881 Minnie Emily daughter of Cecil Henry & Emily COZENS Gosport born 10 March 1881
page 31 no 105 April 28 1881 Elizabeth daughter of William & Elizabeth PARMENTER Gosport born 10 March 1881
page 31 no 106 May 12 1881 Herbert Grantham son of James & Julia Ann HOGBEN Gosport Quarter Master
page 31 no 107 May 12 1881 Rose Esther daughter of Charles Thomas & Esther Hariett HUNT Gosport L-? Sergt born March 2 1881
page 31 no 108 May 12 1881 Maggie daughter of Thomas Charles & Mary COLE Gosport Private RMLI born 28 March 1881
page 32 no 109 May 12 1881 Alfred William son of John & Ellen BROWNJOHN Gosport born 27 March 1881
page 32 no 110 May 26 1881 George James Benjamin son of George & Ellen CARTER Gosport born 20 January 1881
page 32 no 111 May 29 1881 - WILLIAMS Gosport
page 32 no 112 June 8 1881 Ada Florence daughter of Joseph & Emma NISBET Hardway born 26 January 1881
page 33 no 113 June 9 1881 Percy Douglas son of Charles Everard & Hephzitah Clara CANHAM Gosport born March 6 1881
page 33 no 114 July 13 1881 Francis son of Francis & - SMITH Gosport born July 13 1881
page 33 no 115 July 14 1881 John Henry Alfred son of John Henry & Jane RIDOUT Gosport born 1 May 1881
page 33 no 116 July 14 1881 Thomas Albert son of Charles Thomas & Ann Maria GRANTHAM Gosport born 11 June 1881
page 34 no 117 July 14 1881 Charles James son of Charles James & Charlotte BERTRAM Gosport born 21 April 1881
page 34 no 118 August 10 1881 Isabella Frances daughter of Frank & Mary Salisbury SMITH Hardway born 6 February 1881
page 34 no 119 August 10 1881 Henry George son of James & Eliza Ann SMITH Hardway born 27 May 1881
page 34 no 120 August 11 1881 John William son of John & Elizabeth Ann DASH Islington London born 11 May 1881
page 35 no 121 August 17 1881 Bessie Catherine daughter of Robert & Lydia Jane MADDOCK Hardway born 19 July 1881
page 35 no 122 August 18 1881 John Henry son of John & Henry Ann DURMAN Gosport born 1 July 1881
page 35 no 123 August 24 1881 Thomas Henry son of Thomas & Henry DAVEY Hardway born 5 August 1881
page 35 no 124 September 2 1881 James Ashton son of Elijah Adam & Sarah WAIGHT Gosport
page 36 no 125 September 15 1881 Raymond James son of George William & Annie Fanny TILLETT Gosport born 30 June 1881
page 36 no 126 September 21 1881 Gertrude GRAHAM Hardway born 21 August 1881
page 36 no 127 September 29 1881 William John son of John & Emily BURNS Gosport born 25 June 1881
page 36 no 128 October 27 1881 Gertrude Marian daughter of John Henry & Jane RUTHERFORD Gosport born October 6 1881
page 37 no 129 October 27 1881 William Albert Smith son of William & Susan BROOKIN Gosport born July 24 1881
page 37 no 130 November 10 1881 Edwin Thomas son of Elias & Sarah MARETT Gosport born 15 September 1881
page 37 no 131 November 17 1881 Annie Ethel daughter of Henry & Elizabeth WELLS Gosport born 14 October 1881
page 37 no 132 January 1 1882 Fanny Sarah Martha daughter of John William Jones & Frances TRODD Ryde Isle of Wight born November 2 1881
page 38 no 133 January 19 1882 Sarah Lavinia daughter of William John & Sarah Louisa WILKS Gosport born 2 January 1882
page 38 no 134 January 19 1882 Bertie Thomas son of Thomas & Elizabeth Ann POVEY ? Gosport born 4 January 1882
page 38 no 135 February 9 1882 Francis Henry son of Francis Henry & Rosina Eliza GILLARD Gosport born 14 December 1881
page 38 no 136 February 15 1882 Harry Evans son of Alfred & Elizabeth Ann MOUNTIFIELD Hardway born 24 December 1881
page 39 no 137 February 23 1882 Richard Emery son of David & Emily MILLER Gosport born 19 November 1881
page 39 no 138 April 5 1882 Violet Elizabeth daughter of Thomas & Elizabeth HALL of Brockhurst in the parish of Alverstoke born 9 February 1882
page 39 no 139 April 6 1882 Benson? Totham son of William Henry & Susannah FOWLING Gosport born 24 January 1882
page 39 no 140 April 19 1882 Alfred son of George Edward & Rosina JONES Hardway born 19 April 1882
page 40 no 141 April 20 1882 Frederick George son of George Edward & Elizabeth Louise ODDY Coastguard Station Gosport born 12 January 1882
page 40 no 142 May 4 1882 Alice Maud daughter of William Henry & Mary Ann PHILLIPS Gosport born 19 April 1882
page 40 no 143 May 11 1882 Albert Edward son of Harold & Rosina Harriett TAYLOR Clayhall Gosport born 20 March 1882
page 40 no 144 June 15 1882 Albert Ernest son of George & Annie GRAY Gosport born 1 March 1882
page 41 no 145 July 16 1882 Alexander John son of Isaac William & Mary Ann NICHOLAS New Barracks Gosport born 4 ? 1882
page 41 no 146 July 24 1882 Leonard Albert son of Joseph & Sarah BANBURY now living in Gosport living at time of childs birth in Portsea born 17 March 1871
page 41 no 147 July 27 1882 Gertrude Kate daughter of William & Emma GANN Gosport
page 41 no 148 August 3 1882 Ellen Keilley daughter of Edgar & Sarah Elizabeth HOLDEN Gosport born 13 May 1882
page 42 no 149 August 3 1882 Elizabeth Rosina daughter of Earnest & Victoria Frances E? CLARK Gosport born 11 May 1882
page 42 no 150 August 5 1882 Matilda daughter of Henry & Elizabeth CRISP Royal Major Hants - Eng Militia Fort Monckton born 4 July 1882
page 42 no 151 August 25 1882 - of Amelia & Amy Maria HOOPER Gosport born August 13 1882
page 42 no 152 August 31 1882 Arthur son of Charles & Ella HOLLIS Gosport born 31 July 1882
page 43 no 153 September 14 1882 Mabel Rosa daughter of Victor Emmanuel & Charlotte Mabel BARKER Gosport born 16 July 1882
page 43 no 155 September 17 1882 Ethel Victoria daughter of Alfred John & Charlotte MORLEY Clayhall Coastguard Station Haslar born 9 July 1882
page 43 no 154 September 21 1882 George William son of George Henry son & Elizabeth BEVIS Gosport born ? 22 1882
page 43 no 156 October 11 1882 Frances Rosina daughter of William & Phoebe BUDD Gosport born 19 July 1881
page 44 no 157 October 12 1882 William George son of William Alfred & Sarah GAMBLEN Gosport born 20 ? 1882
page 44 no 158 November 9 1882 Lilie Ann daughter of Thomas William & Lillie Ann DARBY Gosport born 30 September 1882
page 44 no 159 December 6 1882 Albert Hector son of Henry & Elizabeth CRISP Bugle Major Hants Eng Militia Fort Monckton born 18 May 1882
page 44 no 160 December 6 1882 George Victor son of Henry & Elizabeth CRISP Bugle Major Hants Eng Militia Fort Monckton born 4 January 1874
page 45 no 161 December 13 1882 Miriam daughter of Henry & Ann DEACON Gosport Sergt RMLI born 13 June 1882
page 45 no 162 December 21 1882 William John son of Edmund & Mary Anne HOUGHTON Gosport born 30 August 1880
page 45 no 163 December 21 1882 Rosa Annie daughter of Edmund & Mary Anne HOUGHTON Gosport born 6 October 1879
page 45 no 164 January 7 1883 Edna Mary daughter of Mary Anne & Newton Henry READ Portsmouth born November 30 1882
page 46 no 165 - - 1883 - of William & Louisa RUNDLE Gosport
page 46 no 166 March 8 1883 Hugh Albert Ernest son of John Douglas & Sarah LEYS Mileda-? Barracks Portsmouth born 11 February 1883
page 46 no 167 March 8 1883 Ernest son of Thomas & Elizabeth GROVER Gosport born 27 December 1882
page 46 no 168 March 8 1883 Lucy daughter of Joseph & Emma CLIFTON Gosport born 27 November 1882
page 47 no 169 March 29 1883 Charles -ossell ? son of Edwin & Alice BROWN Gosport born 28 February 1883
page 47 no 170 March 29 1883 Ellen Maria daughter of John & Ellen BROWNJOHN Gosport born 7 January 1883
page 47 no 171 March 29 1883 Alfred Ernest son of Thomas Charles & Louisa Jane WEARN Gosport born 9 February 1883
page 47 no 172 April 1 1883 Charles John Edwin son of John Thomas Carm--? & Emily BOYD Gosport born 1 January 1883
page 48 no 173 April 10 1883 Edward William son of George Edward & Elizabeth Louise ODDY Gosport born April 5 1883
page 48 no 174 April 10 1883 May daughter of George Edward & Elizabeth Louise ODDY born April 5 1883
page 48 no 175 April 12 1883 Annie Olivia daughter of Charles & Elizabeth SMITH Stokes Bay Coastguard Station born 13 February 1881
page 48 no 176 April 12 1883 Reuben Harry son of Charles & Elizabeth SMITH Stokes Bay Coastguard Station born 2 March 1883
page 49 no 177 April 28 1883 Olive daughter of Alfred & Emma HARVEY Gosport born 14 April 1883
page 49 no 178 May 10 1883 Allan William James son of Edmund & Betsey DYER Gosport born 26 February 1883
page 49 no 179 May 13 1883 Effia? Elizabeth daughter of Charles Everard & Hephzitah Clara CANHAM Gosport born 3 March 1883
page 49 no 180 May 14 1883 Georgina Bessie daughter of George & Elizabeth LANNCING New Barracks Gosport born 28 April 1883
page 50 no 181 May 30 1883 Thomas William son of Thomas & Harriett Sarah WITHERS Hardway born 24 March 1883
page 50 no 182 May 31 1883 Sidney Richard son of William & Emily Caroline EVANS Gosport born 21 February 1883
page 50 no 183 June 14 1883 Sarah Elizabeth daughter of John & Eliza NEWMAN Gosport born born 12 February 1883
page 50 no 184 June 14 1883 Ellen Elizabeth daughter of John & Eliza NEWMAN Gosport born 16 September 1883
page 51 no 185 June 14 1883 Ethel May daughter of George William & Annie Fanny TILLETT Gosport born 20 March 1883
page 51 no 186 July 5 1883 Alfred Ernest son of Samuel Henry & Mary Ann CANTLE Gosport born 21 February 1883
page 51 no 187 July 12 1883 Elizabeth May daughter of George & Esther HISCOCK Corp RMLI Gosport born 21 May 1883
page 51 no 188 July 12 1883 Ernest son of Isaac & Mary Ann HAYWARD Gosport born 10 April 1883
page 52 no189 July 19 1883 Amy Elizabeth daughter of William Joseph & Emma Elizabeth BOUND Gosport born 1- ? May 1883
page 52 no 190 July 19 1883 Lottie Alice daughter of William Henry & Alice Louisa MOFFATT Gosport born 3 July 1883
page 52 no 191 July 19 1883 Henry George son of Cornelius & Eliza BARNES Gosport born 30 June 1883
page 52 no 192 no entry
page 53 no 193 July 19 1883 Lizzie daughter of Henry & Mary Ann BARNES Gosport born 15 March 1881
page 53 no 194 August 12 1883 - of Aurelian & Amy Maria HOOPER Gosport
page 53 no 195 August 23 1883 Sarah Elsie Sophia daughter of Michael Aylward & Harriett Jane SNAPE Gosport born 14 August 1880
page 53 no 196 August 23 1883 Edwin Ernest son of Michael Aylward & Harriett Jane SNAPE Gosport born 17 November 1873
page 54 no 197 August 23 1883 Harriet Kate daughter of Michael Aylward & Harriet Jane SNAPE Gosport born 14 July 1882
page 54 no 198 October 4 1883 George son of William & Sarah DASH Gosport born 25 August 1883
page 54 no 199 October 17 1883 at Hardway John Henry Cole son of Robert & Lydia Jane MADDOCK Hardway born 10 September 1883
page 54 no 200 October 17 1883 at Hardway Edward Charles son of George Edward & Rosina JONES Hardway born 1 August 1883
page 55 no 201 at Hardway October 23 1883 Charles Augustus son of Charles Sparshott & Jane MOUNTIFIELD Hardway born 15 March 1883
page 55 no 202 November 8 1883 Margaret Louisa daughter of William John & Sarah Lavinia WILKS Elson Villas born 9 July 1883
page 55 no 203 November 8 1883 Mary Elizabeth daughter of William & Annie WILLIAMS Gosport born 22 October 1883
page 55 no 204 November 15 1883 Georgiana Alice daughter of Edward & Emma Charlotte BAILEY 28 North Street Gosport born 19 October 1883
page 56 no 205 November 15 1883 Harriet Lucy (twin daughter) of Edward & Emma Charlotte BAILEY 28 North Street Gosport born 19 October 1883
page 56 no 206 November 15 1883 Rose daughter of John & Jane FELTHAM The Green Gosport born 23 October 1883
page 56 no 207 November 15 1883 Alice Frances daughter of Alfred James & Victoria Frances Eugenie CLARK 15 High Street Gosport born 22 August 1883
page 56 no 208 November 22 1883 Elizabeth Amelia daughter of George Moses & Elizabeth Ann SANGER 4 Clarence Buildings Gosport born June 17 1882
page 57 no 209 November 22 1883 George John William son of George Moses & Elizabeth Ann SANGER 4 Clarence Buildings Gosport born 18 October 1883
page 57 no 210 November 29 1883 Amelia Elizabeth daughter of William Henry Thomas & Ellen Elizabeth SCOBELL Charlottes Court Gosport born 7 September 1883
page 57 no 211 November 29 1883 Albert son of Philip John & Sarah Ann WEAVER 84 Henry Street Stoke Road born October 6 1883
page 57 no 212 December 20 1883 Alfred John son of Alfred & Mary Ann GAMBLIN 36 Richmond St born 23 November 1883
page 58 no 213 December 20 1883 Edith Beatrice daughter of George & Annie GRAY Alver Road born 10 August 1883
page 58 no 214 December 20 1883 Margaret Agnes daughter of William & Margaret BLACK 4 Elliotts Place born 26 November 1883
page 58 no 215 January 17 1884 George Charles son of George William & Ellen Sophia PEARMAN Queens Row parish of Alverstoke born 13 December 1883
page 58 no 216 January 17 1884 Edward John son of Edward & Matilda BENNETT South Cross Street Gosport born 17 September 1883
page 59 no 217 February 21 1884 Bertie Evelyn son of William Henry & Susannah FOWLING 42 Joseph St born 3 November 1883
page 59 no 218 February 21 1884 Catherine May daughter of George & Elizabeth HOUGHTON 38 St James St Portsea born 21 December 1883
page 59 no 219 February 21 1884 Leonard son of Edmund & Mary Anne HOUGHTON 7 Shaftesbury Terrace born 27 October 1883
page 59 no 220 February 21 1884 George son of George & Julia TRODD 9 King Street Portsea born 2 January 1884
page 60 no 221 February 28 1884 Elizabeth Jane Gertrude daughter of William John & Elizabeth Jane (deceased) WOOD 20 Chapel Row Gosport born December 4 1883
page 60 no 222 March 5 1884 at Hardway William Moffatt son of William & Victoria Elizabeth GRAHAM Fairlawns Hardway born 31 January 1884
page 60 no 223 March 12 1884 at Hardway Mabel Maud daughter of Charles & Elizabeth Frances FROST Chapel St Gosport born 13 January 1884
page 60 no 224 March 12 1884 at Hardway Rebecca Amy Lily daughter of William & Rebecca Rose CRIBB Chapel Row born 29 October 1884
page 61 no 225 March 13 1884 Edward William son of George Edward & Elizabeth Louise ODDY Coast Guard Station Gosport born 21 February 1884
page 61 no 226 March 20 1884 Isaiah son of Isaiah & Sarah Alice NURSE 5 Chapel St Gosport born 20 March 1884
page 61 no 227 March 30 1884 Henry John son of Ebenezer & Sarah BANHAM Corp R. Eng: 4 Bevis's Square Gosport born 11 March 1884
page 61 no 228 April 2 1884 at Hardway Alfred Thomas son of Alfred & Emma Caroline NICHOLSON Hardway born 30 June 1884
page 62 no 229 April 10 1884 May daughter of John & Sarah Ann D--NAN Colour Sergt RMLI White Slip born 12 March 1884
page 62 no 230 April 10 1884 Frank son of Joseph & Emma CLIFTON RMLI 1 Spring Gardens born 18 March 1884
page 62 no 231 May 22 1884 William Robert son of Thomas & Martha MOSS Burnhams Alley born 24 March 1884
page 62 no 232 May 29 1884 Herbert Alfred son of William Alfred & Sarah GAMBLEN 54 Shaftesbury Terrace born 8 April 1884
page 63 no 233 May 29 1884 Allen William George son of Allen & Ellen Eliza HOLMES 68 North Street born 21 April 1884
page 63 no 234 July 3 1884 Lilian Mary Daughter of Alfred Emmanuel & Mary Jane MACDONALD 36 Chapel Row Southampton born 10 May 1884
page 53 no 235 July 6 1884 Ruth Beatrice daughter of Samuel & Emily Jane DASH 18 Maysoule Road Clapham Junction born 26 May 1884
page 69 no 260 August 7 1884 Lizzie Lilian daughter of William & Amelia Elizabeth HACKMAN 7 York St born 4 May 1884
page 63 no 236 August 14 1884 William Henry son of Isaac & Eliza CUTTER Avenue Road born 20 May 1884
page 64 no 237 August 25 1884 in private Robert Thomas son of Henry & Elizabeth CRISP Ft Monckton Staff Sergeant Hants Engineer Militia born 6 June 1884
page 64 no 238 August 28 1884 Elsie Florence daughter of Elijah Adam & Sarah WRIGHT 22 Avenue Road born 28 June 1884
page 64 no 239 August 28 1884 Emma Charlotte daughter of William & Emma GANN 3 Chapel Row born 4 August 1884
page 64 no 240 August 31 1884 in private Ada Mary daughter of Mesach & Charlotte THOMAS Fort Blockhouse (28) RE ) born 27 July 1884
page 65 no 241 September 4 1884 at Hardway Hilda daughter of James & Eliza Ann SMITH Hardway born 11 June 1884
page 65 no 242 September 18 1884 at Hardway Robert George son of Frank & Maris Salisbury SMITH Grove Road Hardway born 6 July 1884
page 65 no 243 October 23 1884 Joseph Edward son of William & Susan Victoria BROOKIN 14 High Street born 8 August 1884
page 65 no 244 November 13 1884 Arthur William son of George & Maria Ann LANCE 6 Avenue Road born 13 August 1884
page 66 no 245 November 19 1884 at Hardway Arthur Wyatt son of George Roberts & Elizabeth Fielder EDGELL Elson Free Place Hardway born 13 August 1882
page 66 no 246 November 19 1884 at Hardway Edith Maud daughter of George Robert & Elizabeth Fielder EDGELL Elson Free Place Hardway born 26 August 1884
page 66 no 247 November 27 1884 Frank son of Charles & Ella HOLLIS 23 Joseph St born 10 September 1884
page 66 no 248 November 30 1884 at Forton George Edward Russell son of Theophilus Russell & Charlotte GLASSPOLE Avenue Road 9 1/2 years
page 67 no 249 November 30 1884 at Forton Charles Richard son of William Alfred & Harriet POOK 4 Nelson Place 6 years
page 67 no 250 January 25 1885 Thomas William son of Thomas William & Lillie Ann DARBY Shaftesbury Terrace born 10 November 1884
page 67 no 251 - - 1885 Ellen Louisa Lambert daughter of William & Ellen Louisa HAMILTON Avenue Road born October 12 1883
page 67 no 252 January 29 1885 Ada Rosina daughter of Francis Henry & Rosina GILLARD 15 High Street born 27 October 1884
page 68 no 253 January 29 1885 Ada Mary Gladys daughter of John & Sarah Elizabeth CARPENTER Forton Road born 2 January 1885
page 68 no 254 January 29 1885 Horace Wilfred Ernest son of Edmund & Betsey DYER 107 High Street born 12 November 1884
page 68 no 255 February 19 1885 Florence Frances daughter of Alfred James & Victoria Frances Eugenie CLARK 4 Burnham Alley born 9 December 1884
page 68 no 256 March 12 1885 William Wareham son of William Felton & Ellen Elizabeth HOPKINS New Barracks Gosport Bk Sergt CTL Corps born 22 June 1885
page 69 no 257 March 26 1885 George Henry son of George & Mary Jane NEWBERY 86 Henry St born 15 February 1885
page 69 no 258 April 9 1885 Alfred Samuel son of George & Mary Ann WEAVER 24 Chapel Lane born 6 March 1885
page 69 no 259 April 23 1885 Olive Daisy daughter of George William & Fanny Maria TILLETT Shaftesbury Terrace born 26 January 1885
page 75 no 283 June 11 1885 Albert Henry Ernest son of Edward & Cordelia DAY 13 Moreland Road born May 18 1885
page 75 no 284 June 11 1885 Arthur Graham son of Samuel Henry & Mary Ann CANTLE 11 Avenue Road born 3 March 1885
page 70 no 263 June 18 1885 Henry Edward Gordon son of Edward & Emma Charlotte BAILEY 28 North Street born 18 May 1885
page 70 no 261 July 29 1885 Adelaide May daughter of John & Emma PHYTHIAN 37 Park St Forton born May 24 1885
page 70 no 262 August 5 1885 Francis William son of Robert & Lydia Jane MADDOCK Hardway Alverstoke born June 10 1885
page 70 no 264 August 12 1885 at Forton Emily Augusta daughter of John & Ellen BROWNJOHN RMLI White Slip born 11 July 1885
page 71 no 265 August 17 1885 in private William Thomas son of George & Esther HISCOCK RMLI White Slip born 11 July 1885
page 71 no 266 August 27 1885 Albert son of David & Annie STRACHAN 11 Jamaica Place Stoke Road born 13 August 1885
page 71 no 267 August 27 1885 William Thomas Gilbert son of William & Margaret BLACK 8 Elliotts Place born 9 August 1885
page 71 no 268 August 27 1885 Edgar son of Edgar & Sarah Elizabeth HOLDER 38 North Street born 30 July 1885
page 72 no 269 August 27 1885 Frederick son of Edgar & Sarah Elizabeth HOLDER 38 North Street born 30 July 1885
page 72 no 270 September 10 1885 Henry George son of Henry George & Susannah THOMAS 23 Queens Road born 1 July 1885
page 72 no 271 September 23 1885 at Forton Frank son of David & Emily MILLAR Sergt RMLI 2 Brunswick Terrace Forton born 30 May 1885
page 72 no 272 September 23 1885 at Forton Amy Violet daughter of Arthur & Jane MOODY RMLI 28 Alma Street born 1885
page 73 no 273 October 1 1885 Lilian Ethel May daughter of Thomas Leonard & Elizabeth COOPER 1st Norfolk Regt New Barracks born 8 September 1885
page 73 no 274 October 1 1885 William Henry son of William & Elizabeth HACKMAN York Street born 31 August 1885
page 73 no 275 October 1 1885 Ethel Eliza daughter of Cornelius & Eliza BARNES Rodney's Head Yard born 24 August 1885
page 73 no 276 October 1 1885 Frederick Cornelius son of Henry & Mary Ann BARNES Harbour Row born 24 December 1884
age 75 no 282 October 29 1885 Alfred Thomas son of William Henry Thomas & Ellen Elizabeth SCOBELL Charlotte's Court born October 14 1885
page 74 no 277 November 18 1885 at Forton Albert John son of Jeremiah & Emma MOORE Sergt RMLI 22 Moreland Road born 10 December 1882
page 74 no 278 November 18 1885 at Forton Ethel Ellen Marian daughter of William & Elizabeth Jane PARSONS Sergt RMLI Cauton Cottage Upper Null Lane born 10 December 1882
page 74 no 270 December 3 1885 Percival David Thomas son of Henry David & Mary Anne DASH Charlotte Place born November 11 1885
page 74 no 280 December 9 1885 at Hardway Charles Cotman son of Alfred & Emma NICHOLSON Hardway born 4 October 1885
page 75 no 281 December 17 1885 Maud daughter of George Henry & Julia TRODD 43 Orange Street Portsea born 31 October 1885
page 76 no 285 January 1 1886 Agnes Victoria daughter of George Edward & Rosina JONES Hardway born 2 October 1885
page 76 no 286 February 4 1886 Charles son of John & Emily BREWER 1 Clarence Road Gosport born 21 January 1886
page 76 no 287 February 11 1886 John Henry son of Richard John & Fanny BUTTERS 1 Hope Terrace Forton Road born 23 December 1885
page 76 no 288 April 1 1886 Edwin George son of William & Alice Fanny RICHARDSON 57 King Street born 5 December 1885
page 77 no 289 April 15 1886 Albert Victor son of Albert David & Mary Elizabeth STEARN 17 1/2 Chapel Row Gosport born 23 January 1886
page 77 no 290 April 15 1886 Elsie Endora daughter of Edmund & Betsey DYER 107 high Street Gosport born 12 March 1886
page 77 no 291 April 21 1886 at Forton Ernest Edward son of James & Annie BERRIE Merton Cottage Lavinia Road born 1 February 1886
page 77 no 292 April 21 1886 at Forton Frederick James son of Arthur & Alice BERRIE 8 Tamworth Place Alver Road born February 19 1883
page 78 no 293 June 2 1886 Ethel May daughter of John & Catherine Ann RUNDLE 5 Vectis Terrace born 1 May 1886
page 78 no 294 June 17 1886 Thomas son of Joseph & Emma Jane CLIFTON Forton Barracks born 31 March 1886
page 78 no 295 June 23 1886 Mary daughter of William & Victoria Elizabeth GRAHAM Fair Lawn Hardway born 29 March 1886
page 78 no 296 June 24 1886 Albert Newton son of Newton Henry & Mary Anne READ 1 Chesterfield Terrace Somers Road Fratton born 14 April 1886
page 80 no 302 June 28 1886 in private John Masterton son of Joseph & Ellen Anne GILBERT Married Quarters Fort Grange Sergt Cinque Ports Div RA born 18 November 1885
page 79 no 297 July 6 1886 in private Ellis Edward son of Henry & Elizabeth CRISP Staff Sergt Sanchen ? Sub Marine M? Militia Fort Monckton born 1 June 1886
page 79 no 298 July 8 1886 Eva May daughter of Harry & Matilda BRISON 21 Avenue Road born 21 June 1886
page 79 no 299 July 25 1886 in private Ethel Nellie daughter of George Henry & Ellen Elizabeth Mary ELLIOTT Albert Street born 17 July 1886
page 79 no 300 August 17 1886 in private Charles Hammond son of Joseph & Ellen Ann GILBERT Cinque Sergt Ports Div RA Married Quarters Fort Grange born 18 June 1884
page 80 no 301 August 18 1886 Julia Elizabeth daughter of Frank & Mary SMITH Grove Road Hardway born 16 April 1886
page 82 no 311 September 25 1886 Alice Ophelia daughter of William & Mary Ann EVERETT 8 Trafalgar Sq Forton born July 6 1886
page 80 no 303 October 7 1886 William son of Philip John & Sarah Ann WEAVER 14 Joseph Street Gosport born July 21 1996
page 80 no 304 October 21 1886 Jennie daughter of Joseph Thomas & Jane DOUGLASS 5 Chapel Street born September 30 1886
page 81 no 305 November 3 1886 Arthur son of George & Emma DYKES 5 Sea View Hardway born June 2 1885
page 81 no 306 November 3 1886 Emma Beatrice daughter of George & Emma DYKES 5 Sea View Hardway born July 12 1886
page 81 no 307 November 4 1886 George Henry son of George Henry & Charlotte Ann CLEVERLY 7 Roberts Lane Gosport born October 15 1886
page 81 no 308 November 4 1886 Edith Charlotte daughter of George Henry & Charlotte Ann CLEVERLY 7 Roberts Lane Gosport born August 5 1885
page 82 no 309 November 11 1886 Ethel Maud daughter of William John & Mary Jane ABRAMS Chapel St Gosport born September 5 1886
page 82 no 310 November 11 1886 James William son of Edward & Matilda BENNETT 12 South Cross Street born 10 august 1886
page 82 no 312 December 2 1886 Arthur Henry William son of Henry David & Mary Annie DASH Charlotte's Court Gosport born November 12 1886
page 83 no 313 December 8 1886 Henrietta Louisa daughter of John Frederick & Sarah Elizabeth MILLER Ashley Cottage Whitworth Road Gosport born 12 February 1883
page 83 no 314 December 15 1886 Edith Nora daughter of John & Ellen PATTERSON Married Quarters New Barracks Gosport born October 25 1886
page 84 no 318 January 5 1887 Emily daughter of Wm Thomas & Eleanor JONES Sergt Royal Artillery 11 Nightingale Terrace Forton Gosport born November 27 1886
page 83 no 315 January 13 1887 Harry Frederick Thomas son of Allen & Ellen Eliza HOLMES 68 North Street Gosport born October 23 1886
page 83 no 316 January 13 1887 Charles Alexander son of William Joseph & Emma Elizth BOUND Knowle Assylum Fareham born December 8 1886
page 84 no 317 January 13 1887 William son of Arthur & Mary Ann KNIGHT 1 Eliza Place Vic Street Forton Road born December 13 1886
page 84 no 319 February 3 1887 Eileen Maud Kate daughter of James & Augusta ELLIOTT 20 Victoria Street Forton born November 18 1886
page 84 no 320 March 27 1886 Annie daughter of Thomas William & Lillie Ann DARBY 68 Shaftesbury Road Gosport born December 26 1886
page 85 no 321 March 30 1887 Alfred James son of Arthur & Jane MOODY 28 Alma St Forton born December 27 1886
page 85 no 322 March 30 1887 Horatio Frederick son of Horatio Frederick & Elizabeth WALTON 2 Toll Bar Cottages Brockhurst born March 15 1887
page 85 no 323 April 14 1887 Hilda Louisa daughter of Elijah & Sarah WRIGHT 9 Beach Street Gosport born January 15 1887
page 85 no 324 April 21 1887 Ethel Nellie daughter of William Henry Cottle & Susannah FOWLING Gosport born January 16 1887
page 86 no 325 May 18 1887 Bertha daughter of James & Eliza Ann SMITH Ordnance Terrace Hardway born December 5 1886
page 86 no 326 May 22 1887 Herbert John son of George & Esther HISCOCK 7 White slip Forton born April 17 1887
page 86 no 327 June 2 1887 Bessie daughter of George & Christiana ETHERINGTON 36 Shaftesbury Road Gosport born November 30 1886
page 87 no 329 June 8 1887 John Arthur son of Joseph & Emma CLIFTON Royal Marine Barracks Forton born March 25 1887
page 86 no 328 June 9 1887 Florence Mary daughter of William Thomas & Matilda Louisa SUMMERS 36 Shaftesbury Road born May 22 1887
page 87 no 330 June 16 1887 Beatrice Alice Victoria daughter of George & Mary POAR 5 Church Path Gosport born February 16 1887
page 87 no 331 June 23 1887 William Ernest son of William & Matilda WHITE 7 Charles Street Newtown Gosport born March 27 1887
page 87 no 332 June 29 1887 Eva May daughter of William & Rosina Blanche Bevis JENKINS 18 Camden Street Forton born May 29 1887
page 88 no 333 June 30 1887 Edward William Henry son of Edward & Charles KILBURN 7 York Terrace born 26 March 1887
page 89 no 337 August 4 1887 Victor Wilton son of William & Sarah DASH 76 North St Gosport born June 7 1887
page 89 no 338 August 4 1887 Alfred William son of William Facy & Louisa & Louisa RENDLE Forton Barracks Farm born 22 June 1887
page 89 no 339 August 7 1887 Herbert Victor son of Harry & Jane Ann HOWE 5 Clifton Terrace Brockhurst born 30 June 1887
page 90 no 342 August 11 1887 Sarah Alice daughter of Isaiah & Sarah NURSE 14 Joseph St Gosport born July 9 1887
page 90 no 343 August 24 1887 Hubert Albert son of George Edward & Rosina JONES Hardway born August 3 1887
page 90 no 344 September 2 1887 George Alfred son of Robert & Lydia Jane MADDOCK Hardway born September 14 1887
page 91 no 346 September 4 1887 Victor George son of John & Emily BREWER 11 Roberts Lane Gosport born August 11 1887
page 88 no 334 September 8 1887 Albert James son of William & Marguret BLECK 8 Elliotts Place Little Beach Gosport born 19 August 1887
page 88 no 335 September 8 1887 Elsie Blanche daughter of Charles Thomas & Ann Maria GAMBLEN 3 South Cross Street Gosport born 22 July 1887
page 88 no 336 September 8 1887 Alfred Evan son of George & Mary Jane NEWBERRY 39 Henry St Gosport born 4 June 1887
page 97 no 371 September 22 1887 Mary Amelia daughter of Alfred & Mary MACDONALD Southampton born August 20 1887
page 89 no 340 October 6 1887 George Thomas Edmund son of George Thomas & Emma TREEN 15 New Road Seafield Gosport born 26 July 1887
page 90 no 341 October 15 1887 William Alexander son of Thomas Charles & Emma Maria BERTRAM Fort Gomer Gosport born August 2 1887
page 92 no 350 October 30 1887 Allan Arthur son of Herbert & Sarah Jane BURTON 55 Shaftesbury Road Hornsey Rise London born October 28 1887
page 91 no 347 November 16 1887 Bertha Ellen daughter of Frank & Mary Salisbury SMITH Hardway born October 3 1887
page 7 no 12 November 17 1887 Archibald William son of William & Elizabeth PLATT 68 High Street Gosport born June 6 1885
page 91 no 348 December 8 1887 Albert son of Isaac & Eliza CUTLER Avenue Road Gosport born August 19 1887
page 91 no 345 December 11 1887 Margaret Elizabeth daughter of John & Ellen PATTERSON Corporal R Irish Rifles New Barracks Gosport born 7 November 1887
page 92 no 349 December 21 1887 Jessie daughter of James John & Susan DICKSON Camden Cottage Forton Road born October 3 1887
page 96 no 367 December 21 1887 John Henry son of John & Sarah EASTLAND 30 Mayfield Road Seafield Gosport born November 4 1887
page 92 no 351 January 19 1888 Percival Percy James son of Alfred & Emma HARVEY 75 Lower South Street Gosport born December 19 1887
page 92 no 352 February 1 1888 Henry Harold son of James & Margaret STREET 4 Willows Place Mill Lane Forton born December 7 1887
page 93 no 353 February 2 1888 Elsie Grace daughter of George & Sarah Elizabeth DUKES 116A High Street born November 1 1887
page 93 no 354 February 2 1888 Walter James son of Walter Edward George & Miriam MORTIMORE 14 North Cross Street Gosport born December 30 1887
page 93 no 355 February 9 1888 Rhoda Florence Gertrude daughter of Edmund & Betsey DYER 134 High Street Gosport born November 28 1887
page 97 no 372 February 16 1888 Reginald Wilfred son of Henry & Flora ISAACS Wickway Gloucester born July 14 1887
page 93 no 356 February 23 1888 Sarah Ann daughter of William & Ellen Elizabeth STEVENS 4 Clarence Buildings Gosport born January 29 1888
page 94 no 357 February 23 1888 Peter Clark son of Peter & Louisa BYRNE 56 Room married quarters new barracks Gosport born January 30 1885
page 94 no 358 February 23 1888 Agnes daughter of Peter & Louisa BYRNE 56 Room married quarters new barracks Gosport born January 31 1888
page 96 no 368 March 21 1888 Ellen Elizabeth daughter of Peter & Mary Jane COYNE Chapel View Hardway born February 18 1888
page 96 no 366 April 4 1888 Harry son of Arthur & Mary KNIGHT Red House Hardway born February 28 1888
page 97 no 369 April 5 1888 Alfred James son of George & Jane WILKINS upper South Street born January 12 1888
page 98 no 375 May 9 1888 Harriet Louisa daughter of Robert & Aberna Elizabeth KING 16 Harcourt Road Forton Gosport born April 11 1888
page 94 no 360 May 10 1888 Florence Grace daughter of William & Emma GANN or GAWN Gosport born April 9 1888
page 95 no 361 May 23 1888 Emily Ada Hale daughter of Reuben & Emily Ada TATFORD 12 Middlecroft Lane Ann's Hill born October 6 1883
page 95 no 362 May 23 1888 Annie daughter of Reuben & Emily Ada TATFORD 12 Middlecroft Lane Ann's Hill born December 21 1884
page 95 no 363 May 23 1888 Mabel daughter of Reuben & Emily Ada TATFORD 12 Middlecroft Lane Ann's Hill born February 5 1887
page 94 no 359 May 24 1888 Herbert George son of Frederick & Julia CHAMBERS 34 Mayfield Road Seafield born March 25 1888
page 95 no 364 May 31 1888 Edwin McIntyre son of Alfred & Mary Ann GAMBLEN 5 South View Stoke Road born March 4 1888
page 96 no 365 June 21 1888 Rosina May daughter of John Charles & Rosina SHORNEY 66 North St Gosport born May 3 1888
page 97 no 370 July 4 1888 Nellie Rhoda daughter of David & Edith Rhoda SMITH Rose Cottage Brockhurst Gosport born May 12 1888
page 101 no 386 July 5 1888 William Henry son of William John & Mary Jane ABRAMS Chapel St Forton born March 16 1888
page 98 no 373 July 18 1888 Harold Henry son of Henry Alfred & Lucy PETTY 7 Leesland Forton born June 19 1884
page 98 no 374 July 18 1888 Henry Alfred son of Henry Alfred & Lucy PETTY 7 Leesland Forton born May 24 1888
page 98 no 376 August 23 1888 William John son of Alfred & Florence SMITH 25 Clarence Sq Gosport born February 23 1885
page 99 no 377 August 23 1888 Alfred William son of Alfred James & Victoria Frances Eugenie CLARK 1 Roberts Lane Upper South Street Gosport born May 27 1886
page 99 no 378 August 23 1888 Victoria Eugenie daughter of Alfred James & Victoria Frances Eugenie CLARK 1 Roberts Lane Upper South Street Gosport born August 7 1888
page 99 no 379 August 30 1888 Daisy Carrie daughter of George & Emma DUKE New Barracks Gosport born February 10 1888
page 99 no 380 September 2 1888 Tom son of Richard & Alice HENHAM New Barracks Gosport born July 16 1888
page 100 no 381 September 5 1888 Elsie Josephine daughter of William & Victoria Elizabeth GRAHAM Hardway born July 12 1888
page 100 no 382 September 5 1888 Emma daughter of Thomas & Elizabeth PARHAM Hardway born July 11 1888
page 100 no 383 September 12 1888 Leonard son of Theophilus Russell & Charlotte GLASSPOLE 98 Avenue Road Gosport born May 6 1888
page 100 no 384 September 12 1888 Rosina daughter of John & Eliza SEAGER 3 Nelson Place Forton born September 12 1888
page 101 no 385 September 12 1888 Maud daughter of Joseph & Emma Jane CLIFTON 6 Mill Lane Forton born July 5 1888
page 101 no 387 October 14 1888 Kate Emily Alberta daughter of Albert Henry & Kate MORRIS 3 Emmanuel St Portsmouth born September 2 1888
page 102 no 390 October 24 1888 William Harold son of Arthur & Jane MOODY 28 Alma Street Forton Gosport born May 1 1888
page 102 no 392 October 24 1888 Henry Hubert son of Henry & Kate HILL 2 Whitworth Road Forton Gosport born August 30 1888
page 101 no 388 October 25 1888 Horace William son of John & Fanny BUTTERS 30 Victoria St Forton Gosport born June 27 1888
page 102 no 389 October 25 1888 Millicent Jane daughter of Sidney & Elizabeth Ann WHITEFIELD 90 Shaftesbury Road Gosport born August 4 1888
page 103 no 393 November 15 1888 Daisy Ellen daughter of William & Elizabeth HACKMAN 21 York St Gosport born September 25 1888
page 103 no 394 November 15 1888 Violet Annie daughter of William & Elizabeth HACKMAN 21 York St Gosport born September 1888
page 103 no 395 November 21 1888 Edward William son of John & Sarah Lavinia WILKS 39 Whitworth Road Forton Road Gosport born August 16 1888
page 103 no 396 November 21 1888 William Henry son of William Joyce & Alice BOWMAN 7 Moreland Road Forton Gosport born September 7 1888
page 104 no 397 November 29 1888 Frank son of George & Charlotte CLEVERLEY 7 Roberts Lane Gosport born September 7 1888
page 102 no 391 December 6 1888 Florence Mabel daughter of Thomas & Elizabeth UNDERWOOD New Barracks Gosport born September 22 1888
page 104 no 398 December 27 1888 Ethel Elizabeth daughter of Richard Syndrio & Elizabeth Jane COLE 11 Roberts Lane Gosport born September 27 1888
page 6 no 3 January 17 1889 Ethel Mary daughter of George & Eleanor KNIGHT 117 Avenue Road Gosport born November 16 1888
page 6 no 4 January 24 1889 Mabel Emma daughter of William & Louisa RENDLE Forton Marine Barracks born December 11 1888
page 6 no 5 January 24 1889 Ethel Louisa Jane daughter of George & Mary Jane NEWBERY 69 Henry St Newtown Gosport born September 29 1888
page 7 no 11 February 9 1889 William Arthur son of William & Esther PHILLIMORE 6 Reeds Place Forton Gosport born February 23 1889
page 6 no 6 February 20 1889 Caroline Sarah daughter of Edgar & Caroline Rosina POOK 32 Lyon Terrace Whitworth Road Forton Gosport born January 15 1889
page 104 no 399 March 14 1889 May Mary daughter of Thomas & Alice COOMBS 24 Chapel Street Gosport born March 27 1887
page 104 no 400 March 14 1889 William Thomas son of Thomas & Alice COOMBS 24 Chapel Street Gosport born January 7 1889
page 6 no 7 March 28 1889 William George son of George & Elizabeth Jane WILKINS 2 South St Gosport born February 9 1889
page 6 no 8 March 28 1889 Emma daughter of William Henry & Ellen Elizabeth SCAVELL 33 King St Gosport born February 10 1889
page 7 no 9 April 4 1889 George William son of George & Rachel Mary BURLEY 1 Lavinia Road Forton Gosport born February 4 1889
page 7 no 10 April 4 1889 William George Herbert son of William & Alice Louisa TOVEY 1 Lavinia Road Forton Gosport born March 3 1889
page 8 no 13 April 21 1889 Jane Helen daughter of John Richard & Frances Jane WEBBER 19 Forton Road Gosport born January 27 1870
page 8 no 14 April 21 1889 William John son of John Richard & Frances John WEBBER 19 Forton Road Gosport born April 19 1871
page 8 no 15 April 24 1889 Frederick John son of Christopher & Alice CALTHORP Deal born April 6 1889
page 8 no 16 May 2 1889 Theresa daughter of Peter & Louisa BRYNE New Barracks Gosport born March 19 1889
page 9 no 17 May 8 1889 Gertrude daughter of Albert Moody & Sarah Ann Louisa HARDING 59 Whitworth Road Forton Gosport born March 4 1889
page 9 no 18 May 9 1889 Daisy daughter of William & Annie WILLIAMS 77 North Street Gosport born April 19 1889
page 13 no 33 May 22 1889 John Cyril son of John & Catharine Ann McGee RUNDLE Bridge Cottage 27 Leesland Road Forton Gosport born May 5 1889
page 9 no 20 May 25 1889 Ethel Sarah daughter of Thomas George & Emma TREEN 15 Seafield Gosport born February 28 1889
page 9 no 19 May 30 1889 Albert Edwin son of Samuel Henry & Mary Ann CANTLE 84 Avenue Road born January 7 1889
page 10 no 21 June 5 1889 Allen Warmington son of Harry & Elizabeth LOWE 2 Harcourt Road Forton Gosport born February 19 1889
page 10 no 22 June 5 1889 Esma Mary daughter of Edward & Mary LONG 18 Harcourt Road Forton Gosport born February 11 1889
page 10 no 23 June 13 1889 Winifred May daughter of Alfred & Mary Ann WEST 28 Joseph St Gosport born April 17 1889
page 10 no 24 June 19 1889 Ada May daughter of Thomas Moon & Mary Jane LINAS Waterworks born May 3 1889
page 11 no 26 June 26 1889 Robert George son of Frederic John & Flora Agnes VARNDELL Chapel St Hardway born May 24 1889
page 11 no 25 July 3 1889 July 3 1889 Charlotte Mary daughter of William & Alice DALY 31 Whitworth Road Forton Gosport born June 10 1889
page 11 no 27 July 18 1889 Adolphus Richard son of William & Elizabeth PLATT Royal Oak High Street Gosport born August 26 1887
page 11 no 28 July 18 1889 Ernest Arthur robin son of William & Elizabeth PLATT Royal Oak High Street Gosport born July 2 1889
page 12 no 29 July 18 1889 George Kent son of George Kent & Alice Sophia EXTON 51 Seafield Gosport born March 25 1889
page 12 no 30 July 25 1889 James Ernest George son of James Aspinal & Augusta ELLIOTT 22 Victoria Street Gosport born May 23 1889
page 12 no 31 July 31 1889 Henry Albert son of Isaac & Ellen HOBBS Chapel St Hardway born June 23 1889
page 12 no 32 July 31 1889 Walter son of Alfred & Clara BAILEY Chapel St Hardway born March 10 1889
page 13 no 34 August 1 1889 Harry Stuart son of Charles John & Ellen Jane SMALL 23 North St Gosport born April 7 1887
page 13 no 35 August 1 1889 Frank Pole son of Charles John & Ellen -Jane SMALL 23 North St Gosport born July 4 1889
page 13 no 36 August 7 1889 William Henry son of William Edward & Harriet Amelia AVES 8 Mill Lane Forton Gosport born July 21 1889
page 14 no 37 August 24 1889 Catharine Fanny daughter of James & Amelia NOTLEY 3 Eliza Place Victoria St Gosport born July 26 1889
page 14 no 38 August 25 1889 Horace Wilfred Edward son of Allan & Ellen Eliza HOLMES 49 High St Gosport born July 3 1889
page 14 no 39 September 17 1889 James Frederick son of James & Annie BERRY Forton Gosport born July 5 1889
page 14 no 40 September 19 1889 Sarah Ann daughter of William & Eliza Jane PALMER Clarence road Gosport born June 8 1889
page 15 no 41 September 26 1889 Robert Wallace son of William & Margaret BLACK 1 Haslar Street Gosport born September 6 1889
page 15 no 42 October 3 1889 George Frederick son of John Henry & Mary Ann GAMBLIN Queens Road Forton born August 7 1889
page 15 no 43 October 22 1889 Forton Annie daughter of Charles & Mary Ann SMITH Whitworth Road Forton born September 1 1889
page 15 no 44 October 28 1889 George Albert son of George & Elizabeth Ann ATKINSON Church St Gosport born September 23 1889
page 16 no 45 November 3 1889 Frances Sarah daughter of John & Fanny WEBBER Gosport born May 3 1868
page 16 no 46 November 10 1889 Albert Edward Fletcher son of Albert Edward & Sarah Annie MORAN Gosport born October 23 1889
page 16 no 47 November 14 1889 Grace Eliza daughter of John & Eliza BRIMMING Coast Guard Station Gosport born October 27 1889
page 16 no 48 November 21 1889 William George son of William & Ellen Elizabeth STEVENS 4 Clarence Buildings Gosport born November 4 1889
page 17 no 49 December 11 1889 at Forton Henry Wilfred son of James John & Ellen Ann CARTER Forton Gosport born September 22 1889
page 17 no 50 December 17 1889 at Forton Edith Maud daughter of William & Amelia Ellen COOPER Station Road Brockhurst born November 5 1889
page 18 no 53 January 20 1890 at Hardway Richard Albert son of George & Amelia YOUNGMAN Hardway born October 19 1889
page 17 no 51 February 27 1890 at Gosport Henry Charles son of Edgar & Sarah Elizabeth HODDER Trafalgar Square Forton Road born February 27 1888
page 17 no 52 February 27 1890 at Gosport Ly-dia Mary daughter of George & Mary Jane NEWBERRY Henry Street born October 21 1889
page 18 no 54 March 12 1890 at Forton Emily Sarah daughter of William Tacey & Louisa RENDLE Queens Road Gosport born December 28 1889
page 18 no 55 March 13 1890 at Gosport David Jonathan son of Walter Edward George & Miriam MORTIMORE North Street Gosport born January 6 1890
page 18 no 56 March 16 1890 at Hardway Albert Richard son of Albert & Kate MORRIS Lees Lane Forton born December 14 1889
page 19 no 57 April 13 1890 at Gosport Emily daughter of Arthur & Elizabeth BENNETT Holly Street Gosport born February 22 1890
page 19 no 58 April 16 1890 at Forton (Private) Bertie son of George & Maria LANCE Avenue Road Gosport born March 24 1890
page 19 no 60 April 17 1890 at Gosport Annie Eliza daughter of William & Mary Jane GODSELL HM Hulk Tyrian Gosport Hearbour born March 13 1890
page 20 no 61 April 23 1890 at Forton Ada daughter of William & Marian DOBBS Whites Place Forton born March 29 1890
page 20 no 62 May 1 1890 at Gosport Frances Lilly daughter of John & Sarah EASTLAND Henry Street Gosport born March 28 1890
page 20 no 63 May 1 1890 at Gosport Mildred Irene/June daughter of George & Sarah Elizabeth DUKES High Street born March 11 1890
page 20 no 64 May 1 1890 at Gosport Mabel Sarah daughter of George & Elleanor KNIGHT Avenue Road Gosport born March 7 1890
page 21 no 65 May 1 1890 at Gosport Maud Mary daughter of Samuel Henry & Mary Ann CANTLE Avenue Road born March 5 1890
page 21 no 66 May 1 1890 at Gosport Elizabeth daughter of John Edward & Eliza TAYLOR 33 Forton Road Gosport born March 23 1890
page 21 no 67 May 1 1890 at Gosport Olive Louise daughter of Walter & Elizabeth BENNETT High Street Gosport born January 29 1890
page 21 no 68 May 1 1890 at Gosport Ethel Beatrice daughter of Moses Seville & Frances Emma DAVEY Queens's Road Gosport born January 27 1890
page 22 no 69 May 29 1890 at Gosport Ida Lilian daughter of Elijah Adam & Sarah WRIGHT The Beach Gosport born January 2 1890
page 19 no 59 June 4 1890 at Forton Harry son of Joseph & Emma Jane CLIFTON Mill Lane Forton born March 31 1890
page 34 no 117 June 19 1890 at Gosport Daisy daughter of William Joseph & Emma BOUND Asylum cottages Knowle Fareham born February 28 1890
page 34 no 118 June 26 1890 at Gosport Beatrice Mary daughter of John & Emily BREWER 7 Roberts Lane born April 3 1890
page 22 no 70 July 2 1890 at Hardway Gertrude Lucy Florence daughter of Frank & Mary Salisbury SMITH Grove Road Hardway born February 25 1890
page 22 no 71 July 8 1890 at Hardway William son of Thomas & Caroline TILLING Hardway born March 22 1890
page 22 no 72 - 1890 at Hardway Nellie Emmeline daughter of Thomas & Maria Ellen WOODFORD Hardway born May 4 1889
page 23 no 73 - 1890 at Hardway Thomas son of Thomas & Maria Ellen WOODFORD Hardway born May 5 1890
page 34 no 119 July 10 1890 at Gosport Hilda daughter of William & Sarah DASH Gosport born May 18 1890
page 34 no 120 July 10 1890 at Gosport Harold Percy Granville son of Edmund & Betsey DYER Gosport born March 12 1890
page 35 no 121 August 13 1890 at Forton Lilian Annie daughter of Albert Moody & Sarah Ann Louisa HARDING Whitworth Road Forton born July 3 1890
page 35 no 122 August 14 1890 at Gosport Richard William Walter son of Richard Sidney & Elizabeth Jane COLE 11 Roberts Lane Gosport born June 3 1890
page 35 no 123 August 27 1890 at Forton George Arthur son of Arthur & Alice BERRY Alver Road Stoke Road Gosport born December 15 1889
page 23 no 74 September 11 1890 at Gosport Wilfred Richard son of Richard John & Fanny BUTTERS Queen's Road Gosport born July 20 1890
page 23 no 75 September 25 1890 at Gosport Ernest George son of Alfred & Mary Ann GAMBLEN Gosport born August 31 1890
page 23 no 76 October 1 1890 at Hardway Ellen Caroline daughter of Peter & Mary Jane COYNE Hardway born August 19 1890
page 24 no 77 October 1 1890 at Hardway Alice Kate daughter of George Edward & Rosanna JONES Hardway born June 22 1890
page 24 no 78 October 1 1890 at Hardway Oswald George son of George & Emma DYKES Hardway born June 16 1888
page 24 no 79 October 1 1890 at Hardway Ethel Maud daughter of George & Emma DYKES Hardway born May 9 1890
page 24 no 80 October 9 1890 at Gosport William Arthur son of James Oliver & Annie UPFIELD Gosport born September 1 1890
page 25 no 82 October 23 1890 at Gosport Florence daughter of Philip John & Sarah Ann WEAVER Seafield Gosport born September 2 1890
page 25 no 83 October 30 1890 at Gosport Elsie Mabel daughter of Herbert & Rosina Maria LEGG Gosport born September 19 1890
page 35 no 124 November 2 1890 at Hardway Albert William son of William & Keturah Jane THORN Hardway born September 9 1890
page 25 no 84 November 6 1890 Private at Gosport Sarah Jane daughter of William & Mary JONES Gosport born May 18 1890
page 26 no 85 November 13 1890 at Gosport Elsie Eliza daughter of Henry George & Eliza Ann PEARMAN Gosport born September 1 1890
page 26 no 86 November 13 1890 at Gosport Fred son of Fred & Ruth GAMBLEN Gosport born September 4 1890
page 26 no 87 November 19 1890 at Hardway Elizabeth Grace daughter of George Arthur & Elizabeth CHAPLIN Hardway born August 28 1889
page 26 no 88 November 19 1890 at Hardway Lillie Eliza daughter of Thomas & Elizabeth PARHAM Hardway born September 23 1890
page 27 no 89 November 23 1890 at Gosport George Edward son of George & Bessie CHURCHER Gosport born October 24 1890
page 27 no 90 November 26 1890 at Forton Cyril son of Thomas William & Lillie Ann DARBY Gosport born September 2 1890
page 27 no 91 January 11 1891 at Gosport Amelia Madge daughter of James & Amelia NOTLEY Gosport KOYLI born December 5 1890
page 27 no 92 January 11 1891 at Gosport Ada Elizabeth daughter of William & Emily DAY Gosport RMLI born December 10 1890
page 28 no 93 January 11 1891 at Gosport Sarah Jane daughter of William & Annie WILLIAMS Gosport born november 25 1890
page 28 no 94 January 28 1891 at Forton Alfred Henry son of William & Esther PHILLIMORE Forton born December 31 1890
page 28 no 95 February 24 1891 at Forton Winiifred Alice Gertrude daughter of William & Alice Louisa TOVEY Mill Lane Forton born January 8 1891
page 28 no 96 February 24 1891 at Forton Albert Edward George son of George & Ellen COOK Whitworth Road Forton born November 5 1890
page 29 no 97 February 28 1891 at Gosport William Edward son of Edward & Mary Eliza WINGELL 6 Albert St Forton Road KOYLI born February 14 1891
page 29 no 98 March 5 1891 at Gosport Frank Ernest son of George & Jane WILKINS Gosport born december 9 1890
page 29 no 99 March 8 1891 at Forton Eveline Muriel daughter of Herbert Price & Eveline Mary TYRRELL Whitworth Road Forton born February 13 1891
page 29 no 100 March 25 1891 Gertrude Alice daughter of Christopher & Alice Eleanor CALTHORPE Forton RMLI born January 13 1891
page 30 no 101 March 25 1891 at Forton Maude Ethel daughter of Samuel & Mary Ann COLLINS Forton born January 25 1886
page 30no 102 March 25 1891 at Forton Mabel Elizabeth daughter of Frederick William & Mary COLLINS Forton born born February 18 1891
page 30 no 103 April 15 1891 at Forton Richard Edward son of William Edward & Harriett Amelia AVER/S Mill Lane Forton born December 7 1890
page 36 no 125 May 6 1891 at Hardway Egerton Cyril son of Cornelius & Margaret MOUNTIFIELD Hardway born February 19 1891
page 36 no 126 May 6 1891 George Henry son of George Henry & Maria JONES Hardway born January 5 1891
page 30 no 104 May 27 1891 at Gosport May Elizabeth daughter of John & Eliza BRUMMING Coast Guard Station Gosport born May 1 or 7 1891
page 31 no 105 June 10 1891 at Forton William henry son of William James & Emily Ann Tracey LOVETT 3 Vernon Road Forton born February 5 1890
page 31 no 106 June 10 1891 at Forton Edith Annie daughter of Walter Harry & Elizabeth ROBINSON 7 Vernon Road Forton born December 22 1890
page 31 no 107 June 10 1891 at Forton Private Edith Minnie daughter of Alfred John & Charlotte PARKES Zetland road Forton born September 30 1890
page 25 no 81 June 24 1891 at Forton Mabel daughter of William & Amelia Ellen COOPER 6 Gladstone Road Brockhurst born April 15 1891
page 36 no 127 June 25 1891 at Gosport Eliza daughter of Cornelius & Eliza BARNES Chester Place Gosport born December 12 1887
page 36 no 128 June 25 1891 at Gosport Elizabeth Sarah daughter of Cornelius & Sarah BARNES Chester Place Gosport born March 27 1890
page 37 no 129 July 2 1891 at Gosport William George son of Francis Henry & Rosina Eliza GILLARD High Street Gosport born June 11 1891
page 31 no 108 July 15 1891 at Forton Archibald son of Robert & Alice Priscilla McINNES Forton Road born March 4 1891
page 37 no 130 July 16 1891 at Gosport Miriam daughter of Walter Edward George & Miriam MORTIMER North Street Gosport born June 18 1891
page 32 no 109 July 17 1891 at Forton Private Fanny Elizabeth daughter of James RUMBLE of Ann's Hill & Elizabeth Jane ATKINS of Forton born July 12 1891
page 32 no 110 August 6 1891 at Gosport Arthur Ernest son of William Henry & Annie VEAR York Street Gosport born June 21 1891
page 32 no 111 August 6 1891 at Gosport George Frederick son of Henry William Thomas & Eleanor Elizabeth SCOVELL King Street Gosport born June 14 1891
page 32 no 112 August 6 1891 at Gosport Emma Flora daughter of Alfred & Emma HARVEY South Street Gosport born June 14 1891
page 37 no 131 August 9 1891 at Forton Frank Douglas son of Francis George & Ellen Harriett REVANS Forton born May 18 1891
page 33 no 113 August 12 1891 at Forton Eloise Elizabeth Margurite daughter of Harry & Elizabeth Emeline LOWE Harcourt Road Leesland Forton born July 1 1891
page 33 no 114 August 13 1891 at Gosport Frances Thirza daughter of George Kent & Eliza Sophia EXTON 51 Old Road Seafield Gosport born October 23 1890
page 33 no 115 August 13 1891 at Gosport Alexander John son of George Thomas & Emma TREEN 15 Mayfield Road Gosport born June 9 1891
page 33 no 116 August 13 1891 at Gosport Frederick William son of William Edwin & Minnie KING Purfleet Essex born April 17 1891
page 37 no 132 September 17 1891 at Gosport Elsie Florence Marchment daughter of David & Florence Elizabeth CO-ELL Little Beach Gosport born August 19 1891
page 38 no 133 September 29 1891 at Gosport Percy Reuben son of John Charles & Sarah Jane CROSS Leonard Road Forton born August 12 1891
page 38 no 134 October 14 1891 at Forton Clara Louisa daughter of Robert & Hannah Mary WALSH Mill Lane Forton born September 15 1891
page 38 no 136 October 21 1891 at Hardway Louisa Emily daughter of George Arthur & Elizabeth CHAPLIN Hardway born September 7 1891
page 38 no 135 October 27 1891 at Gosport James Henry son of Robert & Emily HEWETT Clarence Buildings Gosport
page 39 no 137 November 26 1891 at Gosport Edward son of James Oliver & Annie UPFIELD Gosport born September 28 1891
page 39 no 138 November 28 1891 at Gosport James William Samuel Thomas son of James & Harriett Priscilla MARCHETT Henry Street Gosport born November 7 1891
page 39 no 139 January 10 1892 at Forton Albert William son of Albert Moody & Sarah Ann Louisa HARDING Whitworth Road Forton born October 31 1891
page 39 no 140 January 28 1892 at Gosport Hilda May daughter of John Hill & Ada Millicent TAMPSON 5 Bears? Square North Street Gosport born January 3 1892
page 40 no 143 March 13 1892 at Gosport Martha Amy Elizabeth daughter of James William & Mary Emilina EDWARDS Gosport born February 13 1892
page 40 no 141 March 17 1892 at Gosport Stephen Lancelot son of Stephen Daniel & Ada Harriett RAY Gosport born February 6 1892
page 40 no 142 March 17 1892 at Gosport Percy Ernest Granville son of Allen and Ellen Eliza HOLMES Gosport born December 25 1891
page 40 no 144 March 30 1892 at Forton William George son of Christopher & Christina THOMAS Leesland Road Forton born February 5 1892
page 41 no 145 March 30 1892 at Hardway Ella Frances daughter of William Henry & Fanny Catherine ROGERS Hardway born November 7 1891
page 41 no 146 April 15 1892 at Hardway Henry son of William & Keturah Jane T/HORN Hardway born March 3 1892
page 41 no 147 April 15 1892 at Hardway Olive Alinda daughter of Isaac & Ellen HOBBS Hardway born January 30 1892
page 41 no 148 April 15 1892 at Hardway Johanna daughter of James & Alinda STEVENS Hardway born November 21 1891
page 42 no 149 April 13 1892 at Forton William Ewart son of James & Sarah Jane SMITH Mill Lane Forton born February 28 1892
page 42 no 150 April 13 1892 at Forton Mary Ellen daughter of William & Elizabeth Hannah PORTER Russell St Forton born March 9 1892
page 42 no 151 April 27 1892 at Forton Harold son of Philip John & Sarah Ann WEAVER Whitworth Road Forton born December 12 1891
page 42 no 152 April 27 1892 at Forton Charlotte Norah daughter of Alfred John & Charlotte PARKES Pelham Road Forton born March 21 1892
page 43 no 153 May 5 1892 at Gosport Thomas son of Thomas & Margaret WHITE Leesland Road Forton born April 8 1892
page 43 no 154 May 5 1892 at Gosport Harold son of Moses Saville & Emma Frances DAVEY Queen's Road Gosport born December 23 1891
page 43 no 155 June 16 1892 at Gosport Victor George son of Victor Emmanuel & Harriett Jane OSBORNE Gosport born November 20 1891
page 43 no 156 June 16 1892 at Gosport Leonard Ralph George son of Henry David & Mary Ann DASH Gosport born May 24 1892
page 44 no 157 June 19 1892 at Forton Winifred Evelyn daughter of Frederick Neslie & Fanny Jessie GIBBARD Forton born April 3 1892
page 44 no 158 June 19 1892 at Forton Jessie Matilda daughter of Frederick Neslie & Fanny Jessie GIBBARD born Forton October 13 1887
page 44 no 159 June 22 1892 at Forton Mabel daughter of Arthur & Jane Elizabeth MOODY Upper Mill Lane Elson born June 1 1892
page 44 no 160 July 5 1892 at Forton Charles Edward son of Thomas Moon & Mary Jane LYNAS RMLI Military water works Forton born May 7 1892
page 45 no 161 July 5 1892 at Forton Beatrice Facey daughter of William Facey & Louisa RENDLE RMLI Queen's Road Stoke Road born May1/7 1892
page 45 no 162 July 5 1892 at Forton John Berry son of John & Catherine Amelia JACKSON RMLI Military water works Forton born September 4 1891
page 45 no 163 July 14 1892 at Forton Lena Millicent Annie daughter of Richard & Fanny BUTTER Queen's Road Stoke Road born April 3 1892
page 45 no 164 August 10 1892 at Hardway Minnie daughter of Thomas & Ellen WOODFORD Netley Southampton born June 16 1892
page 46 no 165 August 17 1892 at Forton William Charles son of James & Eliza Mary WINGHAM Elson born July 24 1892
page 46 no 166 August 17 1892 at Forton Robert Clyde son of Daniel Peter & Sarah Louisa MILLS Gomer House Gomer Lane Alverstoke born October 22 1891
page 46 no 167 August 17 1892 at Forton Ernest Christopher son of Christopher & Alice Eleanor CALTHORPE Whitworth Road Forton born May 28 1892
page 46 no 168 August 17 1892 at Forton Edith Margaret daughter of James & Sarah Jane SMITH Upper Mill Lane Gosport born October 19 1887
page 47 no 169 August 17 1892 at Forton Mabel Elizabeth daughter of Frederick & Sarah Emily NOTTING Upper Mill Lane Gosport born August 26 1891
page 47 no 170 August 17 1892 at Forton Alfred William son of Frederick William & Sarah Emily NOTTING Upper Mill Lane Gosport born September 27 1890
page 47 no 171 October 20 1892 William Henry son of William & Annie WILLIAMS Stoke Road Gosport born September 12 1892
page 47 no 172 November 19 1892 Elsie Florence daughter of Charles John & Ellen Jane SMALL North St Gosport born September 25 1892
page 48 no 173 December 7 1892 Minnie Eveline daughter of William & Amelia Ellen COOPER Brockhurst born August 11 1892
page 48 no 174 December 8 1892 Dorothy Daisy daughter of Robert Larcombe Leopold & Sarah Anne Jane RUSSELL Forton born November 7 1892
page 48 no 175 January 5 1893 Hedley John son of Leonard John & Laura Susannah PARHAM Forton born October 29 1892
page 48 no 176 January 12 1893 Dorothy May daughter of Charles Philip & Mary Ann EMINGTON Forton born November 10 1902
page 49 no 180 March 1 1893 Amy Maria daughter of Peter &Mary Jane COYNE Hardway born February 5 1893
page 50 no 181 March 1 1893 Lilian Charlotte daughter of George & Ellen PARHAM Hardway born January 18 1893
page 49 no 177 March 5 1893 Ethel May daughter of William Henry & Emily Sophia FLUX Forton born January 4 1893
page 49 no 178 March 15 1893 Charles Archibald son of William J & Sarah Lavinia WILKS Forton born September 21 1890
page 49 no 179 March 15 1893 Martha Ann daughter of William J & Sarah Lavinia WILKS Forton born January 1 1893
page 50 no 182 March 23 1893 Letitia Lily daughter of Robert & Ruth FARROW Hartington Road Forton born February 2 1893
page 50 no 183 April 9 1893 Rose Emily daughter of John & Eliza BRIMMING Coast Guard Station Gosport born March 3 1893
page 50 no 184 April 13 1893 Daisy daughter of Richard & Catherine LIGHT Leonard Road Gosport born March 13 1893
page 51 no 185 April 26 1893 Frederick Arthur son of William Edward & Mary Jane LONG Harcourt Road Forton born March 10 1893
page 51 no 186 April 27 1893 Frederick William son of George & Mary Jane NEWBERY Mayfield Road Gosport Born December - 1892
page 52 no 187 April 27 1893 Emily Louisa daughter of George Kent & Alice Sophia EXTON Seafield Gosport born January 25 1893
page 51 no 188 May 3 1893 Mary Elizabeth daughter of George Henry & Maria JONES Hardway born February 26 1893
page 52 no 190 May 24 1893 Everard son of Thomas William & Mary Ann EVERITT Forton born October 13 1892
page 52 no 189 May 30 1893 Clara Gertrude daughter of Alfred & Clara BAILEY Hardway born February 2 1893
page 53 no 193 July 5 1893 Annie Elizabeth daughter of James & Elizabeth Jane RUMBEL Forton born April 25 1893
page 52 no 191 August 9 1893 Angus William son of William Angus & Ennetta ALCOTT Hardway born May 8 1893
page 52 no 192 August 27 1893 Frederick William son of James William & Mary Emiline EDWARDS Westmeon Hants born August 7 1893
page 53 no 194 September 3 1893 William Henry son of William & Georgina OTHEN Forton born July 8 1893
page 53 no 195 September 7 1893 Dorothy Gladys daughter of George & Sarah Elizabeth DUKES High Street Gosport born May 8 1893
page 53 no 196 September 21 1893 Emily daughter of Walter & Emma LONG Crambury Rd Gosport born June 22 1893
page 54 no 197 September 27 1893 Elsie daughter of Albert Moody & Sarah Ann Louise HARDING Forton born August 11 1893
page 54 no 198 October 5 1893 Edith May daughter of Francis Henry & Rosina Eliza GILLARD High Street born July 21 1893
page 54 no 199 October 13 1893 Charles son of Eli & Emma KNEE Victoria St Forton Road Gosport born April 2 1884
page 54 no 200 December 6 1893 Mary Louise daughter of Thomas William & Lillie Ann DARBY Shaftesbury Road Gosport born September 23 1893
page 55 no 201 December 7 1893 George Henry son of William & Louisa RENDLE Browndown Camp born November 11 1893
page 55 no 202 December 7 1893 Sydney James son of James Thomas & Emma Smith ARM Haslar St Gosport born October 11 1893
page 55 no 203 December 20 1893 Leonard William son of Henry & Lucy PETTY Forton born September 25 1893
page 55 no 204 February 22 1894 Gertrude Alice daughter of Samuel Henry & Mary Ann CANTLE Avenue Road born November 5 1893
page 56 no 205 March 14 1894 Claud son of James Barocliffe & Annie ARNOTT Forton born December 25 1893
page 56 no 206 March 14 1894 Leonard son of James Barocliffe & Annie ARNOTT Forton born July 17 1887
page 56 no 207 March 15 1894 James Leopold son of Joseph James & Susanna Margaret FISHER Shaftesbury Road Gosport born January 25 1894
page 56 no 208 March 15 1894 Violet Gladys daughter of Joseph James & Susanna Margaret FISHER Shaftesbury Road Gosport born January 25 1894
page 57 no 209 March 28 1894 Violet daughter of Clifford & Emily HALL Mill Lane Gosport born November 24 1893
page 57 no 210 March 29 1894 Franks son of James Oliver & Annie UPFIELD North Street Gosport born January 17 1894
page 57 no 211 May 23 1894 Archibald Cecil son of Daniel Peter & Sarah Louisa MILLS Gomer Cottage Alverstoke born September 9 1893
page 57 no 212 May 30 1894 Cyril Giles son of William Henry & Fanny Catherine ROGERS Hardway born February 8 1894
page 58 no 213 June 10 1894 Frederick Horton son of Thomas Henry ? & Mary Jane LYNAS Forton born May 5 1894
page 58 no 214 June 14 1894 ? ? (too faint too read all entry) daughter of George & Mary Jane ----BURY Seafield Gosport born March 7 1894
page 58 n 215 June 21 1894 Dorothy Gertrude daughter of Charles John & Ellen Jane SMALL North Street Gosport born April 30 1894
page 58 no 216 August 15 1894 Kathleen Edith Rebecca daughter of Ernest George & Emily Charlotte BREWER Bury Cross Gosport born August 2 1894
page 59 no 217 September 6 1894 Martha Harriet daughter of Albert Edward & Susan JONES Gosport born June 27 1894
page 59 no 218 September 21 1894 Mabel Patty Helena daughter of William James & Ellen Nora MOORE Coast Guard Station Alverstoke born August 11 1894
page 59 no 219 October 1 1894 Arthur son of William & Keturah Jane HORN Brockhurst born August 13 1894
page 59 no 220 October 23 1894 Florence Henrietta daughter of George & Edith SOPER Stokes Bay born September 16 1894
page 60 no 221 November 28 1894 Lavinia Ellen daughter of Isaac & Ellen HOBBS Priddy's Hard Gosport born October 26 1894
page 60 no 222 November 29 1894 Guy Neville son of Harry & Annie ROBERTS Gosport born November 9 1894
page 60 no 223 no entry
page 60 no 224 December 12 1894 Florence Victoria Sarah daughter of George & Emma DYKES Hardway born April 10 1892
page 61 no 225 December 12 1894 William Edward Athelstan son of George & Emma DYKES Hardway born August 17 1894
page 61 no 226 December 20 1894 Walter son of Walter & Emma LONG Gosport born October 26 1894
page 61 no 227 January 16 1895 Violet Kate daughter of Alfred John & Charlotte PARKES Leesland Road Forton born October 17 1894
page 61 no 228 January 30 1895 Frank son of William & Esther PHILLIMORE Forton born December 30 1894
page 62 no 229 February 28 1895 Norman James son of George & Sarah Elizabeth DUKES High Street Gosport born September 17 1894
page 62 no 230 March 7 1895 Francis Edward son of William & Annie WILLIAMS Stoke Road Gosport born February 7 1894
page 62 no 231 April 10 1895 William Charles son of Charles & Alice HACKMAN Forton born January 2 1895
page 62 no 232 May 8 1895 Elsie Nellie daughter of Francis George & Ellen Harriet REVANS Forton born April 6 1895
page 63 no 233 May 8 1895 Agnes Cecila daughter of Frederick & Jessie GIBBARD Forton born August 14 1894
page 63 no 234 May 8 1895 Wilfred James son of James & Kate MUNDEY Forton born January 24 1895
page 63 no 235 July 9 1895 Alfred George son of Alfred & Clara BAILEY Hardway born February 19 1895
page 63 no 236 October 31 1895 William James Ralph son of Thomas & Mary Alice BLAND Forton Barracks born August 13 1895
page 64 no 238 September 8 1895 Frederick Henry son of George William & Ellen Amelia BROCK Forton born September 21 1891
page 64 no 239 September 8 1895 Helen Maud daughter of George William & Ellen Amelia BROCK Forton born August 3 1895
page 64 no 237 September 12 1895 Harold Edmund Reginald son of Allan & Ellen Eliza HOLMES High St Gosport born May 31 1895
page 64 no 240 September 30 1895 Henry James Arthur son of Henry & Charlotte MARSHALL 1 Albert St Gosport born July 3 1895
page 65 no 241 December 1 1895 Hetty Ellen Maud daughter of Luke & Hetty STAFFORD Ann's Hill born October 31 1895
page 65 no entry
page 65 no 243 December 11 1895 Lilian daughter of William Henry & Frances PHILLIPS Hardway born October 30 1895
page 65 no 244 December 11 1895 Lily Helena daughter of Ernest Frederick & Caroline BROMLEY Hardway born March 31 1895
page 66 no 246 December 1 1895 Archibald Leonard son of Alfred & Annie RENDLE Mill Lane born November 7 1895
page 66 no 245 December 11 1895 Violet Lucy daughter of James BLAKE & Lucy HITCHCOCK Hardway born July 19 1895
page 66 no 247 February 23 1896 Christopher son of Walter Louis & Frances Sarah HOUGHTON Gosport born January 25 1896
page 67 no 249 April 8 1896 Edith Ada daughter of Charles & Gertrude Lily HARRIS 3 Albert St Gosport born March 15 1896
page 67 no 250 May 6 1896 Kate daughter of Harry & Alice Ellen FUGE 206 Forton Road Gosport born April 17 1896
page 67 no 251 June 3 1896 James Bernard George son of James & Sarah Jane SMITH Mill Lane Gosport born March 14 1896
page 67 no 252 June 11 1896 Ruth Ella daughter of Harry Greenaway & Ruth COLE 10 Queen's Park Estate Kilburn born March 5 1894
page 68 no 253 June 12 1896 Lavinia daughter of Harry Greenaway & Ruth COLE 10 Queen's Park Estate Kilburn born May 22 1896
page 68 no 256 July 9 1896 Katherine Emilie daughter of Benjamin Alfred & Lavinia KENT Hevenshaw St Gosport born April 19 1896
page 69 no 260 July 9 1896 Albert Victor Charles son of Charles & Kate DYKE 6 Exton Place Albert St born April 16 1896
page 68 no 254 September 18 1896 Elizabeth Florence daughter of Albert Edward & Susan JONES King St Gosport born August 21 1896
page 68 no 255 September 20 1896 Violet Ada Bertha daughter of William Henry & Ada Emma HAYMAN 116 Leesland Road Gosport born June 14 1896
page 69 no 257 September 24 1896 Doris Laura daughter of Leonard John & Laura Susannah PARHAM Camden Town Gosport
page 69 no 258 September 24 1896 Leslie Walter son of Walter & Elizabeth Ann MORGAN Clarence Road Gosport born February 8 1896
page 70 no 261 October 14 1896 Louisa Amelia daughter of George & Emma DYKES Hardway born September 4 1896
page 69 no 259 October 29 1896 Arthur Stanley son of John & Alice WATTS 96 Mayfield Road born August 14 1896
page 66 no 248 December 29 1896 Rhoda daughter of Albert Moody & Sarah Ann Louisa HARDING Whitworth Road Gosport born November 4 1895
page 70 no 264 February 28 1897 George Henry son of William & Alice TOVEY Mill Lane Gosport born January 6 1896
page 70 no 262 March 9 1897 John son of James & Mary Jane HOLLIDAY Hardway born December 8 1896
page 71 no 265 March 18 1897 Nora Frances Hicklin daughter of Robert & Ellen Eliza WOOD 7 7 Brune Terrace Gosport born February 27 1897
page 70 no 263 April 7 1897 Eda Elizabeth daughter of George Mitchell & Eda Henrietta ENGLAND 145 Leesland Road Gosport born February 21 1897
page 71 no 266 April 21 1897 Millicent Louise daughter of William Tracey & Louisa RUNDLE Harcourt Road Gosport born November 2 1897
page 71 no 267 May 27 1897 Reginald Alfred son of Benjamin Alfred & Lavinia HUNT Elmhurst Road Gosport born November 22 1897
page 71 no 268 June 10 1897 Gertrude May daughter of William & Lucy MEAGER 4 Newland Terrace Gosport born May 5 1897
page 72 no 269 June 16 1897 Percy -icton son of Edward & Mary Ann HOUNSELL 7 Station Road Brockhurst born April 10 1897
page 72 no 270 June 16 1897 Winifred May daughter of Alfred & Annie RENDLE Mill Lane Gosport born April 17 1897
page 72 no 271 June 17 1897 Leonard Alfred ---cto- son of Allen & Ellen Eliza HOLMES High St Gosport born April 7 1897
page 72 no 272 June 17 1897 Leonard William son of William Henry & Emma Ada COLLIER Bricklayer born May 12 1897
page 73 no 273 August 1 1897 Nelson son of James Oliver & Annie UPFIELD Gosport born October 2 1896
page 73 no 274 August 22 1897 Catherine daughter of Richard & Catherine LIGHT Leonard Road Gosport born February 12 1897
page 73 no 275 November 14 1897 Philip John son of Philip & Elizabeth Ann RUT--- Albert St Gosport born October 25 1897
page 73 no 276 November 14 1897 Frederick George son of Frederick John & Sarah Ann VARNDELL Hardway born October 6 1897
page 74 no 277 November 14 1897 David son of Alfred & Clara BAILEY Hardway born June 9 1897
page 74 no 278 November 14 1897 Adolphus Bertie James son of John & Georgiana ROUSE Hardway born November 2 1884
page 74 no 279 November 14 1897 Florence Lucy daughter of John & Georgiana ROUSE Hardway born November 8 1888
page 74 no 280 November 14 1897 Norman Horatio son of John & Georgiana ROUSE Hardway born December 6 1890
page 75 no 281 November 14 1897 Maud Florence daughter of James & Alice CASSE Hardway born November 5 1888
page 75 no 282 November 14 1897 Beatrice Mable daughter of James & Alice CASSE Hardway born December 28 1891
page 75 no 283 November 14 1897 Edgar Alfred son of James & Alice CASSE Hardway born February 20 1893
page 75 no 284 January 12 1898 George James son of George Alfred & Mary POAR 16 Russell St born November 7 1897
page 76 no 285 February 1 1898 Edward James -en----ings son of Richard ? & Elizabeth FROST Plumstead born January 19 1898
page 76 no 286 March 1 1898 George James son of Harry & Alice Kate JESSEY Hardway born November 17 1897
page 76 no 287 March 6 1898 Winifred Alice daughter of Ernest & Augusta Ann GAMBLEN 77 Avenue Road born December 16 1897
page 76 no 288 March 22 1898 Winifred Maud daughter of George & Edith Mary SOPER Stokes Bay born January 7 1898
page 77 no 289 April 20 1898 Ellen Wicken daughter of Robert & Ellen WOOD 7 Brougham St born May 25 1898
page 77 no 290 April 27 1898 Alice Mary daughter of Henry & Annie HELVERT Hardway born February 9 1898
page 77 no 291 April 28 1898 Cyril son of Isaac & Sarah Alice NURSE South St Gosport born February 28 1898
page 77 no 292 July 13 1898 Frederick Philip George son of Frederick William & Emily TEMPLE Gosport born June 24 1898
page 78 no 293 July 14 1898 Kathleen Mary daughter of Fred & Ruth GAMBLEN Portland born April 28 1898
page 78 no 294 October 11 1898 Rhoda Esther Maria daughter of George & Maria JOHNS Hardway born August 26 1898
page 78 no 295 October 19 1898 Percy son of Walter & Martha PRESKETT Forton born September 23 1898
page 78 no 296 November 17 1898 Donald Malcolm son of James & Elizabeth HOUSTON North St Gosport born August 2 1898
page 79 no 297 February 19 1899 William Robert Moss son of Robert & Agnes RUSSELL 277 Forton road born March 5 1898
page 79 no 298 February 23 1899 Dorothy Mary daughter of George & Anne LEGG 4 Harcourt Road Forton born December 23 1898
page 79 no 299 February 23 1899 Daisy May daughter of Charles Thomas & Annie MEAKINS Fratton born Apri; 28 1893
page 79 no 300 February 23 1899 Ethel Marion daughter of Charles Thomas & Annie MEAKINS Fratton born November 26 1898
page 80 no 301 April 26 1899 Reginald George son of Alfred George & Florence Emily GOODALL 12 Cottage Grove Forton born February 24 1899
page 80 no 302 April 26 1899 Violet Grace daughter of George Henry & Sarah Elizabeth LUCAS 14 Cottage Grove Forton born March 21 1899
page 80 no 303 May 2 1899 Emma Margery Sabrina daughter of William Henry & Mary Jane LONG Hardway born August 31 1898
page 80 no 304 May 4 1899 Percival Alfred son of Alfred & Annie RENDLE San Diego Rd Forton born February 24 1899
page 81 no 305 May 18 1899 John Henry son of George & Elizabeth Kate DOUGLAS Gosport born August 15 1898
page 81 no 306 June 11 1899 Oliver John son of James Oliver & Annie UPFIELD North St Gosport born October 9 1898
page 81 no 307 June 14 1899 Lilian Gladys Rebecca daughter David Charles & Kate DYKE Albert St Forton born April 6 1899
page 81 no 308 July 13 1899 Eileen Eva daughter of Edward Arthur & Emma Jane ATKINSON New Barracks Gosport born June 13 1899
page 82 no 309 August 17 1899 Dora Nellie daughter of George & Nellie COLLINS Gosport born May 1 6 1899
page 82 no 310 October 19 1899 Hilda May daughter of Thomas & Alice Maud NEWTON Forton born August 2 1899
page 82 no 311 November 5 1899 Annie Marie Jane daughter of Henry James & Annie HARLOW Elmhurst Road Queens Road Gosport born August 2 1897
page 82 no 312 November 5 1899 Clarissa Edith daughter of Henry James & Annie HARLOW Elmhurst Road Gosport born August 30 1899
page 83 no 313 November 12 1899 Samuel Arthur Frederick son of Benjamin Alfred & Lavinia KENT Elmhurst Road Gosport born September 9 1899
page 83 no 314 November 12 1899 Alice Mary daughter of Josiah & Sarah Alice NURSE Gosport born May - 1899
page 83 no 315 January 9 1900 Ethel May daughter of Frederick William & Mary COLLINS 19 Russell Street Forton Gosport born December 4 1899
page 83 no 316 March 29 1900 George Fred son of John Thomas & Johannah Helena BARLEN 15 North Street Gosport born January 10 1900
page 84 no 317 April 10 1900 (Lees Lane chapel) Hilda Amy daughter of Robert WICKEN & Ellen Eliza WOOD 7 Bingham Street Forton Gosport born December 22 1899
page 84 no 318 April 19 1900 Gladys Matilda Alice daughter of John Henry & Mary Ann GAMBLEN 87 Queens Road born March 23 1900
page 84 June 24 1900 Kathleen Rhoda daughter of John frederick & Millicent Annie MAY 89 Queens Road Gosport May 5 1900
page 84 July 4 1900 Ethel Charlotte Elizabeth daughter of Harry & Alice Kate JESSEY Hardway born June 20 1900
page 85 no 321 July 19 1900 William George son of George William & Esther HOUGHTON 42 King Street Portsea born May 10 1900
page 85 no 322 August 5 1900 George Alfred son of Alfred George & Sophia BARNES 14 Roberts Lane Gosport born June 24 1900
page 85 no 323 September 11 1900 Mildred Isobel daughter of Tom & Matilda PARKMAN 28 Leonard Road Forton born June 24 1900
page 85 no 324 September 23 1900 Godfrey Edmund Alfred son of Allen & Ellen Eliza HOLMES 49 High St Gosport born July 31 1900
page 86 no 325 September 30 1900 Minnie daughter of Thomas & Maria Ellen WOODFORD 23 Grove Road Hardway born June 18 1892
page 86 no 326 September 30 1900 William son of Thomas & Maria Ellen WOODFORD 23 Grove Road Hardway born August 18 1893
page 86 no 327 September 30 1900 Margaret Emma daughter of Thomas & Maria Ellen WOODFORD 23 Grove Road Hardway born June 27 1898
page 86 no 328 September 30 1900 Charles son of Thomas & Maria Ellen WOODFORD 23 Grove Road Hardway born January 10 1900
page 87 no 329 October 2 1900 Amy Winifred daughter of Richard & Catherine LIGHT Leonard Road Forton born September 5 1900
page 87 no 330 October 2 1900 Robert Victor son of Ernest & Alice Kate THOMPSIN Forton born May 25 1900
page 87 no 331 October 4 1900 Florence Emily Bessie daughter of George & Mary Ann COOK North St Gosport born July 3
page 87 no 332 October 1900 Elsie Annie daughter of Alfred & Annie REU-H San Diego Rd Forton born July 11
page 88 no 333 October 11 1900 Ruby Eva daughter of Wellwood S & Harriet E GARDNER 6 Woodstock Rd Gosport born September 4 1900
page 88 no 334 October 18 1900 Horace Pretoria son of Walter & Elizabeth Ann MORGAN Clarence Rd Gosport born June 9 1900
page 88 no 335 November 11 1900 Iris Lily daughter of Alfred & Clara BAILEY Hardway born August 19 1900
page 88 no 336 November 18 1900 Violet Elizabeth Maud daughter of George & Mary POAR 16 Russell St Gosport born November 19 1900
page 89 no 338 December 4 1900 Arthur Samuel Redvers son of Phillip James & Elizabeth Ann RUTKIN Alma St Forton born October 11 1900
page 89 no 339 Victoria Alexandra Ellen daughter of Francis Henry & Elizabeth Louisa LEADER 126 Whitworth Rd Forton born Feb 10 1901
page 89 no 340 May 21 1901 Frank Edward son of George Mitchell & Eda Henrietta ENGLAND 2 Corronada Rd Forton born 19 Mar 1901
page 90 no 341 July 9 1901 Irene Beatrice Kellaway daughter of William J & Florence Kate Magree SWAILES 10 Camden Road Forton born 26 May 1901
page 90 no 342 August 11 1901 John Kenneth son of John & Millicent Annie MAY 89 Queens Road Gosport born 26 June 1901
page 90 no 343 September 24 1901 Lilian Beatrice daughter of Henry George & Ada Ellen CANTLE 81 Avenue Road Gosport born 19 July 1901
page 90 no 344 October 1 1901 Ivy Kathleen daughter of George & Nellie COLLINS North Street Gosport born 13 July 1901
page 91 o 345 October 8 1901 Olive daughter of George & Annie Kate LANCE 92 Avenue Road Gosport born 6 Sept 1901
page 91 no 346 October 15 1901 Dorothy Ada daughter of Robert & Alice NORTH 4 Park Street Forton born 19 July 1901
page 91 no 347 November 10 1901 Albert Edward son of Alfred & Alice Elizabeth SMITH Fort Monckton born 21 October 1901
page 91 no 348 January 28 1902 Irene Kate daughter of George & Ann LEGG 113 Leesland Road Forton born 10 ? 1901
page 92 no 349 January 30 1902 George Lewis Albert son of William Henry & Jane SLEAMEN 8 Vernon Road Gosport born 6 Dec 1894
page 92 no 350 January 30 1902 Olive May daughter of William & Jane SLEAMEN 8 Vernon Road Forton born 23 Jan 1898
page 92 no 351 February 6 1902 Annie Cecilia daughter of John & Mary Jane HALLAN 44 Henry St Gosport born 18 Nov 1901
page 92 no 352 February 18 1902 Leslie Frederick son of Leslie Frederick & Jessie Fanny GIBBARD 55 Leesland Rd Forton born 28 Dec 1895
page 93 no 353 February 18 1902 Bertram Cecil son of Leslie Frederick & Jessie Fanny GIBBARD 55 Leesland Rd Forton born 13 Dec 1898
page 93 no 354 February 18 1902 Ida Gladys daughter of Leslie Frederick & Jessie Fanny GIBBARD 55 Leesland Rd Forton born 18 Nov 1901
page 93 no 355 March 23 1902 Vida Christine daughter of Walter & Martha HUMBY 54 Park Rd Forton born 26 Dec 1901
page 93 no 356 May 27 1902 Evelyn Florence daughter of William & Georgina JONES Gladstone Cottages Hardway born 5 Mar 1902
page 94 no 357 August 21 1902 George Frederick William son of George Frederick & Charlotte Ann DRAKE 13 Orford Lane Warrington Lancs born 18 June 1902
page 94 no 358 September 16 1902 Ernest Edward son of Ernest George & Eliza Jane BREWER 10 Priory Rd Alverstoke born June 26 1902
page 94 no 359 September 25 1902 Gladys Winifred daughter of Richard & Lilian Maud HILL Fort Monckton born July 30 1902
page 94 no 360 September 28 1902 Frank Edward son of Benjamin Alfred & Lavinia KENT 32 Sydney Road born Aug 4 1902
page 95 no 361 October 19 1902 Edward Seville son of Moses Seville & Frances Emma DAVEY Avenue Road born Aug 10 1902
page 95 no 362 October 30 1902 Constance Annie daughter of Henry Richard & Annie EAVES 58 Whitworth Rd born Aug 20 1902
page 95 no 363 November 4 1902 Elsie Grace Rundle daughter of William & Florence SWAILES 19 Camden St Forton born Aug 12 1902
page 95 no 364 January 11 1903 Lily Alexandra Bessie daughter of Wm George & Edith Mary ABBOTT 4 Hobbs Passage Gosport born Oct 2 1902
page 96 no 365 January 20 1903 Phyllis Evelyn daughter of Thomas & Alice Maud NEWTON Forton born Nov 18 1902
page 96 no 366 January 28 1903 Willie Charles son of George & Emma DYKES Hardway born May 27 1899
page 96 no 367 January 28 1903 Albert Alexander son of George & Emma DYKES Hardway born Sept 10 1902
page 96 no 368 February 17 1903 Richard son of Richard & Ellen Eliza WICKENWOOD Forton born Nov 23 1902
page 97 no 369 February 17 1903 Lucy Marguerita daughter of Joseph James & Lucy HOOPER Forton born Nov 23 1902
page 97 no 370 May 24 1903 Edward son of Robert & Miriam McGINLEY Alverstoke born March 5 1903
page 97 no 371 June 30 1903 Robert Frank son of Robert & Alice Emma NORTH Forton born May 2 1903
page 97 no 372 July 9 1903 Eleanor Mary daughter of William & Eleanor BEATTIE Gosport born May 19 1901
page 98 no 373 July 9 1903 Alice May daughter of William & Eleanor BEATTIE Gosport born May 2 1902
page 98 no 374 July 21 1903 Frank Stewart son of George & Annie LEGG Leesland born June 26 1903
page 98 no 375 October 12 1902! Ernest John son of Ernest Watts & Winifred Kate HARRIS Gosport born July 25 1902
page 98 no 376 September 17 1903 Evelyn daughter of John Henry & Mary Jane HALLAM Gosport born July 19 1903
page 99 no 377 September 15 1903 Thomas Edward son of Thomas & Ellen LEE Forton born Aug 26 1903
page 99 no 378 September 15 1903 Edward James son of Frederick & Mary COLLINS Forton born July 4 1903
page 99 no 379 September 15 1903 Dorothy May daughter of Alfred John & Charlotte PARKES Forton born July 16 1903
page 99 no 380 August 23 1903 Lawrence Herbert son of Thomas Herbert & Edith Mary WILLOUGHBY Gosport born July 28 1903
page 100 no 381 September 27 1903 John Walters son of Charles & Alma MASON Gosport born Sept 10 1903
page 100 no 382 October 7 1903 Samuel son of Frederick & Ann GUNDELL Hardway born Ap 4 1902
page 100 no 383 October 20 1903 Violet Ethel May daughter of William & Frances Georgina BRICKWOOD Forton born Aug 15 1903
page 100 no 384 November 11 1903 William Thomas son of William Graham & Ellen HANNAH Hardway born Nov 12 1902
page 101 no 385 November 26 1903 Percy son of Walter & Eliz'th Ann MORGAN 7 Clarence Rd Gosport born June 27 1903
page 101 no 386 January 14 1904 Adeline Mary daughter of Walter & Georgina Mary WATTS 67 Queens Rd Gosport born July 1 1903
page 101 no 387 February 19 1904 Reginald Frederick son of Edward James & Emily Mary May PINK 28 Chapel Street Hardway born Nov 29 1903
page 101 no 388 March 23 1904 Frederick John son of Walter & Kate CROWE Hardway born Dec 29 1903
page 102 no 389 March 23 1904 Esther daughter of Alfred & Clara BAILEY Hardway born Dec 19 1903
page 102 no 390 April 26 1904 William Charles son of Leslie Frederic & Fanny Jessie GIBBARD Forton born Feb 26 1904
page 102 no 391 May 4 1904 Reginald Belmont son of Harry & Sarah TERRY Hardway born April 10 1904
page 102 no 392 May 4 1904 Lily Harriett daughter of Alexander Charles & Harriett HAYES Hardway born April 5 1904
page 103 no 393 May 18 1904 Kathleen Olive daughter of William Edward Ernest & Olive Elizabeth NOTTING St Cloud Hardway born April 5 1904
page 103 no 394 May 22 1904 Ernest William son of William & Lucy MEAGER Forton born April 26 1904
page 103 no 395 June 23 1904 Nellie Rosa daughter of Henry Edward & Ann Mary DUNKINSON Gosport born May 19 1904
page 103 no 396 July 19 1904 Elizabeth Preston daughter of Ernest George & Eliza Jane BREWER Forton born July 1 1904
page 104 no 397 August 2 1904 Dorothy daughter of Walter & Martha PRESKETT Forton born July 6 1904
page 104 no 398 August 2 1904 Kenneth Alfred Herbert son of Herbert M & Jessie May JONES Hardway born March 10 1903
page 104 no 399 August 2 1904 Sidney Ernest son of Herbert M & Jessie May JONES Hardway born June 5 1904
page 104 no 400 September 13 1904 Dora daughter of George & Amelia CHANNON Forton born Aug 14
Ann BOWERS & Thomas KERBY December 11 1640
Edward TALLEY & Martha HYAR March 30 1689
Richard SAVILLE & Mary LILLIE April 12 1711
John FORPELAT? & Sarah RAGG April 12 1711
Tobias DRAKE & Eliz EMALE April 12 1711
Arthur STARKES & Eliz WEBB May 4 1711
William MONDAY & Anne MORLEY? May 7 1711
John LAMB? & Mary ALFORD May 14 1711
Thomas TANGLEY & Mary MALLETT May 15 1711
Edward TANNER & Francis WILSON June 7 1711
Cornelius SLATER & Alice GARDINER June 8 1711
George O SMITH & Mary FORDER June 10 1711
Christopher JOHNSON & Hester HANCOCK July 1 1711
?Richard HELLIER & Catherine BICKERNELL July 1? 1711
John DARWIN & Mary MARTANDER? July 1? 1711
Christopher DANDY & Anne CRUTCHLEY Aug 2 1711
John WEST & Margaret ? Aug 2 1711
George PITTMAN & Rachel ----TMAN Aug 2 1711
Henry WHEATLAND & Martha PLOWMAN Aug 2 1711
James CURLE & Elizabeth WARREN Aug 29 1717
Colling SQUIBB & Susannah PINK April 05 1734
William PINK & Martha WAGGON April 24 1734
John LOADER & Mary BUCHELL May 07 1738
Richard SUAT & Mary SAUNDERS Mar 3 1740/1
John WALKER & Ruth HELLYER Apr 2 1741
James MAYNE & Margaret POWER Oct 30 1747
John HARWOOD & Martha SUATT Nov 3 1742
George LOCK & Lydia PYE May 01 1743
Robert COOK & Elizabeth HELLYER June 30 1744
Joseph CANAWAY & Ann SWIRE May 16 1746
Jacob BURNINGHAM & Martha WILDER January 07 1747
Robert LOCK & Elizabeth SKUES August 15 1748
James TAYLOR & May JURD January 08 1750
Robert JURD & Rebecca CREED (GREED) June 22 1755
Henry HAWKINS & Elizabeth PICKFORD August ? 1756
William HOLLIS & Hannah PAFFARD (PASSARD)? September 28 1756
James LOCK & Ann BRICKNELL December 23 1756
William LEGG & Mary WOODNUTT December 12 1757
George WESTBROOK, bachelor, of this parish & Lydia SCOTT, spinster, of this parish, by banns, in the presence of Jno ADAMS & Robert SCOTT 26 Feb 1759
Robert POPE & Mary TUCKER May 28 1759
Matthew LOCK & Sarah ARNOLD June 11 1759
Joseph HAWKINS & Betty MORRICE January 27 1760
Edward PINK & Peggy HUSTWOON June ? 1760
Stephen HAWKINS & Catherine BUDON October 05 1760
Edward POPE & Mary COURT November 25 1760
John JURD & Mary SONNON December 25 1760
James ESDELL & Elizabeth DENN June 09 1761
page 214 no 777 John CLARKE, bachelor, of this parish & Lydia HAMOND, spinster, of this parish by licence, in the presence of Edward JUES & Ann CARTER Apr 19 1762
page 36 no 44 John RICHARDSON, bachelor, of this parish & Mary TRIBE, spinster, of this parish, by licence, in the presence of Henry SIXSMITH & Mary BIGLEY 21 Mar 1763
Page 42 entry 166 John DONNEVAN of this parish, bachelor, & Mary HELLIAR of this parish, spinster, May 03 1763 in the presence of John KEAN & Michel ? CASTY?
James HUMBELL & Ann WITT September 02 1763
page 60 no 237 Matthew BACON, bachelor, of this parish & Ann HAMMOND, spinster, of this parish, by licence, in the presence of Thos RICHARDS & Sarah ? Oct 16 1763
page 75 entry 287 Isaac LEGG of this parish, bachelor, & Martha WICKHAM of this parish, spinster, by banns March 04 1764
page 104 entry 405 John ROBEY of this parish, bachelor, & Ann MOOR of this parish, spinster, by licence , in the presence of Patty JOLLIFFE & W. HARRISON February 02 1772
PAGE 132 entry 516 Thomas SALTER of this parish, bachelor, & Mary POPE of this parish, spinster, by banns, in the presence of Elizabeth PEIRCE & Thomas ROOKLEY September 20 1773
Page 142 entry 557 Robert BATT of this parish, widower & Sarah SNOOK of this parish, spinster, by banns in the presence of Sarah RIDITT & Mary WARD May 01 1774
page 178 entry 723 George ATKINS of this parish, bachelor & Ann MAY of this parish, spinster, after banns in the presence of Sarah MURPHY & Jno ADAMS April 21 1776
page 140 no 71 William REED & Hannah WESTBROOK, of this parish, by licence, in the presence of Matthew WESTBROOK & Jno GEAR 15 July 1781
page 384 no 44 James ADAMS & Mary WESTBROOK, of this parish, by banns, in the presence of Matthew WESTBROOK & Jno GEAR 5 May 1782
page 223 no 16 John WESTBROOK & Kitty WITTLEY, of this parish, by banns, in the presence of Robert LLOYD & Michael ALCARRY Feb 17 1783
page 230 no 34 Thomas GRIFFIN & Ann WESTBROOK, of this parish, by banns, in the presence of Jno GEAR & Robt HILLS Mar 29 1783
page 261 no 127 John HAMAN & Sarah COBB of this parish, by banns, in the presence of John SPARKMAN & Jno GEAR Oct 6 1783
page 23 no 69 Samuel QUANCE & Mary WESTBROOK both of this parish, by banns, in the presence of John MURPHY & Robt HILLS 24 Aug 1784
page 30 no 90 Richard HAMMOND & Martha PERREAN by banns in the presence of Joseph PHIPPARD & Robt HILLS Oct 17 1784
William BOWERS & Sarah DANIEL June 12 1786
page 197 no 15 Daniel TRIBE of Portsmouth, singleman, & Isabella GRANT, of the parish of Alverstoke, singlewoman, by licence, in the presence of Jno GEAR & Mary MORRISON 22 Feb 1789
Lucy BOWER & John DAGWELL January 11 1790
James BOWER Sarah BURGON July 12 1790
James BOWERS & Diana ADAMS January 19 1796
John PITTY of HMS Seraphin lying off Spithead, singleman & Mary HACKETT of the parish of Ringwood, singlewoman, by licence, in the presence of Thomas & Jno Goar MORCOM September 16 1797
page 177 no 81 John HAMMOND & Mary BOWN both of this parish by banns in the presence of Joseph MATTHEWS & Jno GEAR May 21 1798
page 8 no 34 William SIMS of Portsea, singleman & Sophia NEWLAND of Gosport, spinster, by licence, in the presence of Henry NEWLAND & Ann NEWLAND 2 May 1802
Mary BOWERS & Richard WILLIAMS December 12 1802
page 184 no 4 Henry DASH, singleman, & Martha HURLEY, spinster, both of this parish, by licence, Jan 9 1803 in the presence of J A GEAR & Robert HILL
page 192 no 51 John CHRISTIAN & Hannah NUTTER both of this parish, by banns, in the presence of Jno EMERY & John GEAR 6 May 1805
No 192 Joseph TEE & Ann MEDWAY both of this parish, by banns, in the presence of Samuel BENSEYS & Sarah WARREN, by James AFTON, curate, November 14 1808
page 49 no 147 James BESANT of this parish & Mary KNAPP of this parish , by banns, in the presence of Stephen WARD & John GEAR 25 Dec 1815
Page 32 Thomas HABEN of this parish & Rebecca GARNETT also of this parish, by banns with the consent of Thomas THOMPSON,in the presence of Thomas THOMPSON & Elizabeth WOOD June 08 1820
page 36 no 107 Joseph THOMAS, widower, of this parish & Sarah CUTLER, spinster, of this parish, by banns, in the presence of ? BEDFORD & Joseph GEAR 28 Nov 1828
page 321 no 236 David HIGGINS, bachelor, of this parish, & Fanny FAIRLER, of this parish, spinster, by banns, in the presence of Mary HIGGINS & Matilda HIGGINS 23 Nov 1833
page 137 entry 96 Charles Compton BURNETT, bachelor, of this parish & Sarah WILSON, spinster, of this parish, by banns, in the presence of ---- WILSON & ----- WILSON, June 05 1834
page 159 entry 100 James OLIVER of this parish, widower, & Louisa Caroline LUDLOW, of this parish, spinster, by banns, in the presence of Thomas & Elizabeth LUDLOW June 10 1834
page 225 no 449 January 7 1840 James BOYETT, bachelor, full age, Letter Carrier & Louisa CHRISTIAN, spinster, full age, both of Alverstoke, by licence, fathers were Lawrence BOYETT, Labourer & John CHRISTIAN, Tradesman, in the presence of John CHRISTIAN, Wm HAYLES & Mary Ann LOCK
William HOARE, bachelor, Labourer & Ann WEEKS, widow, living Brockhurst, fathers occupation,labourer, in the presence of Edward & Sarah SMITH December 14 1840
Thomas CHEESMAN , bachelor, &Jane BOXALL, spinster,both of full age and both of Gosport, in the present of R.A.LACY & Charles CHEESMAN May 17 1841
Peter MADDEN , bachelor, mariner & Emma HOLMES, spinster both of full age living at Gosport in the presence of William & Jane HOLMES August 02 1841
Page 8 no 15 George ABRAHAM, minor, bachelor,blacksmith & Lucy NEW of full age, spinster, fathers were – John ABRAHAM blacksmith & William NEW ropemaker in the parish church, after banns, May 04 1845 in the presence of Mark NEW & Elizabeth MEREDITH ?
page 38 no 76 August 30 1845 James LEAL. bachelor, full age, Cabinet Maker, Winchester & Ellen CHRISTIAN, spinster, full age, Alverstoke, by banns, fathers were Thomas LEAL, Farmer & John CHRISTIAN, Grocer, in the presence of John CHRISTIAN & Catherine CHRISTIAN
Page 20 entry 40 William WENTWORTH , bachelor, mariner & Caroline VOKES, spinster,from Gosport, fathers were – Thomas WENTWORTH , mariner & Thomas VOLLER, waterman April 12 1857
Page 32 entry 64 David EVANS, bachelor, mariner of Alverstoke & Maria LOWE, widow, of Alverstoke,fathers were – Thomas EVANS, shoemaker & Charles CLARK, hatter May 25 1857
Page 131 entry 261 John ARMITAGE, bachelor, Sergeant RMA, of Forton & Mary VARNDELL, spinster of Forton, fathers were – John ARMITAGE, shoemaker & John VARNDELL, blacksmith, October 09 1858
Page 143 entry 285 Thomas COOK, widower, of Forton & Ann Maria HOPKINS, widow of Forton, fathers were – Thomas COOK, carrier & James WOOD,gent December 25 1858
Page 26 entry 52 John MENEAR, bachelor,mariner, of Gosport & Emma HUBSDELL, spinster, of Gosport ,both of full age, fathers were – John MENEAR, coastguard & James HUBSDELL,sailmaker, in the presence of Charles MARTIN & Harriett MENEAR August 02 1863
page 38 no 76 James SMITH, bachelor, full age, labourer & Maria HAMMOND, spinster, full age, both Brockhurst, after banns, fathers - William SMITH, Licenced Victualler & Thomas HAMMOND, Labourer, in the presence of Thomas STRATTON & Henrietta STRATTON Oct 1 1863
page 43 no 86 Tom WOOLFRY, bachelor, Carpenter & Eliza Jane HAMMOND, spinster, both full age, both Brockhurst, after certificate, fathers William WOOLFRY, Smith & Charles John HAMMOND, Gentleman, in the presence of Alfred WOOLFRY & ? Ros ? Oct 12 1863
page 95 no 190 George PAGE, Cooper, Royal Marines, & Mary Ann TRIBE, spinster, Gosport, both full age, fathers William PAGE & William TRIBE, both labourers, after banns, in the presence of Albert MUSSELLWHITE & Olivia PAGE 1 Aug 1864
page 38 no 75 John HAMMOND, bachelor, Messenger, Alverstoke & Elizabeth Susannah MARCHANT, spinster, both full age, Alverstoke, fathers William HAMMOND, Gardener & Thomas MARCHANT, Gardener, after banns, in the presence of William DAVIE & Ann HAMMOND Apr 27 1867
page 143 no 286 John Charles SEDGWICK, full age, bachelor, Parcel Porter & Jane Judith PITT, full age, spinster, both Alverstoke, fathers were John SEDGWICK, Labourer & Thomas PITT, Gardener, after banns, in the presence of Henry STEWART & Maria MA-LEN 9 January 1869
page 15 no 30 William Henry HAMMOND, bachelor, Forton Barracks, Marine & Mary Ann WAKE, spinster, Forton, both full age, after banns, fathers - James HAMMOND, Carpenter & John WAKE, Labourer, in the presence of - James BARTLETT & Mary Ann WAKE Mar 15 1869
page 201 no 402 William HAMMOND, bachelor, full age, Farmer, Gosport & Eliza SMITH, spinster, full age, Gosport, after banns, fathers - John HAMMOND, Hoop Sharer, & William SMITH, Publican, in the presence of John NORMAN & Sarah NORMAN Nov 30 1869
page 287 no 473 William HAMMOND, bachelor, Police Constable, Plumstead, Kent & Sarah Jane WESTBROOK, spinster, Alverstoke, both full age, fathers - William HAMMOND, Farmer & John WESTBROOK, foreman Stores, after banns, in the presence of Henry Arthur WESTBROOK & ?? July 13 1870
page 34 no 68 James NORMAN, bachelor, Anglesey, Licenced Victualler & Sarah TRIBE, spinster, Stoke Rd, both full age, fathers Thomas NORMAN, Farmer & George TRIBE, Brewer, in the presence of William TRIBE, & D TRIBE, by licence July 16 1871
page 55 no 110 Alexander ALEXANDER, bachelor, Piper, 25th Regiment Alverstoke, & Emma HAMMOND, spinster, both full age, Forton, after banns, fathers - Donald ALEXANDER, Mason & Robert Watson HAMMOND, Master Mariner, in the presence of - Thomas KITCHER & Sarah Elizabeth HAMMOND Dec 4 1871
page 17 no 33 Jan 12 1876 George Charles Andrew DOWNES, full age, bachelor, Mariner, Gosport & Annie WHITING, full age, spinster, Gosport, by banns, fathers George DOWNES, Labourer & Anthony WHITING, Bricklayer, in the presence of Francis YORK & Louise ANDREWS
page 17 no 34 Jan 15 1876 Richard ALEXANDER, full age, bachelor, Private 37th Regt, Gosport & Isabella Matilda HAYNES, full age, widower, Gosport, after banns, fathers John ALEXANDER, Carpenter & Thomas BREEZE, Steward PLO -ay, , in the presence of ? CHAPPELL & Clare SMITH
page 18 no 35 Jan 16 1876 William Alexander ALLEN, full age, bachelor, Joiner, Oak Street Stoke Road & Lucy Ann SMITH, full age, spinster, Upper South Street, after Supt Reg Certificate, fathers William Thomas ALLEN & William SMITH both labourers, in the presence of George MARTIN & Mary Ann ALLEN
page 18 no 36 Jan 17 1876 John McFEE, full age, bachelor, Sgt Major 37th Regt, Gosport & Ellen GARLAND, full age, spinster, Gosport, by licence, fathers Samuel McFEE, Tailor & Peter GARLAND, Warrant Officer RN, in the presence of ? McFEE & Emily DIMENT
page 19 no 37 Jan 18 1876 James SCOREY, 26, bachelor, Mariner, Gosport & Mery Louisa Alice TEE, 20, spinster, Gosport, after banns, fathers James SCOREY, Labourer & Robert TEE, Seaman, in the presence of William SCOREY & Louisa SCOREY
page 19 no 38 Jan 19 1876 George Albert CHURCHER, 23, bachelor, Shipwright, Stoke Road & Martha Lucy WARREN, 20, spinster, Alverstoke, after banns, fathers Stephen CHURCHER, Shipwright & James WARREN, Carpenter, in the presence of James WARREN & Eleanor Maria CLEIFE
page 188 no 332 Frederick BAILEY, 24, bachelor, Lance Corporal RMLI Forton Barracks & Maude Mary BLACKMAN , 10 Clifton Street ,fathers were John William BAILEY, Musician & John BLACKMAN, Labourer, in the presence of George William CHAMP & Ada Emily RISTON
Copyright © 2007 Linda & Tony Knight
All Rights Reserved
1813 - 1930
1/1,William,JACKSON,From Forton,Jan 3 1813,62
1/2,John,SMITH,From the Poors House,Jan 7 1813,30
1/3,Bryan,O’BERINE,Died at Forton,Jan 7 1813,-
1/4,Jane,PALMARCHE,Of Jersey died at Elson,Jan 7 1813,14
1/5,Geo,SPARKS,Of Gosport died at Gosport North Street,Jan 8 1813,50
1/6,Eleanor dr of Wm,STODGET,Of Alverstoke died at Stoke,Jan 12 1813,2
1/7,Catherine wife of Wm,MILLS,Died on board HMS - at Spithead,Jan 14 1813,37
1/8,Elizth,SAWLEY,Died in the poor house am,Jan 16 1813,38
2/9,Isabella,BROWN,Died at the poor house,Jan 16 1813,57
2/10,Ann,MILLE,Died in Cross Street Gosport,Jan 24 1813,-
2/11,Ann,TUCKER,Died in Middle Street Gosport,Jan 24 1813,88
2/12,Sarah,LINZEY,Poors House,Jan 30 1813,22
2/13,Thos,OAKFORD,Died in Bingham Town,Jan 31 1813,65
2/14,Emma dr of James,MORGAN,Died in King Street Gosport,Jan 31 1813,-
2/15,James,JURD,Brockhurst,Jan 31 1813,22
2/16,Eliza dr of Thos,MORRIS,Died in Cross Street Gosport,Jan 31 1813,-
3/17,John Stowell son of -,JENKINS,Died at Forton,Feb 2 1813,3
3/18,Geo son of Eliz’th BB,COMPTON,Died at Elson,Feb 7 1813,-
3/19,Elizth dr of James,BARRINGTON,Died at Forton,Feb 7 1813,-
3/20,Ann dr of Ann BB,YOMAN,Died at Stoke,Feb 7 1813,2
3/21,Charlotte wife of Wm,TAYLOR,Died at King Street Gosport,Feb 3 1813,22
3/22,John,PEPPER,Died at Haslar Hospital,Feb 10 1813,47
3/23,John,LIPSCOMB,Died at Forton,Feb 11 1813,60
3/24,Sarah wife of John,BEEN,Died at Forton,Feb 14 1813,39
4/25,Thos son of Geo,DOLING,South Street,Feb 14 1813,2
4/26,John,HARRINSON,Chaple Street,Feb 15 1813,40
4/27,Phillip,STEER,Poors House,Feb 16 1813,67
4/28,Jacob son of Jacob,WILLIAMS,Bury,Feb 16 1813,2mths
4/29,John son of John,RANGER,Coldharbour,Feb 20 1813,3
4/30,Geo son of Capn,CUOLLAHAN,Hasler Barracks,Feb 20 1813,3days
4/31,Eliza dr of Wm,MASON,Gosport,Feb 23 1813,4mths
4/32,Wm son of ?,PLOWMAN,Spring Garden Lane,Feb 23 1813,-
5/33,Tho’s son of Dan’l,COLMAN,Gosport,Feb 23 1813,2
5/34,Elizth wife of Wm,SPENCER,Hardway,Feb 23 1813,34
5/35,Mary,MEW,Poors House,Mar 3 1813,20
5/36,Elizth,BLAKE,Poors House,Mar 5 1813,71
5/37,Elizth wife of Wm,HAMMOND,Portsmouth,Mar 6 1813,50
5/38,Daniel,HANDREN,North Cork Militia,Mar 7 1813,-
5/39,Alexander,McEGG,Cross Street,Mar 9 1813,32
5/40,Wm son of Wm,HILLIAR,Gosport,Mar 11 1813,2
6/41,Thos,MULLIN,North Street,Mar 11 1813,36
6/42,Mary,BARTLETT,Poors House,Mar 16 1813,37
6/43,James,STONE,Poors House,Mar 22 1813,2
6/44,Sylas son of Sylas,RATCLIFF,Forton North Devon Militia,Mar 22 1813,2
6/45,Frederick son of Wm,BURNEY,Coldharbour,Mar 25 1813,2mths
6/46,Jeremiah,BREWER,Poors House,Apr 2 1813,74
6/47,Amelia wife of Matthew,CARTER,Forton,Apr 6 1813,48
6/48,Wm son of Robt,ATKINS,Gosport,Apr 6 1813,-
7/49,Caroline dr of Charles,MARTIN,Died at Gosport,Apr 7 1813,3
7/50,Martha wife of Geo,HUDSON,Died at Gosport,Apr 8 1813,-
7/51,Eleanor,WILLIAMS,Poors House,Apr 9 1813,28
7/52,Thos,LAWRENCE,Poors House,Apr 9 1813,-
7/53,Sophia wife of Geo Voller,OUTEN,Died at Portsea,Apr 13 1813,33
7/54,Josh,EMLEY,Died at Hardway,Apr 14 1813,26
7/55,Harriott dr of John,BAKER,Died at Halfway House,Apr 16 1813,8mths
7/56,Ann dr of Luther,MORGAN,Newtown,Apr 16 1813,-
8/57,Wm son of Wm,SIMS,Died at Gosport,Apr 25 1813,11mths
8/58,Fanny,BAILEY,Died at Cross Street Gosport,Apr 25 1813,59
8/59,Mary,STEVENS,Died in the Poors House,Apr 28 1813,24
8/60,Sarah dr of Charles,SMITH,Died at Gosport,May 2 1813,-
8/61,Jane wife of John,BURGESS,Died at Gosport,May 5 1813,25
8/62,James,FORD,Died at Brockhurst,May 6 1813,74
8/63,Wm,McCURDEY,Died at Hambelton,May 7 1813,54
8/64,Thos,HOLLOWAY,Died at Cross Street Gosport,May 7 1813,54
9/65,Geo son of Jos.h,JONES,Died at Bingham Town,May 8 1813,2
9/66,,GREEN,Died at Bury,May 9 1813,33
9/67,Arthur,FISH,Died in the Poors House,May 12 1813,85
9/68,Josh,YOUNG,Died in South Street Gosport,May 13 1813,40
9/69,Elizth,PAGE,Died at Forton,May 19 1813,66
9/70,Sarah dr of Jos.h,BIGGS,Died at Clayhall,May 19 1813,7
9/71,Jeremiah son of Thos,GREENFIELD,Died at Newtown,May 19 1813,5 mths
9/72,Mary wife of James,MUNDRIM,Died at Forton,May 23 1813,27
10/73,Mary,JAMES,Died in the Poors House,May 23 1813,23
10/74,Wm son of Caroline,GODFREY,Died at Privett,May 24 1813,2
10/75,Eliz’th dr of John,STONE,Died at Brockhurst,May 24 1813,19mths
10/76, dr of John,BUTLER,Died at Forton,May 25 1813,-
10/77,A man,unknown,Found shot at Brockhurst,May 25 1813,-
10/78,Henry,DAWSON,Gosport,May 25 1813,-
10/79,Charles son of Charles,HEWETT,Died at Forton,May 29 1813,-
10/80,Sarah dr of John,WESTBROOK,Died at Bury,May 29 1813,-
11/81,John son of Wm,BENNETT,South Street Gosport,June 7 1813,2
11/82,Wm,WILKINSON,Poors House,June 8 1813,75
11/83,John son of John,LANDON,Died in Gosport,June 8 1813,15mths
11/84,Mary,GUY,Poors House,June 11 1813,44
11/85,Jos’h,COX,Poors House,June 15 1813,-
11/86,John son of John,COBB,Died at Elson,June 16 1813,18mths
11/87,Rebecca,ROSE,Poors House,June 20 1813,-
11/88,Dennis,DONOHUE,Died at Forton Dublin Militia,June 22 1813,42
12/89,Henry son of Thos,SHEAN,Gosport,June 23 1813,2
12/90,James son of John,GOODEVE,South Street Gosport,June 25 1813,4mths
12/91,Peter son of Peter,DURN,Gosport,June 27 1813,18mths
12/92,Martha wife of -,TIBBS,Forton,June 27 1813,70
12/93,Nicholas,POSTAGE,Poors House,June 29 1813,72
12/94,Eliz’th dr of Wm,EADEY,Gosport,July 5 1813,-
12/95,Eliz’th dr of Thos,BLUNDELL,Elson,July 6 1813,4
12/96,John,AVEREY,Gosport,July 6 1813,-
13/97,Abraham son of Abraham,MILLS,Gosport,July 6 1813,-
13/98,Wm son of Wm,TRIGGS,Gosport,July 7 1813,-
13/99,Margratt,SHEA,Gosport,July 8 1813,-
13/100,Eliz’th,DUNNING,Gosport,July 13 1813,-
13/101,John,BATTERSHELL,New Town,July 15 1813,47
13/102,Mary Ann dr of Rob’t,GRACE,Forton,July 16 1813,4
13/103,Eliz’th,HUTCHINGS,Bury,July 23 1813,71
13104,Abraham,PAGE,North Street Gosport,July 25 1813,42
14/105,Charlotte dr of Thos,TRIGGER,Forton,July 25 1813,74
14/106,Eliz’th dr of Rob’t,SYRED,Forton,July 28 1813,7
14/107,John son of Rob’t,SYRED,Forton,July 28 1813,-
14/108,Kingsley son of -,KINGSLEY,Stoke,July 28 1813,15mths
14/109,Susan,TAYLOR,Middle Street Gosport,Aug 2 1813,72
14/110,Sarah wife of John,PAGE,King St Gosport,Aug 2 1813,22
14/111,Eliz’th,ABRAHAM,Privett,Aug 5 1813,60
14/112,Thos,JENKINS,Castle Yard Gosport,Aug 7 1813,-
15/113,Martha dr of Wm,HILL,North St Gosport,Aug 8 1813,16mth
15/114,Maria,HAWKINS,Poor House,Aug 8 1813,-
15/115,Wm son of John,CLEVER,Gosport,Aug 8 1813,-
15/116,Charles son of Chas,BRISTOW,Gosport,Aug 8 1813,-
15/117,Ann,DAVIN,Poors House,Aug 9 1813,33
15/118,Cap’n Sam’l,LAMB,Gosport,Aug 11 1813,31
15/119,Jane dr of Fredrick,FABIN,Bury,Aug 17 1813,8
15/120,Frances,ROBINSON,Poor House,Aug 21 1813,66
16/121,Martha dr of Chas,TARRANT,Forton,Aug 22 1813,18mths
16/122,Rob’t son of Tho’s,GALTON,Gosport,Aug 22 1813,3
16/123,Fredrick son of James,FOORD,King St Gosport,Aug 25 1813,-
16/124,Mary,HONEYHOOD,Poor House,Aug 28 1813,78
16/124,Hen’y,SAVILLE,Gosport,Aug 28 1813,-
16/125,Mary dr of Fredrick,FABIN,Bury,Aug 25 1813,11
16/126,Emma dr of Timothy,BUTT,Bury,Aug 30 1813,2mths
15/127,Wm son of Jos’h,SHERVIN,Middle St Gosport,Aug 30 1813,1
16/128,Sarah,FOOE,Gosport,Sept 1 1813,-
17/129,Sarah dr of Cha’s,YOUNG,Gosport,Sept 3 1813,-
17/130,Eliz’th dr of Fredrick,FABIN,Bury,Sept 5 1813,13
17/131,Mary,PHILIPS,Gosport,Sept 7 1813,-
17/132,Mary Ann dr of John,JEWELL,Gosport,Sept 7 1813,1mth
17/133,Ann,DAVIS,Poor House,Sept 9 1813,-
17/134,Sarah Maria dr of James,RIDOUT,Bingham Town,Sept 10 1813,2
17/135,Ann dr of Geo,GRANT,Cold Harbour Gosport,Sept 10 1813,14mths
17/136,Geo,MASON,Gosport,Sept 10 1813,74
18/137,Geo son of Jos’h,SHERVIN,Middle St Gosport,Sept 14 1813,6
18/138,John,EDNEY,Poor House,Sept 15 1813,-
18/139,Jos’h son of Mary,SCOTT,Gosport,Sept 15 1813,2mths
18/140,John,WALL,Poor House,Sept 15 1813,60
18/141,Mary dr of Mary,SCOTT,Gosport,Sept 24 1813,2mths
18/142,Ann dr of Tho,PAGE,Gosport,Sept 24 1813,-
18/143,Mary Ann dr of Olive,SMITH,Gosport,Sept 24 1813,-
18/144,Thos son of Jane,GARNETT,Poor house,Sept 24 1813,4mths
19/145,Lidia dr of Cha’s,CHARLTON,Gosport,Sept 27 1813,-
19/146,Louisa dr of W,ANDREWS,Stoke,Sept 27 1813,2
19/147,Geo,WILLIAM,Forton,Sept 27 1813,-
19/148,Sarah dr of Wm,SIMS,Forton,Sept 29 1813,17mths
19/149,Wm,NIGHTINGALE,Poor House,Oct 4 1813,-
19/150,Mary dr of Hen’y,HOBBS,Stoke,Oct 4 1813,-
19/151,Eliz’th,MAY,Poor House,Oct 4 1813,24
19/152,Sarah dr of John,RUSSEL,Gosport,Oct 5 1813,-
20/153,Wm,MATTHEWS,Middle St Gosport,Oct 7 1813,85
20/154,Mary Ann dr of John Benj’n,ROPER,Sea Horse Lane Gosport,Oct 8 1813,9wks
20/155,Wm,HARDING,Forton,Oct 10 1813,-
20/156,James,GILL,Poor House,Oct 10 1813,38
20/157,Eliz’th,BOW---,Poor House,Oct 10 1813,26
20/158,Mary Ann dr of Martha,WALKER,Poor House,Oct 16 1813,1mth
20/159,Jane wide of Jos’h,WEST,Gosport,Oct 16 1813,78
20/160,Stephen son of Wm,ANDREWS,Gosport,Oct 17 1813,-
21/161,Benj’n son of L?John,COCK,Newtown,Oct 19 1813,days
21/162,John,LANGLEY,Gosport,Oct 26 1813,81
21/163,James,SPEER OR SHEER,Portsea,Oct 28 1813,48
21/164,James,BIGGS,Elson,Oct 28 1813,80
21/165,Anthony,HUBBARD Esq,Forton,Oct 3 1813,31
21/166,Sarah,REUCHER,Gosport,Oct 5 1813,80
21/167,Louisa dr of James,TUCKER,Gosport,Oct 11 1813,17
21/168,Sarah,DAVIS,Gosport,Oct 12 1813,-
22/169,Thos,RICHARDS,Southsea Common,Oct 3 1813,60
22/170,Helen dr of Jacob Hinckman,LEGG,Gosport Middle Street,Oct 18 1813,-
22/171,Catherine,SCOTT,Poor House,Nov 23 1813,10?
22/172,Jane,EADEN,Poor House,Nov 23 1813,21
22/173,Thos son of Thos,BARNETT,Gosport King Street,Nov 14 1813,-
22/174,Mary,SILVESTER,Poor House,Nov 28 1813,-
22/175,Peter,HEGELAND,Stoke,Dec 2 1813,43
22/176,Mary wife of John,SIBERELL,Gosport,Dec 2 1813,44
23/177,Eliz’th,MOLLOY,Poor House,Dec 7 1813,18
23/178,Cha’s son of James,MATHISON,Gosport,Dec 10 1813,13 mths
23/179,Sam’l Legg son of Cap’n Cha’s Hope,REED,Southsea Common,Dec13 1813,13mths
23/180,Lein Andrew,PARRY,Hardway,Dec 16 1813,28
23/181,Wm Jos’h,KENLISH,Newtown,Dec 19 1813,38
23/182,Amelia dr of James,STAGG,Forton,Dec 20 1813,12
23/183,A man,UNKNOWN,Poor House,Dec 21 1813,-
23/184,Ann,ELKINS,Privett,Dec 25 1813,50
24/185,Caroline dr of Alexander,LAMB,Gosport,Dec 25 1813,4yrs 8 mths
24/186,Ann,DOYLE,Poor House,Dec 26 1813,38
24/187,Ann wife of Rodger,THOMPSON,Poor house,Dec 29 1813,46
24/188,Charlotte dr of Alexander,WRIGHT,Poor House,Dec 28 1813,86
24/189,James,URRY,Poor House,Dec 28 1813,26
24/190,George,ROBINSON,Died at Newtown,Jan 1814,47
24/191,Josiah son of Benjamin,RICHARDS,Died at Forton Barracks,Jan 1814,3
24/192,Maria dr of John,BURGON,Died in Gosport,Jan 9 1814,2
25/193,Ann,NOTKINS,Died in King Street Gosport,Jan 9 1814,33
25/194,Richard,MASON,Died at Brockhurst,Jan 9 1814,66
25/195,Edward,CLEVERLY,Died at Forton,Jan 12 1814,55
25/196,Robert son of Richard,ROSE,Died at Forton,Jan 12 1814,2
25/197,Mary daughter of William,BROWN,Died at Forton,Jan 12 1814,3
25/198,David son of Alex’r,LAMB,Died in King Street Gosport,Jan 16 1814,3
25/199,Amelia wife of Wiiilam,THOMPSON,Died in Gosport,Jan 14 1814,41
25/200,Mary daughter of William,BROWN,Died at Stoke,Jan 17 1814,13mths
26/201,John,MARTIN,Died in the Poors House,Jan 20 1814,81
26/202,Jane wife of William,ROBINSON,Died in Gosport,Jan 23 1814,-
26/203,Sarah daughter of James,HUTCHINGS,Died at Brockhurst,Jan 23 1814,3
26/204,Alexis Alexander son of Alexis,BATTENCHON,Died in Forton prison,Jan 26 1814,2mths
26/205,Caroline daughter of Thomas,CURRIE,Died in Middle Street Gosport,Jan 29 1814,9mths
26/206,John son of Robert,WEST,Died at Hardway,Feb 1 1814,7
26/207,Ann wife of William,HARRISON,Died at Brockhurst,Feb 6 1814,40
26/208,Mary daughter of Henry,HAYES,Died at Stoke,Feb 6 1814,-
27/209,William son of James,DIXON,Died at Hardway,Feb 9 1814,11
27/210,David son of Daniel,EDWARDS,Died at Hasler Barracks,Feb 9 1814,6mths
27/211,John son of Edward,DAVIS,Died at Fort Monton,Feb 17 1814,10mths
27/212,Elias,NOTT,Died at Forton,Feb 18 1814,39
27/213,Sarah daughter of Joseph,GRAY,Died in Middle Street Gosport,Feb 19 1814,4 or 9mths
27/214,Godliff,HUFFMAN,Died in the Poors House,Feb 19 1814,36
27/215,Mary,COX,Died in the Poors House Lane,Feb 20 1814,82
27/216,John son of John,HYDE,Died in Gosport,Feb 20 1814,11days
28/217,Thomas,HUNT,Died at Hasler Barracks,Feb 22 1814,21
28/218,Elizabeth wife of William,SPENCER,Died at Hardway,Feb 23 1814,34
28/219,William,STRONG,Died at Hasler,Feb 23 1814,34
28/220,Mark son of Nicholas,BLEMHAN,Died at Forton,Feb 25 1814,13mths
28/221,John,FIELD,Died at Hasler Barracks,Feb 25 1814,42
28/222,Samuel,SCOTT,Died at Forton,Feb 27 1814,48
28/223,Elizabeth,GREEN,Died in the Poors House,Mar 4 1814,26
28/224,William son of Thomas,VINE,Died in North Street Gosport,Mar 4 1814,2
29/225,Francis son of Henry,HICKS,Died in Middle Street Gosport,Mar 5 1814,6
29/226,Hannah,SLACK,Died in the Poors House,Mar 8 1814,26
29/227,George Fredrick son of John,MARSHALL,Died at Elson,Mar 8 1814,2
29/228,Charles Augustus son of Josiah,HEGDEN,Died on board a ship,Mar 9 1814,2
29/229,Robert son of Robert,MUSTARD,Died at Forton,Mar 9 1814,11mths
29/230,William son of William,COOK,Died at Gosport,Mar 9 1814,5mths
29/231,Mary daughter of,BROWN,Died B?,Mar 1814,-
29/232,William,CHAPELL,Died at Forton,Mar 14 1814,30
30/233,Mary,FOSTER,Died in the Poors House,Mar 15 1814,-
30/234,James,LYS Commander in RN,Died in North Street Gosport,Mar 16 1814,65
30/235,Mary,FOSTER,Died in the Poors House,Mar 16 1814,47
30/236,Samuel,MOORHEAD,Died in Gosport,Mar 19 1814,28
30/237,Jane wife of William,COOK,Died in Gosport,Mar 20 1814,21
30/238,Jane,WESTON,Died in the Poors House,Mar 20 1814,20
30/239,No name,No name,------,Mar 20 1814,--
30/240,William,HONSTRITH,Died in the Poors House,Mar 22 1814,72
31/241,William son of William,WHITE,Died at Forton,Mar 22 1814,9mths
31/242,Amelia,KING,Died in the Poors House,Mar 22 1814,20
31/243,George,SEARLE,Died at Forton,Mar 29 1814,53
31/244,Mary Jane daughter of Hen’y,CROUCH,Died at Forton,Mar 29 1814,22mths
31/245,Mary daughter of James,FRAKER,Died at Stoke,Apr 2 1814,-
31/246,Mary,AX,Died in the Poors House,Apr 4 1814,-
31/247,Henry John son of John,APPLETT,Died in Gosport,Apr 6 1814,6wks
31/248,Jane daughter of William,WOOLFE,Died in Gosport,Apr 6 1814,2
32/249,William son of John,SHERLEY,Died at Stoke,Apr 12 1814,-
32/250,Caroline Kidd dr of James,HAMMOND,Died in Middle Street Gosport,Apr 12 1814,3
32/251,A drownd man name unknown,------,Buried from the Poors House,April 14 1814,--
32/252,William,JAMES,Died at Forton,Apr 17 1814,25
32/253,Son of Richard,WHITE,Died in Gosport,Apr 20 1814,12
32/254,A drownd man name unknown,------,Buried from the Poors House,April 20 1814,--
32/255,William a Black man,HAMPSHIRE,Died in the Poors House,Apr 20 1814,-
32/256,Daniel,HAINS,Died at Forton,April 22 1814,52
33/257,Sarah daughter of James,FRAKER,Died in Stoke,Apr 22 1814,3
33/258,Robert son of James,HUMBY,Died at Forton,Apr 24 1814,3
33/259,Mary wife of William,ORAAM,Died at Forton,Apr 25 1814,54
33/260,Susanna dr of James,WATKINS,Died at Forton,Apr 27 1814,10mths
33/261,A drownd man name unknown,------,Buried from the Poors House,April 27 1814,--
33/262,John,SEWELL,Died in the Poors House,Apr 28 1814,81
33/263,Mary Ann dr of Wm,CARR,Died in Cross Street Gosport,May 1 1814,10mths
33/264,Jacob,WAKLEY,Died at Hardway,May 2 1814,-
34/265,Joseph,BARNS,Die in the Poors House,May 2 1814,-
34/266,James,COOPER,Died in Gosport Green,May 2 1814,48
34/267,George son of George,GRANT,Died in Cold Harbour Gosport,May 9 1814,3days
34/268,Thomas,CARLILE,Died at Forton,May 10 1814,70
34/269,Emma dr of Robert,SMITH,Died in Coldharbour Gosport,May 12 1814,2mths
34/270,Thomas,ANTRIM,Died in Dennens Row Gosport,May 12 1814,90
34/271,Edward,CLARK,Died at Hasler Barracks,May 12 1814,21
35/273,Sarah,BURLEN,Died in the Poors House,May 27 1814,54
35/274,Emma dr of John,QUAK,Died in South Street Gosport,May 28 1814,4
35/275,Ann wife of James,HARRIS,Died at Forton,May 30 1814,40
35/276,Charlotte dr of James,CROSS,Died in North Street Gosport,June 3 1814,3
35/277,Geo son of Geo,MASTERS,Died at Forton,June 3 1814,2
35/278,Sam’l son of Sam’l,HAYTER,-,June 4 1814,2
35/279,Sarah,BARBER,Died in the Poor House,June 5 1814,54
35/280,William,COX,Died in the Poor House,June 6 1814,-
36/281,Tho’s son of Jos’h,HARRIS,Died at Hardway,June 10 1814,2
36/282,James,THORNE,Died at Clayhall,June 11 1814,42
36/283,Archabald son of Jacob,HUNTER,Died at Halfway House Stoke Road,June 13 1814,12days
36/284,Bettsey,YOUNG,Died in North Street Gosport,June 19 1814,79
36/285,Tho’s,STOOLY,Died in the Poor House,June 19 1814,60
36/286,Mary dr of Tho’s,BEASENT,Died at Forton,June 24 1814,2
36/287,Geo son of Geo,JONES,Died in Gosport,June 24 1814,-
36/288,John,BURBIDGE,Died in the Poor House,June 27 1814,30
37/289,Mary wife of James,LOMER,Died in North Street Gosport,June 28 1814,44
37/290,A child,RILEY,Died in Rymes Alley,June 28 1814,-
37/291,John,FRAZER,Died in Bannesters Lane Gosport,July 3 1814,69
37/292,Wm son of Joseph,HOLLOWAY,Died at Bury,July 6 1814,2
37/293,Hen’y son of James,SPARKMAN,Died at Forton,July 6 1814,3
37/294,John son of Mary,CORNER,Died in the Poor House,July 7 1814,20mths
37/295,Jane dr of James,DOWELL,Died in Gosport,July 7 1814,7
37/296,Mary Ann dr of James,ABBATT,Died at Hardway,July 12 1814,17mths
38/297,Eliz’th Anna dr of Wm,MILLIDGE,Died in south Street Gosport,July 13 1814,3yrs 4mths
38/298,Mary Ann dr of Benj’m,RICHARDS,Died in Gosport,July 15 1814,7mths
38/299,Ann dr of -,PAGE,Died in the Poor House,July 15 1814,-
38/300,Ann,HICKS,Died in the Poor House,July 17 1814,34
38/301,A child name unknown,----,Died in the Poor House,July 19 1814,--
38/302,Richard son of Richard,BLATCHFORD,Died in Gosport,July 19 1814,2
38/303,John son of Wm,LUCEY,Died in Gosport,July 23 1814,2
38/304,Benj’n a Black man,FRANCIS,Died in Chaple Street Gosport,July 26 1814,-
39/305,George son of Wm,CRONE,Died in Cold Harbour Gosport,July 26 1814,14mths
39/306,Wm,JENNINGS,Died in Bingham Town,July 27 1814,-
39/307,Jane,HORN,Died at Elson,July 28 1814,62
39/308,William Williams Horwood son of Wm,HORWOOD,Died in South Street Gosport,July 31 1814,11mths
39/309,John,PIN,Died in the Poor House,Aug 3 1814,-
39/310,Hen’y son of James,SNOOK,Died at Clayhall,Aug 3 1814,6mths
39/311,Peter,MURPHY,Died in the Poor House,Aug 5 1814,50
39/312,Edward son of Wm,HILL,Died in North Street Gosport,Aug 6 1814,6mths
40/313,Richard,CARNEY,Died in Stoke Road Half Way Houses,Aug 10 1814,22
40/314,A man found shot,---,Found shot at Bury,August 11 1814,--
40/315,Francis,HARRIS,Died at Portsea,Aug 12 1814,58
40/316,A man unknown,--,Poor House,August 16 1814,--
40/317,Eliz’th dr of Wm,SIDDOL,Died in Gosport,Aug 16 1814,-
40/318,John,LUSETTA,Died in the Poor House,Aug 14 1814,50
40/319,Charles Henry son of Wm,HEWETT,Died in Gosport,Aug 21 1814,6mths
40/320,Eliz’th,TAYLOR,Died at Elson,Aug 21 1814,77
41/321,Catherine dr of Wm,HILL,Died in North Street Gosport,Aug 22 1814,8
41/322,Geo,WEBBER,Died in the Poor House,Aug 26 1814,73
41/323,John son of James,ARNOLD,Died on board HMS Puissant,Aug 30 1814,11mths
41/324,Hannah,SCOTT,Died at Forton,Aug 30 1814,60
41/325,Mary Ann dr of Tho’s,THORN,Died in Cross Street Gosport,Aug 31 1814,3mths
41/326,James Richard son of James,BORDEY,Died in King Street Gosport,Aug 31 1814,-
41/327,Sarah dr of Isaac,SALTER,Died in Gosport Middle Street,Aug 31 1814,16wks
41/328,Eliz’th dr of John,HATCH,Died in Stoke,Sept 2 1814,-
42/329,Eliz’th,COLES,Died in Middle Street Gosport,Sept 4 1814,77
42/330,Tho’s,SAMPSON,Died on board HMS Justitia,Sept 13 1814,54
42/331,John son of Mary,DOYLE,Died at Stoke,Sept 19 1814,12days
42/332,John,ROBERTS,Died at Hasler Barracks,Sept 20 1814,18
42/333,Wm son of John,RIDDLE,Died at Stoke,Sept 21 1814,6wks
42/334,John son of John,ROSE,Died at Elson,Sept 21 1814,4mths
42/335,John son of Ann,HICKS,Died in Bingham Town,Sept 23 1814,-
42/336,John,RANKINEsq,Died at Bury,Sept 25 1814,73
43/337,Hester wife of John,STUDLEY,Died at Clayhall,Sept 25 1814,-
43/338,Ann,MORSS,Died at Portsea,Sept 26 1814,74
43/339,Francis son of James,MITCHELL,Died at Brockhurst,Sept 27 1814,4mths
43/340,Phoebe dr of John,STUCKLEY,Died at Clayhall,Sept 27 1814,7days
43/341,Eliz’th,BURRIDGE,-,Sept 28 1814,-
43/342,Henry,BLACKBERE,Died in Cold Harbour Gosport,Sept 28 1814,21
43/343,Eliz’th dr of Wm,MURPHY,Died in Middle Street Gosport,Oct 5 1814,6
43/344,Geo,RUSSELL,Died at Hasler Barracks,Oct 6 1814,41
44/345,Eliza dr of James,MARCH,Died at Privett,Oct 6 1814,8mths
44/346,John,RUEBOTTOM,Died at Clayhall,Oct 11 1814,-
44/347,Wm son of Wm,FIELDER,Died in Gosport,Oct 14 1814,-
44/348,Augusta dr of Jos’h,WILLIAMS,Died at Jersey,Oct 20 1814,11mths
44/349,Maria,PRIOR,-,Oct 20 1814,-
44/350,Margratt,BRADLEY,Died in the Poor House,Oct 24 1814,86
44/351,A man unknown,---,----,Oct 26 1814,--
44/352,John,DAW,Died in the Poor House,Oct 26 1814,-
45/353,Benj’n a child,BARNETT,Unknown,Oct 30 1814,-
45/354,Martin,KEITH,Died in Middle Street Gosport,Oct 30 1814,-
45/355,Hamilton son of Tho’s,WALSHAM,Died at Forton,Oct 30 1814,4
45/356,Eliz’th dr of Cap’n John,CARTER,Died in Cold Harbour,Nov 3 1814,-
45/357,Tho’s,RUSSEN,Died Half Way Houses Stoke Road,Nov 4 1814,65
45/358,Eliz’th,HICKERTY,Died in the Poor House,Nov 8 1814,65
45/359,Rob’t son of John,DUMMER,Died in Gosport,Nov 17 1814,-
45/360,Ann,LONG,Died in the Poor House,Nov 12 1814,31
46/361,Tho’s son of Rev’d David,BOGUE,Died in Middle Street,Nov 22 1814,21
46/362,John,MARTIN,Died in the Poor House,Nov 24 1814,23
46/363,John,HOAR,Died in Gosport,Nov 24 1814,44
46/364,Jos’h,MUNDAY,Died in the Poor House,Nov 26 1814,40
46/365,Jemima Aling dr of Jos’h,BASTARD,Died in Middle Street Gosport,Nov 27 1814,-
46/366,Catherine,BARTRAM,Died in the Poor House,Nov 29 1814,35
46/367,James son of John,HARRIS,Died in Gosport,Dec 2 1814,8
46/368,Wm,JASPER,Died at Hardway,Dec 4 1814,33
47/369,Louisa dr of Sam’l,WELCH,Died in Middle Street Gosport,Dec 6 1814,6mths
47/370,James,COOMBS,Died in South Street Gosport,Dec 6 1814,37
47/371,Ann wife of Richard,COOPER,Died at Hardway,Dec 7 1814,33
47/372,Margrett wife of Rich’d,COLLINS,Died at Elson,Dec 8 1814,-
47/373,Rob’t Agusta son of James,PRATT,Died at Forton,Dec 11 1814,1day
47/374,James son of Rob’t,LEIGH,Died at Forton,Dec 14 1814,11days
47/375,Francis son of Sam’l,LEANARD,Died at Stoke,Dec 14 1814,5mths
47/376,James,McARTHUR,Died in Hasler,Dec 26 1814,46
48/377,Elias,DAVIS,Died at Forton,Dec 26 1814,32
48/378,Tho’s,REDMAN,Died at Hardway,Dec 28 1814,35
48/379,Mary dr of John,TRIGGS,Died in the Poor House,Dec 31 1814,-
48/380,Eliz’th dr of Edward,GRANGE,Died in Gosport,Jan 3 1815,6wks
48/381,Mary,ROOD,Died in the Poor House,Jan 4 1815,21
48/382,Jane,SCOTE,Died in the Poor House,Jan 4 1815,31
48/383,Ann dr of Mich’l,BROWN,Died in Gosport,Jan 7 1815,6
48/384,Caroline dr of Wm,BARRON,Died in Stoke,Jan 7 1815,5wks
49/385,Maria dr of John,HOBBS,Died at Brockhurst,Jan 8 1815,5wks
49/385,Fredrick,SEWELL,Died in the Poor House,Jan 11 1815,-
49/386,Will’m,FISHER,Died in the Poor House,Jan 12 1815,28
49/387,Edward son of John,HAWKINS,-,Jan 12 1815,-
49/388,Eleanor,BRIANT,Died in the Poor House,Jan 13 1815,18
49/389,Eliz’th wife of Wm Stevens,CLARK,Died at Hythe,Jan 16 1815,40
49/390,Sarah wife of Robert,KINGATE,Died in King Street Gosport,Jan 15 1815,71
49/391,John son of Wm,CARR,Died in Cross Street Gosport,Jan 16 1815,5
49/392,John,HYMNS,Died in Hasler Barracks,Jan 17 1815,27
50/393,Ann,LANDER,Died in South Cross Street Gosport,Jan 18 1815,61
50/394,Eliza dr of William Richard,BENHAM,Died in Damons Rowe Gosport,Jan 19 1815,2days
50/395,James son of James,SMITH,Died in Gosport,Jan 19 1815,-
50/396,Rebecca wife of Wm,GANGE,Died at Forton,Jan 20 1815,75
50/397,Ann,CORNELIUS,Died in Middle Street Gosport,Jan 23 1815,75
50/398,Alexander,KRIPPEE,Died in Hasler,Jan 24 1815,48
50/399,Eliz’th dr of James,FORD,Died in Stoke,Jan 25 1815,8mths
50/400,Wm,LIBBESS,Died at New Buildings Portsea,Jan 27 1815,87
51/401,Eliz’th dr of John,FOLKES,Died at New Town,Jan 27 1815,10mths
51/402,John son of John,CAUDREY,Died at Bingham Town,Jan 27 1815,14mths
51/403,James,GRIST,Died in Queen Street Portsea,Jan 27 1815,56
51/404,James son of Henry,BUTLER,Died in York street Gosport,Jan 29 1815,14
51/405,Mary wife of Wm,HYSLOP,Died in Bingham Town,Jan 29 1815,74
51/406,Eliz’th,DRUMMOND,Died in the Poor House,Jan 31 1815,71
51/407,Edward,McGAWN,Died in the Poor House,Jan 31 1815,31
51/408,Sarah wife of Rich’d,EDMONDS,Died at Stoke Road,Jan 31 1815,10mths
52/409,Francis,SAWYER,Died in the Poor House,Feb 2 1815,36
52/410,Wellington son of Richard,TRAVERS,Died at New Town,Feb 2 1815,8mths
52/411,Mary Ann dr of Tho’s,WHEREY,Died at Hasler Barracks,Feb 7 1815,7mths
52/412,Eliz’th,CAINS,Died at Stoke,Feb 8 1815,86
52/413,Mary dr of James,PRESCOTT,Died at Hardway,Feb 10 1815,1
52/414,Ann,LOCKYER,Died Iin the Poor House,Feb 19 1815,50
52/415,Wm,POULDON,Died in the Poor House,Feb 22 1815,17
52/416,Eliz’th wife of Tho’s,PHIPPART,Died in Bingham Town,Feb 23 1815,50
53/417,John,BREWER,Died in Gosport,Feb 26 1815,55
53/418,Charles,PARKER,Died at Bury,Feb 26 1815,38
53/419,Mary,LEMMING,Died at Fareham,Feb 27 1815,80
53/421,Will’m,BURKETT,Died at Titchfield,Mar 4 1815,16
53/422,James son of James,FENNELL,Died in the Poor House,Mar 5 1815,7mths
53/423,Mary wife of John,CASE,Died in the Poor House,Mar 7 1815,67
53/424,Alexander,JAMISON,Died at Hasler Barracks,Mar 9 1815,38
54/425,Will’m,BELLOWS,Died at Bury,Mar 21 1815,56
54/426,Tho’s,CURRIE,Died in Gosport Middle Street,Mar 21 1815,82
54/427,Edw’d son of John,ANDERSON,Died at Stoke,Mar 21 1815,-
54/428,Wm son of Wm,BILEY,Died at Newtown,Mar 22 1815,23
54/429,Jos’h son of Will’m,FLETCHER,Died in Middle Street Gosport,Mar 22 1815,2
54/430,Will’m son of Will’m,HILL,Died in North Street Gosport,Mar 22 1815,18mths
54/431,Sarah,JACOBS,Died in the Poor House,Mar 22 1815,28
54/432,Hester,BLAKE,Died in South Street Gosport,Mar 24 1815,50
55/433,Hen’y,BURGON,Died at Stoke,Mar 24 1815,81
55/434,Eliz’th dr of Geo,HOLLINDALE,Died at Half Way House Stoke Road,Apr 3 1815,7wks
55/435,A man unknown,---,Poor House,April 5 1815,--
55/436,Charlotte Jennet dr of Murdock,ROBINSON,Died Stoke Road,Apr 11 1815,7days
55/437,Eliz’th dr of Tho’s,SHEAN,Died in South Street Gosport,Apr 12 1815,11mths
55/438,Sophia dr of Wm,ADNAMS,Died at Clayhall,Apr 16 1815,4
55/439,Hen’y,BATCHELOR,Died in the Poor House,Apr 17 1815,41
55/440,Jos’h,SHERVIN,Died in North Street Gosport,Apr 19 1815,36
56/441,Edw’d son of John,RULE,Died at Brockhurst,Apr 23 1815,4days
56/442,Eliz’th dr of Geo,HOWELL,Died in North Street Gosport,Apr 25 1815,7mths
56/443,Geo,MORGAN,Died at Portsea,Apr 26 1815,
56/444,Anthony,ROOD,Died in the Poor House,Apr 28 1815,74
56/445,Job son of Rob’t,JENKINS,Died in Gosport,Apr 29 1815,-
56/446,Will’m son of Will’m,BROADBENT,Died at Clayhall,May 1 1815,3mths
56/447,Eliza dr of Leanord,BACHLOR,Died at Hardway,May 1 1815,13mths
56/448,Willm son of Willm,DOUST,Died at Forton,May 6 1815,---
57/449,Stephen son of John,SAMPSON,Died in Bingham Town,May 9 1815,5mths
57/450,Fredrick son of Will’m,HAMMOND,Died in Middle Street Gosport,May 11 1815,11mths
57/451,Catherine,BARKER,Died at Bury,May 11 1815,36
57/452,Jacob son of Leanord,POPE,Died in Gosport,May 13 1815,-
57/453,Charlotte,LIPSCOMB,Died in King Street Gosport,May 14 1815,61
57/454,Catherine,HALL,Died in the Poor House,May 16 1815,33
57/455,Mary dr of Will’m,GRANT,Died in Coldharbour Gosport,May 17 1815,3days
57/456,John,JAMES,Died in the Poor House,May 20 1815,6
58/457,Julia Ann,TREES,Died in the Poor House,May 23 1815,52
58/458,Elender wife of Tho’s,TAMNTTER,Died at Hasler Barracks,May 24 1815,34
58/459,Eliza dr of John,GOODEVE,Died in South Street Gosport,May 25 1815,-
58/460,Rich’d,COX,Died at Hasler Barracks,May 26 1815,26
58/461,Jane dr of Wm,HAYLER,Died at Forton,May 29 1815,1day
58/462,Will’m on of Will’m,PEACHEY,Died at Forton,May 29 1815,4wks
58/463,Mary,CORNELIUS,Died at Halfway House,June 1 1815,34
58/464,Ann dr of Hen’y,DERRICK,Died in Coldharbour,Jun 1 1815,-
59/465,Tho’s w,CAINS,Died in the Poor House,June 6 1815,54
59/466,Will’m,PINK,Died in Coldharbour,June 7 1815,74
59/467,Caroline dr of -,JOHNSON,Died in North street Gosport,June 7 1815,3
59/468,Jane,CONTS,Died in Middle Street Gosport,June 12 1815,66
59/469,John son of -,HOWELL,Died in north Street Gosport,June 19 1815,13mth
59/470,Toley,BARRY,Died in Haslar Barracks,June 25 1815,28
59/471,James,BAYLEY,Died at Portsea,June 24 1815,18
59/472,Jos’h,CARTER Esq,Died at Bury,June 26 1815,54
60/473,Rob’t,WHITE,Died in the Poor House,June 29 1815,42
60/474,A man unknown,--,Drownd Poor House,June 29 1815,--
60/475,James son of Eliz’th,MOOREY,Died in the Poor House,July 2 1815,-
60/476,--,HYSLOP,Died in Stoke Rd Wellington Place,July 2 1815,65
60/477,Tho’s,ILDERTON,Died in Hasler,July 2 1815,29
60/478,Pheoby dr of Wm,HILLS,Died in Middle Street Gosport,July 2 1815,2wks
60/479,James Waters son of William & Charlotte,MILLIDGE,Died in South Street Gosport,July 5 1815,-
60/480,Charles Ballard Dix son of Cap’n Edw’d,DIX,Died in Coldharbour Gosport,June 9 1815,-
61/481,Rich’d son of Will’m,HILLS,Died in Middle Street Gosport,July 10 1815,6wks
61/482,Eliz’th wife of Phillip,LEADSTONE,Died in Chapel Court Gosport,July 17 1815,-
61/483,William,BELAIR,Died,July 12 1815,52
61/484,Joseph,GOTH,Died in the Poor House,July 19 1815,45
61/485,Hannah,PRAT,Died in Middle Street Gosport,July 25 1815,57
61/486,Jos’h,TOTH,Died in the Poor House,July 26 1815,-
61/487,-,STAPLETON,-,July 26 1815,-
61/488,Jane wife of Tho’s Lenton,ROBINS,Died at Forton,Aug 9 1815,49
62/489,Geo son of Geo,VENTOM,Died in South Cross Street,Aug 10 1815,3days
62/490,Rob’t,BLAKE,Died in the Poor House,Aug – 1815,40
62/491,Jacob son of David,McMARRIN,Died in Bingham Town,Aug 7 1815,2mths
62/492,Wm son of Hen’y,HICKS,Died in Middle Street Gosport,Aug 12 1815,2
62/493,Geo son of Rich’d John,ROSE,Died at Forton,Aug 19 1815,4wks
62/494,Ann dr of Tho’s,COWARD,Died in Sea Horse Lane Gosport,Aug 20 1815,7mths
62/495,Sarah,MOCKLAM,Died in the Poor House,Aug 21 1815,66
62/496,Rich’d,LOWRY,Died in Gosport,Aug 22 1815,35
63/497,Benj’n,JENKINS,Died at Bury,Aug 22 1815,56
63/498,Joseph,PAPPS,Died in Windmill Rowe Gosport,Aug 22 1815,42
63/499,Ellen dr of Baker,GARNETT,Died in Middle Street Gosport,Aug 23 1815,1
63/500,Ann wife of Sam’l,CROSBY,Died at Brockhurst,Aug 23 1815,45
63/501,Hen’y son of James,MATHISON,Died in Gosport,Aug 24 1815,9mths
63/502,Ann dr of Wm,PARSONS,Died in Chapel Rowe Gosport,Aug 24 1815,14mths
63/503,Catherine,BULONG,Died at Broad Street Portsmouth Point,Aug 28 1815,31
63/504,Charles,BONE,Died at Hasler Barracks,Aug 29 1815,26
64/505,Will’m,WEIR,Died at Bury,Aug 30 1815,50
64/506,Eliz’th,SYDNAM,Died in the Poor House,Sept 1 1815,-
64/507,Ellen dr of James,URRY,Died in Middle Street Gosport,Sept 2 1815,11mths
64/508,Mary,PATTEN,Died at Brockhurst,Sept 5 1815,56
64/509,Rob’t,HAMMOND,Died in the Poor House,Sept 7 1815,45
64/510,Maria dr of Wm,HARTFIELD,Died at Fort Monton,Sept 7 1815,7mths
64/511,Edw’d,BUSHELL,Died in the Poor House,Sept 13 1815,63
64/512,Tho’s,IRVIN,Died in the Poor House,Sept 13 1815,20
65/513,John,POLLETT,Drowned in Poor House,Sept 14 1815,-
65/514,Hestor wife of Wm,MITCHEL,Died at Forton,Sept 17 1815,38
65/515,Tho’s son of Wm,HOLLIS,Died at Forton,Sept 17 1815,2wks
65/516,Ann wife of Geo,JOHNSON,Died at Coldharbour Gosport,Sept 18 1815,27
65/517,John son of John,HAYDEN,Died in Coldharbour Gosport,Sept 20 1815,12mths
65/518,Eliz’th wife of John,OAKFORD,Died at Forton,Sept 20 1815,37
65/519,Ann,MAIN,Died at Hardway,Sept 21 1815,75
65/520,Sam,MOORHEAD,Died in Gosport,Sept 21 1815,6
66/521,Charlott Eliza dr of Job,BRUTLAND,Died at Fort Monton,Sept 28 1815,5mths
66/522,Louisa dr of Wm,AYLWARD,Died in North Street Gosport,Sept 28 1815,14mths
66/523,Jane dr of Wm,BENHAM,Died at Forton,Sept 29 1815,-
66/524,Tho’s son of Tho’s,RHYMES,Died in South Street Gosport,Oct 8 1815,3days
66/525,Geo son of Geo,WEAK,Died in Gosport,Oct 8 1815,13mths
66/526,Eliza,ANDERSON,Died in the Poor House,Oct 10 1815,25
66/527,Harriott dr of John,JUDD,Died at Forton Monton,Oct 11 1815,11mths
66/528,Charles,HALE,Died at Forton,Oct 13 1815,61
67/529,Mary wife of Wm,EDWARDS,Died in the Poor House,Oct 15 1815,52
67/530,Ann,JENKINS,Died in the Poor House,Oct 15 1815,19
67/530,John,WOLF,Died in Hasler Hospital,Oct 17 1815,-
67/531,Eliza dr of Wm,LEE,Died at Stoke,Oct 18 1815,3wks
67/532,Will’m,THOMPSON,Died at Forton,Oct 20 1815,68
67/533,Tho’s,HOWARD,Died in the Poor House,Oct 23 1815,72
67/534,Charles Robert,MORRIS,Died in the Poor House,Oct 23 1815,37
67/535,Fredrick Will’m son of John,PERRINGS,Died at Forton,Oct 23 1815,11mths
67/536,Charles son of -,STUDLEY,Died at Clayhall,Oct 29 1815,-
68/537,Abraham,FARLEY or FARTHING,Died at Hasler Barracks,Oct 31 1815,27
68/538,Mary wife of Tho’s,HOAR,Died in Chapel Street Gosport,Nov 1 1815,30
68/539,Eliza dr of James,SOFTLEY,Died at Brockhurst,Nov 2 1815,3
68/540,William son of William,STODGEL,Died at Stoke,Nov 5 1815,22
68/541,John,DUNNING,Died in the Poor House,Nov 5 1815,47
68/542,Pattie Jollif dr of Wm,DAVIS,Gosport Middle Street,Nov 7 1815,16
68/543,Ann dr of Rich’d,SPARKS,Drown’d Gosport,Nov 7 1815,10
68/544,Jane,HARVEY,Died in the Poor House,Nov 9 1815,102
69/545,Mary,YOUNG,Died in the Poor House,Nov 9 1815,30
69/546,James,PUNT,Died in Hasler Barracks,Nov 9 1815,40
69/547,Adam,HACKNEY,Died in Hasler Barracks,Nov 12 1815,-
69/548,Jos’h,FLETCHER,Died in Hasler Barracks,Nov 12 1815,-
69/549,Edward son of Edward,CARNORS,Died at Forton,Nov 12 1815,8mths
69/550,Adam,HACKNEY,Died at Hasler Barracks,Nov 19 1815,-
69/551,Jos’h,FLETCHER,Died at Haslar Barracks,Nov 19 1815,-
69/552,Harriot dr of Geo,LEAR,Died at Bingham Town,Nov 19 1815,11
70/553,Mary dr of James,STREET,Died at Stoke,Nov 19 1815,10mths
70/554,Sarah,WISHER,Died in the Poor House,Nov 20 1815,32
70/555,Rubene,STEVENS,Died in the Poor House,Nov 24 1815,26
70/556,Maria,SHEKLE,Died at Bury,Nov 24 1815,-
70/557,Ann dr of Wm Burnett,STEVENSON,Died at Forton,Nov 29 1815,8days
70/558,Rich’d,COLLINS,Died at Hardway,Nov 29 1815,32
70/559,Louisa dr of John,WADMORE,Died in North Street Gosport,Nov 30 1815,3wks
70/560,Katherine,WRIGHT,Died in Coldharbour Gosport,Dec 2 1815,85
71/561,Mary Ann dr of John,COLE,Died in North Street Gosport,Dec 6 1815,5mths
71/562,Wm,BROTHERTON,Died at Hasler Barracks,Dec 7 1815,33
71/563,Henry,MITTON,Died in Stoke Road,Dec 7 1815,64
71/564,Fredrick,COWELL,Deid at Forton,Dec 7 1815,29
71/565,Anne,MASON,Died at Forton,Dec 8 1815,20
71/566,Thomas,THAINE,Died in Gosport,Dec 10 1815,58
71/567,Ann,HUGHES,Died in the Poor House,Dec 11 1815,33
71/568,John,KEN,Died at Hasler Barracks,Dec 13 1815,29
72/569,William,WATERS,Died at Forton,Dec 17 1815,68
72/570,Margret,CUNNINGTON,Died in the Poor House,Dec 17 1815,41
72/571,Johanna,JONES,Died in the Poor House,Dec 18 1815,33
72/572,Stephen Cuppage,McCURDY,Died at Hambledon,Dec 23 1815,24
72/573,Hester dr of John,WOODFORD,Died at Hardway,Dec 24 1815,16mths
72/574,Esther dr of John,SMITH,Died in Gosport,Dec 31 1815,4mths
72/575,Eliz’th wife of James,PRIVETT,Died at Forton,Jan 3 1816,48
72/576,-,DUMMER,Died in the Poor house,Jan 3 1816,50
73/577,Mary wife of James,BOYD,Died in York Street Gosport,Jan 3 1816,23
73/578,Caroline dr of Cap’n,McKENLEY,Died in Middle Street Gosport,Jan – 1816,6mths
73/579,Tho’s,DELSEE,Died in South Street Gosport,Jan 7 1816,55
73/580,Edw’d,BIGGS,Died at Hardway,Jan 7 1816,23
73/581,Mary,PIKE,Died in the Poor House,Jan 6 1816,42
73/582,Jane,WATERS,Died in the Poor House,Jan 11 1816,27
73/583,Rich’d,LOCK,Died in the Poor house,Jan 11 1816,30
73/584,James son of James,PRESCOTT,Died at Hardway,Jan 13 1816,11mths
74/585,John,STEVENS,Died in Middle Street Gosport,Jan 16 1816,21
74/586,Matilda dr of John,OSMAN,Died at Hardway,Jan 14 1816,11mth
74/587,William son of John,CUNDY,Died,Jan 18 1816,9mths
74//588,Mary,UPHAM,Beach Gosport,Jan 19 1816,38
74/588,Tho’s,JONES,Drowned buried from the Poor House,Jan 19 1816,u/k yrs
74/589,Susan dr of -,RICE Esq,Died at Forton Barracks,Jan – 1816,26
74/590,Sally,HEWETT,Died at Portsmouth,Jan 23 1816,75
74/591,James,McNEAR,Died at Hasler Barracks,Jan 24 1816,26
74/592,Eliz’th dr of -,WOOLAND,Died in the Poor House,Jan 24 1816,4mths
75/593,Eliz’th,LANGFORD,Died in the Poor House,Jan 25 1816,40
75/594,Sarah dr of -,WOOLFE,Died at Elson,Jan 28 1816,31
75/595,Susan dr of Wm,SPEARMAN,Died in King Street Gosport,Jan 28 1816,-
75/596,Eliz’th wife of Tho’s,PINK,Died in North Street Gosport,Jan 29 1816,64
75/597,Jane dr of -,HOWELL,Died in North Street Gosport,Feb 3 1816,5wks
75/599,Martha Maria dr of Rich’d,BYLEY,Died in Wellington Place,Feb 4 1816,15
75/600,John son of Mathew,SWINDLE,Died at Elson,Feb 5 1816,6days
76/601,Francis son of Jos’h,SLEIGH,Died at Forton,Feb 5 1816,22mths
76/602,Anne wife of Michael,LONG,Died in South Street Gosport,Feb 7 1816,59
76/603,William son of Tho’s,MAUNDER,Died at Hasler Barracks,Feb 8 1816,2mths
76/604,Eliz’th dr of Wm,BOYETT,Died in Bingham Town,Feb 11 1816,5
76/605,Gilbert son of John,HORNER,Died at Brockhurst,Feb 12 1816,2
76/606,Abraham son of Abraham,MILLS,Died in Middle Street Gosport,Feb 18 1816,11wks
76/607,Patrick,CARR,Died at Hasler Barracks,Feb 20 1816,-
76/608,Eliz’th,BREEDON,Died in sea Horse Lane Gosport,Feb 20 1816,20
77/609,John,RUSSELL,Died at Forton,Feb 25 1816,15
77/610,Tho’s,HILL,Died in the Poor House,Feb 24 1816,26
77/611,Mary,BERRY,Died in the Poor House,Feb 24 1816,65
77/612,William,GAMBLIN,Died in Hasler Hospital,Feb 26 1816,26
77/613,Mary Sarah dr of Geo,SADLER,Died Stoke Road,Feb 29 1816,-
77/614,Rosetta dr of David,COMPIGNE,Died in Middle Street Gosport,Mar 12 1816,6mths
77/615,Francis,MADDEN,Died in the Poor House,Mar 12 1816,40
78/617,Edward,WATTS,-,Mar 20 1816,22
78/618,Martha,HAMMOND,Died in Middle Street Gosport,Mar 23 1816,7mths
78/619,Louisa Ann dr of john,BLYTH,-,Mar 24 1816,9days
78/620,Mary wife of Luther,MORGAN,Died Stoke Road,Mar 26 1816,29
78/621,Alexander,SMITH,Died in the Poor House,Mar 31 1816,73
78/622,Geo,WILLSON,Drown’d,Apr 4 1816,-
78/623,Ephraim,DIX,Died at Blockhouse,Apr 12 1816,-
78/624,John,ASHMORE,Died in York Street,Apr 13 1816,44
79/625,James,MANNING,Shot himself at Hasler,Apr 14 1816,25
79/626,Ann wife of -,ALLEN,Died,Apr 17 1816,-
79/626,John,HAWKINS,Died in Middle Street Gosport,Apr 18 1816,65
79/627,Mary,REDWOOD,Died in the Poor house,Apr 23 1816,26
79/628,Hannah wife of William,SYMMS,Died at Forton,Apr 25 1816,35
79/629,William,LANE,Died at Forton,Apr 26 1816,70
79/630,Mary wife of Moses,RAMBLINS,Died at Brockhurst,May 3 1816,47
79/631,Emma Mary dr of James,HILLS,Died in Middle Street Gosport,May 5 1816,3
79/632,-,COOK,-,May 12 1816,-
80/633,Mary,TAYLER/OR,Died in Chaple Street Gosport,May 13 1816,30
80/634,Jane,PEARCE,Died in Gosport,May 16 1816,32
80/635,John son of James,ABRAHAM,Died at Stoke,May 16 1816,32
80/636,John,ELLERY,Died at Hasler,May 19 1816,24
80/637,Baker,GARRETT,Died in South Street Gosport,May 26 1816,69
80/638,Tho’s,MASON,Hung himself,May 27 1816,-
80/639,Ann,LANE,Died at Forton,June 1 1816,72
80/640,Mary Ann daughter of,-,Died at Forton,June 2 1816,13mths
81/641,Jos’h son of Rob’t,WEST,Died at Elson,June 5 1816,5
81/641,James,O’NEIL,Died at Forton,June 6 1816,44
81/642,Hannah dr of Will’m,MITCHELL,Died at Elson,June 13 1816,-
81/643,Charlotte dr of Jos’h,MATHEWS,-,June 13 1816,-
81/644,Mary wife of Tho’s,HOLLAND,Died in the Poor House,June 17 1816,-
81/645,Henry,WEST,Died in the Poor house,June 17 1816,-
81/646,Mary dr of James,GRIFFIN,Died in Gosport,June 18 1816,-
81/647,John son of Cha’s,SMITH,Died in Gosport Little Beach,June 20 1816,18mths
81/648,Edw’d,COLLINS,Died at Bury,June 20 1816,68
81/648,Letitia Maria dr of James,RIDOUT,Died in Bingham Town,June 20 1816,22mths
82/649,Sarah wife of James,MANJOY,Died at Elson,June 23 1816,5
82/650,Elizabeth wife of Hugh,SOMERVILLE,Died in Cold Harbour Gosport,June 25 1816,51
82/651,James son of James,COLLINS,Died at Elson,June 25 1816,11
82/652,Tho’s son of Will’m,LENOX,Died at Monton Fort,June 26 1816,15mths
82/653,-,SILVESTER,Died in the Poor House,June 28 1816,-
82/654,Eliz’th dr of Wm,NESBITT,Died at Forton,June 28 1816,-
82/655,Luke,HITCHEN,Died at Hasler Hospital,June 29 1816,41
82/656,Matilda Maria dr of James,RIDOUT,Died in Bingham Town,July 7 1816,19mths
83/657,Edw’d son of Wm,HAMMOND,Died at Brockhurst,July 7 1816,-
83/658,Sarah,MITCHELL,Died in the Poor House,July 7 1816,75
83/659,Mary wife of Jos’h,FRANCES,Died at Monton Fort,July 13 1816,23
83/660,Margret,SAWYER,Died in the Poor House,July 13 1816,6
83/661,Tho’s,WESTON,Died Stoke Road,July 16 1816,-
83/662,-,-,Died in the Poor House,July 18 1816,4
83/663,Charlotte dr of Tho’s,RUSSELL,Died at Hardway,July 21 1816,20
83/664,Calab son of John,TOON,Died in South Street Gosport,July 26 1816,16mths
84/665,George son of John,SPRY,Died in the Poor House,July 29 1816,18mths
84/666,Judith,KNOWLS,Died in the Poor House,Aug 1 1816,-
84/667,Louisa Hill dr of Rich’d,TIMPSON,Died in Middle Street Gosport,Aug 1 1816,19
84/668,Charles son of Jos’h,PLOWMAN,Drown’d,Aug 5 1816,19
84/669,Tho’s,CHURCHER,Died at Forton,Aug 11 1816,40
84/670,Jacob Hinxsman,LEGG,Gosport,Aug 13 1816,48
84/671,Eliz’th dr of Geo,WHITE,-,Aug 13 1816,-
84/672,Charles son of Charles,HOARE,Died in North Street,Aug 19 1816,-
85/673,Ann,NOBLE,Died in the Poor House,Aug 20 1816,29
85/673,Margrett,STOREY,Died in North,Aug 20 1816,60
85/674,William son of William,MUFFETT,Died in Gosport,Aug 26 1816,-
85/675,A black man,-,Died in the Poor House,Aug 27 1816,-
85/676,John son of Will’m,PARSONS,Died in Gosport,Aug 28 1816,16mths
85/677,Ann dr of Sam’l,WINKWORTH,Died at Hardway,Aug 28 1816,11mths
85//678,Rob’t son of William,HYDE,Died in Middle Street Gosport,Sept 1 1816,14
85/679,Joseph,LANGTRY,Died at Waltham,Sept 9 1816,46
85/680,Mary Ann dr John,REEVES,Died in Gosport,Sept 15 1816,5days
86/681,Catherine wife of William,ROSE,Died in Gosport,Sept 13 1816,-
86/682,Bernerd,MURRY,Died at Hardway,Sept 13 1816,41
86/683,Rich’d,SEAGROVE,Died at Elson,Sept 22 1816,84
86/684,John,GIBSON,Died in the Poor House,Sept 24 1816,29
86/685,Jos’h Leonard,SHEPHERD,Died in bingham town,Sept 26 1816,29
86/686,Sarah,KNIGHT,Died in North Street Gosport,Sept 29 1816,50
86/687,Charles son of Charles,WILLIAMS,Died in King Street Gosport,Sept 29 1816,1
87/689,Ann wife of James,GOODWIN,Died at Bury,Oct 1 1816,29
87/690,Geo son of James,ROY,Died in the Poor house,Oct 2 1816,5
87/691,Henrietta dr of Stephen,HUNT,Died in Hardway,Oct 3 1816,5
87/692,Phebey,JOHNSON,Died in the Poor house,Oct 3 1816,-
87/693,Matilda dr of Wm,HYDE,Died at Middle Street Gosport,Oct 6 1816,9mths
87/694,John,CASSE,Alverstoke,Oct 8 1816,-
87/695,James Francis son of Tho’s,TURNBULL,Died in South Street Gosport,Oct 8 1816,20mths
87/696,Peter,WHITE,Died in the Poor House,Oct 19 1816,-
88/697,John,BAILEY,Hanged himself,Oct 21 1816,22
88/697,Geo,CLARK,Died in the Poor House,Oct 21 1816,76
88/698,Mineford wife of Edmond,WHITE,Died at Elson,Oct 21 1816,-
88/699,Samuel,EASTERLEY,Destroyed himself in the Gosport Bridewell,Nov 4 1816,-
88/700,Mary wife of Wm,GODDEN,Died in Middle Street Gosport,Nov 4 1816,29
88/700,James,BRADLEY,Died in the Poor House,Nov 8 1816,35
88/701,Catherine,BROOKER,Died in the Poor House,Nov 8 1816,-
88/702,James William son of Wm,BROWN,Died Stoke Road,Nov 10 1816,5 mths
88/703,Mary,DOLLINANUND,-,Nov 11 1816,3mths
88/703,Tho’s,STILES,Buried from the Poor House,Nov 11 1816,10mths
88/704,Rich’d James son of Tho’s,GURNETT,Died in the Poor House,Nov 11 1816,7mths
89/705,Ann dr of James,ABBOTT,-,Nov 27 1816,10wks
89/706,Susanna wife of George Parry,JOHNS,Died Stoke Road,Nov 28 1816,-
89/707,Mary wife of Stephen,HUNT,Died at Hardway,Dec 2 1816,35
89/708,Jane,ESHER,Died in North Street Gosport,Dec 8 1816,49
89/709,Eliz’th wife of John,STRAITS,Died at Hasler Barracks,Dec 11 1816,28
89/710,Wm son of Will’m,HEBENS,Died at Forton,Dec 12 1816,17mths
89/711,Louisa Ann dr of Wm,NEWTON,Died in Gosport,Dec 12 1816,5mths
89/712,-,-,,Dec 16 1816,-
90/713,John,SPRY,Died in the Poor House,Dec 19 1816,26
90//714,Tho’s,FITZMORRIS,Died at Forton,Dec 19 1816,26
90/715,-,MARLEY,Died at Brockhurst,Dec 19 1816,80
90/716,Edmond son of Jacob,JUPE,-,Dec 21 1816,-
90/717,John,WOOD,Died in the Poor House,Dec 26 1816,-
90/718,Robert son of Charles,COOPER,-,Dec 29 1816,2mths
90/719,Joseph,HEATHER,Died in the Poor House,Dec 29 1816,77
90/720,Elizabeth,PECK,Died in the Poor House,Jan 3 1817,-
91/721,Martha,BEZANT,Died in the Poor House,Jan 5 1817,68
91/722,George Cutler son Wm,HARRY,Died in Gosport,Jan 5 1817,4mths
91/723,Thomas,WHITE,Died at Forton,Jan – 1817,70
91/724,A Woman unknown,,Found dead,Jan 22 1817,-
91/725,James son of Hen’y,HOBBS,Died at Brockhurst,Jan 20 1817,7mths
91/726,Caroline dr of Charles,PRIVET,Died in Gosport,Jan 29 1817,1mth
91/727,Mary wife of Wm,LIGHT,Died in the Poor House,Feb 2 1817,67
91/728,Jane wife of Geo,ADNAMS,Died at Clayhall,Feb 7 1817,34
92/729,George Paul son of George,HOOD,Died in North Street Gosport,Feb 7 1817,15days
92/730,Ann,EARLEY,Died Gosport,Feb 11 1817,57
92/731,William,RAPLEY,Died in cold Harbour Gosport,Feb 11 1817,83
92/732,John,MARSHALL,Died at Cort Barn,Feb 15 1817,67
92/733,Ann dr of John,BUTLER,Died in Cold Harbour,Feb 19 1817,8mths
92/734,Margrett,JONATHAN,Died in the Poor House,Feb 24 1817,41
92/735,James,WHITE,Died at Bury,Feb 28 1817,42
92/736,Ann wife of Wm,AXFORD,Died at hasler Barracks,Mar 5 1817,36
93/737,William,PYE,Died North Cross Street Gosport,Mar 5 1817,44
93/738,George,SMITH,Died at Fort Monton,Mar 9 1817,62
93/739,Jane,SHARP,Died in the Poor House,Mar 13 1817,24
93/740,Catherine Maria dr of Phillip,FITCHES,Died in middle Street Gosport,Mar 17 1817,-
93/741,Mary Ann,WIND,Died in north Street Gosport,Mar 17 1817,26
93/742,Elizabeth,ORCHARD,Died at Funtley,Mar 19 1817,81
93/743,Thomas,WILKINSON,Died in Haslar hospital,Mar 28 1817,29
93/744,John,BEDGOOD,Died in South Street Gosport,Mar 31 1817,60
94/745,William son of Thomas,MATHEWS,Died in Dock Village Stoke Road,Apr 1 1817,10 mths
94/746,William son of William,TAYLOR,Died in Chaple Rowe Gosport,Apr 5 1817,17mths
94/747,Joseph,ROPER,Died in North Cross Street Gosport,Apr 5 1817,79
94/748,-,DREW,Died at Forton,Apr 6 1817,75
94/749,Ann,BENTON,Died in Stoke,Apr 6 1817,27
94/750,John,ROBINS,Died in Cold Harbour Gosport,Apr 8 1817,73
94/751,Son of rob’t,COLLINS,Gosport,Apr 17 1817,-
94/752,Joseph,GOODEVE,Gosport,Apr 14 1817,40
95/753,Grace Mary wife of John,DEVEREUX,Bingham town,Apr 14 1817,62
95/754,Thomas son of johnq,ORCHARD,Forton,Apr 20 1817,19mths
95/755,Eliz’th,LASKEY,Hardway,Apr 20 1817,56
95/756,Sarah dr of Noble,BARRON,Stoke,Apr 20 1817,14mths
95/757,Francis,PARMINTER,Gosport,June 12 1817,27
95/758,Ann wife of john,TULLY,Poor house,May 4 1817,66
95/759,Mary Jane dr of James,SEARLEY,Gosport,May 6 1817,4
95/760,Richard son of R,ROGERS,Gosport,May 6 1817,-
96/761,John son of Wm,AURKER,Gosport,May – 1817,13mths
96/762,James,BARNETT,Forton,May 8 1817,23
96/763,Harriet wife of Thomas,ABRAHAM,Poor House,May 14 1817,44
96/764,John son of Wm,FRYER,Gosport,May 16 1817,-
96/765,Frances wife James,BELLAM,Hasler Barracks,May 26 1817,-
96/766,John son of James,RUSSELL,Poor House,May 27 1817,2
96/767,Richard sonof Wm,EDEN,Gosport,May 27 1817,3
96/768,Mark son of Jas,HUTCHINGS,Brockhurst,May 27 1817,8
97/769,William son of Daniel,BROWN,Gosport,June 1 1817,-
97/770,James,MARLOW,Poor House,June 3 1817,3
97/771,Ann Eliza dr of Tho’s,WOOD,Clayhall,June 8 1817,-
98/772,Jane dr of George,ADNAMS,Clayhall,June 7 1817,3
97/773,John,HALL,Poor House,June 12 1817,-
97/774,James son of William,WELSH,Gosport,June 12 1817,-
97/775,William son of Charles,HOBBS,Gosport,June 12 1817,-
97/776,George son of James,COLLINS,Gosport,June 23 1817,14mths
98/777,Mary Ann wife Thomas,TULL,Gosport,Jun 25 1817,-
98/778,Harriet wife of Richard,WHITE,Gosport,June 28 1817,-
98/779,Robert,GARNETT,Forton,June 29 1817,68
98/780,Edward son of Edward,CALLAGAN,Fort Monkton,July 7 1817,-
98/781,Ann Eliza dr of Tho’s,WOODS,Gosport,July 8 1817,3
98/782,Sarah dr James,MORGAN,Gosport,July 11 1817,-
98/783,James son of James,WHEELER,Gosport,July 18 1817,-
98/784,John,COLLINS,Five Elms Brockhurst,July 19 1817,72
99/785,A woman (name unknown),-,Poor House,July 23 1817,-
99/786,James son Richard,HARDING,Gosport,July 26 1817,-
99/787,Susanna dr Philip,LEWIS,Bingham Town,July 27 1817,-
99/788,Issac son Cha’s Hope,REID,Southsea Portsmouth,July 28 1817,3mths
99/789,Richard son John,MERRETT,North Street Gosport,July 30 1817,4
99/790,George,DOLING,South Street Gosport,July 30 1817,44
99/791,Sarah,READ,Middle Street Gosport,Aug 9 1817,52
99/792,Ann,LEVIN,Poor House,Aug 14 1817,67
100/793,Richard son of Tho’s,SHIRVELL,Gosport,Aug 17 1817,7mths
100/794,Harriet wife of Wm,OVERY,Poor house,Aug 21 1817,60
100/795,James,KING,Gosport,Sept 10 1817,73
100/796,Mary Jane dr Samuel,PRESTON,Gosport,Sept 10 1817,4mths
100/797,Catherine,BLEAR,Poor House,Sept 16 1817,65
100/798,Mary,WHITE,Alverstoke,Sept 20 1817,-
100/799,Lydia wife John,MILLS,Forton,Sept 27 1817,-
100/800,Hawford son of Hawford,MYLES,Bingham Town,Sept 27 1817,-
101/801,Ann dr of Henry,FREEMAN,Gosport,Oct 6 1817,-
101/802,C,SCOTT,Poor House,Oct 4 1817,-
101/803,Bridget wife of Wm,GUINAM,Hasler Barracks,Oct 7 1817,29
101/804,Catherine dr Edw’d,DALBY,-,Oct 9 1817,-
101/805,Mary dr Henry,JOHNSTON,-,Oct 13 1817,11wks
101/806,Henry son of Stephen,VINCEON,Stoke,Oct 9 1817,7days
101/807,Eliz’th,JONES,Poor house,Oct 10 1817,-
101/808,Elizabeth wife of James,WALDREN,Forton,Oct 12 1817,56
102/809,George,ALINGDALE,South Street Gosport,Oct 12 1817,-
102/810,Eliz’th,MERRIFIELD,Poor house,Oct 12 1817,70
102/811,Eliz’th,JONES,Poor House,Oct 14 1817,78
102/812,Eliz’th,GARNETT,Poor House,Oct 14 1817,66
102/813,Mary,CHURCHER,Poor House,Oct 18 1817,80
102/814,Benj’n,AYLWARD,Brockhurst,Oct 19 1817,78
102/815,Mary wife of rob’t,GOODWIN,Gosport,Oct 22 1817,29
102/816,William,HYSLOP,North Street Gosport,Oct 26 1817,79
103/817,Camelia,JENKINS,Poor house,Oct 27 1817,-
103/818,Matilda dr of Guilliiam,DANIELS,Gosport,Oct 28 1817,-
103/819,William son of William,FLETCHER,Gosport,Nov 2 1817,-
103/820,James,BALDWIN,Poor House,Nov 4 1817,-
103/821,Edmund son of Edmund,LANE,Brockhurst,Nov 5 1817,7
103/822,James,BOWEN,Poor house,Nov 6 1817,40
103/823,Hugh,SOMERVILLE,Gosport,Nov 9 1817,60
103/824,Mary wife of Patrick,SHANNON,Fort Monkton,Nov 9 1817,-
104/825,William,MASON,Gosport,Nov 10 1817,81
104/826,Lydia wife Daniel,FULFORD,Portsea,Nov 11 1817,37
104/827,George son Mary,MARTIN,Stoke,Nov 13 1817,-
104/828,John son of Wm,EVENDEN,Gosport,Nov 14 1817,-
104/829,James,HARDER,Gosport,Nov 14 1817,-
104/830,Ann,BRAGGS,Poor House,Nov 16 1817,2yrs 6mths
104/831,Charles,SAUNDERS,Gosport,Nov 23 1817,58
104/832,John son of John,LUKES,Gosport,Nov 27 1817,-
105/833,Louisa dr of John,LODGE,Hardway,Dec 2 1817,3
105/834,Mary dr of James,RUSSELL,Stoke Road,Dec – 1817,5
105/835,Tho’s,HOBBS,Brockhurst,Dec 14 1817,35
105/836,Sarah dr Ja’s,CARR,Gosport,Dec 16 1817,-
105/837,Tho’s,ABRAHAM,Poor House,Dec 11 1817,70
105/838,Mary dr of John,ROPER,North Street Gosport,Dec 20 1817,-
105/839,Henry Isaac son of Isaac,MUNDAY,Middle Street Gosport,Dec 22 1817,3days
105/840,Mary dr of James,COOMBS,Forton,Dec 25 1817,-
106/841,Mary,LOO,Poor house,Jan 1 1818,-
106/842,George,WOOD,Shot by accident Alverstoke,Jan 11 1818,31
106/843,Richard,JACQUES,Kingston Poor House,Jan 12 1818,43
106/844,Mary,LOCK,Poor House,Jan 1818,-
106/845,Mary Dorothea,FITZWILLIAMS,Titchfield,Jan 13 1818,69
106/846,Sarah wife of Henry,CRIBB,Poor house,Jan 25 1818,-
106/847,Johanna wife of Isaac,LEGG,Southsea in Portsmouth,Jan 28 1818,-
106/848,Ann wife of Stephen,WARWICK,Hardway,Feb 4 1818,-
107/849,Ann dr William,SMITH,Gosport,Feb 6 1818,-
107/850,Elizabeth dr William,ABRAHAM,Poor House,Feb 6 1818,-
107/851,Hannah wife of John,GOODEVE,Bury Gosport,Feb 7 1818,-
107/852,John son of John,MILLER,Gosport,Feb 9 1818,-
107/853,John,GEAR,Clerk of Alverstoke church – North Street Gosport,Died Feb 6 1818 & buried Feb 10,63
107/854,Thomas,HUBBARD,Poor House,Feb 10 1818,-
107/855,Sarah,WINTER,Poor House,Feb 1818,-
107/856,James,HEBBEN,Yore Common,Feb 15 1818,46
108/857,Ann dr of Wm,ARCHABEL,Gosport,Feb 15 1818,5yrs6mths
108/858,Charles son of Stephen,HUNT,Gosport,Feb 20 1818,3yrs6mths
108/858,Major Wm Read,LAWRENCE,72nd Regt of Fort died and was buried at Haslar,Feb 22 1818,-
108/859,Mary dr of Tho’s & Mary,CHILDS,Bingham Town Gosport,Feb 23 1818,9
108/860,John,WILLIAMS,Stokes Bay,Mar 2 1818,78
108/861,Margaret,KELLY,Poor house,Mar 5 1818,74
108/862,Elizabeth,PRENT,Poor House,Mar 5 1818,19
108/863,Alexander,McCARTHEY,Poor House,Mar 5 1818,9mths
108/864,Elizabeth,NORKETT,Poor House,Mar 7 1818,71
109/865,James,ABRAHAM,Bury,Mar 8 1818,17
109/866,Maria,PRATT,Poor House,Mar 12 1818,8mths
109/967,Jane,ABBOTT,Hardway,Mar 20 1818,1mth
109/868,George,BIGGS,Elson,Mar 23 1818,19
109/869,Charlotte,GLAZEBROOK,Gosport,Mar 25 1818,3mths
109/870,Mary ann,BUTLAR,Gosport,Mar 28 1818,17
109/871,Martha,BRADEY,Bingham town,Mar 29 1818,19
109/872,Edmund Frederic,TAYLER,North Street Gosport,Mar 29 1818,2
110/873,Charles son of Wm & Mary,JOHNSON,High Street Gosport,Mar 31 1818,6yrs & 8mths
110/874,Phoebe,MATLOCK,Poor House,Mar 31 1818,30
110/875,George son of John & Harriet,COLE,Poor House,Apr 1 1818,11mths
110/876,Mary Ann dr of Solomon,BLEMY,Bingham town,Apr 1 1818,1mth
110/877,William,MEWS,Poor house,Apr 6 1818,2yrs &6mths
110/878,Mary,HOLLIS,High Street Gosport,Apr 11 1818,60
110/880,Joseph,LEGGETT,Wellington Place nr Gosport,Apr 12 1818,40
111/881,Sarah wife of Geo,PHILLIPS,North Street Gosport,Apr 23 1818,63
111/882,A man unknown,,Drowned,April 25 1818,-
111/883,William,FLETCHER,Portsea,Apr 25 1818,88
111./884,Harriet dr of Wm,STODGELL,North Street Gosport,Apr 30 1818,-
111/885,Jane,PHILLIPS,Gosport,May 2 1818,82
111/886,Josiah,BLACK,Hasler Barracks,May 2 1818,38
111/887,Emmanuel,PHILLIPS,Poor House,May 6 1818,282/225438
111/888,Thomas,NELSON,Poor house,May 6 1818,48
112/889,George,HITCHELL,North Street Gosport,May 7 1818,27
112/890,James,DERRICK,Cold Harbour Gosport,May 9 1818,70
112/891,Mary wife of Henry,FREEMAN,Forton,May 10 1818,50
112/892,William,VIGAR,Anns Hill near Forton,May 10 1818,62
112/893,Marg,BRADY,Poor House,May 16 1818,
112/894,William,HAYS,Poor House,May 19 1818,45
112/895,Amelia dr of John,MEREDITH,Forton,May 21 1818,15
112/896,Jane,UDELL,Sea Horse Street Gosport,May 21 1818,45
113/897,Charles,SIMMONS,Poor House,May 16 1818,26
113/898,David,THOMPSON,Stokes Bay nr Gosport,May 22 1818,29
113/899,Susanna,PHILLIPS,Elson,May 22 1818,52
113/900,William,PARDOW,Gosport,May 6 1818,6
113/900,William,PARDEW,Gosport,May 26 1818,6
113/901,William,CLEMENTS,Poor House,May 28 1818,45
113/902,Jemima dr of Isaac,HOLDER,St Mary’s Street Portsmouth,June 5 1818,9mths
113/903,Henry,DERRICK,Cold Harbour Gosport,June 8 1818,43
113/904,William,MASKELL,North Street Gosport,June 8 1818,21
114/905,James son of Wm,ROWE,York Street Gosport,June 9 1818,1yr &3mths
114/906,A man unknown (drowned),-,-,June 13 1818,-
114/907,Henry son of john,GOODEVE,Bury nr Gosport,June 16 1818,10
114/908,William son of john,ELKINS,Gosport,June 22 1818,9wks
114/909,Stephen,WINCHCOMB,Poorhouse,June 23 1818,49
114/910,John,WILSON,Poorhouse,June 25 1818,26
114/911,Mary ann dr of Wm & Jane,FRYER,Gosport,June 26 1818,10wks
115/913,Eliza dr of John & Ann,MORGAN,Gosport,June 30 1818,4days
115/914,Ann,MOORE,Poor House,July 1 1818,46
115/915,Rachael,POPE,Poor house,July 8 1818,70
115/916,Richard,SCOTT,Poor House,July 15 1818,50
115/917,John,HARRIS,Stoke,July 16 1818,68
115/918,Helen dr of Sydney & Dinah Sydney,SMITH,Brighton,July 17 1818,6mths
115/919,Ann wife of John,HEWETT,Forton,July 19 1818,62
115/920,David son of Wm & Hannah,VICKER,Stoke Road,July 22 1818,18
115/921,A drowned man name unknown,-,Poor House,July 23 1818,-
116/922,Catherine Mary wife of ----,HALSEY Esq of Bath,Seahorse Street Gosport,July 27 1818,20
116/923,-,DESDALE,Poor house,July 28 1818,-
116/924,George son of Geo & Hannah,SCOTT,Stoke,July 30 1818,9mths
116/924,Louisa dr of Tho’s,WILLIAMS,Stoke Road,July 30 1818,2mths
116/925,William Henry son of Tho’s & Hannah,ADAMS,High Street Gosport,July 31 1818,6mths
116/926,George son of Thomas & Sarah,LANE,Brandy Mount Gosport,Aug 2 1818,6mths
116/926,George son of John & Sarah,LONG,Brandy Mount Gosport,Aug 2 1818,2mths
116/927,Martha wife of Frances,ROWLEY,Yore Common,Aug 2 1818,40
116/928,Elizabeth,WILKINSON,Poor House,Aug 4 1818,-
117/929,William son of Tho’s & Esther,TOLL,Bingham Town,Aug 5 1818,10days
117/930,Sarah dr of James,ANDERSON,South Street Gosport,Aug 6 1818,3yrs 6mths
117/931,William Thomas son of William & Ann Christian,TAYLOR,Gosport,Aug 7 1818,7mths
117/932,Eliza dr of John & Eliza,WEBB,Hardway,Aug 10 1818,5
117/933,Richard,PASCALL,Haslar,August 22 1818,27
117/934,John,GUBBY,Poor House,Aug 12 1818,56
117/935,Mary,BROWN,Poor House,Aug 12 1818,73
117/936,Charlotte,GREEN,Hardway,Aug 14 1818,53
118/937,John Henry son of Henry & Jemima,ADAMS,Forton,Aug 12 1818,2mths
118/938,Rebecca dr of James,ANDERSON,Gosport,Aug 16 1818,7wks
118/939,John son of Samuel & Esther,LEONARD,Stoke,Aug 17 1818,7mths
118/940,Rebecca wife of Robert,MEADS,North Street Gosport,Aug 19 1818,58
118/941,George son of Wm & Jane,WOLFE,Beach Gosport,Aug 20 1818,3
118/942,Jane,REESE,Poor House,Aug 21 1818,48
118/943,John,FOSTER,Gosport,Aug 21 1818,26
118/944,-,SNOOK,Gosport,Aug 22 1818,12wks
119/945,William son of William & Mary Ann,GLOWEN,Gosport,Aug 24 1818,10mths
119/946,Thomas son of John,WHITE,Brockhurst,Aug 26 1818,3wks
119/947,Jacob son of Jacob,DAVIS,Gosport,Aug 29 1818,3days
119//948,Ann,BARRY,Brockhurst,Aug 30 1818,65
119/949,Harriet dr of John,FOWLES,Gosport,Aug 30 1818,1yr 6mths
119/950,Alfred Carter son of Thomas & Jane,HILL,Forton,Sept 1 1818,6mths
119/951,Mary,MAHANY,Poorhouse,Sept 4 1818,31
119/952,John,HASLAR,Poorhouse,Sept 5 1818,60
120/953,Ellen,McCURDY,Portsea,Sept 8 1818,33
120/954,Isabella,RUNNIE,Stokes Bay,Sept 12 1818,18
120/955,Elizabeth,MARTIN,Poor House,Sept 16 1818,3wks11mths
120/956,Henry,SHEENS,Poor House,Sept 18 1818,89
120/957,Elizabeth wife of James,KANE,Elliott Place Bingham Town,Sept 18 1818,48
120/958,Mary wife of Wm,HAMMOND,High Street Gosport,Sept 20 1818,40
120/959,James son of Charles,MARTIN,Gosport,Sept 20 1818,18mths
120/960,Mary,ADAMS,Poor House,Sept 26 1818,76
121/961,McAnthony,PATRICKSON,Brockhurst,Sept 25 1818,32
121/962,Mary Ann wife of John Robert,KYRBY,Gloucetser Street Portsea,Oct 2 1818,29
121/963,Martha,HARRIS,Gosport,Oct 4 1818,88
121/964,John,MACEY,Poor House,Oct 5 1818,51
121/965,Mary,NIBLET,Poor House,Oct 8 1818,29
121/966,Judith dr of Sarah,MAROW,Forton,Oct 8 1818,2yrs &6mths
121/967,James son of Thomas & Elizabeth,EDDICAR,High Street Gosport,Oct 11 1818,-
121/968,John,CRESDEE,Stokes Bay,Oct 17 1818,72
122/969,Jane Carolina dr of Robert & Amy,SMITH,York Street Gosport,Oct 18 1818,2yrs3mths
122/970,Catherine,KENEDY,Poor House,Oct 19 1818,85
122/971,Julia,CRAWLEY,Poor House,Oct 19 1818,33
122/972,Ruth wife of Richard,STEPHENS,Point Portsmouth,Oct 19 1818,58
122/973,John,RANGER,Asylum for lunatics Bury,Oct 19 1818,53
122/974,Martha the third dr of John & Betsey,GEAR,North Street Gosport,Died Oct 17 & buried Oct 21 1818,24yrs 9mths
122/975,Mary,GUY,Poor House,Oct 28 1818,43
122/976,Elizabeth,GUY,Poor House,Nov – 1818,82
123/977,John,BEVIN,Poor House,Nov 6 1818,74
123/978,John,SIM,Haslar,Nov 9 1818,48
123/979,Ann Eliza dr of William,SILVESTER,King Street Gosport,Nov 9 1818,4
123/980,Alice dr of James,COOPER,Forton,Nov 10 1818,3
123/981,William son of Sarah,BARTON,Poor House,Nov 14 1818,2
123/982,Benjamin son of Benjamin & Ann,LANGLEY,Stoke,Nov 15 1818,4days
123/983,James son of James,BELL,Forton,Nov 23 1818,
123/984,Elizabeth,SEWELL,Poor House,Nov 23 1818,-
124/985,Edward,KNIGHT,Poor House,Nov 23 1818,-
123/986,Dr Wm & Charlotte,LEE,Bury,Nov 25 1818,17
124/987,Elizabeth dr of William,BENHAM,Gosport,Nov 25 1818,-
124/988,Susan dr of Rich’d Rouse & Ann,BLOXAM,Haslar Hospital,Nov 26 1818,16
124/988,Ann,DRAKE,Poor House,Nov 29 1818,60
124/989,Nicholas,BREET,Poor House,Nov 29 1818,40
124/990,William,CHARTERS,Poor House,Dec 2 1818,40
124/991,Mary dr of Tho’s & Mary Ann,ARCHER,Stoke,Dec 5 1818,3days
124/992,Mary,GUBBY,Poor House,Dec 6 1818,54
125/993,William,CHURCHER,Hardway,Dec 6 1818,80
125/994,John,MOORE,Hardway,Dec 11 1818,59
125/995,James,GOLDER,India Arms Inn Gosport,Dec 13 1818,35
125/996,Wm,UNDERHILL,Gosport,Dec 16 1818,35
125/997,Lydia wife of George,SMITH,North Street Gosport,Dec 16 1818,51
125/998,Christopher,CUFF,Poor House,Dec 19 1818,87
125/999,Ann,NEWMAN,Brockhurst,Dec 20 1818,78
125/1000,Joseph,TAYLOR,Poor House,Dec 22 1818,62
126/1001,William,COLLINS,Elson,Dec 22 1818,88
126/1002,James,LIBBES,Bingham Town,Dec 26 1818,54
126/1003,James Hamer son of Rev Jacob & Maria,COLLINS,Stoke near Gosport,Dec 26 1818,11
126/1004,Alexander,LYONS,Bury,Dec 29 1818,41
126/1005,William son of Dennis,DUDY,Stoke,Dec 30 1818,2
126/1006,Sophia,WAREHAM,Brockhurst,Dec 31 1818,39
126/1007,Thomas,ALLEN,Clayhall,Jan 7 1819,23
126/1008,Sarah dr of John & Mary,BROWN,Gosport,Jan 17 1819,3days
127/1009,Margaret wife of Henry,PRATT,Forton,Jan 17 1819,40
127/1010,Maria Martha wife of Samuel,BOVILL,Forton,Jan 19 1819,34
127/1011,Johanna Maria wife of James,COLLINS,Alverstoke,Jan 27 1819,42
127/1012,Mary dr of James & Mary,AYLING,Alverstoke,Jan 28 1819,17
127/1013,Thomas,CREW,Poor House,Feb 3 1819,65
127/1014,Ann dr of John & Ann,HALL,South Street Gosport,Feb 6 1819,18mths
127/1015,Richard son of Rich’d & Ann,INCLEDON,Elson,Feb 7 1819,13days
127/1016,Mary,LLOYD,Poor House,Feb 8 1819,46
128/1017,Ruth wife of George,MOOREY,Bury,Feb 15 1819,67
128/1018,Caroline dr of John Hami,FLETCHER,High St Gosport,Feb 20 1818,1
128/1019,Ann,CHANT,Poor House,Feb 21 1819,86
128/1020,Mary wife of John,PALMER,Alverstoke,Feb 24 1819,70
128/1021,George Thomas son of Rich’d & Mary,LAPHAM,Clayhall,Feb 28 1819,2yrs& 10mths
128/1022,Matthew Tracey son of Samuel & Mary,CLAP,North Street Gosport,Feb 28 1819,4
128/1023,James son of James & Elizabeth,RUFFLE,Gosport,Mar 3 1819,3
128/1024,Rich’d son of Wm,LEE,Bury,Mar 7 1819,4
128/1024,George,CHURCHER,Forton,Mar 8 1819,34
129/1025,Sarah wife of Hector,TAWSE,Cold Harbour Gosport,Mar 10 1819,86
129/1026,Joseph Billingham Paysnell son of Jacob & Elizabeth,ROW,Gosport,Mar 10 1819,7mths
129/1027,John,LUTMAN,North Street Gosport,Mar 14 1819,27
129/1028,John B,ROPER,Seahorse Street Gosport,Mar 15 1819,38
129/1029,Edward,WILSON,Poor House,Mar 17 1819,24
129/1030,Mary wife of John,ALLEN,Bingham Town,Mar 21 1819,34
129/1031,John,LUTMAN,Gosport,Mar 27 1819,11wks
129/1032,William,GILES,South Street Gosport,Mar 28 1819,82
130/1033,Elizabeth,FISH,Poor House,Mar 30 1819,82
130/1034,Grace,GILLIMAN,Poor House,April 5 1819,84
130/1035,Caroline dr of Thomas & Martha,PAUL,North Street Gosport,Apr 5 1819,17
130/1036,Louisa dr of Stephen & Ann,VINCENT,Alverstoke,Apr 7 1819,2
130/1037,Hannah dr of Henry & Sophia,ALLEN,Gosport,Apr 10 1819,4
130/1038,Peter,HANDLEY,Poor House,Apr 12 1819,59
130/1039,Catherine,TOPHAM,Gosport,Apr 15 1819,82
130/1040,James,BAKER,Gosport,Apr 18 1819,52
131/1041,Sarah,SEARLEY,Portsea,Apr 21 1819,53
131/1042,Ann wife of Richard,WOODFORD,Hardway nr Gosport,Apr 23 1819,70
131/1043,William son of Wm & Catherine,TRATTLE,Gosport,Apr 21 1819,14mths
131/1044,Elizabeth dr of Wm,VIGAR,Anns Hill nr Gosport,Apr 25 1819,19
131/1045,Sarah,GORDON,Poor House,Apr 30 1819,53
131/1046,Mary,LYNCH,North Street Gosport,May 3 1819,03
131/1047,Benjamon son of Benjamin & Charlotte,PINK,Hardway,May 4 1819,7wks
131/1048,Jane,LAWRENCE,Poor House,May 5 1819,54
132/1049,Thomas,CORK,Fort Monckton,May 8 1819,25
132/1050,Sarah wife of Richard,TRAVERS,Stoke Road,May 13 1819,45
132/1051,Michael,MICHAELMAN,Poor House,May 19 1819,84
132/1052,Maria,CAMPBELL,Poor House,May 19 1819,64
132/1053,William,TAURANCE,Gosport,May 23 1819,84
132/1054,Mary,SCOTT,Bingham Town Nr Gosport,May 23 1819,67
132/1055,Ann,DOYLE,Poor House,May 24 1819,77
132/1056,Sarah,LIBBES,Poor House,May 27 1819,46
133/1057,Thomas son of William,CHARTERS,Cold Harbour Gosport,May 31 1819,4
133/1058,Mary wife of George,MARTIN,Bury,June 1 1819,56
133/1059,George,LITTLEFIELD,North Street Gosport,June 1 1819,67
133/1060,Thomas son of Wm,IVEMY,South Street Gosport,June 3 1819,12
133/1061,Mary,DOYLE,Poor House,June 10 1819,36
133/1062,Mary,MASTERS,Poor House,June 17 1819,64
133/1063,George,DOGHERTY,Fort Monckton,June 21 1819,30
133/1064,Mary Ann dr of Wm & Sarah,PERRIN,Dock Village nr Gosport,June 21 1819,9
134/1065,Maria Henrietta dr of Frederick & Harriet,TEGULAR,Bingham Town,June 23 1819,7mths
134/1066,Ann,BROWN,Poor House,June 24 1819,70
134/1067,Hannah,TAYLOR,Poor House,July 2 1819,91
134/1068,Jane,SPOONER,Poor House,July 2 1819,40
134/1069,Elizabeth dr of Thomas & Jane,DAVIS,High Street Gosport,July 14 1819,7mths
134/1070,William James son of Wm & Elizth,RICHARDSON,Cold Harbour Gosport,July 17 1819,4 days
134/1071,Elizabeth dr of Wm & Jane,VOSPER,Bingham Town,July 25 1819,8yrs & 5mths
134/1072,Mary Ann dr of Matthew & Sarah,CLAP,Gosport,July 29 1819,19
135/1073,John son of John,HAYS,Bury,Aug 1 1819,-
135/1074,Elizabeth wife of William,KENTISH,Brandy Mount Gosport,Aug 2 1819,-
135/1075,Thomas,GILBERT,Fort Monckton,Aug 4 1819,27
135/1076,Ellen Rebecca dr of Hy,DERRICK,Cold Harbour Gosport,Aug 8 1819,10mths
135/1077,Sarah wife of John,HOWELL,North Street Gosport,Aug 12 1819,63
135/1078,Lucy dr of James & Martha,HONEYMAN,Brockhurst,Aug 15 1819,13mths
135/1079,Martha dr of Wm & Martha,EDWARDS,Bingham Town nr Gosport,Aug 16 1819,28
135/1080,Margaret,PICKET,Poor House,Aug 19 1819,84
136/1081,Mary,PRESTON,Poor House,Aug 19 1819,25
136/1082,James,TROWBRIDGE,Gosport,Aug 26 1819,35
136/1083,Isaac son of Sam’l & Sarah,ABBOTT,Bingham Town,Aug 28 1819,14mths
136/1084,Sarah wife of Wm,JARRETT,Gosport,Aug 29 1819,59
136/1085,George son of Benj’n & Eliza,HOBBS,Forton,Aug 29 1819,4mths
136/1086,John,MUXWORTHY,South Street Gosport,Sept 5 1819,57
136/1087,Benjamin,ANGEL,Haslar,Sept 5 1819,39
136/1088,William,CLAXTON,Chapel Row Gosport,Sept 7 1819,47
137/1089,Puget Peter son of Peter & Mary,ELLERY,Plymouth,Sept 9 1819,13yrs & 9mths
137/1090,William son of Tho’s & Ann,CHILDS,Bingham Town nr Gosport,Sept 12 1819,6mths
137/1091,Eleanor,LISSCOMB,Poor House,Sept 13 1819,63
137/1092,James John son of James,CORNER,Stoke Road,Sept 13 1819,7mths
137/1093,Jane,SMITH,Gosport,Sept 16 1819,40
137/1094,Robert,HORN,Bury nr Gosport,Sept 16 1819,76
137/1095,Jonathan,GARRETT,Poor House,Sept 18 1819,80
137/1096,Joseph son of Rich’d & Maria,ROSE,Forton,Sept 18 1819,15wks
138/1097,John,DEACON,Bury nr Gosport,Sept 24 1819,76
138/1098,Catherine,McCAVE,Poor House,Sept 25 1819,65
138/1099,Sarah dr of Matthew & Sarah,NORRIS,Gosport,Sept 25 1819,25
138/1100,George son of Thomas & Ann,CHILDS,Bingham Town,Sept 26 1819,4mths
138/1101,William,CASTAL,Poor House,Oct 1 1819,36
138/1102,Elizabeth,ROGERS,Dock Village nr Gosport,Oct 4 1819,82
138/1103,Edward,GATES,Poor House,Oct 12 1819,76
138/1104,John son of John,CLARK,Forton,Oct 15 1819,15 mths
139/1105,Elizabeth,HOOKER,Poor House,Oct 18 1819,60
139/1106,Martha,WARREN,Poor House,Oct 19 1819,79
139/1107,Mary,COLLINS,Poor House,Oct 22 1819,82
139/1108,Mary wife of William,WELCH,Poor House,Oct 24 1819,49
139/1109,Mary,GILL,Gosport,Oct 24 1819,79
139/1110,John son of Thomas,TAYLOR,Alverstoke,Oct 24 1819,28days
139/1111,Sarah Ann,HARDING,Poor House,Oct 25 1819,20mths
139/1112,George,PAIN,Poor House,Oct 27 1819,3yrs 6mths
140/1113,William son of Henry,KNIGHT,Forton,Oct 27 1819,20wks
140/1114,Henry Walter son of Lieut Thomas & Jane,HILLS,Hardway,Oct 30 1819,2yrs & 8mths
140/1115,Mary dr of Hannah,GIBBON,Poor House,Oct 31 1819,25
140/1116,Ann,WALL,Poor House,Nov 2 1819,79
140/1117,Cornelius,WAAFLAND,Poor House,Nov 8 1819,77
140/1118,Richard William son of William & Elizabeth,PARSONS,Brittain Street Portsea,Nov 12 1819,8
140/1119,William,PAYN,Elson,Nov 13 1819,35
140/1120,John,TRANTER,Poor House,Nov 17 1819,80
141/1121,Jane dr of Wm,McCLARRY,Elson,Nov 21 1819,3
141/1122,Mary wife of Edward,LUCAS,Poor House,Nov 25 1819,64
141/1123,James,LAWRENCE,North Cross St Gosport,Nov 28 1819,66
141/1124,Isabella wife of John,FULLERTON,Hardway,Nov 29 1819,34
14/1125,William,HOUSE,Gosport,Dec 2 1819,70
141/1126,Elizabeth wife of John,ALDRIDGE,North Street Gosport,Dec 2 1819,74
141/1127,Lucy dr of William,SUETT,North Street Gosport,Dec 5 1819,41
141/1128,George,BROWN,Poor House,Dec 9 1819,10 mths
142/1129,Susanna dr of George & Susanna,VINTER,Forton,Dec 11 1819,23
142/1130,George,DUNN,Gosport,Dec 11 1819,69
142/1131,Elizabeth Sarah dr of Francis & Sarah,ROWLEY,Yore Common near Gosport,Dec 12 1819,3mths
142/1132,Hannah,REYNOLDS,Poor House,Dec 12 1819,75
142/1133,Sarah wife of William,CRANE,Portsea,Dec 17 1819,33
142/1134,Sarah,ELLIOTT,Poor House,Dec 17 1819,57
142/1135,Elizabeth wife of James,BAKER,Gosport,Dec 20 1819,35
142/1136,Catherine,THOMPSON,Poor House,Dec 20 1819,47
143/1137,John,MAYHEW,Not known,Dec 23 1819,36
143/1138,Eliza,COX,Poor House,Dec 25 1819,3mths
143/1139,Mary Ann Joanna dr of Wm & Mary,HUTCHINGS,High Street Gosport,Dec 26 1819,15mths
143/1140,Martha,HACKNEY,Poor House,Dec 31 1819,50
143/1141,Michael,ROSS,Fort Monckton,Jan 2 1820,31
143/1142,Thomas,READ,Poor House,Jan 6 1820,71
143/1143,William,HARMSWORTH,Poor House,Jan 11 1820,73
143/1144,Dennis,MOORE,Poor House,Jan 11 1820,83
144/1145,Elizabeth,BROWN,Poor House,Jan 13 1820,40
144/1146,Mary dr of Mary,WOOLDRIDGE,Gosport,Jan 13 1820,4mths
144/1147,Elizabeth,SCUTT,Poor House,Jan 18 1820,73
144/1148,John,ALDRIDGE,North Street Gosport,Jan 20 1820,89
144/1149,Edward,TAYLOR,Poor House,Jan 22 1820,60
144/1150,Mary wife of Cap’n,LAMB,"On board the Captivity,convict ship,Portsmouth Harbour",Jan 25 1820,35
144/1151,Ralph son of Tho’s & Mary,WEEKS,Clayhall nr Stoke,Jan 25 1820,2yrs & 5mths
144/1152,Joseph,PEACHEY,Elson,Jan 26 1820,37
145/1153,Susanna,EVANS,Poor House,Jan 26 1820,39
145/1154,John,HOLLIDAY,Forton,Jan 26 1820,48
145/1155,Ann,PHILIPS,Poor House,Jan 27 1820,86
145/1156,Mary,NEALE,Poor House,Jan 28 1820,67
145/1157,Charlotte dr of Ja’s & Charlotte,KELSEY,Bingham Town nr Gosport,Jan 30 1820,3mths
145/1158,Margaret,SMITH,Poor House,Feb 1 1820,55
145/1159,James,MORTIMORE,Gosport,Feb 12 1820,40
145/1160,William,WILLIAMS,Monckton Fort,Feb 14 1820,40
146/1161,Jane wife of James,ABBOTT,Hardway,Feb 14 1820,40
146/1162,Jane,REDMAN,Poor House,Feb 14 1820,63
146/1163,William,PRESTON,Poor House,Feb 19 1820,76
146/1164,William,JEMISON,Poor House,Feb 19 1820,81
146/1165,Elizabeth dr of Edward & Elizabeth,FIELDING,Poor House,Feb 21 1820,8mths
146/1166,Ann,HYDE,Poor House,Feb 23 1820,4mths
146/1167,Sarah,NEWTON,Poor House,Feb 28 1820,2yrs & 6mths
146/1168,Andrew,HUTCHINGSON,Poor House,Feb 28 1820,77
147/1169,George,LYONS,Poor House,Mar 2 1820,40
147/1170,Mary,HALES,Forton,Mar 2 1820,72
147/1171,Sarah,WEBBER,Hardway,Mar 3 1820,30
147/1172,Amy dr of Timothy & Mary,BUTT,Bury nr Gosport,Mar 5 1820,20mths
147/1173,David,THOMAS,Poor House,Mar 6 1820,-
147/1174,Elizabeth wife of Robert,ALLEN,Gosport,Mar 8 1820,77
147/1175,Edward,SHAWYER,Poor House,Mar 8 1820,72
147/1176,Henry Charles son of George & Isabella,PETT,Hardway,Mar 9 1820,14mths
148/1177,Christian wife of Joseph,MARSH,Stoke,March 9 1820,89
148/1178,Betty,SIMS,Gosport,Mar 9 1820,57
148/1179,William son of William & Mary,NORRIS,Gosport,Mar 14 1820,2mths
148/1180,Elizabeth,DOUSE,Forton,Mar 15 1820,42
148/1181,Philip,TITCHEN,Gosport,Mar 16 1820,83
148/1182,A drowned man,,Poor House,Mar 17 1820,-
148/1183,George son of George,ALLEN,Monckton Fort,Mar 19 1820,6wks
148/1184,Sarah,WETHERLEY,Gosport,Mar 20 1820,87
149/1185,Jane,NORRIS,Poor House,Mar 22 1820,88
149/1186,James,TILLER,Poor House,Mar 22 1820,74
149/1187,Elizabeth,DRUMMOND,Poor House,Mar 29 1820,34
149/1188,John,TREAKELL,Halfway Houses Portsea,Mar 20 1820,76
149/1189,Eleanor,HOLLIDAY,Forton,Apr 3 1820,42
149/1190,Mary Ann dr of Daniel,PINK,Gosport,Apr 9 1820,2
149/1191,John,CUMMINS,Poor House,Apr 10 1820,80
149/1192,Charles,GREY,Poor House,Apr 10 1820,40
150/1193,Charles son of Benjamin,WEST,Gosport,Apr 10 1820,-
150/1194,William son of Benjamin,CHURCHER,Forton,Apr 17 1820,18mths
150/1195,John,WILLIAMS,Poor House,Apr 19 1820,44
150/1196,Jane,LITTON,Poor House,Apr 22 1820,55
150/1197,Elisha,GOODALL,Poor House,Mar 22 1820,1yr & 6mths
150/1198,James,STUBBING,Monckton Fort,Apr 22 1820,25
150/1199,Ann,CLEVERLEY,Forton,Apr 22 1820,63
150/1200,William son of John,ROWE,Portsea,Apr 23 1820,7mths
151/1201,Mary dr of john & Elizabeth,CHARTERS,Gosport,Apr 26 1820,20
151/1202,Jane,FROST,Poor House,Apr 27 1820,3yrs & 3mths
151/1203,William son of Robert & Ann,BRAY,Gosport,Apr 29 1820,18mths
151/1204,James,HUTCHINGS,Poor House,May 1 1820,23
151/1205,Joseph son of Wm & Betsey,CUTLER,Forton,May 4 1820,6yrs & 3mths
151/1206,George,ALDRE,Poor House,May 5 1820,9wks
151/1207,Mary,BAKER,Poor House,May 5 1820,50
151/1208,Thomas son of Joseph & Elizabeth,WESTLAKE,Alverstoke,May 5 1820,4mths
152/1209,Ann,EVANS,Alverstoke,May 9 1820,66
152/1210,Samuel George son of George & Jane,BARTON,Brockhurst,May 10 1820,3mths
152/1211,Isaac,BUTCHER,Poor House,May 12 1820,45
152/1211,Richard son of Tho’s & Mary,PAIN,Alverstoke,May 13 1820,10days
152/1212,Thomas,GRAY,On board the Naid,May 17 1820,53
152/1213,James son of Thomas,HAYNS,Elson,May 28 1820,2
152/1214,Sarah wife of Robert,CROSS,Forton,May 29 1820,50
152/1215,James son of James & Sarah,PALMER,Hardway,May 30 1820,3
152/1216,Edward son of Edward,DOLING,Forton,May 30 1820,18mths
153/1217,Samuel,BROWN,Poor House,May 31 1820,40
153/1218,Mary Ann dr of Wm & Mary,MURPHY,Gosport,May 31 1820,11mths
153/1219,Thomas,PINK,Gosport,May 31 1820,22
153/1220,William son of Wm & Ann,MARTIN,Privett,June 11 1820,5
153/1221,William,SHEIN,Poor House,June 17 1820,69
153/1222,Ann dr of Wm & Ann,MARTIN,Privett,June 22 1820,3
153/1223,Esther wife of James,MINTRAM,Forton,July 1 1820,49
153/1224,Elizabeth,CHURCHER,Gosport,July 4 1820,65
154/1225,George,EDWARDS,Alverstoke,July 9 1820,74
154/1226,James,VINEY,Gosport,July 12 1820,48
154/1227,Edmund Frederick son of William,CUTLER,Forton,July 14 1820,8wks
154/1228,John,DOWINE,Gosport,July 22 1820,20
154/1229,A man unknown,,Poor House,July 25 1820,-
154/1230,Isaac son of Jacob,CURTIS,Poor house,July 25 1820,3
154/1231,Caroline wife of James,COLLINS,Gosport,July 26 1820,-
154/1232,Joanna dr of John & Ann,WILLIAMS,Forton,July 27 1820,3mths
155/1233,Thomas son of James & Priscilla,ALLEN,Alverstoke,July 27 1820,13mths
155/1234,Moses,BAKER,Poor House,July 27 1820,64
155/1235,Anne wife of Henry,DERRICK,Cold Harbour Gosport,Aug 1 1820,44
155/1236,John,HASWELL,Alverstoke,Aug 5 1820,34
155/1237,Elizabeth dr of James,COOMBS,Gosport,Aug 10 1820,8mths
155/1238,Elizabeth dr of John,GRISBROOK,Gosport,Aug 10 1820,4
155/1239,John Maxwell son of Captain Charles,NAPIER,Bury Hall Alverstoke,Aug 16 1820,4days
155/1240,Jennet wife of Wm,HARDING,Forton,Aug 16 1820,-
156/1241,Andrew,GRIFFIN,Forton,Aug 20 1820,34
156/1242,George son of George,BENERIDGE,Hardway,Aug 25 1820,2
156/1243,George,HADLEY,Hardway,Aug 29 1820,31
156/1244,James son of Francis,DALEY,Poor House,Sept 1 1820,20mths
156/1245,Mary,MOUSE,Poor House,Sept 7 1820,36
156/1246,Jane,MUIRFELL,Hardway,Sept 10 1820,54
156/1247,Charlotte dr of James,FRYER,Hardway,Sept 12 1820,9mths
156/1248,Thomas,MILLER,Alverstoke,Sept 15 1820,50
157/1249,Joseph,SPARKMAN,Forton,Sept 16 1820,26
157/1250,Elizabeth wife of James,PAINTER,Forton,Sept 17 1820,39
157/1251,John,LYNES,Poor house,Sept 21 1820,50
157/1252,John,BASTON,Poor House,Sept 25 1820,36
157/1253,Richard son of Richard,LAPHAM,Clayhall Alverstoke,Sept 27 1820,7yrs & 9mths
157/1254,Thomas,FREAK,Alverstoke,Oct 1 1820,48
157/1255,John son of John,MEWS,Poor House,Oct 1 1820,5
157/1256,James,CLARK,Gosport,Oct 5 1820,50
158/1257,William,BENNETT,Gosport,Oct 6 1820,51
158/1258,Hannah dr of George,ROBINSON,Gosport,Oct 8 1820,7mths
158/1259,John son of John & Rebecca,WHITE,Gosport,Oct 10 1820,1day
158/1260,Sarah,PESCOTT,Brockhurst,Oct 11 1820,76
158/1261,George son of Wm & Mary,PARKER,Gosport,Oct 14 1820,7mths
158/1262,John,HOPE,Fort Monckton,Oct 17 1820,26
158/1263,John son of John & Elizabeth,YOUNG,Gosport,Oct 22 1820,14mths
158/1264,Eliza dr of John,BALCH,Gosport,Oct 24 1820,4
159/1265,Edward son of Edward & Lydia,FRANCES,Gosport,Oct 31 1820,14
159/1266,Henry son of Joseph,PLOWMAN,Spring Gardens near Gosport,Nov 8 1820,4
159/1267,Joseph,BRISCOE,Alverstoke,Nov 10 1820,23
159/1268,Elizabeth,ROGERS,Gosport,Nov 11 1820,50
159/1269,Joseph son of David,BENNETT,Poor House,Nov 11 1820,1mth
159/1270,Ann wife of Tho’s,HOLDER,Gosport,Nov 15 1820,46
159/1271,John son of Thomas,NICKLIN,Clayhall,Nov 16 1820,4mths
159/1272,Sarah,TAYLOR,Winchester,Nov 18 1820,71
160/1273,Jacob,JUPE,Forton,Nov 19 1820,40
160/1274,Eliza dr of Ja’s,ABBOTT,Hardway,Nov 23 1820,14
160/1275,John son of John,THOMPSON,Poor House,Nov 30 1820,13mths
160/1276,Ann,ADNAMS,Clayhall,Dec 2 1820,78
160/1277,Thomas,WOODWARD,Gosport,Dec 3 1820,47
160/1278,Sarah Jane dr of James,BROWN,Stoke Road,Dec 5 1820,3yes & 8mths
160/1279,James Walter son of Charles,MARTIN,Poor House,Dec 8 1820,1yr & 9mths
160/1280,Lucy dr of Edw’d,FUTCHER,Poor House,Dec 9 1820,3yrs & 6mths
161/1281,James,PAINTER,Forton,Dec 10 1820,48
161/1282,Sarah dr of Andrew,WILSON,Poor House,Dec 12 1820,3mths
161/1283,Benjamin son of David,BENNETT,Poor House,Dec 15 1820,2mths
161/1284,Eleanor,JOHNSON,Poor House,Dec 16 1820,29
161/1285,Lucy wife of Abraham,WHITE,Forton,Dec 17 1820,59
161/1286,Charles son of Thomas,MURRAY,Hardway,Dec 19 1820,2
161/1287,A man unknown found drowned,,Poor House,Dec 19 1820,
161/1288,George son of Capt Geo,McKINLEY,Bury,Dec 20 1820,25
162/1289,Lucy dr of Philip,JONES,Alverstoke,Dec 21 1820,-
162/1290,Richard,MULLET,Gosport,Dec 24 1820,86
162/1291,James son of James,URRY,Gosport,Dec 28 1820,7mths
162/1292,William son of Sarah,STRIPP,Poor House,Dec 31 1820,7mths
162/1293,John,SWEATMAN,Forton,Dec 31 1820,62
162/1294,Hannah wife George,ROBINSON,Gosport,Dec 31 1820,
162/1295,Henry son of Peter,MILLER,Poor House,Jan 2 1821,9
162/1296,William Day son of Capt Wm,RICHARDSON,Gosport,Jan 3 1821,7 days
163/1297,Cornelius,TURNBULL,Hardway,Jan 3 1821,31
163/1298,Eliza,HOPKINS,Gosport,Jan 10 1821,69
163/1299,Ann wife of John,GRISBROOK,Gosport,Jan 13 1821,33
163/1300,George,LEE,Poor House,Jan 13 1821,9mths
163/1301,John son of Charles,LAWS,Gosport,Jan 14 1821,1mth
163/1302,Thomas,MASON,Brockhurst,Jan 14 1821,76
163/1303,Sarah,JIVEN,Poor House,Jan 17 1821,86
163/1304,Henry son of John,GRISBROOK,Gosport,Jan 17 1821,17days
164/1305,Charles Frederick,HARDING,Forton,Jan 19 1821,36
164/1306,John,NORCOTT,Poor House,Jan 23 1821,43
164/1307,Elizabeth wife of John,THOMPSON,Poor House,Jan 24 1821,34
164/1308,Harriet Eleanor dr of Cap’n,HIRE,Forton,Jan 27 1821,-
164/1309,James son of Thomas,BROWN,Alverstoke,Jan 27 1821,1day
164/1310,Hannah wife of Wm,ILES,Elson,Jan 30 1821,32
164/1311,James,HILLS,Gosport,Feb 2 1821,35
164/1312,Richard son of Wm,WOLFE,Gosport,Feb 4 1821,5mths
165/1313,Elizabeth dr of Wm,MARTIN,Gosport,Feb 6 1821,5yrs & 6mths
165/1314,Charles,BULL,Gosport,Feb 22 1821,43
165/1315,Martha dr of William,ILES,Elson,Feb 25 1821,3mths
165/1316,Jane wife of John,BAMFIELD,Alverstoke,Feb 27 1821,34
165/1317,Ann,MEADS,Gosport,Mar 3 1821,30
165/1318,George son of George & Mary,HADLEY,Hardway,Mar 4 1821,Mar 4 1821
165/1319,Ann wife of Matthew,ARMINER,Gosport,Mar 6 1821,80
165/1320,Maria wife of James,GOODWIN,Gosport,Mar 7 1821,67
166/1321,Caroline dr of Richard & Caroline,CATTLEY,Bury,Mar 15 1821,3days
166/1322,Robert son of Robert & Alice,LEAKE,Bingham Town,Mar 17 1821,10days
166/1323,Margaret dr of Thomas,PAYNE,Alverstoke,Mar 24 1821,3days
166/1324,Elizabeth dr of Philip,PHILLIPS,Stoke Road,Mar 24 1821,8
166/1325,Lucy,MOREY,Poor House,Mar 26 1821,48
166/1326,James,DERRICK,Gosport,Mar 29 1821,48
166/1327,Elizabeth dr of Wm,NEWMAN,Hardway,Mar 29 1821,9mths
166/1328,Elizabeth,ADAMS,Brockhurst,Apr 1 1821,73
167/1329,Mary Ann dr of John & Ann,HOBBS,Gosport,Apr 6 1821,3
167/1330,John,FREEMAN,Poor House,Apr 8 1821,22
167/1331,Elizabeth,OWEN,Poor House,Apr 8 1821,75
167/1332,Thomas son of Thomas,SEABRIDGE,Fort Monckton,Apr 10 1821,2mths
167/1333,Charlotte dr of Wm,WARDEN Lieutenant,Gosport,Apr 13 1821,2
167/1334,Stephen son of Stephen,SMITH,Gosport,Apr 13 1821,2
167/1335,Ann,SMITH,Poor House,Apr 25 1821,50
167/1336,Richard,BLYTHE,Brockhurst,Apr 27 1821,88
168/1337,Mary wife of Richard,BLYTHE,Brockhurst,Apr 27 1821,81
168/1338,William son of Wm & Mary,HUTCHINS,Gosport,Apr 29 1821,7
168/1339,Robert,KINGATE,Poor House,May 2 1821,86
168/1340,Thomas son of Thomas,BAKER,Alverstoke,May 2 1821,-
168/1341,Benjamin,FAIRHEAD,Drowned,May 5 1821,-
168/1342,Johanna & Maria(twins) drs of Wm & Ann,STONE,Alverstoke,May 5 1821,
168/1343,James,BAILEY,Poor House,May 7 1821,82
168/1344,Mary,MORTIMORE,Poor House,May 7 1821,80
169/1345,Fanny,JACKSON,Poor House,May 7 1821,34
169/1346,Sir Richard Rodney,BLIGH GCB admiral of the Red,All Saints Southampton,Died Apr 30 buried May 9 1821,84
169/1347,Sarah dr of Christopher & Mary,SCOTTEN,Hardway,May 10 1821,4mths
169/1348,Daniel,MOORE,Haslar Barracks,May 10 1821,29
169/1349,James,GRUNDY,Haslar Barracks,May 11 1821,39
169/1350,William Henry son of Mary,DIAPER,Gosport,May 13 1821,4mths
169/1351,Richard,LONG,Elson,May 18 1821,35
169/1352,Sarah,HILLS,Elson,May 18 1821,33
170/1353,Christian wife of Samuel,JONES,Gosport,May 19 1821,41
170/1354,George,CROSS,Haslar Barracks,May 20 1821,28
170/1355,Esther wife of John,ROSE,Elson,May 20 1821,38
170/1356,George son of John,ANDREW,Gosport,May 20 1821,2yrs &9mths
170/1357,James,NEWMAN,Forton,May 20 1821,33
170/1358,Richard,KEATING,Haslar Barracks,May 24 1821,24
170/1359,Samuel,ABBOTT,Bingham Town,May 25 1821,10mths
170/1360,James,POUNCE,Alverstoke,May 27 1821,61
171/1361,John,SPARKMAN,Priddy’s Hard Hardway,June 2 1821,64
171/1362,Samuel son of Samuel & Esther,LEONARD,Alverstoke,June 2 1821,4days
171/1363,Thomas,FULLER,Forton,June 3 1821,74
171/1364,John,BALL,Poor House,June 4 1821,41
171/1365,Edward son of Ja’s,FIELDER,Bingham Town,June 5 1821,5mths
171/1366,Sarah wife of John,TRACEY,Gosport,June 6 1821,44
171/1367,William,HOLDER,Gosport,June 6 1821,57
171/368,Ann wife of Henry,FRICKER,Haslar,June 7 1821,39
172/1369,Mary dr of William,MASON,Hardway,June 8 1821,19mths
172/1370,Daniel,REES,Poor House,June 9 1821,34
172/1371,George,WEST,Portsea,June 10 1821,73
172/1372,William son of Wm,SLACK,Alverstoke,June 11 1821,19mths
172/1373,Isaac,CROFTS,Haslar,June 12 1821,32
172/1374,William,MADDOCK,Haslar,June 13 1821,25
172/1375,Elizabeth dr of John & Sarah,TRACEY,Gosport,June 15 1821,9
172/1376,Maria dr of Ja’s,FOX,Haslar,June 17 1821,-
172/1376,Esther,WATERS,Forton,June 17 1821,24
173/1377,Eliza dr of Tho’s & Ann,RILEY,Alverstoke,June 20 1821,2mths
173/1378,John,MIDDLETON,Gosport,June 22 1821,66
173/1379,Elizabeth dr of Robert & Emma,SMITH,Gosport,June 22 1821,2
173/1380,Mary,PATTERSON,Poor House,June 25 1821,49
173/1381,Mary wife of James,DOBEY,Hardway,June 25 1821,41
173/1382,Edward son of James,EDEN,Alverstoke,June 26 1821,1yr 9mths
173/1383,John son of John & Betsey,GEAR,Of Gosport,Buried June 28 1821 departed this life the 24 June at Brighton,32
173/1384,Robert,GRAY,Poor House,June 28 1821,49
174/1385,Harriet dr of John & Sarah,DAY,Clayhall,July 3 1821,4
174/1386,Harriet dr of Joseph,WESTLAKE,Alverstoke,July 6 1821,3mths
174/1387,Thomas,MULLINS,Elson,July 7 1821,49
174/1388,George,PHILLIPS,Gosport,July 11 1821,63
174/1389,Susanna wife of John,BALL,Alverstoke,July 19 1821,43
174/1390,Mary,PETT,Hardway,July 20 1821,18
174/1391,Joseph,WILSON,Berry nr Gosport,July 22 1821,61
174/1392,Mary Ann wife of Nathaniel,CROUCH,Portsea,July 22 1821,52
175/1393,Martha wife of John,CUMMINS,Forton,July 22 1821,71
175/1394,George,GALE,Poor House,July 23 1821,56
175/1395,Clara Ann dr of William,HILL,Gosport,July 23 1821,17
175/1396,James Rowland son of Samuel,JONES,Gosport,July 23 1821,11
175/1397,Welthin Maria dr of Wm,BROWN,Gosport,July 23 1821,17mths
175/1398,Christiana,ABGOOD,Poor House,July 23 1821,12
175/1399,Mary Ann wife of Philip John Leadstone,SWEET,Portsea,July 31 1821,20
175/1400,Andrew,LAWRENCE,Haslar,Aug 4 1821,66
175/1401 175/1402,blank,,,Aug 4 1821,
176/1403,George,SALMON,Haslar,Aug 5 1821,43
176/1404,Sarah dr of James & Jane,BURGON,Gosport,Aug 6 1821,1yr & 10mths
176/1405,James Sylvester aon of James & Mary,TOMLIN,Stoke,Aug 7 1821,7mths
176/1406,Maria Hobgen,LUTMAN,Gosport,Aug 8 1821,29
176/1407,Caroline,WOODWARD,Poor House,Aug 12 1821,6
176/1408,Samuel,BARTLETT,Bingham Town,Aug 12 1821,66
177/1409,Samuel,BARTLETT,Bingham Town,Aug 12 1821,66
177/1410,John son of John & Sarah Should read son of Thomas & Sarah,BIDDLE,Gosport,Aug 12 1821,6mths
177/1411,Eliza,SEARLE,Poor House,Aug 14 1821,4
177/1412,,,Poor House,Aug 20 1821,-
177/1413,Sarah,PINK,Gosport,Aug 21 1821,66
177/1414,Sarah wife of George,SHIRLEY,Stoke,Aug 23 1821,39
177/1415,Elizabeth,HOPKINS,Elson,Aug 25 1821,67
177/1416,Caroline,GRIFFIN,Gosport,Aug 25 1821,20
178/1417,John Richard son of Robert,GILL,Bingham Town,Aug 28 1821,5mths
178/1418,Ann,FULLER,Poor House,Sept 4 1821,71
178/1419,John,BLACKMAN,Poor House,Sept 10 1821,-
178/1420,John,HOWELL,Gosport,Sept 14 1821,72
178/1421,William,HART,Poor House,Sept 20 1821,37
178/1422,John son of John,GRAFTON,Poor House,Sept 23 1821,-
178/1423,John son of John,WARD,Alverstoke,Sept 28 1821,-
178/1424,Mary,FREEMAN,Poor House,Oct 1 1821,14
179/1425,Robert,ALLEN,Clayhall,Oct 1 1821,30
179/1426,James son of William,PICKET,Poor House,Oct 7 1821,5mths
179/1427,Elizabeth dr of William & Ann,FENDER,Hardway,Oct 9 1821,1mth
179/1428,Alfred Collier son of Henry & Emily Dobbins,DAVIS,Bingham Town,Oct 14 1821,1
179/1429,Emma dr of John & Mary,GREENWOOD,Gosport,Oct 14 1821,3
179/1430,Ann,WEAL,Fareham,Oct 14 1821,80
179/1431,Mary Ann dr of John,HATCH,Gosport,Oct 14 1821,6
179/1432,Philip son of Philip,JONES,Alverstoke,Oct 17 1821,6wks
180/1433,Susanna dr of George,SHIRLEY,Alverstoke,Oct 19 1821,13wks
180/1434,Mary Ann dr of Susan,BROWN,Gosport,Oct 19 1821,3mths
180/1435,Mary,WRIGHT,Poor House,Oct 29 1821,69
180/1436,Mary,WADLOW,Poor House,Nov 8 1821,60
180/1437,Ann dr of John & Sarah,HAYES,Bury,Nov 9 1821,2
180/1438,Edw’d,FIELDING,Poor House,Nov 12 1821,46
180/1439,Mary,TAYLOR,Gosport,Nov 18 1821,58
180/1440,Thomas,KENDALL,Alverstoke,Nov 22 1821,34
181/1441,Ambrose,FOWLER,Poor House,Nov 24 1821,77
181/1442,John,TULLY,Poor House,Nov 26 1821,76
181/1443,John,FULLERTON,Hardway,Nov 26 1821,50
181/1444,James,JARVIS,Gosport,Nov 27 1821,43
181/1445,Elizabeth dr of Thomas,TRODD,Brockhurst,Dec 4 1821,25
181/1446,Ann,POPE,Poor House,Dec 6 1821,73
181/1447,Henry John son of Thomas & Susanna,NICKLIN,Alverstoke,Dec 6 1821,3mths
181/1448,Thomas son of Thomas,STIGGS,Alverstoke,Dec 7 1821,2
182/1449,Frances,COWD,Forton,Dec 7 1821,73
182/1450,Caroline dr of Ja’s,PEARCE,Brockhurst,Dec 9 1821,6wks
182/1451,Dr of John Elizabeth,BURGON,Gosport,Dec 9 1821,25
182/1452,Sarah dr of Wm,MESSUM,Hardway,Dec 10 1821,3yrs & 6mths
182/1453,George,MOREY,Gambier Place nr Bury,Dec 14 1821,69
182/1454,James son of William,DIX,Elson,Dec 21 1821,3
182/1455,Sarah dr of William,BREACH,Gosport,Dec 21 1821,3
182/1456,Ellen dr of Elizabeth,MARTIN,Bury,Dec 21 1821,2yrs & 6mths
182/1457,Catherine dr of William,PARSONS,Alverstoke,Dec 24 1821,23
192/1458,John Lawrence,STEAD,Gosport,Dec 26 1821,26
182/1459,James son of Richard & Sarah,TITHRIDGE,Forton,Dec 30 1821,6yrs & 10mths
182/1460,William,GULLIVER,Gosport,Jan 1 1822,42
182/1461,Ann wife of Rob’t,REDMAN,Alverstoke,Jan 2 1822,39
183/1462,Ann dr of Wm,DIX,Poor House,Jan 5 1822,6mths
182/1463,James,ARCOTT,Gosport Bridewell,Jan 6 1822,-
182/1464,Benjamin,ROPER,Hardway,Jan 11 1822,68
183/1465,Alice Turner dr of William & Charlotte Elmina Primrose,MILLIDGE,Gosport,Jan 13 1822,20mths
183/1466,Joseph,VALLICK,Gosport,Jan 13 1822,45
183/1467,Betsey,SMITH,Poor House,Jan 14 1822,52
183/1468,Ann dr of William & Jane,HILL,Gosport,Jan 16 1822,6wks
183/1469,Sarah,HAYES,Poor House,Jan 18 1822,50
183/1470,Elizabeth wife of Michael,MIGLEN,Forton,Jan 20 1822,25
183/1471,Elizabeth,HARDING,Poor House,Jan 28 1822,72
183/1472,Thomas,OIVEN,Poor House,Jan 30 1822,71
185/1473,Thomas,JACOBS,Hardway,Feb 3 1822,30
185/1474,Betty widow of Francis,COWD,Forton,Feb 6 1822,62
185/1475,Margaret dr of John,TOTTERDELL,Gosport,Feb 7 1822,6
185/1476,Sarah Ann dr of William,STAPLES,Forton,Feb 8 1822,3
185/1477,Elizabeth dr of James,MOORE,Gosport,Feb 10 1822,66
185/1478,John,LIBREL,Poor House,Feb 12 1822,56
185/1479,Mary wife of Moses,SHIRLEY,Stokes Bay,Feb 12 1822,60
185/1480,Mary,MUNDY,Poor House,Feb 13 1822,78
186/1481,George son of James,EDGILL,Bridgemary,Feb 15 1822,10wks
186/1482,William son of William,STAPLE,Forton,Feb 22 1822,9mths
186/1483,William son of Tho’s & Mary Ann,ARCHER,Alverstoke,Mar 5 1822,3wks
186/1484,Barbara,DELVE,Gosport,Mar 9 1822,60
186/1485,Samuel Richard son of Samuel Thomas & Charlotte,WELCH,Cowes Isle of Wight,Mar 9 1822,5
186/1486,Mary wife of Henry,EMERY,Forton,Mar 10 1822,82
186/1487,Griffin,BRADLEY,Alverstoke,Mar 11 1822,58
186/1488,Louisa dr of Isaac & Elizabeth,MUNDAY,Gosport,Mar 15 1822,2
187/1489,William son of David & Jane,WITHERS,Stoke Road,Mar 18 1822,4
187/1490,Thomas,CHANDLER,Forton,Apr 9 1822,35
187/1491,Mary,MASON,Gosport,Apr 11 1822,88
187/1492,Jane Henrietta,BATTERSHELL,Stoke Road,Apr 12 1822,45
187/1493,Ann wife of Robert,CLUETT,Gosport,Apr 17 1822,34
187/1494,Elizabeth dr of John,JONES,Alverstoke,Apr 21 1822,15mths
187/1495,Thomas,MURFEL,Hardway,Apr 21 1822,60
187/1496,Sarah,HARVEY,Alverstoke,Apr 24 1822,-
188/1497,Jennet wife of George,SIMPSON,Hardway,Apr 27 1822,54
188/1498,Sarah Ann dr of Henry,COTHAM,Hardway,Apr 30 1822,15mths
188/1499,William son of William & Mary,PURTON,Alverstoke,Apr 30 1822,6
188/1500,Ann dr of William & Mary,PURTON,Alverstoke,Apr 30 1822,2
188/1501,John,VOKE,Stoke Road,May 2 1822,73
188/1502,Charlotte dr of Thomas & Sarah,DROVER,Elson,May 5 1822,7
188/1503,Ann Louisa widow of John Gay,WILKINSON,Gosport,May 6 1822,-
188/1504,Caroline dr of William,HILL,Gosport,May 10 1822,6
189/1505,William son of John,BEST,Gosport,May 14 1822,13mths
189/1506,Catherine dr of James,URRY,Gosport,May 12 1822,5mths
189/1507,Esther wife of James,MATHISON,Gosport,May 24 1822,46
189/1508,Thomas,TULLY,Poor House,May 24 1822,72
189/1509,Anne wife of Joseph,ROBINS,Priddy’s Hard,May 26 1822,39
190/1510,Sarah wife of Wm,BEAZLEY,Bury Road,May 31 1822,64
189/1511,Alexander,CAMEL,Poor House,June 7 1822,80
189/1512,Elizabeth,JOHNSON,Poor House,June 8 1822,3wks
190/1513,Robert son of James,NEWMAN,Forton,June 10 1822,2yrs & 7mths
190/1514,Stephen son of Stephen,FRYER,Poor House,June 11 1822,11wks
190/1515,Ann dr of James,EDWARDS,Alverstoke,June 12 1822,5mths
190/1516,Harriet,STEVENSON,Alverstoke,June 14 1822,46
190/1517,James,URRY,Gosport,June 16 1822,-
190/1518,Henry,BRADLICK,Poor House,June 18 1822,68
190/1519,Ann,BURNETT,Poor House,June 20 1822,59
190/1520,Ann dr of George,WHITE,Gosport,June 20 1822,3yrs & 6mths
191/1521,Elizabeth,PAINTER,Forton,June 23 1822,18
191/1522,Dorcas,WEBB,Bngham Town,July 1 1822,67
191/1523,Catherine,MAHANY,Poor House,July 3 1822,72
191/1524,Mary,BERRY,Poor House,July 5 1822,72
191/1525,Sarah dr of Wm & Mary,PURTON,Alverstoke,July 7 1822,8
191/1526,Lydia,RAPLEY,Gosport,July 8 1822,80
191/1527,Louisa dr of Robert,BRAY,Gosport,July 9 1822,14mths
191/1528,Henry,JONES,Gosport,July 11 1822,68
192/1529,Jane wife of William,HILL,Gosport,July 12 1822,38
192/1530,William,ROBINSON,Gosport,July 13 1822,53
192/1531,William son of Thomas,BRIAR,Alverstoke,July 22 1822,8mths
192/1532,Eleanor wife of Thomas,DEWELL,Bingham Town,July 22 1822,66
192/1533,Thomas,LINGHAM,Stokes Bay,July 22 1822,30
192/1534,Charles,DERRICK,Gosport,July 23 1822,44
192/1535,Eleanor wife of James,FORBEN,Forton,July 26 1822,54
192/1536,Catherine Vaines widow of Thomas,HAYTER,Gosport,July 27 1822,69
193/1537,Joseph,VINEY,Hardway,Aug 1 1822,53
193/1538,William,PURKIS,Portsmouth,Aug 7 1822,46
193/1539,William,PAGE,Gosport,Aug 10 1822,77
193/1540,Charles son of Richard & Ann,INCLEDON,Forton,Aug 10 1822,14days
193/1541,William,TITCHER,Gosport,Aug 14 1822,77
193/1542,Ann wife of John,McCULLUM,Newtown,Aug 18 1822,48
193/1543,John,MILLER,Poor House,Aug 24 1822,17
193/1544,William,PEAT,Poor House,Aug 25 1822,48
194/1545,Mary,ALDRIDGE,Gosport,Aug 25 1822,75
194/1546,Ann,THATCHER,Poor House,Aug 26 1822,60
194/1547,George,BAULK,Gosport,Sept 2 1822,81
194/1548,John,WAY,Portsea,Sept 7 1822,69
194/1549,Esther dr of John & Ann,PARDOE,Forton,Sept 9 1822,5wks
194/1550,Edward,SUTTON,Gosport,Sept 18 1822,45
194/1551,Mary Ann dr of James,MOORE,Stoke Road,Sept 18 1822,3yrs & 8mths
194/1552,James,BEVERIDGE,Portsea,Sept 21 1822,73
195/1553,Martha,WAKEFIELD,Gosport,Sept 21 1822,83
195/1554,Lucy,LITTLE,Poor House,Oct 1 1822,65
195/1555,Thomas,HENNEFORD,Gosport,Oct 10 1822,24
195/1556,Elizabeth,PYE,Gosport,Oct 15 1822,85
195/1557,Mary,MATTHEWS,Poor House,Oct 7 1822,75
195/1558,Richard son of Charles & Maria,SAMPHIER,Gosport,Oct 23 1822,3mths
195/1559,Thomas son of Thomas & Harriet,PARKER,Gosport,Oct 24 1822,3mths
195/1560,Thomas,REYNOLDS,Poor House,Oct 27 1822,5mths
196/1561,John,JENNINGS,Poor House,Oct 28 1822,5mths
196/1562,Thomas,REYNOLDS,Poor House,Oct 27 1822,65
196/1563,James,VAUGHAN,Alverstoke,Nov 3 1822,64
196/1564,Jeremiah,BEAL,Gosport,Nov 6 1822,41
196/1565,--,--,Poor House,Nov 6 1822,-
196/1566,Elizabeth,GREEN,Fareham,Nov 10 1822,90
196/1567,Josiah son of John & Sarah,ROGERS,Gosport,Nov 10 1822,2
196/1568,Lucy wife of Joseph,WOODSMAN,Poor House,Nov 11 1822,50
197/1569,James son of William & Hannah,ANDREWS,Gosport,Nov 18 1822,2
197/1570,William son of Richard & Susanna,HARFIELD,Forton,Nov 20 1822,5mths
197/1571,James son of David & Charlotte,BOGUE,Gosport,Nov 22 1822,19
197/1572,Ann,GALTON,Gosport,Dec 5 1822,84
197/1573,Elizabeth dr of Benjamin,LANGLEY,Forton,Dec 11 1822,7mths
197/1574,George son of George,WHITCOMB,Stoke Road,Dec 12 1822,3
197/1575,Charles son of George,NEWMAN,Poor House,Dec 15 1822,-
197/1576,Mary wife of John,BATTERSHELL,Gosport,Dec 16 1822,-
198/1577,Mary Ann dr of Thomas & Ann,GARNETT,Gosport,Dec 27 1822,1mth
198/1578,John Edward son of George & Ann,CLEVERLEY,Forton,Dec 27 1822,11
198/1579,John,LAUGHNA,Bury,Dec 28 1822,37
198/1580,Mary,CHURCHER,Bury,Dec 29 1822,16
198/1581,John,CAMSELL,Weovil,Jan 4 1823,70
198/1582,John,FREEMAN,Poor House,Jan 4 1823,40
198/1583,John,WHITEHEAD,Elson,Jan 5 1823,53
198/1584,Ann,HARRIS,Alverstoke,Jan 9 1823,80
199/1585,William,VICKERS,Stoke Road,Jan 11 1823,69
199/1586,Catherine,FRIER,Poor House,Jan 13 1823,24
199/1587,Eleanor,MOORE,Gosport,Jan 20 1823,3days
199/1588,Elizabeth,MURRAY,Hardway,Jan 22 1823,40
199/1589,Charles son of Charles Cornelius,TURNBULL,Gosport,Jan 23 1823,4mths
199/1590,William,KELLY,Poor House,Jan 25 1823,-
199/1591,Sarah,HIGGINS,Poor House,Jan 25 1823,6
199/1592,Susana wife of William,YEOMAN,Alverstoke,Jan 26 1823,72
200/1593,Hannah Maria wife of Benjamin,McDOUGALL,Portsea,Jan 29 1823,45
200/1594,David Walter,KENNEDY,Hardway,Jan 29 1823,3
200/1595,James son of Francis & Sarah,RALLY,Yore Common,Feb 3 1823,2mths
200/1596,William son of William,BREACH,Gosport,Feb 6 1823,13wks
200/1597,Louisa dr of Wm Jane,DEARES,Newtown,Feb 7 1823,3mths
200/1598,Francis Augustus,MORGAN,Alverstoke,Feb 9 1823,67
200/1599,William Thomas son of Joseph,NICHOLSON,Gosport,Feb 9 1823,4
200/1600,Mary wife of John,BAY,Gosport,Feb 11 1823,80
201/1601,Rebecca wife of William,HALL,Alverstoke,Feb 13 1823,45
201/1602,John,MITCHELL,Forton,Feb 15 1823,59
201/1603,Charlotte Ann,BAKER,Newtown,Feb 16 1823,6
201/1604,Sarah,HARRIS,Poor House,Feb 22 1823,50
201/1605,Hannah dr of Richard,WILLIAMSON,Forton,Feb 22 1823,3
201/1606,Elizabeth,LUFF,Alverstoke,Feb 24 1823,82
201/1607,Elizabeth wife of Thomas,YOUNG,Forton,Feb 28 1823,48
201/1608,George son of William,LONG,Poor House,Mar 1 1823,Q6wks
202/1609,Jane,WHITELOCK,Poor House,Mar 5 1823,66
202/1610,Henry son of Henry,WOODS,Clayhall Alverstoke,Mar 5 1823,1
202/1611,Catherine dr of William,FRYER,Gosport,Mar 5 1823,1
202/1612,William,PAINTER,Forton,Mar 11 1823,20
202/1613,James,PEARCE,Gosport,Mar 12 1823,72
202/1614,Sarah,PEARCE,Gosport,Mar 12 1823,67
202/1615,James son of James,KEW,Gosport,Mar 13 1823,6mths
202/1616,Ellen,GRACE,Poor House,Mar 16 1823,3mths
203/1617,James,DERRICK,Gosport,Mar 22 1823,-
203/1618,Elizabeth,MOCKSEY,Forton,Mar 23 1823,74
203/1619,Deborah wife of Pheneas,KENDRICK,Gosport,Mar 23 1823,84
203/1620,William,STAGG,Poor House,Mar 25 1823,74
203/1621,Mary wife of Luther,MORGAN,Stoke Road Alverstoke,Mar 27 1823,31
203/1622,William son of William,JESTY,Newtown Alverstoke,Apr 1 1823,3
203/1623,William son of James,CARTER,Gosport,Apr 3 1823,6mths
203/1624,Timothy son of Timothy,BUTT,Bury,Apr 6 1823,9mths
204/1625,Benjamin son of Benjamin,PINK,Brockhurst,Apr 8 1823,6mtths
204/1626,Priscilla wife of Charles,NEW,Stoke Road Alverstoke,Apr 8 1823,42
204/1627,Caroline dr of John,MOREY,Gosport,Apr 10 1823,20mths
204/1628,Anne widow of John,MOORE,Newport,Apr 11 1823,60
204/1629,Jane wife of Wm,ROBERTS,Gosport,Apr 17 1823,40
204/1630,Mary Hart,HANCORN,Priddy’s Hard,Apr 18 1823,46
204/1631,Emma Deborah dr of Wm,HAMMOND,Gosport,Apr 20 1823,13mths
204/1632,Mary wife of Wm,GAMBLING,Brockhurst,Apr 21 1823,33
205/1633,Sanford,HONEYMAN,Poor House,Apr 23 1823,83
205/1634,George,WILLIS,Curate of Alverstoke)Alverstoke,Apr 24 1823,83
205/1635,James,HOAR,Brockhurst,Apr 24 1823,36
205/1636,Thomas son of William,FRYER,Gosport,Apr25 1823,5
205/1637,William,BIGGS,Elson,Apr 27 1823,62
205/1638,Augustus son of John,COSTER,Gosport,May 4 1823,5
205/1639,Frank,HARGER,Alverstoke,May 4 1823,61
205/1640,Rebecca,PEACHEY,Poor House,May 4 1823,-
206/1641,George son of Thomas,CURRIE,Gosport,May 5 1823,18
206/1642,Mary,FRANCIS,Poor House,May 7 1823,75
206/1643,James,MITCHELL,Gosport,May 9 1823,56
206/1644,Catherine dr of James,FERNIE,Hardway,May 9 1823,2yrs & 7mths
206/1645,Sarah dr of William,LANE,Forton,May 11 1823,3
206/1646,William Herbert son of William Noble & Ann,BARRON,Alverstoke,May 11 1823,-
206/1647,Michael,WARD,Alverstoke,May 11 1823,-
206/1648,Robert son of Robert,DONALDSON,Gosport,May 13 1823,3mths
207/1649,George son of Will’m,BRUSHWOOD,Gosport,May 12 1823,4days
207/1650,Sarah wife of William,LEGG,Gosport,May 12 1823,4days
207/1651,Charles son of Will’m,BUSHWOOD,Gosport,May 17 1823,8days
207/1652,Susan,GRIFFITH,Gosport,May 19 1823,71
207/1653,Martha dr of William,WELCH,Poor House,May 19 1823,-
207/1654,Caroline dr of John & Ann,GRISBROOK,Gosport,May 22 1823,4mths
207/1655,Barry,FRANDENHAM,Poor House,May 23 1823,47
207/1656,William son of Will’m,RICHMAN,Gosport,May 25 1823,10days
208/1657,Ellen,MURPHY,Poor House,May 29 1823,60
208/1658,John Charles son of Henry & Jemima,HICKS,St Georges London,May 31 1823,3yrs & 8mths
208/1659,James,BULL,Gosport,June 4 1823,42
208/1660,William,HATCHER,Gosport,June 5 1823,77
208/1661,William,DURMAN,Gosport,June 6 1823,77
208/1662,Richard,KENDLEY,Poor House,June 6 1823,33
208/1663,Thomas,HOARE,Portsea,June 7 1823,35
207/1664,Ann,MOORS,Poor House,June 10 1823,69
209/1665,Charles son of George,GARRETT,Gosport,June 16 1823,7mths
209/1666,Amelia dr of Charles & Edith,MARTIN,Gosport,June 17 1823,19mths
209/1667,Catherine,LOPTELL,Poor House,June 17 1823,77
209/1668,Kitty,KELLY,Poor House,June 17 1823,-
209/1669,Henry son of Joseph & Rhoda,ALLEN,Gosport,June 18 1823,3
209/1670,John,WILSON,Poor House,June 24 1823,-
209/1671,Martha,GIBBS,Bash?,June 26 1823,68
209/1672,Daniel son of Joseph,RYLEY,Elson,June 26 1823,2yrs & 7mths
210/1673,Mary,AYLWARD,Poor House,July 2 1823,79
210/1674,Lois,STAPLEFORD,Portsea,July 6 1823,71
210/1675,Elizabeth,GILL,Poor House,July 8 1823,30
210/1676,Thomas,RIGG,Gosport,July 11 1823,9mths
210/1677,John,SMITH,Gosport,July 13 1823,33
210/1678,Mary,OWEN,Gosport,July 18 1823,58
210/1679,Elizabeth wife of John,SANGER,Alverstoke,Aug 2 1823,58
210/1680,Elizabeth,ROBINSON,Gosport,Aug 15 1823,83
211/1681,Charlotte,FIELDER,Gosport,Aug 17 1823,-
211/1682,James,SIBBALD,Poor House,Aug 23 1823,80
211/1682,Peter,YATES,Poor House,Aug 27 1823,-
211/1683,Mary,BOWYER,Gosport,Aug 28 1823,60
211/1684,Henry,HUGMAN,Poor House,Sept 6 1823,69
211/1685,Catherine,SWAIN,Poor House,Sept 11 1823,75
211/1686,James,WILD,Poor House,Sept 11 1823,60
211/1687,Jane,HONEYMAN,Poor House,Sept 14 1823,-
211/1688,Maria dr of Charles & Priscilla,NEW,Alverstoke,Sept 14 1823,6mths
212/1689,Mary,JOHNSON,Poor House,Sept 17 1823,-
212/1690,John,ANDREWS,Gosport,Sept 21 1823,41
212/1691,Horatio son of Tristram,HARPER,Gosport,Sept 25 1823,18
212/1692,Hannah,SILVER,Poor House,Sept 27 1823,-
212/1693,George son of Thomas,ARNEY,Brockhurst,Sept 28 1823,11days
212/1694,Rebecca wife of James,FITZMORRIS,Alverstoke,Sept 29 1823,35
212/1695,George Lapthorn son of Henry,MAIDMENT,Forton,Oct 5 1823,16
212/1696,Elizabeth dr of Albert & Mary,STRADLEY,Gosport,Oct 7 1823,14days
213/1697,Elizabeth dr of Charles & Ann,KINIMENT,Hardway,Oct 8 1823,21
213/1698,Peter,DAVID,Poor House,Oct 8 1823,39
213/1699,William son of Caroline,PERKIS,Yore Common Alverstoke,Oct 14 1823,7
213/1700,Sarah,SEARLE,Poor House,Oct 16 1823,36
213/1701,Thomas,COWARD,Gosport,Oct 18 1823,35
213/1702,James,DAVIS,Forton,Oct 19 1823,66
213/1703,William,WASSELL,Elson,Oct 22 1823,57
213/1704,Ann,CHILDS,Poor House,Oct 21 1823,40
214/1705,Hugh,TREGONNING,Poor House,Oct 28 1823,59
214/1706,Samuel Isaac son of Charles & Maria,KING,Gosport,Oct 30 1823,5mths
214/1707,Charles Cook Mott son of Charles & Mary,MOTT,Camberwell,Nov 3 1823,3
214/1708,James,BULL,Gosport,Nov 17 1823,70
214/1709,James Palmer,HOBBS,Tunbridge Wells,Nov 19 1823,71
214/1710,William son of Wm,VIGAR,Brockhurst,Nov 20 1823,8
214/1711,Bridget,BRIGGS,Poor House,Nov 22 1823,55
214/1712,Susanna wife of William,COUZENS,Gosport,Nov 23 1823,62
215/1713,Elizabeth,CROOM,Gosport,Nov 23 1823,63
215/1714,Ann,COLEMAN,Alverstoke,Nov 27 1823,73
215/1716,Robert,STAREY,Haslar Hospital,Nov 28 1823,45
215/1717,Mary dr of john,PAVEY,Elson,Dec 28 1823,19
215/1718,James,POYNTER,Gosport,Dec 29 1823,63
215/1719,Jane,SMITH,Poor House,Jan 1 1824,
215/1720,Phillis,HARLOW,Poor house,Jan 2 1824,88
216/1721,Lucy dr of William,SEAGER,Bingham Town,Jan 16 1824,19
216/1722,William henry son of Francis & Sarah,COWD,Brockhurst,Jan 18 1824,9mths
216/1723,James,CRADDOCK,Clayhall Alverstoke,Jan 18 1824,-
216/1724,Mary dr of Abraham,DUNAWAY,Brockhurst,Jan 20 1824,18
216/1725,William,SIMS,Forton,Jan 21 1824,43
216/1726,George Augustus son of Francis & Sarah,COWD,Brockhurst,Jan 25 1824,9
216/1727,Mary,KIRBY,Poor House,Jan 27 1824,30
216/1728,Wm,SIMMONS,Poor House,Jan 27 1824,2
217/1729,William,HAMMOND,Camberwell,Jan 27 1824,69
217/1730,William Henry son of Sarah,LONG,Gosport,Jan 29 1824,1mth
217/1731,Henry son of Henry,BUTLER,Gosport,Feb 1 1824,9mths
217/1732,Amy wife of Wm,SUET,Gosport,Feb 5 1824,87
217/1733,Jane dr of Baker & Sarah,GARRETT,Gosport,Feb 7 1824,15
217/1734,Joseph,CHURCHER,Gosport,Feb 8 1824,73
217/1735,Andrew,JEMISON,Poor House,Feb 12 1824,58
217/1736,Elizabeth,BOUND,Gosport,Feb 13 1824,71
218/1737,Henry son of Thomas & Ann,CHILDS,Gosport,Feb 17 1824,3days
218/1738,Betsey,CUFF,Poor House,Feb 17 1824,45
218/1739,John son of Ja’s,WILMER,Haslar,Feb 18 1824,3
218/1740,Mary Ann,SCOTT alias THOMPSON,Poor House,Feb 20 1824,-
218/1741,Mary dr of Thomas,BUDD,Gosport,Feb 20 1824,23
218/1742,Thomas,WEBB,Gosport,Feb 25 1824,42
218/1743,Charlotte wife of the Rev’d David,BOGUE,Gosport,Mar 5 1824,63
218/1744,Lydia,BLEE,Bury,Mar 7 1824,-
219/1745,William,KEW,Bingham Town,Mar 7 1824,68
219/1746,Henry,STARKS,Brockhurst,Mar 8 1824,51
219/1747,Ann dr of -,TOMKINS,Brockhurst,Mar 12 1824,25
219/1748,John,COWARD,Yore Common Alverstoke,Mar 12 1824,62
219/1749,Phoebe wife of John,JONES,Bingham town,Mar 13 1824,52
219/1750,Ann dr of Robert & Mary,WATSON,Bingham town,Mar 18 1824,3mths
219/1751,Elizabeth wife of James,JURD,Stoke Road,Mar 20 1824,80
219/1752,Jennet dr of William & Jane,HILL,Gosport,Mar 23 1824,4yrs & 6mths
220/1753,John son of john,DAVIDSON,Winchester,Mar 28 1824,10
220/1754,Rosina dr of Caroline,PURKINS,Gosport,Mar 28 1824,1mth
220/1755,Stephen son of john & Elizabeth,ANDREWS,Gosport,Mar 28 1824,17mths
220/1756,Mary wife of William,SILVESTER,Gosport,Mar 31 1824,-
220/1757,Sarah wife of Rob’t,RIDER,Bridgemary Alverstoke,Apr 1 1824,51
220/1758,Mary,FREEMAN,Poor Housea,Apr 1 1824,46
220/1759,Martha,JUPE,Gosport,Apr 6 1824,20
220/1760,Isaac,TOMLINSON,Hardway,Apr 9 1824,46
221/1761,William,PHILPOTT,Alverstoke,Apr 11 1824,-
221/1762,Benjamin,WEST,Portsea,Apr 19 1824,73
221/1763,George son of John & Jane,LEGG,Gosport,Apr 20 1824,14mths
221/1764,George,PARMETER,Gosport,Apr 29 1824,-
221/1765,John,GIBBONS,Gosport,May 1 1824,20
221/1766,Mary ann dr of William,BARROW,Gosport,May 3 1824,1
221/1767,Ann,BOWYER,Gosport,May 6 1824,-
221/1768,Frederick son of Robert,BRAY,Gosport,May 7 1824,7mths
222/1769,John son of Stephen,VINCENT,Alverstoke,May 9 1824,23
222/1770,Ann dr of William,WRIGHT,Gosport,May 12 1824,4
222/1771,Mary,HOWE,Gosport,May 16 1824,47
222/1772,Thomas son of John,PARSONS,Gosport,May 17 1824,3
222/1773,Peter,HOOKEY,Poor House,May 23 1824,31
222/1774,Sarah,BOWLES,Gosport,May 27 1824,3
222/1775,Mary Ann dr of -,PEACHEY,Poor House,May 28 1824,1
222/1776,Hannah dr of John,SPRAGGS,Bedenham,May 30 1824,19
223/1777,James,NORRIS,Poor House,June 2 1824,6
223/1778,Elizabeth,ROLLING,Forton,June 2 1824,35
223/1779,Elizabeth dr of William,BEARD,Gosport,June 3 1824,2
223/1780,George son of John & Ann,GRISBROOK,Gosport,June 3 1824,10wks
223/1781,Philis,BAKER,Poor House,June 6 1824,70
223/1782,Ann,ALDRIDGE,Gosport,June 6 1824,68
223/1783,Thomas son of Ann,DONALDSON,Gosport,June 6 1824,2 days
223/1784,Eliza Mary Horncastle,STONE,Portsmouth Harbour,June 7 1824,15
224/1785,William Henry son of Henry & Mary,JOHNSON,Alverstoke,June 10 1824,2yrs & 9mths
224/1786,Elizabeth,WOODMAN,Bury,June 11 1824,83
224/1787,Jane widow of Barnabus,KINSLEY,Gosport,June 13 1824,28
224/1788,Eliza,MILLER,Alverstoke,June 17 1824,15mths
224/1789,William son of John & Ann,PARDOE,Gosport,June 23 1824,8mths
224/1790,George,WALLIS,Ann’s hill Alverstoke,June 25 1824,38
224/1791,James,KNIGHT,Bedenham Alverstoke,June 26 1824,79
224/1792,Mary Ann dr of Isaac & Sarah,DUCK,Alverstoke,July 1 1824,3
225/1793,Elizabeth Frances drof William & Elizabeth,ROACH,Bingham Town,July 2 1824,8
225/1794,Patrick,MACAVOY,Poor House,July 4 1824,64
225/1795,Frederick son of Joseph,LASHLEY,Gosport,July 16 1824,10
225/1796,Mary,VICK,Forton,July 18 1824,48
225/1797,Wm son of Isaac,PRATT,Portsmouth,July 22 1824,5mths
225/1798,Mary,INNES,Gosport,July 26 1824,69
225/1799,Edward son of William,HUGHES,Gosport,Aug 1 1824,3mths
225/1800,Frances Trescutt,GAMBLING,Brockhurst,Aug 1 1824,-
226/1801,William,TURNER,Poor House,Aug 19 1824,45
226/1802,Hannah,HANDLEY,Poor House,Aug 24 1824,65
226/1803,Frances,LITTLEFIELD,Poor House,Aug 26 1824,40
226/1804,Mary,PARR,Poor house,Aug 27 1824,35
226/1805,James son of James,LESTER,Gosport,Aug 27 1824,5
226/1806,Sarah Ann dr of William & Amy,PARSONS,Gosport,Sept 2 1824,7
226/1807,Elizabeth,SIMMONS,Alverstoke,Sept 6 1824,35
226/1808,Louisa wife of Richard Bruin,FREER,Gosport,Sept 10 1824,27
227/1809,John son of James & Jane,BURGON,Gosport,Sept 14 1824,7
227/1810,Margaret widow of James,GRIST,London,Sept 17 1824,65
227/1811,Rachel,JURD,Alverstoke,Sept 19 1824,-
227/1812,Margaret Ann dr of Thomas & Rebecca,LATHAM,Gosport,Sept 23 1824,4mths
227/1813,Richard son of Samuel & Ann,PRESTON,Gosport,Sept 26 1824,5mths
227/1814,Mary,BOX,Hardway,Sept 29 1824,86
227/1815,George son of john & Jane,SLAUGHTER,Gosport,Oct 1 1824,4mths
227/1816,David,BOGUE,Gosport,Oct 5 1824,29
228/1817,John son of William & Ann,WRIGHT,Gosport,Oct 7 1824,2
228/1818,Catherina O’Neil wife of William,HILL,Gosport,Oct 8 1824,39
228/1819,William,ROSE,Poor House,Oct 9 1824,41
228/1820,Sarah dr of Thomas,JACKSON,Forton,Oct 10 1824,7mths
228/1821,William,ROSE,Haslar,Oct 13 1824,37
228/1822,Jemima wife of Hugh,PERRY,Hardway,Oct 14 1824,39
228/1823,James & George twin son of Ja’s,COWDREY,Gosport,Oct 21 1824,3days
228/1824,Ann dr of Richard & Ann,LONG,Forton,Oct 21 1824,9
229/1825,Ann wife of James,BECKETT,Brockhurst,Oct 31 1824,51
229/1826,Jane Trimmer,SARRADINE,Gosport,Nov 2 1824,45
229/1827,James son of James,SMART,Hardway,Nov 9 1824,4wks
229/1828,William,JENNINGS,Portsea,Nov 11 1824,55
229/1829,Sarah,HARRIS,Portsea,Nov 12 1824,69
229/1830,Abraham son of Abraham,HALL,Gosport,Nov 14 1824,2
229/1831,Samuel,PAIN,Haslar,Nov 17 1824,
229/1832,Jesse dr of Chas & Ann,KINIMENT,Hardway,Nov 17 1824,17
230/1833,George son of Wm,BELLOWS,Bury,Nov 18 1824,16mths
230/1834,Elizabeth,SIMMONS,Poor House,Nov 21 1824,-
230/1835,Thomas Blake,BARROW,Forton,Nov 27 1824,56
230/1836,Benjamin son of Thomas & Sarah,BIDDLE,Gosport,Nov 28 1824,6wks
230/1837,Charlotte dr of Wm,ISLES,Hardway,Dec 1 1824,11wks
230/1838,Elizabeth wife of Joseph,LONG,Forton,Dec 1 1824,48
230/1839,John,SOMMERVILLE,Hardway,Dec 1 1824,48
230/1840,William,WEBB,Forton,Dec 8 1824,74
231/1841,Rebecca,IRELAND,Alverstoke,Dec 8 1824,56
231/1842,James,NEWTON,Forton,Dec 17 1824,Dec 17 1824
231/1843,Edward,PRICE,Forton,Dec 21 1824,25
231/1844,Charlotted r of Francis,ROWLEY,Yore Common,Dec 21 1824,5mths
231/1846,George,NEWMAN,Gosport,Dec 23 1824,17
231/1847,John son of John,PRITCHET,Gosport,Dec 30 1824,6wks
231/1848,Jeremiah,CHURCHER,Clayhall,Dec 30 1824,44
232/1849,Catherine dr of Benjamin,SAMPHIER,Gosport,Jan 3 1825,6days
232/1850,Amelia dr of John & Sarah,BURGESS,Brockhurst,Jan 4 1825,3mths
232/1851,James Lewis,ADAMS,Hardway,Jan 6 1825,7
232/1852,Mary dr of Thomas,SUTTON,Alverstoke,Jan 9 1825,-
232/1853,John,BRAXTON,Poor House,Jan 10 1825,68
232/1854,Francis,YEATES,Gosport,Jan 12 1825,7
232/1855,Catherine,BERCHERVAISE,Poor House,Jan 12 1825,57
232/1856,George,WILLIS,Alverstoke,Jan 13 1825,49
233/1857,William son of John & Ann,GRISBROOK,Gosport,Jan 26 1825,6
233/1858,Charlotte wife of John,GREGORY,Forton,Jan 28 1825,23
233/1859,Betsey,ABBOTT,Gosport,Feb 11 1825,8
233/1860,John Doling,MOREY,Gosport,Feb 12 1825,38
233/1861,Elizabeth wife of Benjamin,SKEET,Forton,Feb 16 1825,56
233/1862,Henry,PRIOR,Gosport,Feb 22 1825,1mth
233/1863,William,BRADFORD,Poor House,Feb 22 1825,56
233/1864,Catherine,GREIG,Gosport,Feb 24 1825,70
234/1865,Mark,REYNOLDS,Haslar,Feb 26 1825,39
234/1866,Thomas,DEWELL,Bingham Town Alverstoke,Feb 28 1825,70
234/1867,Israel,HANN,Gosport,Mar 3 1825,34
234/1868,Mary,BARTLETT,Poor House,Mar 8 1825,-
234/1869,Ann,RAPLEY,Gosport,Mar 10 1825,50
234/1870,Sarah wife of Francis,COWD,Forton,Mar 10 1825,44
234/1871,Elizabeth dr of George & Elizabeth,BOTTRILL,Brockhurst,Mar 10 1825,14 days
234/1872,Catherine,EVANS,Poor House,Mar 18 1825,71
235/1873,George,BLACK,Poor House,Mar 21 1825,41
235/1874,Thomas,ABRAHAM,March Wood,Mar 20 1825,58
235/1875,Fanny Mapleton dr of James,LITTLE,Forton,Mar 20 1825,12
235/1876,Hannah,PAUL,Hardway,Mar 23 1825,86
235/1877,Susannah,PELTON,Gosport,Mar 24 1825,40
235/1878,William,LYNCH,Gosport,Mar 29 1825,57
235/1879,Eleanor wife of Thomas,GUNNER,Gosport,Mar 31 1825,59
235/1880,Richard son of James & Rachel,LEAR,Alverstoke,Apr 1 1825,20
236/1881,Elizabeth,PARKER,Gosport,Apr 4 1825,2
236/1882,Charles son of James,MORGAN,Gosport,Apr 7 1825,15mths
236/1883,Robert,MEADS,Alverstoke,Apr 9 1825,74
236/1884,Daniel,WALLER,Elson,Apr 15 1825,-
236/1885,Lavinia dr of Joseph,HARRIS,Forton,Apr 16 1825,17mths
236/1886,Diana,APTON,Poor House,April 16,70
236/1887,Thomas son of James & Hannah,HAMMOND,Gosport,Apr 17 1825,3
236/1888,Charles Frank,MISER,Poor House,Apr 18 1825,61
237/1889,Ann,ROLPH,Portsmouth,Apr 25 1825,71
237/1890,John,BATCHELOR,Forton,Apr 25 1825,53
237/1891,George William son of John,GALE,Gosport,May 4 1825,19mths
237/1892,Sarah dr of John,PAVEY,Elson,May 4 1825,10
237/1893,Eliza Ann dr of Robert,HUNT,Hardway,May 5 1825,4
237/1894,William,CLEAR,Poor House,May 6 1825,79
237/1895,Henry,WHITEAR,Brockhurst,May 8 1825,75
237/1896,Ann,NEVIL,Poor House,May 9 1825,70
238/1897,Henry son of James & Margaret,FRIER,Gosport,May 15 1825,10mths
238/1898,Jane,HUGMAN,Poor House,May 16 1825,75
238/1899,Mary Ann dr of George,WHITCOMB,Alverstoke,May 17 1825,2
238/1900,J,MUCKLEJOHN,Haslar Hospital,May 21 1825,-
238/1901,Mary Ann Elizabeth dr of William & Mary,COLLINS,Alverstoke,May 22 1825,16mths
238/1902,M,HUNTER,Poor House,May 24 1825,81
238/1903,Josiah,HUGHES,Haslar Hospital,May 28 1825,16
238/1904,William,WYNN,Haslar Hospital,May 29 1825,
239/1905,Mark,ANTHONY,Haslar Hospital,May 31 1825,24
239/1906,John,BENSON,Haslar Hospital,May 31 1825,37
239/1907,Robert,GLASSON,Haslar Hospital,June 4 1825,-
239/1908,John,HANNON,Haslar Hospital,June 4 1825,-
239/1909,Robert Efford son of Robert Efford & Elizabeth,AVANT,HM Blanche,June 8 1825,4mths
239/1910,Frances,WRIGHT,Poor House,June 9 1825,42
239/1911,Jane,DIX,Poor House,June 9 1825,69
239/1912,John,FELL,Haslar Hospital,June 11 1825,-
240/1913,George,BROWN,Haslar Hospital,June 11 1825,-
240/1914,Thomas,KENNEDY,Haslar Hospital,June 14 1825,-
240/1915,Ann,DONALDSON,Gosport,June 17 1825,31
240/1916,William son of Benjamin & -,LANGLEY,Wich arm Alverstoke,June 17 1825,2mths
240/1917,William,GASCOYNE,Haslar Hospital,June 22 1825,-
240/1918,John,McINTYRE,Haslar Hospital,July 2 1825,-
240/1919,Malcolm,DEMPSEY,Haslar Hospital,July 5 1825,-
240/1920,Thomas,DAVIS,Alverstoke,July 5 1825,40
241/1921,Leonora Maria wife of Thomas Ladd,PEAKE,Alverstoke,July 7 1825,34
241/1922,William,YEOMAN,Alverstoke,July 9 1825,-
241/1923,Robert,LEE,Haslar Hospital,July 10 1825,26
241/1924,Harriet,BRIGGS,Poor House,July 10 1825,25
241/1925,Thomas,PARKER,Haslar Hospital,July 12 1825,-
241/1926,John,LACEY,Poor House,July 14 1825,74
241/1927,Emma,HOBBS,Gosport,July 16 1825,64
241/1928,Robert,HELLERY,Portsmouth,July 18 1825,88
242/1929,Edward,TOY,Haslar Hospital,July 19 1825,-
242/1930,Rachel,MILLS,Gosport,July 24 1825,78
242/1931,Samuel,KENTISH,Weavill nr Gosport,July 23 1825,73
242/1932,James,BIRDWOOD,Haslar Hospital,July 24 1825,16
242/1933,John,YOUNG,Poor House,July 27 1825,-
242/1934,George,ANDREWS,Forton,July 29 1825,63
242/1935,Joseph,ROWE,Haslar Hospital,July 30 1825,-
242/1936,John,CRANSTON,Haslar Hospital,July 30 1825,-
243/1937,Sarah,HARWOOD,Stoke Road Gosport,Aug 1 1825,76
243/1938,Henry son of John,ABRAHAM,Alverstoke,Aug 3 1825,-
243/1939,Thomas,GUNNER,Poor House,Aug 4 1825,-
243/1940,Hannah,BOWLER,Gosport,Aug 12 1825,-
243/1941,Thomas Blake son of William & Ann,BARROW,Gosport,Aug 12 1825,6mths
243/1942,George,HORAM,Haslar,Aug 13 1825,49
243/1943,-,-,Bingham Town,Aug 17 1825,-
243/1944,The Rev’d Charles Augustus,NORTH(Rector of Alverstoke),Alverstoke,Aug 20 1825,40
244/1945,Sarah dr of Benjamin,PINK,Gosport,Aug 21 1825,16mths
244/1946,William,HILL,Gosport,Aug 22 1825,45
244/1947,Mary,WHITE,Forton,Aug 25 1825,74
244/1948,John,JONES,Haslar Hospital,Aug 27 1825,-
244/1949,Charles son of Robert,HYSLOP,Gosport,Aug 29 1825,10mths
244/1950,William,HUTCHINS,Haslar Hospital,Aug 30 1825,
244/1951,Aaron,FORDER,Haslar Hospital,Aug 30 1825,49
244/1952,George,PEARSON,Gosport,Sept 1 1825,57
245/1953,James,BROWN,Haslar Barracks,Sept 3 1825,-
245/1954,Mary dr of Henry,THOMPSON,Gosport,Sept 3 1825,6mths
245/1955,Joanna dr of Richard,PAISHLEY,Gosport,Sept 4 1825,5wks
245/1956,John Walter son of John & Sarah,TRUSCOTT,Alverstoke,Sept 5 1825,7mths
245/1957,Alexander,MURRAY,Hardway,Sept 7 1825,72
245/1958,Harriet dr of George,COBB,Alverstoke,Sept 11 1825,5wks
245/1959,John,BROWN,Hasler Barracks,Sept 13 1825,-
245/1960,James,HAWES,Haslar,Sept 15 1825,37
246/1961,James,COUZENS,Haslar Hospital,Sept 17 1825,-
246/1962,Elizabeth,WELLS,Poor House,Sept 17 1825,48
246/1963,Thomas,DEARING,HM Ship Victory,Sept 17 1825,23
246/1964,Nicholas,JACOB,Poor House,Sept 17 1825,50
246/1965,James,NICKSON,Haslar Hospital,Sept 20 1825,-
246/1966,James,McAULIFFE,Haslar Hospital,Sept 20 1825,-
246/1967,Martha dr of Jacob,CHAPMAN,Forton,Sept 20 1825,8mths
246/1968,William,GANGE,Gosport,Sept 25 1825,40
247/1969,Sarah Mary Ann dr of George & Elizabeth,FRYER,Hardway,Sept 26 1825,2wks
247/1970,Thomas,LILBURN,Gosport,Sept 27 1825,49
247/1971,John,PAGE,Bridgemary Alverstoke,Sept 27 1825,51
247/1972,Thomas,HARRIS,Haslar Hospital,Sept 29 1825,-
247/1973,Charles Frederick son of John,COSTER,Gosport,Sept 30 1825,
247/1974,James,BANKEROFF,Haslar Hospital,Oct 1 1825,-
247/1975,Richard,WILLIAMS,Halslar Hospital,Oct 4 1825,-
247/1976,John,BULGER,Gosport,Oct 7 1825,-
248/1977,John,PALMER,Alverstoke,Oct 9 1825,71
248/1978,William,PHILLIPS,Poor House,Oct 10 1825,70
248/1979,-,PATERSON,Haslar Hospital,Oct 11 1825,-
248/1980,Sarah dr of Richard,ROSE,Forton,Oct 12 1825,5mths
248/1981,Caroline dr of Richard,WATSON,Gosport,Oct 12 1825,2
248/1982,William,DIPRO,Poor House,Oct 13 1825,60
248/1983,Thomas,ALLEN,Haslar Hospital,Oct 13 1825,-
248/1984,James son of Richard,BARRINGTON,Gosport,Oct 17 1825,2days
249/1985,Ann dr of James,MOORE,Alverstoke,Oct 23 1825,17mths
249/1986,William son of William,WHITE,Forton,Oct 23 1825,7wks
249/1987,William,CASEY,Haslar Hospital,Oct 25 1825,40
249/1988,Cornelius,HAYWARD,Gosport,Oct 27 1825,22
249/1989,Richard,WELCH,Gosport,Oct 28 1825,77
249/1990,Elizabeth dr of Henry,COTMAN,Hardway,Oct 30 1825,17mths
249/1991,Sarah Jane dr of Samuel,MARSHALL,Gosport,Oct 30 1825,9mths
249/1992,George son of James,FARNIE,Portsea,Oct 31 1825,9mths
250/1993,Lucy wife of James,MITCHELL,Forton,Oct 31 1825,36
250/1994,The Rev David,BOGUE,Gosport,Nov 2 1825,76
250/1995,John,WILLIAMS,Gosport,Nov 3 1825,78
250/1996,William,BROWN,Haslar Hospital,Nov 5 1825,-
250/1997,Ann,FRANCIS,Gosport,Nov 8 1825,21
250/1998,William,VIVIAN,Haslar Barracks,Nov 13 1825,29
250/1999,Charles,NORTH,Poor House,Nov 15 1825,82
250/2000,Caroline dr of William,HYDE,Brockhurst,Nov 16 1825,18mths
251/2001,Daniel,FERGUSON,Haslar Hospital,Nov 19 1825,66
251/2002,Francis,RYAN,Haslar Hospital,Nov 19 1825,29
251/2003,Isaac,FOSTER,Brockhurst,Nov 20 1825,22
251/2004,George,BARKER,Haslar,Nov 21 1825,60
251/2005,Robert,HAYSON,Forton,Nov 22 1825,22
251/2006,Robert,BATT,Poor House,Nov 22 1825,84
251/2007,Sarah,PEDDAR,Poor House,Nov 20 1825,70
251/2008,John,ADAMSON,Haslar,Nov 26 1825,-
252/2009,James,COLLINS,Upham,Nov 26 1825,75
252/2010,Rebecca wife of John,TRIM,Forton,Nov 27 1825,-
252/2011,Rosa dr of Thomas Ladd & Leonora Maria,PEAKE,Alverstoke,Nov 28 1825,7
252/2012,Michael,DAVIS,Haslar,Nov 29 1825,31
252/2013,John,PARISH,Haslar,Nov 29 1825,-
252/2014,William,MURRANT,Forton,Dec 4 1825,82
252/2015,Caroline dr of Edmund,CARTER,Alverstoke,Dec 6 1825,3
252/2016,Joseph,HARRIS,Bingham Town,Dec 11 1825,35
253/2017,William,BRAND,Haslar Hospital,Dec 17 1825,30
253/2018,Elizabeth,GOULD,Poor House,Dec 19 1825,50
253/2019,Sarah,SEAGROVE,Elson,Dec 19 1825,77
253/2020,Thomas,LEWIS,Haslar Hospital,Dec 24 1825,24
253/2021,John,HARROLD,Haslar Hospital,Dec 26 1825,24
253/2022,Mary Ann,MACCADIVA,Poor House,Dec 28 1825,30
253/2023,William,ROGERS,Alverstoke,Dec 30 1825,60
253/2024,James,MOATT,Haslar Hospital,Dec 31 1825,-
254/2025,Frances wife of John,SCARD,Portsmouth,Jan 3 1826,39
254/2026,Elizabeth Isabella wife of Peter,LAVEAL,Elson,Jan 4 1826,66
254/2027,John,HUNTER,Poor House,Jan 4 1826,56
254/2028,Mary dr of William,STRADDEL,Gosport,Jan 5 1826,6wks
254/2029,John,SMITH,Haslar Hospital,Jan 7 1826,-
254/2030,James,WHITE,Poor House,Jan 12 1826,70
254/2031,George,ORAM,Haslar Hospital,Jan 14 1826,20
254/2032,James,SMITH,Poor House,Jan 14 1826,-
255/2033,Morgan,EVANS,Haslar Hospital,Jan 15 1826,35
255/2034,George,TAYLOR,Haslar Hospital,Jan 17 1826,-
255/2035,James,PEWSEY,Poor House,Jan 20 1826,64
255/2036,John,ABBOTT,Haslar Hospital,Jan 21 1826,-
255/2037,Richard,KING,Alverstoke,Jan 21 1826,53
255/2038,John,WHITE,Alverstoke,Jan 22 1826,78
255/2039,Daniel,SHADS,Poor House,Jan 23 1826,81
255/2040,Mary,MASON,Poor House,Jan 25 1826,-
256/2041,Mary wife of Michael,CURLY,Haslar Barracks,Jan 26 1826,21
256/2042,George,BRYAN,Haslar Hospital,Jan 28 1826,-
256/2043,Elizabeth,DALLEY,Poor House,Jan 28 1826,61
256/2044,James Bartholomew son of James Bartholomew,MOORE,Clayhall Alverstoke,Jan 29 1826,3mths
245/2045,Joseph,BASTARD,Gosport,Jan 30 1826,56
256/2046,John,JONES,Haslar Barracks,Jan 30 1826,22
256/2047,Blank,,,Jan 30 1826,
256/2048,Sarah,FUSSEL,Gosport,Jan 31 1826,64
257/2049,Francis,DENOUCH,Monckton Fort,Feb 1 1826,56
257/2050,James,SEAGROVE,Poor House,Feb 2 1826,70
257/2050,Thomas,HERN,Haslar Hospital,Feb 3 1826,32
257/2051,Robert,WALTERS,Haslar Hospital,Feb 4 1826,33
257/2052,John,PYATT,Haslar Hospital,Feb 4 1826,33
257/2053,Evan,DAVIS,Haslar Hospital,Feb 4 1826,-
257/2054,Elizabeth wife of John,ADAMS,Bingham Town,Feb 5 1826,57
257/2055,John,MERRIT,Gosport,Feb 5 1826,84
257/2056,Thomas,OSBORNE,Alverstoke,Feb 5 1826,71
258/2057,Ellen Maria dr of Alexander,BEATIE,Forton,Feb 6 1826,-
258/2058,Charles,HENVIS,Alverstoke,Feb 9 1826,82
258/2059,Thomas,HATCHMAN,Poor House,Feb 11 1826,73
258/2060,William,HILL,Poor House,Feb 14 1826,83
259/2061,Charles,FISHER,Hardway,Feb 20 1826,45
258/2062,William,ADAMS,Haslar Hospital,Feb 21 1826,19
258/2063,James,COOPER,Forton,Feb 23 1826,48
258/2064,John,BEATES,Haslar Hospital,Feb 25 1826,30
259/2065,Dennis,CARDIGAN,Haslar Hospital,Feb 28 1826,-
259/2066,John,CAMPBELL,Haslar Barracks,Feb 28 1826,19
259/2067,Richard,SMITH,Poor House,Mar 2 1826,56
259/2068,Elizabeth Grace dr of Thomas Ladd & Leonora Maria his wife,PEAKE,Alverstoke,Mar 4 1826,7
259/2069,Alfred son of Wm,ROGERS,Gosport,Mar 6 1826,18mths
259/2070,John,JEFFREYS,Alverstoke,Mar 9 1826,36
259/2071,Sarah,BARTON,Poor House,Mar 11 1826,47
259/2072,Richard,OSBORN,Haslar,Mar 11 1826,36
260/2073,James,FALLEN,Haslar Hospital,Mar 14 1826,-
260/2074,William Henry son of Thomas,BEEMS,Gosport,Mar 19 1826,3
260/2075,Charlotte,HYSLOP,Gosport,Mar 24 1826,62
260/2076,James,SEARL,Poor House,Mar 26 1826,19
260/2077,Tho’s,SHINFIELD,Haslar Barracks,Mar 30 1826,30
260/2078,William,HALL,Gosport,Apr 3 1826,83
260/2079,Robert,COOK,Haslar Hospital,Apr 11 1826,-
260/2080,Wm,PHILPOT,Forton,Apr 16 1826,40
261/2081,Ann dr of Thomas,TRODD,Brockhurst,Apr 16 1826,12
262/2082,John,WHITE,Haslar Hospital,April 18 1826,-
261/2083,Olive,FULFORD,Forton,Apr 19 1826,40
261/2084,William,JOHNSON,Haslar Hospital,Apr 27 1826,-
261/2085,William,YOUNG,Poor House,Apr 28 1826,55
261/2086,Ann,MITCHELL,Forton,Apr 28 1826,9
261/2087,James,MANSFIELD,Poor House,May 2 1826,60
261/2088,Emily Jones dr of Tho’s Lawton,ROBINS,Bingham Town,May 2 1826,15mths
262/2089,David son of William,BARRETT,Forton,May 3 1826,4
262/2090,William,COMPTON,Elson,May 4 1826,80
262/2091,Elizabeth dr of Thomas,TRIGGER,Forton,May 9 1826,4mths
262/2092,Sarah,HOUSE,Gosport,May 10 1826,77
262/2093,John dr of John,BALL,Portsmouth,May 11 1826,19
262/2094,John,WALKER,Elson,May 12 1826,52
262/2095,Joseph,EDMUNDS,Elson,May 14 1826,77
262/2096,Charles,MILLEN,Haslar Hospital,May 20 1826,-
263/2097,William son of Richard,WILLIAMSON,Alverstoke,May 24 1826,2
263/2098,William,JARRETT,Gosport,May 23 1826,74
263/2099,Thomas,POTT,Haslar Hospital,May 25 1826,39
263/2100,Catherine,SMITH,Poor House,May 25 1826,36
263/2101,Jane dr of Wm & Maria,WRIGHT,Gosport,May 28 1826,8mths
263//2102,Rachel,KNIGHT,Elson,June 1 1826,80
263/2103,Joseph,BAXTER,Haslar Hospital,June 3 1826,-
263/2104,John,WEEDEN,Haslar Hospital,June 3 1826,-
264/2105,John,BULGER,Haslar Hospital,June 3 1826,-
264/2106,John,MARTIN,Haslar Hospital,June 6 1826,-
264/2107,A W,WEAVER,Haslar Hospital,June 6 1826,-
264/2108,John,McCURDEY,Haslar Hospital,June 6 1826,39
264/2109,Charles Tovey,LEAVER,Haslar Hospital,June 6 1826,48
264/2110,James,JURD,Stoke Road Alverstoke,June 7 1826,89
264/2111,Elizabeth wife of Rich’d,WATTS,Alverstoke,June 8 1826,48
264/2112,Mary,LEE,Gosport,June 10 1826,28
265/2113,John,CHURCHILL,Yore Common Alverstoke,June 13 1826,75
265/2114,Eliza,ANNIORE,Poor House,June 13 1826,5
265/2115,Mary Ann dr of James,CHAMBERLAIN,Gosport,June 14 1826,14mths
265/2116,John,MEAD,Haslar Hospital,June 15 1826,-
265/2117,Hugh,McDONALD,Haslar Hospital,June 15 1826,-
265/2118,Mary Ann dr of James,CHAMBERLAIN,Gosport,June 14 1826,14mths
265/2119,James,LASHLEY,Gosport,June 20 1826,17
265/2120,Rhoda wife of John,LEAL,Gosport,June 20 1826,31
266/2121,Sarah wife of Francis,ROOK,Forton,June 20 1826,44
266/2122,Eleanor dr of Wm,KINGBY,Gosport,June 22 1826,13
266/2123,William,MORRIS,Haslar Hospital,June 24 1826,-
266/2124,Phoebe dr of Wm &Vann,PHILPOT,Forton,June 25 1826,6mths
266/2125,Henry,BUTLER,Gosport,June 30 1826,-
266/2126,William son of William & Eliz’th,HOLLY,Gosport,July 4 1826,10mths
266/2127,Samuel,GREENWOOD,Haslar Hospital,July 8 1826,-
266/2128,John,HALES,Forton,July 9 1826,17
267/2129,James,PEARCE,Poor House,July 9 1826,82
267/2130,Emma dr of Jonathan & Mary Ann,BOND,Portsea,July 11 1826,7mths
267/2131,William,SHARP,Alverstoke,July 12 1826,73
267/2132,Rebecca dr of John,CHAWCRAFT,Poor House,July 16 1826,8mths
267/2133,William son of Ja’s,SPARKMAN,Forton,July 16 1826,12
267/2134,Catherine dr of L,McGORRAN,Poor House,July 7 1826,1
267/2135,Elizabeth wife of Wm,ROBINSON,Gosport,July 18 1826,30
267/2136,Francis,GODE,Haslar Hospital,July 20 1826,-
268/2137,John,FOSSET,Haslar Hospital,July 22 1826,-
268/2138,Jane wife of Wm F,BRENNAN,Forton,July 23 1826,27
268/2139,Robert,HILL,Forton,July 23 1826,44
268/2140,John,FRAZIER,Hasler Hospital,July 27 1826,-
268/2141,Henry son of Henry,PRATT,Portsmouth,July 27 1826,8
268/2142,John,COLLIS,Poor House,July 31 1826,76
268/2143,Richard,DAVIES,Haslar Hospital,Aug 1 1826,-
268/2144,William son of John,WOODFORD,Elson,Aug 3 1826,6mths
269/2145,William,COWARD,Alverstoke,Aug 3 1826,23
269/2146,Thomas,KENDALL,Gosport,Aug 6 1826,14
269/2147,Wm,BENTLEY,Haslar Hospital,Aug 10 1826,-
269/2148,Jane dr of Wm & Ann,SPEARMAN,Brockhurst,Aug 10 1826,16mths
269/2149,John,SHORT,Haslar Barracks,Aug 12 1826,22
269/2150,Ann,LISLE,Poor House,Aug 12 1826,-
269/2151,Isabella dr of John Charlotte,THOMPSON,Gosport,/aug 13 1826,4mths
269/2152,N,MORRISON,Haslar Hospital,Aug 14 1826,-
270/2153,James son of Joseph,RATTY,Brockhurst,Aug 16 1826,8days
270/2154,Maria dr of Thomas & Maria,BROOKS,Hardway,Aug 17 1826,4
270/2155,Mary wife of Owen,RILEY,Forton,Aug 17 1826,26
270/2156,William,OLDREY,Haslar Hospital,Aug 19 1826,-
270/2157,John Francis son of Francis,WEST,Haslar Barracks,Aug 24 1826,3mths
270/2158,Jane wife of Samuel,BARTON,Forton,Aug 29 1826,29
270/2159,Mary,SMITH,Poor House,Aug 29 1826,-
270/2160,Eliza dr of Edmund,ABRAHAM,Hardway,Aug 29 1826,3
271/2161,James,HARDSTONE,Haslar Hospital,Aug 31 1826,-
271/2162,Emma dr of Benj’n,LANGLEY,Forton,Aug 31 1826,3wks
271/2163,Matthew,ARMINER,Gosport,Sept 1 1826,81
271/2164,Jane Frances wife of Thomas,DAVIS,Alverstoke,Sept 1 1826,35
271/2165,Susannah wife of Thomas,BAKER,Alverstoke,Sept 7 1826,-
271/2166,Thomas,BAKER,Alverstoke,Sept 7 1826,-
271/2167,Sarah,WHICHLEY,Poor House,Sept 7 1826,40
271/2168,James son of Wm,MARTIN,Alverstoke,Sept 10 1826,18mths
272/2169,Robert,SMITH,Haslar Hospital,Sept 18 1826,-
272/2170,John,HAMMOND,Gosport,Sept 20 1826,74
272/2171,William,HARDING,Forton,Sept 20 1826,-
272/2172,Dennis,OWEN,Haslar Hospital,Sept 21 1826,-
272/2173,Elizabeth wife of Joshua,HUNT,Gosport,Sept 23 1826,-
272/2174,Mary,MOORE,Gosport,Sept 24 1826,73
272/2175,Martha dr of Ann,PHILPOT,Forton,Sept 25 1826,9mths
272/2176,James,BENTLEY,Haslar Hospital,Sept 26 1826,-
273/2177,Frederick son of Isaac & Elizabeth,FRYER,Forton,Sept 30 1826,15wks
273/2178,Margaret Lavinia Maloney dr of Margaret,BAIRD,Gosport,Oct 9 1826,9mths
273/2179,James,RUFFLE,Haslar Hospital,Oct 10 1826,-
273/2180,Elizabeth dr of John & Fanny,SCARD,Newtown,Oct 9 1826,9mths
273/2181,Sarah Ann dr of John & Ann,SMITH,Gosport,Oct 11 1826,13mths
273/2182,David son of James &|Elizabeth,FRYER,Forton,Oct 11 1826,3mths
273/2183,Thomas,PINK,Gosport,Oct 15 1826,84
273/2184,John,GORDON,Haslar Hospital,Oct 17 1826,-
274/2185,John son of John,SMITH,Gosport,Oct 18 1826,4
274/2186,Margaret,BARTLETT,Haslar,Oct 26 1826,46
274/2187,Asia wife of Daniel,WOODRIFF,Bingham Town,Oct 20 1826,59
274/2188,Joseph,STONE,Alverstoke,Oct 20 1826,-
274/2189,Samuel,BENDY,Haslar Hospital,Oct 21 1826,-
274/2190,Thomas,OSMOND,Gosport,Oct 22 1826,62
274/2191,Lydia,CHURCHER,Forton,Oct 22 1826,54
274/2192,Henry,KNIGHT,Gosport,Oct 29 1826,-
275/2193,John,TOUGHTON,Forton,Nov 6 1826,69
275/2194,Matthew,BUTLER,Haslar,Nov 11 1826,-
275/1195,James,GORE,Haslar Hospital,Nov 14 1826,-
275/2196,Rosanna,LEWIS,Poor House,Nov 14 1826,21
275/2197,Jeremiah son of Jeremiah,LEE,Bingham Town,Nov 19 1826,9mths
275/2198,William,ALEXANDER,Poor House,Nov 22 1826,-
275/2199,Cap’n Alexander,BARANZOFF,The Russian Helena ship,Nov 21 1826,32
275/2200,Tho’s,JANVERIN,Haslar Hospital,Nov 22 1826,-
276/2201,William,TAMLIN,Haslar Hospital,Nov 25 1826,-
276/2202,Kondrage,MARTINOFF,A Russian ship at Spithead,Nov 25 1826,37
276/2202,Richard,MURRAY,Haslar Hospital,Nov 25 1826,
276/2203,Elizabeth,BRANWOOD,Poor House,Nov 24 1826,70
276/2204,Patrick,BYRNE,Haslar Hospital,Nov 28 1826,-
276/2205,William,JONES,Haslar Barracks,Nov 30 1826,-
276/2206,George,MURDOCK,Haslar Hospital,Nov 30 1826,-
276/2207,Catherine dr of James,RUSSELL,Forton,Dec 1 1826,3
276/2208,Leonora Triza dr of Thomas Ladd & Maria his wife,PEAKE,Alverstoke,Dec 2 1826,11
277/2209,Mary wife of John,REEVES,Alverstoke,Dec 5 1826,35
277/2210,Henry son of Catherine,GODWIN,Poor House,Dec 8 1826,13wks
277/2211,Mary dr of Wm,KINLEY,Gosport,Dec 13 1826,4
277/2212,Henry,VENDEN,Haslar Hospital,Dec 16 1826,-
277/2213,George,CARRUTHERS,Haslar Hospital,Dec 16 1826,-
277/2214,Elizabeth,CHETHAM,Gosport,Dec 16 1826,64
277/2215,Samuel son of James,ELLERY,Gosport,Dec 19 1826,2yrs & 6mths
277/2216,Elizabeth dr of James,ELLERY,Gosport,Dec 19 1826,4
278/2217,John,MITCHELL,Haslar Hospital,Dec 20 1826,25
278/2218,Judith dr of James,ELLERY,Gosport,Dec 21 1826,6
278/2218,Catherine,GOODWIN,Poor House,Dec 21 1826,40
278/2219,John,FOX,Poor House,Dec 23 1826,-
278/2219,Jane,CHACKRET,Brockhurst,Dec 24 1826,17
278/2220,William,STONE,Alverstoke,Dec 26 1826,54
278/2221,Charlotte,BAYNE,Gosport,Dec 29 1826,80
278/2222,John,CROUSER,Haslar Hospital,Oct 30 1826,-
278/2223,John H,JOHNSTONE,Haslar Hospital,Dec 30 1826,-
278/2224,Tho’s,DOLING,Poor House,Dec 30 1826,-
279/2225,John,BATT,Poor House,Dec 30 1826,75
279/2226,John,WILLIAM,Widower Poor House,Jan 1 1827,74
279/2227,Charlotte Anglesea dr of Tho’s & Charlotte,JURD,Alverstoke,Jan 1 1827,13mths
279/2228,Judy,FOSTER,Poor House,Jan 4 1827,-
279/2229,Robert,WATSON,Gosport,Jan 7 1827,50
279/2230,George son of Sarah,HENDLEY,Poor House,Jan 8 1827,7mths
279/2231,Sarah dr of Joseph,TARRANT,Forton,Jan 8 1827,15mths
279/2232,Robert,FLETCHER,Portsea,Jan 9 1827,57
280/2233,Henry,FREEMAN,Poor House,Jan 11 1827,55
280/2234,John,THOMPSON,Haslar Hospital,Jan 11 1827,-
280/2235,George,CLARK,Haslar,Jan 11 1827,41
280/2236,Henry,WITTS,Haslar Hospital,Jan 16 1827,-
280/2237,George,KING,Haslar Hospital,Jan 16 1827,-
280/2238,Robt,LOVET,Haslar Hospital,January 16 1827,-
280/2239,John,FRANKLIN,Haslar Hospital,Jan 16 1827,-
281/2241,Mary,PEACHEY,Elson,Jan 18 1827,83
281/2242,Elizabeth,LITTLEFIELD,Gosport,Jan 20 1827,80
281/2243,George son of John,MERRITT,Forton,Jan 21 1827,15mths
281/2244,Elizabeth wife of John,FORSTER,Gosport,Jan 27 1827,26
281/2245,William,GOODWIN,Poor House,Jan 29 1827,3
281/2246,Mary,LONG,Elson,Jan 29 1827,78
281/2247,Peter,DEAR,Hardway,Jan 31 1827,36
281/2248,William,LANGLEY,Forton,Feb 1 1827,57
282/2249,Thomas,NORTHCOTT,Haslar Hospital,Feb 1 1827,32
282/2250,Thomas,JONES,Haslar Hospital,Feb 3 1827,-
282/2251,John,HUMPHRIES,Haslar Hospital,Feb 3 1827,-
282/2252,Joseph,MOORE,Haslar Hospital,Feb 3 1827,-
282/2253,Frederick son of John Benjamin & Ann,ROPER,Bingham Town,Feb 3 1827,10
282/2254,Elizabeth,PHILPOT,Gosport,Feb 4 1827,-
282/2254,Charles,MOODY,Haslar Hospital,Feb 5 1827,-
282/2255,David,JONES,Haslar Hospital,Feb 6 1827,-
282/2256,Edward,HUGHES,Haslar Hospital,Feb 6 1827,-
283/2257,Susan wife of John,BROWNING,Portsmouth,Feb 7 1827,22
283/2258,Jane dr of James & Maria,SYRED,Alverstoke,Feb 11 1827,10mths
283/2259,John,SPENCER,Haslar Hospital,Feb 13 1827,-
283/2260,Wm B,FULLER,Haslar Hospital,Feb 13 1827,-
283/2261,Hannah,BIGGS,Elson,Feb 14 1827,62
283/2262,Sarah,SMITH,Gosport,Feb 14 1827,72
283/2263,Martha,FINCH,Poor House,Feb 15 1827,80
283/2264,Sarah dr of Baker,GARRETT,High St Gosport,Feb 15 1827,23
284/2265,John,PERKINS,Haslar Hospital,Feb 17 1827,-
284/2266,John dr of Benj & Eliza,HOBBS,Forton,Feb 17 1827,11mths
284/2267,Elizabeth wife of Wm,ISLES,Hardway,Feb 18 1827,36
284/2268,Edward son of Thos,CARR,Gosport,Feb 18 1827,2
284/2269,Samuel Churcher,FAULKNER,Brockhurst,Feb 20 1827,53
284/2270,Peter,GOLD,Haslar Hospital,Feb 21 1827,-
284/2271,Emma,WILLIAMS,Poor House,Feb 21 1827,10
284/2272,Jas,GULLIVER,Poor House,Feb 22 1827,78
285/2273,Margaret,SUTTON,Poor House,Feb 23 1827,-
285/2274,Ann,HARRIS,Poor House,Feb 23 1827,-
285/2275,William,SHARP,Bingham Town,Feb 23 1827,8mths
285/2276,William,ROPER,Poor House,Feb 24 1827,-
285/2277,Henry,DICKER,Poor House,Feb 24 1827,-
285/2278,John,MARIER,Poor House,Feb 24 1827,-
285/2279,Wm,HAMPTON,Forton,Feb 25 1827,70
285/2280,Henry Augustus son of Wm Noble & Ann,BARRON,Alverstoke,Feb 25 1827,7mths
286/2281,James,BURCH,Poor House,Feb 26 1827,60
286/2282,Thomas,SLEEN,Poor House,Feb 26 1827,-
286/2283,Margaret,HAYES,Poor House,Feb 27 1827,70
286/2284,Job,HOWELL,Haslar Hospital,Mar 1 1827,-
286/2285,James,DEWEY,Gosport,Mar 2 1827,56
286/2286,James,SUGNALL,Forton,Mar 3 1827,14
286/2287,Edmund son of Wm,MURRANT,Gosport,March 4 1827,10
287/2289,Henry,BENCROFT,Haslar Hospital,Mar 8 1827,-
287/2290,Thomas John son of John,BRANNON,Monckton Fort,Mar 8 1827,1
287/2291,John,TRIGG,Hardway,Mar 10 1827,46
287/2292,David,SIMPSON,Haslar Hospital,Mar 10 1827,-
287/2293,Grace,GULLIVER,Poor House,Mar 11 1827,-
287/2293,Agnes Annes dr of Thos Ladd & Maria his wife,PEAKE,Alverstoke,Mar 12 1827,-
287/2294,Frederick son of John & Harriet,HIPPERLEY,Gosport,Mar 13 1827,6mths
287/2294,John,BROWN,Haslar Hospital,Mar 17 1827,44
287/2295,Henry,WILLORD,Haslar Hospital,Mar 18 1827,51
287/2296,James,BECK,Poor House,Mar 17 1827,51
288/2297,Susannah wife of John,ABLETT,Hardway,Mar 18 1827,47
288/2298,Anthony,SATCHELL,Poor House,Mar 19 1827,50
288/2299,Charles,HEWETT,Haslar Hospital,Mar 20 1827,-
288/2300,Thomas,CONOLLY,Haslar Hospital,Mar 20 1827,-
288/2301,Maria dr of Edmund,CARTER,Alverstoke,Mar 23 1827,10
288/2301,James,SMITH,Haslar Hospital,Mar 24 1827,-
288/2302,Charles,ROGERS,Gosport,Mar 26 1827,47
288/2303,Sarah,MITCHELL,Poor House,Mar 27 1827,30
288/2304,John,DRISCOLL,Haslar Hospital,Mar 28 1827,-
289/2305,Stephen,PEARCE,Poor House,Mar 28 1827,79
289/2306,James,FARRELL,Haslar Hospital,Apr 3 1827,-
289/2307,Thomas James son of Wm,FRYER,Forton,Apr 3 1827,2
289/2308,John,COOPER,Poor House,Apr 5 1827,13
289/2309,Henry,ROOK,Haslar Hospital,Apr 5 1827,28
289/2310,Julia dr of Charles & Edith,MARTIN,Gosport,Apr 5 1827,2
289/2311,Leah,WHITFIELD,Poor House,Apr 10 1827,23
289/2312,Ann dr of Joseph & Caroline,CARTER,Forton,Apr 10 1827,14mths
290/2313,Elizabeth,WILLIAMS,Forton,Apr 12 1827,33
290/2314,James,BYERS,Forton,Apr 12 1827,76
290/2315,Stephen,SCRIVENER,Haslar Hospital,Apr 14 1827,-
290/2316,John,GREEN,Hardway,Apr 15 1827,56
290/2317,Catherine dr of John & Catherine,HAWETT,Yore Common,Apr 19 1827,18mths
290/2318,George,LEE,Poor House,Apr 24 1827,3
290/2319,John,BROWN,Haslar Hospital,Apr 24 1827,-
290/2320,James,FORD,Alverstoke,Apr 26 1827,28
291/2321,Ann,HORN,Forton,Apr 29 1827,78
291/2322,Sarah,FITZMAURICE,Alverstoke,Apr 30 1827,62
291/2323,A Russian mariner,=,Spithead,May 2 1827,-
291/2324,Charlotte,MONDAY,Forton,May 2 1827,8wks
291/2325,William,WITCHER,Brockhurst,May 3 1827,34
291/2326,Mary,MARKS,Poor House,May 4 1827,-
291/2327,Robert,PROWSE,Haslar Hospital,May 6 1827,-
291/2328,Gregoire,PODINALSDSAY,Haslar Hospital,May 12 1827,-
292/2329,William,WEBB,Haslar Hospital,May 12 1827,-
292/2330,Jeremiah,SEYMOUR,Haslar Hospital,May 12 1827,-
292/2331,Maurice,PEARCE,Poor House,May 12 1827,-
292/2332,Elizabeth,BIRD,Hardway,May 13 1827,54
292/2333,Thomas,KING,Haslar Hospital,May 15 1827,-
292/2334,Thomas,METCALF,Haslar Hospital,May 22 1827,-
292/2335,Esther wife of David,HILL,Forton,May 25 1827,57
292/2336,William,BLAKE,Haslar Hospital,May 26 1827,-
293//2337,R B,NASON,Haslar Hospital,May 26 1827,-
293/2338,Lachery son of Lachery,JONES,Alverstoke,May 26 1827,11days
293/2339,Richard,SEAGROVE,Forton,May 27 1827,41
293/2340,Susannah,COOK,Poor House,May 29 1827,78
293/2341,John,FRYER,Forton,May 30 1827,61
293/2342,Charles,SAMPHIRE,Bingham Town,June 1 1827,70
293/2343,Thomas,SMITH,Haslar Hospital,June 2 1827,-
293/2344,John,COBB,Forton,June 3 1827,75
294/2345,Hannibal son of John & Mary,McARTHUR,Gosport,June 4 1827,9mths
294/2346,William,WRIGHT,Stoke Road,June 6 1827,72
294//2347,Arthur,CAMPBELL,Haslar Hospital,June 7 1827,-
294/2348,Levi,GALLANT,Haslar Hospital,June 9 1827,-
294/2349,Wm,WRIGHT,Haslar Hospital,June 12 1827,-
294/2350,Alexander son of John & Mary,McARTHUR,Gosport,June 15 1827,4
294/2351,Mary wife of John,CAWTE,Forton,June 15 1827,28
294/2352,Henry,BALLARD,Haslar Hospital,June 16 1827,-
295/2353,William,HEADEN,Haslar Hospital,June 16 1827,-
295/2354,Thos,WRIGHT,Haslar Hospital,June 16 1827,34
295/2355,James,CHURCHER,Bury,June 16 1827,12
295/2356,Elizabeth wife of Thomas,MACKLIN,Gosport,June 16 1827,29
295/2357,Joseph,MARSH,Haslar Hospital,June 17 1827,29
295/2358,Thomas,TURNER,Haslar Hospital,June 17 1827,-
295/2359,George,FOWLER,Haslar Hospital,June 17 1827,-
295/2360,John,ABRAHAM,Weovill,June 21 1827,63
296/2361,Robert J,WEBB,Haslar Hospital,June 28 1827,-
296/2362,James,TAYLOR,Haslar Hospital,June 27 1827,-
296/2363,William son of William,WRIGHT,Gosport,June 29 1827,9mths
296/2364,Martin,CALLOPY,Haslar Hospital,June 30 1827,-
296/2365,Henry,COSSER,Haslar Hospital,June 30 1827,-
296/2366,James,SCOTT,Forton,July 4 1827,76
296/2367,John H,MAYOR,Haslar Hospital,July 5 1827,44
296/2368,Harry,GIBBS,Parish of St James Bath,July 6 1827,76
297/2369,Thomas,NORRIS,Elson,July 9 1827,67
297/2370,John,LANE,Poor House,July 12 1827,-
297/2371,Robert,TUCKER,Forton,July 12 1827,39
297/2372,John,PILCORN,Gosport,July 12 1827,47
297/2373,Thomas,FRY,Poor House,July 13 1827,-
297/2374,Henry,BAMPTON,Haslar Hospital,July 14 1827,-
297/2375,James,GREEN,Haslar Hospital,July 14 1827,-
297/2376,Sarah dr of George & Sarah,SMITH,Hardway,July 14 1827,14mths
298/2377,Henry,PHILPS,Gosport,July 15 1827,50
298/2378,Charles son of Peter,SIMMONS,Elson,July 15 1827,2
298/2379,Fanny Elizabeth,HINCHLEY,Dock Village,July 16 1827,43
298/2380,Mark,BARRATT,Haslar Hospital,July 16 1827,-
298/2381,Edward,FIELD,Gosport,July 17 1827,-
298/2382,Jane dr of John & Ann,GRISBROOK,Gosport,July 20 1827,3days
298/2383,John,WHITTINGHAM,Haslar Hospital,July 21 1827,-
298/2384,Elizabeth dr of Thos,SHIRVELL,Gosport,July 22 1827,2wks
1/1,Edward son of Thomas,FRY,Gosport,July 27 1827,19mths
1/2,James,DAVIS,Haslar Hospital,July 28 1827,=
1/3,William,PAIN,Poor House,Aug 3 1827,43
1/4,Albena Louisa dr of John,CLAVELL,Gosport,Aug 6 1827,2mths
1/5,Clara dr of Thos Ja’s,ALLEY,Gosport,Aug 13 1827,3mths
1/6,Frances,JENKINS,Poor House,Aug 13 1827,28
1/7,Richard son of Joseph & Mary,CLARK,Haslar,Aug 13 1827,13days
1/8,Sarah Frances dr of Thos,BULL,Haslar,Aug 16 1827,4
2/9,Elizabeth,BURKITT,Titchfield,Aug 24 1827,56
2/10,The Rev John Locke,JEANS,Alverstoke,Aug 25 1827,32
2/11,Ann wife of William,HOSKINS,Elson,Aug 26 1827,58
2/12,Ann wife of William,TAURANCE,Gosport,Aug 26 1827,24
2/13,Emma dr of Thos & Rebecca,LODGE,Hardway,Aug 31 1827,4
2/14,William,STEELE,Alverstoke,Sept 1 1827,55
2/15,Ruth,ADNAMS,Poor House,Sept 5 1827,42
2/16,William son of Thomas,REEVES,Poor House,Sept 8 1827,4mths
3/17,George William,BARNARD,Alverstoke,Sept 8 1827,23
3/18,Thomas,ROSE,Gosport,Sept 8 1827,40
3/19,Mary wife of John,KENNEDY,Haslar,Sept 9 1827,23
3/20,Sarah dr of Thomas,WELLER,Gosport,Sept 9 1827,9mths
3/21,Eliza,COLLINS,Hardway,Sept 12 1827,17
3/22,Edmund,COVEY,Forton,Sept 12 1827,13mths
3/23,Mary,CHARLES,Gosport,Sept 13 1827,43
3/24,Emma dr of Mary,DIAPER,Gosport,Sept 14 1827,2mths
4/25,John Robert son of Wm & Sarah,SMITH,Gosport,Sept 14 1827,14mths
4/26,Thomas,SHORE,Portsmouth Harbour,Sept 19 1827,40
4/27,Sarah dr of Joseph,SHIRVEN,Gosport,Sept 19 1827,12
4/28,Edmund son of Wm,MARTIN,Gosport,Sept 20 1827,4mths
4/29,Sarah Ann dr of Benjamin & Eliza,HOBBS,Forton,Sept 22 1827,4
4/29,John,MASON,Poor House,Sept 29 1827,63
4/30,Sarah wife of Christopher,ELMSTONE,Alverstoke,Oct 1 1827,68
4/31,Maria dr of John,GRISBROOK,Gosport,Oct 7 1827,2mths
4/32,Catherine,SALMON,Poor House,Oct 12 1827,60
5/33,John,HYETT,Gosport,Oct 13 1827,74
5/34,William,CARTER,Gosport,Oct 14 1827,57
5/35,A Russian seaman,-,Spithead,Oct 16 1827,-
5/36,George son of John & Eleanor,COX,Bingham Town,Oct 19 1827,2
5/37,Alfred son of William & Emma,HAMMOND,Gosport,Oct 26 1827,6mths
5/38,James son of James,CARR,Gosport,Oct 28 1827,12
5/39,Ann wife of Joseph,ANNUMS,Alverstoke,Nov 7 1827,36
5/40,Mary,PARSONS,Poor House,Nov 9 1827,31
6/41,George,YOUNG,Gosport,Nov 10 1827,9mths
6/42,Ann wife of Samuel,PRESTON,Gosport,Nov 11 1827,42
6/43,Emma dr of Richard,WILLIAMSON,Yore Common,Nov 15 1827,4mths
6/44,Charlotte dr of James & Charlotte,KEW,Spring Gardens Alverstoke,Nov 15 1827,15mths
6/45,Mary dr of Edward & Jane,BROWN,Gosport,Nov 20 1827,3wks
6/46,John,CLARE,Gosport,Nov 20 1827,73
6/47,Frances wife of Peter,BUXEY,Gosport,Nov 22 1827,51
6/48,Mary wife of James,FRAMPTON,Gosport,Nov 25 1827,51
7/49,William,SEAGER,Bingham Town,Nov 25 1827,=
7/50,Mary,BAULK,Gosport,Nov 25 1827,=
7/51,Ann Elizabeth dr of Ann,HARRIS,Gosport,Nov 25 1827,17mths
7/52,Francis Abraham son of Christopher & Mary,SCOTTON,Hardway,Nov 29 1827,9mths
7/53,Elizabeth wife of James,SCARD,Brockhurst,Nov 29 1827,58
7/54,John,NEWMAN,Gosport,Nov 30 1827,4
7/55,Harriet,COLDRICK,Gosport,Dec 5 1827,30
7/56,Knate or Nathaniel,TALLESON,Haslar Hospital,Dec 9 1827,44
8/57,John Madgwick,COWD,Brockhurst,Dec 12 1827,51
8/58,Jane dr of Frederick & Jane,BURNS,Gosport,Dec 12 1827,4
8/59,Ann,McCOY,Haslar,Dec 19 1827,50
8/60,Robert,LEONARD,Alverstoke,Dec 20 1827,74
8/61,George,ENGLISH,Poor House,Dec 24 1827,71
8/62,Johanna,HALLYBONE,Portsea,Dec 30 1827,79
8/63,Ann,DERRICK,Portsea,Jan 2 1828,21
8/64,William Aaron,PRICE,Gosport,Jan 6 1828,34
9/65,Molly,CLATON,Gosport,Jan 12 1828,78
9/66,John,TALLICK,Poor House,Jan 14 1828,35
9/67,Mary,YOUNG,Gosport,Jan 17 1828,7mths
9/68,Henry,GRAFTON,Gosport,Jan 18 1828,7mths
9/69,Isaac,MONDAY,Gosport,Jan 20 1828,=
9/70,Robert son of George,GRANT,Poor House,Jan 28 1828,9mths
9/71,John,HAYES,Bury,Feb 3 1828,35
9/72,William son of Wm,STEWARD,Gosport,Feb 17 1828,15mths
10/73,Sarah,WOODLEY,Spring Gardens Forton,Feb 18 1828,68
10/74,Sarah,HASLER,Alverstoke,Feb 19 1828,78
10/75,Mary Ann Charlotte dr of Thos & Mary,ROBERTSON,Stoke Road,Feb 20 1828,5mths
10/76,Charles,PARRY,Gosport,Feb 21 1828,58
10/77,Eliza Anne dr of Henry John,BIGNELL,Stoke Road,Feb 28 1828,2
10/78,Mary,TREARY,Forton,Feb 28 1828,40
10/79,Ellen dr of William & Jane,ROGERS,Gosport,Feb 29 1828,3mths
10/80,James,PAVEY,Elson,Mar 3 1828,15
11/81,Thomas Charles son of Thos Charles,CHICHESTER,Stoke Road,Mar 5 1828,5hrs
11/82,Elizabeth widow of Thos Blake,BARROW,Forton,Mar 7 1828,54
11/83,Sarah,CARTER,Alverstoke,Mar 7 1828,71
11/84,Sarah dr of Wm,HUTCHINGS,Gosport,Mar 12 1828,9mths
11/85,Mary,LONSELL,Poor House,Mar 13 1828,85
11/86,John,ANTRAM,Gosport,Mar 17 1828,57
11/87,Rachel,NORRIS,Poor House,Mar 26 1828,15days
11/88,Elizabeth,JENNINGS,Alverstoke,Mar 26 1828,9
12/89,Henry,CHANDLER,Poor House,Apr 1 1828,65
12/90,Charlotte,KERVELL,Poor House,Apr 1 1828,3
12/91,Elizabeth wife of James,MORGAN,Gosport,Apr 2 1828,43
12/92,Elizabeth,SPARKMAN,Gosport,Apr 9 1828,74
12/93,Sarah,PASHLEY,Gosport,Apr 10 1828,29
12/94,Jane,PANNELL,Forton,Apr 10 1828,45
12/95,Sarah,DAVIS,Poor House,Apr 10 1828,60
12/96,John Larcom,BURROWS,Southampton,Apr 12 1828,4mths
13/97,Fanny wife of Jeremiah,MARTELL,Gosport,Apr 16 1828,59
13/98,John,SERGEANT,Poor House,Apr 16 1828,65
13/99,Elizabeth,McCUNDY,Portsmouth,April 18 1828,66
13/100,Hannah,REEVE,Hardway,Apr 27 1828,72
13/101,Stephen,DENBY,Gosport,Apr 27 1828,40
13/102,John,PHELPS,Poor House,Apr 28 1828,70
13/103,Elizabeth,BARRETT,Poor House,Apr 29 1828,54
13/104,Jane Sarah dr of Sarah,RATTY,Gosport,Apr 29 1828,8mths
14/105,Mary Ann wife of Wm Henry,MESSUM,Gosport,Apr 30 1828,42
14/106,Elizabeth,PENNY,Brockhurst,Apr 30 1828,20
14/107,Esther,HALL,Haslar,May 1 1828,54
14/108,Edward,LANE,Forton,May 2 1828,46
14/109,Elizabeth,FLETCHER,Gosport,May 2 1828,83
14/110,Louisa dr of Revd David,BOGUE,Gosport,May 7 1828,-
14/111,George,HANDLEY,Poor House,May 8 1828,74
14/112,Eleanor,DAVIS,Forton,May 11 1828,69
15/113,James,PEARCE,Gosport,May 11 1828,5mths
15/114,Sarah,CUTLER,Gosport,May 16 1828,7
15/115,Martha,WINGROVE,Gosport,May 17 1828,70
15/116,William,TRODD,Gosport,May 21 1828,63
15/117,James Alfred,WOLF,Gosport,May 23 1828,6mths
15/118,Margaret,HIGGINS,Forton,May 28 1828,=
15/119,George,WESTBROOK,Alverstoke,June 8 1828,17
15/120,Margaret,BELCHER,Haslar,June 9 1828,63
16/121,Catherine,CUTLER,Gosport,June 11 1828,5
16/122,George,POPE,Portsea,June 11 1828,84
16/123,Ann,HUTCHINGS,Gosport,June 13 1828,7
16/124,Sarah,MULLOY,Haslar,June 14 1828,38
16/125,Thomas,CURME,Gosport,June 14 1828,21
16/126,Henry son of Edward,BRUSHWOOD,Gosport,June 17 1828,9mths
16/127,Ralph,CRUMP,Gosport,June 18 1828,78
16/128,John,WARREN,Portsmouth,June 19 1828,=
17/129,William Lucas,HYSLOP,Gosport,June 22 1828,29
17/130,Sarah,BASTARD,Gosport,June 23 1828,60
17/131,Jas,HUTCHINGS,Gosport,June 24 1828,4
1/132,George son of John,THORNTON,Forton,June 29 1828,9wks
17/133,Mary dr of Alexander,CUMMINGS,Poor House,July 3 1828,2
17/134,Thomas John,DAVIS,Spithead,July 12 1828,2
17/135,Ann,PAVEY,Elson,July 13 1828,10
17/136,Charlotte,RANDALL,Poor House,July 15 1828,1
18/137,George son of George,COBB,Alverstoke,July 20 1828,3mths
18/138,Henry son of -,GRISBROOK,Gosport,July 20 1828,6
18/139,Augusta son of Charles & Sarah,BURNEY,Alverstoke,July 29 1828,13mths
18/140,Henry Crowger son of Ann,TREZISE,Alverstoke,Aug 1 1828,4mths
18/141,George,PEARCE,Gosport,Aug 3 1828,28
18/142,Margaret wife of Philip,AUSTIN,Alverstoke,Aug 5 1828,63
18/143,Elizabeth,REEVES,Forton,Aug 9 1828,3wks
18/144,Thomas,COWARD,Gosport,Aug 12 1828,9wks
19/145,James,ARMS,Gosport,Aug 15 1828,64
19/146,Clara,WATERS,Forton,Aug 17 1828,8mths
19/147,James,BULL,Gosport,Aug 17 1828,26
19/148,Susan wife of Luke,WELCH,-,Aug 20 1828,18
19/149,Susan,TOWERS,Gosport,Aug 22 1828,63
19/150,William,DENT,Gosport,Aug 28 1828,60
19/151,Elizabeth,WOODRIFFE,Forton,Aug 31 1828,56
19/152,William,DAVIS,Gosport,Sept 4 1828,=
20/153,Amelia,GRIGG,Gosport,Sept 10 1828,7mths
20/154,William John son of George,BEAVER,Gosport,Sept 12 1828,1mth
20/155,William,JOHNSON,Gosport,Sept 12 1828,1
20/156,Edmund,PEACHEY,Gosport,Sept 14 1828,60
20/157,Mary,SULLIVAN,Poor House,Sept 16 1828,36
20/158,Samuel son of Samuel,LEONARD,Alverstoke,Sept 21 1828,3
20/159,Mary,CURRY,Fareham,Sept 23 1828,63
20/160,Catherine dr of Philip,CLARK,Monckton Fort,Oct 5 1828,15mths
21/161,George son of John,WATSON,Alverstoke,Oct 6 1828,6wks
21/162,James,WHITEHEAD,Poor House,Oct 10 1828,26
21/163,Peter,BUXEY,Gosport,Oct 12 1828,46
21/164,James,COWARD,Alverstoke,Oct 13 1828,17
21/165,Nendick Paul,ABRAHAM,Privett,Oct 19 1828,40
21/166,Dorothy,JONES,Poor House,Oct 29 1828,60
21/167,John Thomas son of Thomas,WILLIAMS,Gosport,Oct 29 1828,15mths
21/168,Elizabeth,WOODERSON,Forton,Oct 30 1828,86
21/168,Elizabeth,EUSTEAD,Poor House,Nov 1 1828,35
22/169,Catherine wife of John,CARSON,Alverstoke Road,Nov 2 1828,73
22/170,Charlotte wife of Richard,WEST,Peel Farm Rowner,Nov 10 1828,25
22//171,George,PERKINS,Yore Common,Nov 11 1828,13mths
22/172,Charles,HOAR,Gosport,Nov 12 1828,45
22/173,Richard Townsend,BLATCHFORD,Gosport,Nov 20 1828,46
22174,Thomas son of Wm,STONE,Alverstoke,Nov 21 1828,18
221/75,Sarah,CLARE,Poor House,Nov 24 1828,63
22/176,Thomas,JENNINGS,Gosport,Nov 23 1828,46
23/177,Robert,ROGERS,Poor House,Dec 3 1828,65
23/178,Mary Anne,CORNELIUS,Gosport,Dec 4 1828,63
23/179,James son of William,ISLES,Forton,Dec 4 1828,8
23/180,Mary,NORTH,Poor House,Dec 6 1828,70
23/181,Wm,JOHNSTON,Poor House,Dec 8 1828,30
23/182,John,STEAD,Poor House,Dec 11 1828,76
23/183,Wm son of Wm,TAYLER,Gosport,Dec 11 1828,6mths
23/184,Jane,BROOKS,Poor House,Dec 12 1828,15mths
24/185,William,BEAZLEY,Stoke Road,Dec 15 1828,75
24/186,James,DOWLING,Poor House,Dec 16 1828,57
24/187,Ann,CURME,Gosport,Dec 22 1828,27
24/188,Ellen,COWD,Brockhurst,Dec 29 1828,21
24/189,John,HATCHER,Gosport,Dec 30 1828,76
24/190,William,PAUL,Gosport,Jan 4 1829,51
24/191,Christopher,CLEAR,Gosport,Jan 6 1829,72
24/192,Elizabeth,WHITE,Gosport,Jan 8 1829,76
25/193,Sarah,MARTIN,Poor House,Jan 8 1829,76
25/194,James,TAYLER,Gosport,Jan 8 1829,54
25/195,Thomas,WALLER,Elson,Jan 10 1829,71
25/196,John,SAUNDERS,Gosport,Jan 15 1829,75
25/197,John,HUNTER,Gosport,Jan 15 1829,56
25/198,Caroline dr of James & Mary,PRICE,Alverstoke,Jan 18 1829,6days
25/199,John,CORDROW,Poor House,Jan 22 1829,-
25/200,John,DUKE,Gosport,Jan 29 1829,63
26/201,Robert,LEAKE,Bingham Town,Jan 30 1829,52
26/202,Elizabeth,PAUL,Poor House,Feb 1 1829,85
26/203,Augustus,COSTER,Gosport,Feb 3 1829,2
26//204,Wm,COLBURN,Forton,Feb 13 1829,11
26//205,William Ogilvie son of Benjamin,BAYNTON,Alverstoke,Feb 4 1829,2
26/206,Sarah Ann dr of Reuben,PAYNE,Brockhurst,Feb 6 1829,10
26/207,William,SHARP,Gosport,Feb 8 1829,3 wks
26/208,Mary Ann,GALORE,Elson,Feb 8 1829,9mths
27/209,Hannah Paice dr of John & Susan,TAURANCE,Gosport,Feb 10 1829,2
27/210,Margaret,MACMAIN,Poor House,Feb 13 1829,18
27/211,George,COCKRANE,Hardway,Feb 13 1829,70
27/212,Mary,CALAHAN,Poor House,Feb 16 1829,90
27/213,William,NEW,Alverstoke,Feb 17 1829,84
27/214,Mary,MURRAY,Poor House,Feb 24 1829,90
27/215,Alfred,GRIGG,Poor House,Feb 26 1829,18mths
27/216,Sarah,DAVIS,Poor House,Feb 28 1829,15
28/217,Robert Samuel son of Rob’t,LEAL,Poor House,Mar 3 1829,19mths
28/218,George son of George,FRYER,Hardway,Mar 5 1829,18mths
28/219,Mary,WEST,Portsea,Mar 6 1829,84
28/220,Martha,WALKER,Gosport,Mar 8 1829,44
28/221,Wm,FORSTER,Haslar,Mar 9 1829,39
28/222,James,WILSON,Haslar,Mar 11 1829,27
28/223,Henry son of Rich’d,CHURCHER,Gosport,Mar 12 1829,6
28/224,John,VARRANT,Gosport,Mar 15 1829,43
29/225,Sarah,McCARTY,Poor House,Mar 18 1829,3mths
29/226,Henry,CRIBB,Poor House,Mar 18 1829,68
29/227,John,KNAPMAN,Poor House,Mar 19 1829,63
29/228,Maria,COKER,Poor House,Mar 19 1829,1
29/229,Elizabeth,WHITE,Hardway,Mar 19 1829,1
29/230,Elizabeth dr of Thomas,PARKER,Gosport,Mar 27 1829,3mths
29/231,Richard,MORTIMORE,Poor House,Mar 30 1829,80
29/232,John,STANFIELD,Poor House,Apr 5 1829,60
30/233,William,WALLER,Gosport,Apr 6 1829,72
30/234,Louisa dr of Ann,RUSSELL,Poor House,Apr 8 1829,6wks
30/235,Wm,BENNETT,Gosport,Apr 9 1829,26
30/236,George,CURME,Gosport,Apr 10 1829,77
30/237,Joseph,CLARKE,Gosport,Apr 11 1829,67
30/238,Caroline,HODGES,Poor House,Apr 13 1829,2
30/239,Wm,PICKETT,Poor House,Apr 14 1829,73
30/240,Jane,HOLCON,Gosport,Apr 15 1829,6mths
31/241,Ann,ROE,Gosport,Apr 15 1829,83
31/242,Ann,THOMPSON,Poor House,Apr 17 1829,77
31/243,Wm,POPE,Poor House,Apr 17 1829,81
31/244,Eliz’th,BARTHOLOMEW,Gosport,Apr 17 1829,6mths
31/245,Mary Ann dr of Wm,BUTLER,Gosport,Apr 19 1829,6mths
31/246,George son of Wm,WRIGHT,Gosport,Apr 19 1829,6mths
31/247,Elizabeth dr of John,STRICKLAND,Gosport,Apr 20 1829,13mths
31/248,Eliza dr of Francis,FRAZER,Gosport,Apr 24 1829,6wks
32/249,Mary widower of Henry,BATT,Gosport,Apr 26 1829,83
32/250,John son of Mary,DIAPER,Gosport,Apr 26 1829,9mths
32/251,Alison Heath dr of George & Margaret,TURNBULL,Bingham Town,May 3 1829,4mths
32/252,Rebecca,CARPENTER,Alverstoke,May 4 1829,78
32/253,Richard,BROWN,Poor House,May 5 1829,64
32/254,Ann wife of James,SWEETENHAM,Gosport,May 5 1829,60
32/255,John,RICE,Gosport,May 7 1829,63
32/256,Sarah dr of Wm,KING,Gosport,May 8 1829,10mths
33/257,George Anglesey,DUBBER,Bury,May 10 1829,1mth
33/258,Elizabeth,MURRAY,Poor House,May 18 1829,67
33/259,John Henry,COKER,Poor House,May 18 1829,6
33/260,George son of James,TRODD,Gosport,May 20 1829,3mths
33/261,Sarah,VICK,Forton,May 20 1829,82
33/262,Thomas,BOYT,Gosport,May 25 1829,74
33/263,Stephen,HUNT,Gosport,May 26 1829,48
33/264,George,BARTLETT,Bingham Town,May 28 1829,30
34/265,Rebecca dr of James & Rebecca,GLASPER,Gosport,June 2 1829,2
34/266,Elizabeth,MACDONALD,Gosport,June 3 1829,86
34/267,James son of James,BARBER,Poor House,June 5 1829,=
34/268,Elizabeth,HUDSON,Stoke Road,June 6 1829,81
34/269,Mary wife of Mordant,HILL,Gosport,June 10 1829,78
34/270,James son of James & Ann,MOORE,Stoke Road,June 11 1829,2
34/271,Ann,BARTHOLOMEW,Gosport,June 15 1829,56
34/272,Mary Newnham wife of William Henry,MILLIDGE,Brockhurst,June 25 1829,27
35/273,Sophia dr of Michael & Elizabeth,CALLAGAN,Gosport,June 25 1829,3wks
35/274,William,NEVILL,Gosport,June 28 1829,62
35/275,William,PURKIS,Yore Common,June 29 1829,40
35/275,William,JEWELL,Forton,July 1 1829,65
35/276,Edward son of Wm,PAUL,Gosport,July 3 1829,2yrs & 6mths
35/277,Frances widow of Isaac,MUNDAY,Gosport,July 5 1829,72
35/278,Mary Ann,JOHN,Southsea,July 10 1829,30
35/279,Robert,ALLEN,Gosport,July 12 1829,97
35/280,Elizabeth,FARRELL,Poor House,July 12 1829,34
36/281,George son of James,LONG,Forton,July 27 1829,4
36/282,James son of John,COWDRY,Gosport,July 28 1829,11
36/283,No entry,,,,
36/284,Richard,ALEXANDER,Brockhurst,July 31 1829,73
36/285,Rhoda,MITCHELL,Gosport,Aug 2 1829,53
36/286,William Wickham,LEGG,Gosport,Aug 3 1829,59
36/287,Louisa,ABBOTT,Gosport,Aug 9 1829,20mths
36/288,George Parmeter son of Joseph,BATTERSHELL,Gosport,Aug 12 1829,6mths
37/289,Robert son of Robert,LEAKE,Bingham Town,Aug 15 1829,5mths
37/290,Eliza wife of Wm,SHARP,Bingham Town,Aug 16 1829,28
37/291,William son odf Wm & Eliz’th,SHORT,Forton,Aug 17 1829,13mths
37/292,Wm,PURKIS,Yore Common,Aug 19 1829,5
37/293,Elizabeth wife of Charles Robinson,MILLER,Alverstoke,Aug 28 1829,25
37/294,Stephen,VINCENT,Alverstoke,Sept 1 1829,50
37/295,Alexander,LAMB,On board the York convict ship,Sept 4 1829,50
37/296,Wm,BALLINGER,Gosport,Sept 11 1829,25
38/297,Thos George,HOPKINS,Elson,Sept 17 1829,14
38/298,Elizabeth,URRY,Hardway,Sept 20 1829,19
38/299,George Frederick River son ofThos & Isabella,GRAY,Gosport,Oct 3 1829,3
38/300,Georgina Henrietta dr of John,LEWIS,Gosport,Oct 7 1829,2
38/301,William Henry,LYS,Gosport,Oct 8 1829,55
38/302,Margaret,HEWITT,Poor House,Oct 8 1829,17
38/303,Elizabeth,PERRIN,Forton,Oct 12 1829,53
38/304,Alexander,RYAN,Gosport,Oct 14 1829,62
39/305,Margaret,SEARLE,Hardway,Oct 15 1829,20
39/306,Benjamin,SHAW,Hardway,Oct 16 1829,84
39/307,Charlotte dr Wm & Catherine,KNAPP,Gosport,Oct 22 1829,3
39/308,John son of Thos,WILLIAMS,Gosport,Oct 24 1829,3mths
39/309,Elizabeth,DUDLEY,Poor House,Oct 28 1829,32
39/310,Jane,DOWLING,Gosport,Nov 1 1829,95
39/311,-,BEDGOOD,Poor House,Nov 5 1829,27
39/312,Elizabeth,JONES,Forton,Nov 8 1829,51
40/313,Amy dr of Charles,BRUSHWOOD,Gosport,Nov 8 1829,10wks
40/314,Henry son of James,TERRY,Alverstoke,Nov 8 1829,13mths
40/315,-,HUNT,Poor House,Nov 10 1829,67
40/316,Wm,HUTCHINGS,Forton,Nov 11 1829,18mths
40/317,David,ELMSTONE,Poor House,Nov 11 1829,82
40/318,Mary Elizabeth wife of Benj’n,MORRIS,Hardway,Nov 13 1829,54
40/319,Charlotte dr of Thos,RIMES,Gosport,Nov 14 1829,17
40/320,Julia Mary dr of Chas & Joanna Hayter,FOSTER,Bingham Town,Nov 18 1829,2
41/321,Sarah wife of Samuel,ABLETT,Bingham Town,Nov 22 1829,39
41/322,Lucy,LEE,Gosport,Nov 24 1829,40
41/323,Charles Pafoot son of Charles & Joanna Hayter,FOSTER,Bingham Town,Nov 26 1829,5
41/324,Mary Widow of Richard,ALEXANDER,Brockhurst,Nov 26 1829,72
41/325,Caroline dr of John & Mary Ann,MAWBEY,Stoke Road,Nov 27 1829,5
41/326,Luke son of Luke,HOBBS,Forton,Dec 1 1829,5
41/327,James,ABRAHAM,Yore Common,Dec 4 1829,60
41/328,John,SAUNDERS,Forton,Dec 17 1829,31
42/329,John,WHEATLEY,Gosport,Dec 18 1829,57
42/330,Mary,GAY,High Street,Dec 21 1829,80
42/331,Joseph son of John,WOODROW,High Street,Dec 22 1829,5
42/332,Martha,GITTENS,Dock Village,Dec 23 1829,=
42/333,Mary Ann,BREWER,Gosport,Dec 23 1829,10mths
42/334,Ann,GRISBROOK,Gosport,Dec 27 1829,34
42/335,Henry,NEWLAND,Gosport,Jan 1 1830,72
42/336,Sarah,GRIST,Bingham Town,Jan 4 1830,67
43/337,Ann dr of Thomas,SUTTON,Fort Monckton,Jan 5 1830,15mths
43/338,Mary,MATTHEWS,Hardway,Jan 7 1830,92
43/339,Matilda,COKER,Poor House,Jan 8 1830,=
43/340,Edward & Thos twins of James & Kezia,PATIENCE,Gosport,Jan 10 1830,3mths
43/341,Diana,HARVEY,Gosport,Jan 12 1830,36
43/342,Elizabeth,BULL,Portsea,Jan 13 1830,76
43/343,David,COWDRY,Gosport,Jan 16 1830,15mths
43/344,George,WOOD,Poor House,Jan 18 1830,9mths
44/345,Wm,BROWN,Gosport,Jan 20 1830,83
44/346,Richard son of Richard,WILLIAMSON,Yore Common,Jan 21 1830,4
44/347,Ellen,SMITH,Clayhall Alverstoke,Jan 21 1830,4
44/348,James,HALL,Stoke Road,Jan 22 1830,57
44/349,Sarah,SAMPHIRE,Stoke Road,Jan 24 1830,57
44/350,Thomas,SMITH,Alverstoke,Jan 30 1830,63
44/351,James,BARNES,Poor House,Feb 1 1830,52
44/352,Eliz’th,GILLONS,Dock Village,Feb 4 1830,=
45//353,Esther dr of John,MANLEY,Forton,Feb 5 1830,58
45/354,Mary Ann,MOUBRAY,Gosport,Feb 6 1830,6
45/355,Sarah Ann,ADAMS,Gosport,Feb 6 1830,65
45/356,Ann,FAULKNER,Poor House,Feb 15 1830,79
45/357,Isabella,DUBBER,Bury,Feb 20 1830,10mths
45/358,Edward son of Job,ROSE,Dock Village,Feb 20 1830,14mths
45/359,Wm,HARFIELD,Poor House,Feb 23 1830,85
45/360,Francis,ROLLY,Yore Common,Feb 24 1830,9mths
46/361,Eliza,FRYER,Gosport,Mar 2 1830,2
46/362,Susan,HOWLETT,Gosport,Mar 4 1830,77
46/363,Richard,DEAKNEY,Gosport,Mar 4 1830,1wk
46/364,Amelia,SHERRIDAN,Poor House,Mar 6 1830,60
46/365,Anne wife of Wm,ROSE,Gosport,Mar 7 1830,27
46/366,Edward,WESTBROOK,Forton,Mar 10 1830,5
46/367,-,ABRAHAM,-,Mar 11 1830,=
46/368,Richard son of Jack Caroline,CARTER,Forton,Mar 15 1830,2mths
47/369,Senderley,KENSHEDD,Forton,Mar 15 1830,68
47/370,Mary,BURGESS,Hardway,Mar 17 1830,=
47/371,Jane Ellen,FERRETT,Hardway,Mar 18 1830,9mths
47/372,Isabella dr of Thos & Ann Murrant,DOWNIE,Gosport,Mar 23 1830,3wks
47/373,Sarah,BURGESS,Brockhurst,Mar 24 1830,5
47/374,Ja’s Thos,WESTBROOK,Privett,Mar 28 1830,1
47/375,Elizabeth,HIGGENSON,Bury,Apr 3 1830,65
47/376,Anne dr of -,ROGERS,Gosport,Apr 9 1830,1
48/377,John,MANSON,Poor House,Apr 11 1830,15
48/378,Esther wife of John,WOODFORD,Hardway,Apr 11 1830,40
48/379,Elizabeth,ARNOLD,Portsea,Apr 15 1830,80
48/380,Caroline dr of Benj’m & Ann,LANGLEY,Forton,Apr 15 1830,2
48/381,Wm,REEVES,Forton,Apr 16 1830,84
48/382,Ja’s Sutton,FARREN,Haslar,Apr 19 1830,3mths
48/383,Mary Ann,McGLEN,Gosport,Apr 20 1830,13mths
48/384,Wm H’y,LASHLEY,Poor House,Apr 21 1830,3mths
49/385,Sarah,LUFF,Yore Common,Apr 24 1830,24
49/386,Mary,FRANKLING,Gosport,Apr 28 1830,94
49/387,Ann Murrant wife of Thomas,DOWNIE,Gosport,Apr 28 1830,35
49/388,Wm,PALMER,Haslar,May 2 1830,30
49/389,Maria wife of Wm,NESBITT,Yore Common,May 2 1830,32
49/390,Ann wife of Ja’s,HUNT,Alverstoke,May 4 1830,50
49/391,Christopher,ELMSTONE,Stoke Road,May 5 1830,82
49/392,Marsha,WHITCHER,Gosport,May 9 1830,83
50/393,Henry,HOARE,Gosport,May 16 1830,13
50/394,Charles,BRAKER,Forton,May 24 1830,10mths
50/395,Lucy Fanny,HUMPHRIES,Gosport,June 4 1830,11mths
50/396,James Robert,GOODMAN,Stoke Road,June 4 1830,4
50/397,John son of Mark,JAMES,Monckton Fort,June 15 1830,10mths
50/398,A,SULLIVAN,Poor House,June 17 1830,66
50/399,Hannah,CASELICK,Gosport,June 20 1830,6
50/400,Mary Ann,LEWINGTON,Gosport,June 21 1830,22
51/401,James,COOPER,Gosport,June 27 1830,38
51/402,Mary,SAVAGE,Bingham Town,June 28 1830,45
51/403,Sophia Louisa,TOWN,Weevill,June 29 1830,-
51/404,Thomas,BRIANT,Poor House,July 1 1830,60
51/405,Tho’s,PAVEY,Elson,July 4 1830,20
51/406,Anna,WOLF,Elson,July 4 1830,25
51/407,Abraham,WHITE,Poor House,Ju;y 7 1830,80
51/408,Catherine,DUDLEY,Poor House,July 7 1830,84
52/409,Edward Franklin,TOWN,Weevill,July 8 1830,4
52/410,Mary dr of John & Elizabeth,TRACY,Gosport,July 8 1830,12
52/411,Elias,PUDDICK,Forton,July 9 1830,78
52/412,Eliz’th,WESTMORE,Gosport,July 12 1830,68
52/413,Ellen,HUGHES,Poor House,July 14 1830,42
52/414,Joseph,ISAACS,Poor House,July 14 1830,58
52/415,Unknown,-,Poor House,July 16 1830,-
52/416,John,HAYTER,Poor House,July 17 1830,=
53/417,Ann,BRAY,Gosport,July 28 1830,75
53/418,Sarah,CAVELL,Dock Village,July 29 1830,38
53/419,Wm,WESTTHORP,Stoke Road,Aug 1 1830,12
53/420,Mary,CURRY,Poor House,Aug 2 1830,=
53/421,Martha,BLOGG,Hardway,Aug 8 1830,70
51/422,George son of Chas,SCOTTEN,Hardway,Aug 9 1830,5
53/423,Elizabeth,LESTER,Gosport,Aug 10 1830,30
53/424,Henry,CHATER,Poor House,Aug 11 1830,48
54/425,Sarah,LONG,Gosport,Aug 13 1830,26
54/426,Elizabeth,HOBBS,Southampton,Aug 16 1830,79
54/427,Harriet,COOK,Alverstoke,Aug 17 1830,=
54/428,Sarah,RIDOUT,Gosport,Aug 22 1830,68
54/429,Ellen,PERRIN,Privett,Aug 22 1830,20
54/430,Wm,SEYMOUR,Clayhall,Aug 25 1830,51
54/431,James,BAYLEY,Poor House,Aug 28 1830,50
54/432,John,PENN,Forton,Aug 29 1830,3
55/433,Mary,WATCHINGS,Brockhurst,Aug 29 1830,30
55/434,Mary,BREWER,Yore Common,Sept 1 1830,17
55/435,Sarah,BERRY,Stoke Road,Sept 12 1830,17
55/436,Thomas,FRENCH,Alverstoke,Sept 12 1830,20
55/437,William Hamilton,McCUNDY,Cheltenham,Apr 18 1829,66
55/438,No entry,,,,
55/439,Lewis,JOHN,Southsea,Sept 22 1830,69
55/440,Eleanor Augusta,RHODES,Brockhurst,Sept 25 1830,69
56/441,John son of Rich’d & Ann,POULDEN,Gosport,Oct 3 1830,7mths
56/442,Alexander,HALLIDAY,Forton,Oct 7 1830,11
56/443,Ann,PHILLIPS,Poor House,Oct 21 1830,30
56/444,James,RAITT,Stoke Road,Oct 24 1830,42
56/445,Jane,BATCHELOR,Haslar,Oct 24 1830,26
56/446,Wm,EDWARDS,Gosport,Oct 28 1830,1mth
56/447,James,HAMLIN,Gosport,Oct 29 1830,26
56/448,Mary,DEMPSEY,Gosport,Oct 31 1830,82
57/449,-dr of David,PANNELLS,Forton,Oct 31 1830,9mths
57/450,Ann wife James,SPARKMAN,Forton,Nov 2 1830,40
57//451,Wm,SLAUGHTER,Gosport,Nov 3 1830,84
57/452,Duncan,RIFFIN,Poor House,Nov 11 1830,=
57/453,John,BATTERSHELL,Gosport,Nov 12 1830,81
57/454,Charlotte dr of Joseph & Elizabeth,WHITE,Gosport,Nov 14 1830,2mths
57/455,Sophia,ANDREWS,Forton,Nov 15 1830,8
57/456,Mary,PATTEN,Brockhurst,Nov 15 1830,75
58/457,Charles,DODS,Haslar,Nov 18 1830,66
58/458,Margaret,STEVENS,Poor House,Nov 19 1830,80
58/459,Ann Caroline,LAMB,Gosport,Nov 22 1830,14
58/460,Mary,SPARKMAN,Brockhurst,Nov 26 1830,78
58/461,Mary,NEW,Gosport,Nov 28 1830,80
58/462,Harriet dr of George,COBB,Alverstoke,Nov 29 1830,6mths
58/463,Charles,WYATT,Stoke Road,Dec 5 1830,60
58/464,Wm son of Wm,HABENS,Forton,Dec 12 1830,3
59/465,Elizabeth,GUBBINS,Poor house,Dec 23 1830,80
59/466,Richard,WOODMAN,Gosport,Dec 26 1830,48
59/467,Sarah Ann,WINTER,Forton,Dec 26 1830,3wks
59/468,Jane,FRYER,Forton,Dec 30 1830,4mths
59/469,Elizabeth wife of John,KIMBER,Hardway,Jan 2 1831,66
59/470,Eliz’th,JOHNSTONE,Poor House,Jan 6 1831,53
59/471,John son of E Augustus,HIRE,Forton,Jan 10 1831,5
59/472,Wm son Rich’d & Ann,POULDEN,Gosport,Jan 12 1831,18mths
60/473,Lydia wife Wm,FRANCIS,Gosport,Jan 12 1831,50
60/474,Mary Ann dr John Crauchley,AVISAN,Gosport,Jan 13 1831,2
60/475,Charlotte,MERRITT,Forton,Jan 14 1831,6
60/476,Wm,VIGAR,Ann’s Hill,Jan 25 1831,35
60/477,Ann dr Ja’s,CHAMBERLAIN,Gosport,Jan 26 1831,10mths
60/478,Francis,ROWLEY,Yore Common,Jan 27 1831,69
60/479,George son of Wm,HUTCHINGS,Gosport,Jan 30 1831,2
60/480,Charlotte,PINK,Hardway,Jan 30 1831,43
61/481,Mary,HOGSFLESH,Poor House,Feb 1 1831,80
61/482,Sarah wife of Joseph,BUNN,Gosport,Feb 3 1831,59
61/483,Chas Ja’s,RENNIE,Gosport,Feb 4 1831,15
61/484,Francis,JONES,Gosport,Feb 5 1831,69
61/485,Thomas son Wm,PAUL,Gosport,Feb 4 1831,-
61/486,Sarah,SPEAR,Portsea,Feb 7 1831,86
61/487,Elizabeth dr John,COLLINS,Elson,Feb 8 1831,10mths
61/488,Eliz’th,YOUNG,Elson,Feb 9 1831,1yr & 6mths
62/489,Wm,COLDERWOOD,Brockhurst,Feb 11 1831,61
62/490,Wm son Wm,McPHERSON,Gosport,Feb 18 1831,2mths
62/491,Wm,GAMMON,Gosport,Feb 23 1831,=
62/492,Charlotte dr Hy,MERRITT,Brockhurst,Feb 23 1831,36
62/493,Henry,MAIDMENT,Forton,Feb 24 1831,47
62/494,Sarah wife Wm,HASTED,Alverstoke,Feb 24 1831,47
62/495,Eliz’th,SCOTT,Gosport,Feb 27 1831,2mths
62/496,Charles son Benj’n & Eliza,HOBBS,Forton,Mar 2 1831,7mths
63/497,Peter,RICHARDS,Hardway,Mar 3 1831,77
63/498,Thomas,BUDD,Gosport,Mar 4 1831,70
63/499,John,STEPHENSON,Hardway,Mar 4 1831,=
63/500,John,SLAY,Stoke Road,Mar 13 1831,64
63/501,Alfred,FULFORD,Gosport,Mar 13 1831,3mths
63/502,George Augustus,HIRE,Brockhurst,Mar 15 1831,51
63/503,Mary,EVISON,Gosport,Mar 16 1831,38
63/504,John Joseph,REEVE,Gosport,Mar 20 1831,4mths
64/505,-,BROWN,Gosport,Mar 21 1831,=
64/506,Mary wife of Wm,HOWARD,Gosport,Mar 23 1831,48
64/507,Wm,POOR,Bury,Mar 25 1831,46
64/508,George Thomas,BIRD,Forton,Mar 27 1831,2
64/509,John,DEVEREAUX,Bingham Town,Apr 2 1831,75
64/510,Christopher,IRWIN,Fort Monckton,Apr 8 1831,14mths
64/511,Elizabeth,LEGGETT,Gosport,Apr 8 1831,84
64/512,E,LAWRENCE,Forton,Apr 8 1831,94
65/513,Elizabeth dr Baker,GARRETT,Gosport,Apr 8 1831,7
65/514,Wm son of David,WILSON,Fort Monckton,Apr 9 1831,4
65/515,George,HAMMOND,Forton,Apr 17 1831,=
65/516,Honor,BRINTON,Bury,Apr 17 1831,14
65/517,Mary,HATCH,Alverstoke,Apr 21 1831,79
65/518,George son of Henry,WARE,Brockhurst,Apr 22 1831,2wks
65/519,George son Jno,VICKERS,Alverstoke,Apr 24 1831,3
65/520,Wm,BROADBENT,Alverstoke,Apr 28 1831,51
66/521,Elizabeth,PARMETER,Gosport,Apr 30 1831,76
66/522,Rob’t,GREEN,Gosport,May 1 1831,30
66/523,George son George,TAYLER,Gosport,May 4 1831,14mths
66/524,Eliz’th,GRIST,Gosport,May 9 1831,74
66/525,Hannah,TONKIN,Gosport,May 10 1831,80
66/526,Anne,SMITH,Gosport,May 10 1831,17
66/527,Jane dr John,EMISON,Gosport,May 11 1831,3
66/528,Thos,SLIGHT,Poor House,May 12 1831,70
67/529,William,WAINNING,Gosport,May 13 1831,21
67/530,John,HAMMOND,Gosport,May 13 1831,20
67/531,Philip son Wm,BOOKER,Gosport,May 15 1831,10mths
67/532,Henry,PAGE,Haslar,May 16 1831,45
67/533,Mary Anne,CANAWAY,Yore Common,May 19 1831,44
67/534,Ellen,GARRETT,Gosport,May 20 1831,14
67/535,Tho’s,HEWITT,Dock Village,May 22 1831,19
67/536,Eliz’th,PEACHEY,Gosport,May 25 1831,60
68/537,Lucy Caroline dr of Ja’s,HERBERT,Yore Common,May 26 1831,10mths
68/538,Lilia Wilson,LANGDON,Brockhurst,May 21 1831,2
68/539,Elizabeth,HAMMOND,Gosport,May 27 1831,80
68/540,Mary Ann,COOK,Clayhall,June 5 1831,1
68/541,Betsy Ann,FRENCH,Forton,June 5 1831,4
68/542,Catherine,FRYER,Gosport,June 10 1831,7
68/543,Eliz’th,COLLINS,Bingham Town,June 12 1831,27
69/545,Henry,MORGAN,Gosport,June 19 1831,13mths
69/546,George,PHILLIPS,Haslar,June 19 1831,27
69/547,Henry,HANDLEY,Forton,June 22 1831,16mths
69/548,Sarah Ann,COLE,Gosport,June 26 1831,23
69/549,Eliz’th dr John,COLLINS,Gosport,June 27 1831,2wks
69/550,Rebecca,TURNER,Hardway,July 7 1831,67
69/551,Henry,NEWTON,Gosport,July 11 1831,10wks
69/552,Eliz’th,ABRAHAM,Yore Common,July 20 1831,23
70/553,Elizabeth,UPSDELL,Gosport,July 22 1831,84
70/554,Sarah,MASTERS,Stoke Road,July 24 1831,83
70/555,Thos,HUNT,Gosport,July 24 1831,-
70/556,Ann wife of John,URRY,Gosport,July 26 1831,42
70/557,John,SCOTT,Forton,July 28 1831,30
70/558,Henrietta wife of Henry,TAYLOR,Gosport,July 29 1831,34
70/559,Hannah,BENNETT,Gosport,July 30 1831,58
70/560,Elizabeth wife of Wm,HONEYMAN,Brockhurst,Aug 1 1831,74
71/561,Joseph,JONES,Forton,Aug 2 1831,12
71/562,Jane,MACKLIN,Elson,Aug 2 1831,4
71/563,Wm,BLAKE,Forton,Aug 7 1831,73
71/564,Emma dr of Job,FRYER,Gosport,Aug 7 1831,1
71/565,Wm Alexander,JENKINS,Gosport,Aug 10 1831,2
71/566,Cyrus,ELLIOTT,Brockhurst,Aug 10 1831,53
71/567,Edward,ROBY,Yore Common,Aug 10 1831,4mths
71/568,Jane,NEALES,Alverstoke,Aug 19 1831,=
72/569,Thomas,ROBEY,Haslar,Aug 25 1831,70
72/570,William son of Wm,PUDDOCK,Yore Common,Aug 28 1831,14mths
72/571,Emma dr of John,CRO-LETT,Gosport,Aug 30 1831,14mths
72/573,James,MOORE,Forton,Sept 8 1831,68
72/574,William son of George,RUSSELL,Forton,Sept 11 1831,3mths
72/575,Eliza wife James,MAYBEY,Forton,Sept 15 1831,36
72/576,Jemima dr of Ja’s,WATKINS,Gosport,Sept 13 1831,8
73/577,Margaret,GRAY,Poor House,Sept 13 1831,=
73/578,Maria wife of Jacob,CHAPMAN,Forton,Sept 12 1831,=
73/579,Maria,STEDONAN,Forton,Sept 14 1831,=
73/580,Lydia dr John,MURRAY,Gosport,Sept 18 1831,5
73/581,Edward son of Chas,MUNDEN,Bingham Town,Sept 18 1831,5mths
73/582,James,LEAR,Alverstoke,Sept 20 1831,63
73/583,Catherine Adelaide,PARKER,Poor House,Sept 22 1831,3wks
73/584,Henry,EMERY,Poor House,Sept 22 1831,98
74/585,Peter,LACY,Elson,Oct 2 1831,41
74/586,Henrietta,RUSSELL,Forton,Oct 4 1831,23
74/587,Catherine,CASLICK,Gosport,Oct 7 1831,26
74/588,William son Wm,COLE,Gosport,Oct 7 1831,2wks
74/589,Stephen Benj’n,HUMPHRIES,Gosport,Oct 9 1831,11
74/590,James,SCARD,Gosport,Oct 9 1831,43
74/591,Rebecca,BUXEY,Gosport,Oct 9 1831,50
74/592,James son of John,DAYLEY,Clayhall,Oct 9 1831,=
75/593,Henry,NOBES,Poor House,Oct 11 1831,7days
75/594,Caroline,NOBES,Poor House,Oct 11 1831,10days
75/595,Thomas,MATTHEWS,Forton,Oct 12 1831,63
75/596,Elizabeth dr of Mary,LOCK,Poor House,Oct 14 1831,3wks
75/597,Elizabeth,DUNAWAY,Hardway,Oct 16 1831,62
75/598,George son of Edw’d & Mary,MITTON,Gosport,Oct 18 1831,3mths
75/599,Joseph,NORTHAM,Forton,Oct 20 1831,43
75/600,Henry dr of Mary,LOCK,Poor House,Oct 20 1831,4wks
76/601,George,SAYER,Alverstoke,Oct 23 1831,41
76/602,Daniel,FRYER,Fratton,Oct 23 1831,4
76/603,John,CRAGG,Poor House,Oct 27 1831,=
76/604,Henry,HARLAND,Forton,Oct 30 1831,10
76/605,Elizabeth wife John,CARSON,Forton,Oct 30 1831,37
76/606,Wm Henry son of George,TWYMAN,Brockhurst,Nov 4 1831,3wks
76/607,Sarah Ellen dr of Thomas & Elizabeth,DROVER,Forton,Nov 6 1831,2
76/608,George son of George,COBB,Clayhall,Nov 6 1831,3wks
101/801,Henry son of George,TOFT,Gosport,Nov 6 1831,6wks
101/802,Charlotte dr Charles & Charlotte,SALMON,Forton,Nov 18 1831,2
101/803,Sarah dr John & Mary,COOPER,Bingham Town,Nov 20 1831,7wks
7101/804,Wm,ROACH,Stoke Road,Nov 20 1831,32
101/805,Richard,INCLEDON,Gosport,Nov 24 1831,44
101/807,Jurd,TREZISE,Gosport,Nov 25 1831,5
101/806,maAmelia,TOMKINS,Forton,Nov 25 1831,27
101/808,Elizabeth,LANE,Poor House,Nov 26 1831,=
2/9,Joseph son of Joseph,HOBBS,Clayhall,Nov 27 1831,4mths
2/10,Elizabeth,BLAKE,Privett,Nov 27 1831,70
2/11,Mary,TRODD,Forton,Nov 27 1831,70
2/11,John,LAYGROVE,Elson,Nov 30 1831,6
2/12,Wm,CLARK,Forton,Dec 2 1831,66
2/13,John,KINGSANDY,Forton,Dec 3 1831,84
2/14,Ann,BASCOMBE,Forton,Dec 4 1831,71
2/15,Caroline dr of Henry,WRIGHT,Stoke Road,Dec 4 1831,9
2/16,Ellen dr of Thos,CAWTE,Clayhall,Dec 4 1831,6
3/17,Mary,COBB,Elson,Dec 7 1831,83
3/19,Amelia,GARRETT,Gosport,Dec 14 1831,84
3/20,George son of Joseph,ADAMS,Gosport,Dec 16 1831,6wks
3/21,Phineas,KENDRICK,Gosport,Dec 21 1831,103
3/22,Caroline Ellen dr of Ja’s,HALL,Forton,Dec 21 1831,5
3/23,Louisa,PICKETT,Poor House,Dec 23 1831,19
3/24,Eliz’th,WILKINS,Gosport,Dec 27 1831,78
104/825,James,MORWICK,Poor House,Dec 27 1831,75
104/826,Wm son of Jno & Mary,LAYGROVE,Elson,Dec 28 1831,7
104/827,Elizabeth Ann dr of Wm & Eliz,ELLICOTT,Gosport,Dec 28 1831,8mths
104/828,Ja’s,FRYER,Poor House,Dec 30 1831,72
104/828,Wm,BARRON,Alverstoke,Dec 30 1831,12days
104/829,Elizabeth dr of Wm,SMITH,Gosport,Dec 31 1831,9mths
104/830,Emily wife of Henry,SANGER,Gosport,Jan 11 1832,24
104/831,John,HIPPERSLEY,Gosport,Jan 12 1832,=
104/832,Susanna,JORDAN,Poor House,Jan 16 1832,78
105//833,Robert,WEST,Witch Farm,Jan 17 1832,63
105/834,Rebecca wife of Henry,HAYES,Gosport,Jan 19 1832,56
105/835,Thos Legail,YEATES,Brockhurst,Jan 23 1832,79
105/836,Henry son of John,PINK,Gosport,Jan 24 1832,3
105/837,William,BOWYER,Bingham Town,Jan 30 1832,49
105/838,William son of Wm,MORLEY,Ann’s Well Brockhurst,Feb 1 1832,3
105/839,Rebecca,GOODALL alias FIELD,Gosport,Feb 1 1832,50
105/839,Rebecca,GOODALL alias FIELD,Gosport,Feb 1 1832,50
105/840,Thomas Graham,SPENCE,Gosport,Feb 2 1832,35
106/841,Hannah widow of Henry,BURNETT,Gosport,Feb 3 1832,86
106/842,Ann,DAVIS,Poor House,Feb 8 1832,6
106/843,Catherine dr of Benj’n & Eliza,HOBBS,Forton,Feb 10 1832,7mths
106/844,Charlotte,MOODY,Bridgemary,Feb 12 1832,10
106/845,Thos,DROVER,Elson,Feb 12 1832,=
106/846,James son of George,FRYER,Gosport,Feb 12 1832,5wks
106/847,Frederick son of John,SAMPHIRE,Gosport,Feb 14 1832,2
106/848,Thos son of Thos,LAWES,Gosport,Feb 16 1832,9mths
107/849,Ann,McDONALD,Poor House,Feb 17 1832,40
107/850,George,BLAKE,Alverstoke,Feb 20 1832,72
107/851,John,LAWES,Forotn,Feb 26 1832,8
107/852,William son Thos,ROSE,Forton,Feb 26 1832,4mths
107/853,William,BURNEY D C L,Gosport,Feb 27 1832,69
107/854,Elizabeth Marsha,JONES,Gosport,Feb 27 1832,72
107/855,Mary,DANIELL,Brockhurst,Feb 28 1832,78
107/856,John Henry son of Thos,ADAMS,Brockhurst,Feb 28 1832,3
108/857,Elizabeth,DORE,Alverstoke,Mar 1 1832,82
108/858,Edward son of John,FLETCHER,Gosport,Mar 13 1832,16
108/859,Sarah,FEIST,Forton,Mar 14 1832,85
108/860,Jane dr Jno,ABRAHAM,Gosport,Mar 19 1832,8mths
108/861,James,BOATFIELD,Alverstoke,Mar 22 1832,48
108/862,Sophia,RICHARDSON,Gosport,Mar 25 1832,27
109/863,Frederick son of Frederick,DIAPER,Gosport,Mar 28 1832,2
108/864,Sarah dr of Humphry,HOPKINS,Brockhurst,Mar 29 1832,12
109/865,Francs dr of Humphry,HOPKINS,Brockhurst,Mar 9 1832,2
109/866,James,KANE,Bingham Town,Mar 31 1832,82
109/867,George Edward,KIRKMAN,Stoke Road,Apr 2 1832,6
109/868,John,JOHNSON,Poor House,Apr 3 1832,81
109/869,Alfred son of Edward & Mary,MITTON,Gosport,Apr 8 1832,5
109/870,Samuel son of Rob’t,COUZENS,Hardway,Apr 8 1832,1
109/871,Martha,DIAPER,Gosport,Apr 9 1832,80
109/872,Dinah wife of Thos,McKNIGHT,Stoke Road,Apr 14 1832,38
110/873,Sarah,MARA,Forton,Apr 20 1832,74
110/874,Eliz’th,HIGGINS,Poor House,Apr 24 1832,66
110/875,Eleanor,CRAY,Poor House,Apr 24 1832,70
110/876,Hannah wife of Ja’s,COWAN,Gosport,Apr 24 1832,41
110/877,Elizabeth,HUNT,Brockhurst,Apr 25 1832,2wks
110/878,Mary Ann wife of John,LARCOM,Of Burrow Southampton,Apr 26 1832,38
110/879,Robert,FOSTER,Forton,Apr 27 1832,=
110/880,Nelson Hardy,ROBINS,Stoke Road,May 5 1832,24
111/881,William John son of John,MITCHELL,Alverstoke,May 11 1832,3
111/882,Isabella Jane dr of Rob’t,RICHARDS,Gosport,May 11 1832,8
111/883,James son of James & Mary,HEPWORTH,Gosport,May 14 1832,10mths
111/884,John Grove,PALMER,Anglesey,May 18 1832,82
111/885,Susan,PINK,Elson,May 20 1832,60
111/886,Henry,CORBETT,Forton,May 23 1832,20
111/887,James,BONE,Forton,May 23 1832,39
111/888,William,ISLES,Hardway,May 27 1832,59
112/889,Jane,POWER,Gosport,May 27 1832,=
112/890,Charlotte dr of John,FULFORD,Gosport,June 3 1832,16mths
112/891,John,WOLFE,Elson,June 3 1832,72
112/892,Martha dr of James & Lydia,PRIVETT,Brockhurst,June 3 1832,14mths
112/893,James,O’CONNELL,Forton,June 20 1832,40
112/894,James William,ROBINS,Stoke Road,June 21 1832,30
112//895,Elizabeth,SWEET,Gosport,June 21 1832,63
112/896,Ann dr of John,CAMERON,Yore Common,June 24 1832,11mths
113/897,Maria wife of George,COOK,Gosport,June 28 1832,32
113/898,Ann,YOUNG,Alverstoke,July 1 1832,63
113/899,John Isaac,HORN,Gosport,July 5 1832,21
113/900,Georgiana,LANE,Stoke Road,July 6 1832,16
113/901,Sarah,PHILLIPS,Stoke Road,July 10 1832,20
113/902,Thomas son of Thos,DASH,Brockhurst,July 21 1832,4
113/903,Hannah wife of James,STONE,Brockhurst,July 23 1832,55
113/904,Elizabeth Fletcher dr of Wm & Sarah,PINK,Dock Village,July 24 1832,6mths
114/905,Mary,TAYLOR,Poor House,July 25 1832,77
114/906,Philis,ADAMS,Forton,July 26 1832,37
114/907,George Redman son of Wm,WRIGHT,Gosport,July 29 1832,5
114/908,Sarah,VOAKS,Stoke Road,Aug 1 1832,=
114/909,Christian,COOKE,Forton,Aug 2 1832,76
114/910,Andrew,BURNETT,Elson,Aug 8 1832,80
114/911,Philip,PHILLIPS,Stoke Road,Aug 12 1832,56
114/912,James son of John,NEWNHAM,Forton,Aug 12 1832,18mths
115/913,John son of John,READ,Yore Common,Aug 16 1832,4
115/914,Edward,VICK,Forton,Aug 17 1832,12
115/915,John,BULL,Gosport,Aug 19 1832,86
115/916,John,CLEVERTON,Poor House,Aug 21 1832,=
115/917,Elizabeth,RUSSELL,Anglesey,Aug 28 1832,32
115/918,Eames Harry,GIBBS,Southampton,Aug 30 1832,23
115/919,Henry John Cullen Campbell son of John,LARHAN,Forton,Sept 2 1832,18mths
115/920,Elizabeth,MOOREY,Gosport,Sept 4 1832,41
116/921,Robert son of Robert,BURKETT,Hardway,Sept 5 1832,11
116/922,John,CARR,Gosport,Sept 5 1832,75
116/923,Paul Legas,BURNET,Gosport,Sept 5 1832,73
116/924,Mary & Elizabeth twins of John & Mary,READ,Yore Common,Sept 6 1832,=
116/925,Elizabeth,BAKER,Poor House,Sept 10 1832,22
116/926,Maria Ann,WHITBREAD,Gosport,Sept 11 1832,25
116/927,John,FOOTNER,Gosport,Sept 13 1832,66
116/928,John,CARSON,Gosport,Sept 14 1832,70
117/929,Elizabeth wife of James Sparkman,COMPTON,Stoke Road,Sept 14 1832,22
117/930,Charlotte wife of John,LAWRENCE,Forton,Sept 16 1832,36
117/931,Joseph,DUBBER,Forton,Sept 16 1832,39
117/932,Walter Henry son of John,TAURANCE,Gosport,Sept 17 1832,17mths
117/933,Catherine,SCOTT,Gosport,Sept 18 1832,27
117/934,Elizabeth,LEONARD,Alverstoke,Sept 18 1832,20
117/935,Leonard,URRY,Gosport,Sept 20 1832,15mths
117/936,Julia dr of Thos,HAND,Gosport,Sept 20 1832,18mths
118/937,Richard son of Edward & Martha,GANGE,Gosport,Sept 21 1832,2
118/938,William,EDWARDS,Poor House,Sept 22 1832,80
118/939,Charles,MARTIN,Gosport,Sept 23 1832,58
118/940,James,DRYDEN,Poor House,Sept 28 1832,27
118/941,Ellen dr of Wm,JESSEY,Stoke Road,Sept 30 1832,6
118/942,Thomas son of Wm,YOUNG,Gosport,Oct 2 1832,=
118/943,Unknown,-,Driven on shore in the Bay,Oct 2 1832,-
118/944,Elizabeth,RIDER,Bridgemary,Oct 10 1832,24
119/945,Thomas,LEWINGTON,Gosport,Oct 12 1832,73
119/946,James,CHURCHILL,Hardway,Oct 14 1832,-
119/947,Frederick,ALLEN,Yore Common,Oct 18 1832,20
119/948,Charlotte wife of Wm,POPE,Hardway,Oct 19 1832,46
119/949,Adelaide Elizabeth dr of Rich’d,BRIXEY,Forton,Oct 21 1832,13mths
119/950,William son of m & Mary,FRYER,Gosport,Oct 22 1832,18mths
119/951,Mary,SKEINS,Poor House,Oct 30 1832,69
119/952,Matilda dr of H’y & Isabella,STODGILL,Stoke Road,Oct 30 1832,3
120/953,Jane wife of Thomas,GARNETT,Newtown,Nov 11 1832,25
120/954,Sarah Ann dr of Thos,JURD,Alverstoke,Nov 11 1832,7mths
120/955,Samuel,MEREDITH,Poor House,Nov 12 1832,=
120/956,William son of Wm,YOUNGS,Newtown,Nov 13 1832,2
120/957,Lydia,WALKER,Poor House,Nov 14 1832,23
120/958,John,COWDRY,Gosport,Nov 15 1832,10
120/959,Robert,GRIFFITHS,Elson,Nov 15 1832,72
120/960,Ann,LAPTHORNE,Forton,Nov 16 1832,79
121/961,Jane wife of James,PAUL,Stoke Road,Nov 16 1832,58
121/962,Ann,YAULDON,Poor House,Nov 17 1832,=
121/963,John,OVERY,Poor House,Nov 17 1832,=
121/964,Mary,CRAPP,Poor House,Nov 22 1832,15
121/965,Elizabeth,GOODEVE,Gosport,Nov 23 1832,-
121/966,Nancy,BLAKE,Poor House,Nov 24 1832,40
121/967,Thomas,EADES,Gosport,Nov 25 1832,=
121/968,Robert,ALLEN,Clayhall,Nov 27 1832,63
122/969,John,HARWOOD,Gosport,Nov 28 1832,87
122/970,Ann,HART,Poor House,Nov 28 1832,83
122/971,Mary,BAYLEY,Poor House,Nov 28 1832,84
122/972,Mary,CRADDOCK,Clayhall,Nov 28 1832,43
122/972,Susanna,MITCHELL,Poor House,Nov 28 1832,78
122/973,Harriet Trephinya wife of John,McLACHLAN,Hardway,Nov 29 1832,35
122/974,Elizabeth wife of Luke,WHITNEY,Bury Road,Nov 30 1832,52
122/975,Louisa,PALMER,Bingham Town,Dec 1 1832,25
122/976,John,PARSLEY,Bury,Dec 3 1832,81
123/977,Henry,RIDER,Bridgemary,Dec 4 1832,46
123/978,Elizabeth,HIGGINS,Brockhurst,Dec 5 1832,81
123/979,Wm,SPARKMAN,Poor House,Dec 7 1832,96
123/980,Wm,CUMMINS,Forton,Dec 9 1832,=
123/981,Ann,RUNGAY,Poor House,Dec 15 1832,=
123/982,Joseph,VINSON,Alverstoke,Dec 16 1832,25
123/983,Henry son Rob’t & Ann,REEVES,Alverstoke,Dec 17 1832,2
123/984,Sarah widow of Wm,WALLER,Gosport,Dec 17 1832,68
124/985,Mary Lydia Richards dr of John & Delilah,CLARK,Hardway,Dec 22 1832,2
124/986,George,BLUNDEL,Bridgemary,Dec 25 1832,6
124/987,Sophia,CURRY,Fareham,Dec 29 1832,51
124/988,James,PAUL,Stoke Road,Dec 29 1832,63
124/989,Mordant,HILL,Gosport,Jan 10 1833,83
124/990,Sarah Ann,DEVEREAUX,Gosport,Jan 3 1833,=
124//991,James,GOOD,Alverstoke,Jan 13 1833,52
124/992,James,WEST,Clayhall,Jan 13 1833,20
125/993,George,NELUS,Poor House,Jan 14 1833,2
125/994,Fisher Philip,PHILLIPS,Forton,Jan 17 1833,15mths
125/995,Sarah,WHEELER,Alverstoke,Jan 20 1833,89
125/996,Matilda,PADWICK,Poor House,Jan 21 1833,18
125/997,Elizabeth,WELLINGTON,Hardway,Jan 24 1833,75
125/998,Elizabeth,SLAWLEY,Hardway,Jan 27 1833,3
125/999,Sarah,RUSSELL,Gosport,Jan 27 1833,64
125/1000,Harriet,MERRITT,Bury,Jan 30 1833,35
126/1001,Ellen,BLUNDELL,Hardway,Jan 31 1833,14mths
126/1002,Thos,MACKERELL,Forton,Feb 3 1833,67
126/1003,Elizabeth wife of Thos,VINE,Portsmouth,Feb 9 1833,56
126/1004,Benjamin,MORRIS,Priddy’s Hard,Feb 14 1833,54
126/1005,William,STONE,Alverstoke,Feb 17 1833,59
126/1006,Alfred son Wm,CUTLER,Alverstoke,Feb 19 1833,2
126/1007,Isaac,AVERY,Poor House,Feb 19 1833,12
126/1008,Ann Louisa,LASHLEY,Gosport,Feb 20 1833,2
127/1009,Henry,ABSALOM,Portsea,Feb 21 1833,47
127/1010,James,COOK,Haslar,Feb 24 1833,30
127/1011,Wm,ADNAMS,Clayhall Alverstoke,Feb 24 1833,50
127/1012,Thos Bell,JEFFERYS,Gosport,Feb 26 1833,12
127/1013,Mary dr James,LINNEY,Hardway,Mar 3 1833,1mth
127/1014,Mary Ireland dr of Rich’d,POULDEN,Gosport,Mar 6 1833,1mth
127/1015,John,WOODCOCK,Poor House,Mar 9 1833,80
127/1016,John,MARSH,Privett,Mar 10 1833,86
128/1017,Emma dr George,COBB,Clayhall,Mar 13 1833,5mths
128/1018,Matilda dr of George,GRANSDEN,Gosport,Mar 14 1833,7mths
128/1019,Isabel,CLAUGHTON,Gosport,Mar 17 1833,35
128/1020,Mary wife of Richard,SLAUGHTER,Gosport,Mar 17 1833,39
128/1021,Mary Ann,ARLETT,Fareham,Mar 22 1833,54
128/1022,Wm,WELTCH,Poor House,Mar 23 1833,-
128/1023,Mary Ann,BRICKNELL,Hardway,Mar 24 1833,54
128/1024,John,PARKER,Portsmouth,Mar 29 1833,32
131/1025,Priiscilla,POTTER,Poor House,Mar 30 1833,75
131/1026,Margaret dr of John,HIPPERSLEY,Gosport,Mar 31 1833,14mths
131/1027,James,PARNELL,Poor House,Mar 31 1833,=
131/1028,Edw’d,LONG,Forton,Apr 3 1833,5
131/1029,Ann,WINTER,Poor House,Apr 3 1833,=
131/1030,Ellen dr of George & Ellen,LEGG,Gosport,Apr 10 1833,5wks
131/1031,John,BUDD,Haslar,Apr 17 1833,29
131/1032,Ann,MURY,Alverstoke,Apr 18 1833,96
130/1033,Mary Ann dr of Joseph,CAMILLER,Gosport,Apr 23 1833,9mths
130/1034,William James son of John,HAMMOND,Forton,Apr 28 1833,17mths
130/1035,Louisa,MARTIN,Gosport,Apr 29 1833,38
130/1036,Louisa,BARTHOLOMEW,Gosport,May 1 1833,=
130/1037,Mary Jane dr of James,BUTLER,Gosport,May 6 1833,8mths
130/1038,Ellen,BROOKER,Gosport,May 10 1833,21
130/1039,Ann,PEARCE,Alverstoke,May 19 1833,78
130/1040,Wm,CARTER,Alverstoke,May 19 1833,10mths
131/1041,Mary,CODE,Gosport,May 21 1833,42
131/1042,Peter Wilson,EMERY,Brockhurst,May 25 1833,49
131/1043,Wm,HEWETT,Yore Common,June 16 1833,22
131/1044,Geo,CLAUGHTON,Forton,June 17 1833,5
131/1045,Mary,FULLER,Forton,June 18 1833,66
131/1046,Richard,WESTBROOK,Privett,June 20 1833,=
131/1047,Ann wife of John,BALCH,Forton,June 24 1833,49
131/1048,Abraham,LEWIS,Poor House,June 25 1833,102
130/1049,Caroline dr of George,BREWER,Gosport,June 25 1833,=
130/1050,Mary,BARTLETT,Poor House,July 5 1833,56
130/1051,Robert,McGILL,Poor House,July 5 1833,47
130/1052,Joseph,JUDD,Gosport,July 12 1833,68
130/1053,Joseph,ROPER,Gosport,July 13 1833,64
130/1054,Hannah wife of Wm,KEW,Bingham Town,July 18 1833,70
130/1055,John Walter,PURCELL,Haslar,July 18 1833,42
130/1056,Hannah wife of Rich’d,WILLIAMSON,Yore Common,July 27 1833,36
133/1057,John,LACY,Poor House,July 28 1833,=
133/1058,Frederick son of Thos,CAWTE,Clayhall,July 29 1833,5wks
133/1059,James son of Jno & Mary,DOTTERILL,Gosport,Aug 2 1833,2wks
133/1060,Ann,JARVIS,Gosport,Aug 3 1833,82
133/1061,Ann,CLAUGHTON,Gosport,Aug 5 1833,5mths
133/1062,Sarah Ann dr Wm & Sarah,HEWITT,Dock Village,Aug 7 1833,1mth
133/1063,Caroline,HOBBS,Gosport,Aug 8 1833,4mths
133/1064,Ann,CARR,Gosport,Aug 10 1833,5
134/1065,Mary,TAYLER,Gosport,Aug 11 1833,27
134/1066,George,TAYLER,Gosport,Aug 13 1833,2mths
134/1067,George,WILKINSON,Wallingford,Aug 14 1833,56
134/1068,Isabella,SMITH,Gosport,Aug 18 1833,67
134/1069,Mary Ann,COLLINS,Gosport,Aug 22 1833,20
134/1070,Sarah,SMITH,Gosport,Aug 23 1833,1mth
134/1071,Henry,MUNDAY,Gosport,Aug 25 1833,3
134/1072,Mary Ann,MUSWORTHY,Gosport,Aug 25 1833,=
135/1073,James,CHAMBERLAIN,Gosport,Aug 29 1833,42
135/1074,John,LOCK,Poor House,Aug 30 1833,=
135/1075,Eliza,HUTCHINGS,Forton,Sept 4 1833,6mths
135/1076,Catherine Cranly wife of John Murray,FIANDER,Portsea,Sept 5 1833,29
135/1077,William,SMITHERS,Yore Common,Sept 5 1833,49
135/1078,Henry,MOORE,Gosport,Sept 6 1833,=
135/1079,Elizabeth,CAMERON,Yore Common,Sept 8 1833,50
135/1080,Edward James,KIRKMAN,Stoke Road,Sept 11 1833,39
136/1081,Richard,CARR,Gosport,Sept 13 1833,=
136/1082,Isaac son of Isaac,MUNDAY,Gosport,Sept 15 1833,=
136/1083,Kitty,GREENWOOD,Brockhurst,Sept 18 1833,=
136/1084,John,LAWS,Forton,Sept 19 1833,=
136/1085,Isabella,LAWS,Forton,Sept 19 1833,=
136/1086,Wm Hill,McGREGOR,Forton,Sept 18 1833,=
136/1087,Mary wife of Thos,CAINS,Alverstoke,Sept 19 1833,78
136/1088,Betsey widow of John,GEAR,Gosport,Sept 20 1833 departed this life on 15th,78yrs & 8mths
137/1089,Sarah,HALL,Poor House,Sept 24 1833,=
137/1090,Sarah dr of Thomas,CARR,Gosport,Sept 25 1833,6mths
137/1091,Ann,COBB,Gosport,Sept 25 1833,73
137/1092,Robert,SHANNON,Forton,Sept 27 1833,42
137/1093,Sarah,MORWICK,Poor House,Sept 30 1833,88
137/1094,John,ROPER,Gosport,Oct 4 1833,56
137/1095,Marcella,STEELE,Ryde Isle of Wight,Oct 5 1833,61
137/1096,John son of John & Mary,COOPER,Brockhurst,Oct 6 1833,6wks
138/1097,Hannah,HEWITT,Gosport,Oct 6 1833,60
138/1098,Jane,WRIGHT,Stoke Road,Oct 8 1833,1
138/1099,Charlotte wife of John,ROPER,Gosport,Oct 9 1833,45
138/1100,Hannah widow of Abraham,PAGE,Gosport,Oct 13 1833,65
138/1101,Mary,CREED,Gosport,Oct 15 1833,64
138/1102,Mary,WRIGHT,Forton,Oct 15 1833,6mths
138/1103,Patty Hinxman wife of John,BARBER,Gosport,Oct 19 1833,64
138/1104,Elizabeth,SEARLE,Poor House,Oct 26 1833,84
139/1105,William,GRIFFIN,Gosport,Oct 27 1833,77
139/1106,Jane dr of James & Ann,VAUGHAN,Clayhall Alverstoke,Nov 2 1833,43
139/1107,Louisa,WOOD,Hardway,Nov 4 1833,32
139/1108,Henry,GRIFFIN,Forton,Nov 28 1833,53
139/1109,Mary dr of Andrew & Isabella,KENNEDY,Alverstoke,Dec 1 1833,3wks
139/1110,James,GROUT,Hardway,Dec 1 1833,75
139/1111,Mary,SHARP,Gosport,Dec 2 1833,=
139/1112,William,HARRIS,Alverstoke,Dec 8 1833,78
140/1113,William son of Thomas,HOBBS,Gosport,Dec 9 1833,6mths
140/1114,James,FURBIN,Poor House,Dec 17 1833,72
140/1115,Marmaduke,ISAAC,Stoke Road,Dec 18 1833,65
140/1116,Richard son of Edw’d & Martha,GANGE,Gosport,Dec 18 1833,4mths
140/1117,Ann,FRENCH,Alverstoke,Dec 26 1833,15
140/1118,Ann wife of Wm,MANLEY,Forton,Dec 29 1833,55
140/1119,Sophia wife of Thos,HOBBS,Gosport,Jan 5 1834,37
140/1120,John,SULLIVAN,Poor House,Jan 6 1834,72
141/1121,James,CHAMBERLAIN,Gosport,Jan 16 1834,19
141/1122,Maria,LEE,Stubbington,Jan 26 1834,34
141/1123,Hannah dr of Wm,SYRED,Forton,Jan 30 1834,69
141/1124,Sarah,BRANHAM,Poor House,Jan 30 1834,89
141/1125,Richard,WOODFORD,Hardway,Feb 12 1834,
141/1126,Mary,DOWNER,Gosport,Feb 21 1834,73
141/1127,Mary Ann,RUSSELL,Hardway,Feb 23 1834,53
141/1128,Mary Ann,DROVER,Privett,Feb 23 1834,15
142/1129,William,PURKIS,Gosport,Mar 2 1834,84
142/1130,Martha,CRADDOCK,Haslar,Mar 8 1834,16
142/1131,Hannah,ANDREWS,Gosport,Mar 9 1834,50
142/1133,George,BASCOMBE,Gosport,Mar 11 1834,59
142/1134,Mary,WILSON,Brockhurst,Mar 1 3 1834,-
142/1135,Joseph,GOODEVE,Gosport,Mar 15 1834,89
142/1136,Hannah wife of James,COLLINS,Forton,Mar 16 1834,48
143/1137,Robert,REEVES,Alverstoke,Mar 25 1834,19
143/1138,John,CASE,Gosport,Apr 5 1834,84
143/1139,Edward John,CLARK,Hardway,Apr 8 1834,17
143/1140,Mary,MATHESON,Poor House,Apr 12 1834,35
143/1141,John,SIMMS,Gosport,Apr 16 1834,77
143/1142,James,VICK,Forton,Apr 20 1834,64
143/1143,Emma dr of Thos,HOLINDALE,Forton,Apr 20 1834,3
143/1144,David,FORD,Forton,Apr 23 1834,4mths
144/1145,James,EDEN,Clayhall,Apr 24 1834,23
144/1146,Martha,KNAPP,Hardway,Apr 24 1834,1
144/1147,Thomas Andrews,MINCHIN,The Grove in the parish of Alverstoke,Apr 26 1834,67
144/1148,Wm,MARTIN,Gosport,Apr 27 1834,=
144/1149,Jane,WRIGHT,Stoke Road,Apr 28 1834,69
144/1150,Michael,HICKEY,Poor House,Apr 29 1834,32
144/1151,Elizabeth,SMITH,Poor House,Apr 30 1834,66
144/1152,Sarah,ARNOLD,Poor House,Apr 30 1834,73
145/1153,Thomas,SPONDER,Poor House,May 1 1834,82
145/1154,Catherine,HATCHER,Gosport,May 3 1834,52
145/1155,Mary Ann,RILEY,Hardway,May 7 1834,6
145/1156,Wm,WELCH,Poor House,May 10 1834,72
145/1157,John,CLARK,Hardway,May 13 1834,6wks
145/1158,Sarah,EDWARDS,Poor House,May 14 1834,90
145/1159,Sarah,KNIGHT,Hardway,May 16 1834,30
145/1160,John,ADAMS,Portsmouth,May 17 1834,80
146/1161,Catherine,PICKERING,Poor House,May 20 1834,66
146/1162,Wm son of Mary,LEE,Gosport,May 20 1834,3mths
146/1163,Eliz’th Jame,BAYLEY,Forton,May 20 1834,18
146/1164,Alexander,FOX,Stoke Road,May 23 1834,3mths
146/1165,Henry,EDWARDS,Gosport,May 24 1834,36
146/1166,James son of John,McDONALD,Poor House,May 25 1834,3mths
146/1167,George son of George,BECKLER,Hardway,May 25 1834,1
146/1168,Wm,BROWN,Stoke Road,May 28 1834,28
147/1169,Wm,URRY,Poor House,May 29 1834,=
147/1170,Eleanor,SKAINS,Poor House,May 29 1834,=
147/1171,Mary,McLOUD,Gosport,June 1 1834,38
147/1172,Wm,TAURANCE,Bingham Town,June 1 1834,72
147/1173,Thos,HEWITT,Poor House,June 2 1834,=
147/1174,Wm,GILLMAN,Poor House,June 6 1834,=
147/1175,Elizabeth,GRAY,Haslar,June 9 1834,2
147/1176,Elizabeth,PEELING,Poor House,June 10 1834,=
148/1177,Robert son of Thos & Charlotte,JURD,Alverstoke,June 10 1834,3mths
148/1178,Mary widow of Sir Richard Rodney,BLIGH,Southampton,June 11 1834,88
148/1179,Harriet wife of Wm,KNAPP,Hardway,June 11 1834,36
148/1180,Henry,THOMPSON,Poor House,June 13 1834,69
148/1181,Eleanor,PERRY,Poor House,June 13 1834,5 ½
148/1182,Mary Ann,WARD,Brockhurst,June 14 1834,65
148/1183,Robert,URRY,Forton,June 15 1834,=
148/1184,James,ROBERTS,Poor House,June 16 1834,79
149/1185,Jane Stock Ormer wife of Jeremiah Lord,JONES RN,Brockhurst,June 17 1834,38
149/1186,Emily,WEBBER,Gosport,June 17 1834,=
149/1187,Joseph,FORNEY,Poor House,June 19 1834,30
149/1188,Elizabeth Ann dr of John,STONE,Gosport,June 19 1834,10mths
149/1189,James,HABGOOD,Forton,July 4 1834,53
149/1190,William,MARTIN,Gosport,July 9 1834,41
149/1191,Francis,SPARSHOTT,Elson,July 15 1834,18
149/1192,Wm Thos,WATTS,Stoke Road,July 17 1834,16
150/1193,George,RICKMAN,Gosport,July 24 1834,49
150/1194,Johanna,HART,Gosport,July 26 1834,6wks
150/1195,Elizabeth,COOKE,Brockhurst,July 27 1834,80
150/1196,Henry,BUTTON,Poor House,July 29 1834,=
150/1197,Ann widow of Richard,INCLEDON,Forton,July 31 1834,48
150/1198,William,MUNDAY,Gosport,Aug 3 1834,=
150/1198,George,FARNEY,Elson,Aug 6 1834,7wks
150/1200,Eliz’th,WEST,Poor House,Aug 8 1834,=
150/1200,Mary,CROUCHER,Poor House,Aug 8 1834,=
150/1199,Wm,BRAMAN,Poor House,Aug 8 1834,=
151/1201,Mary Ann Duncan Grace dr of George Reynolds & Victoria Grace,SHAW,Gosport,Aug 12 1834,8mths
151/1202,Thomas son of Thomas & Elizabeth,BLEWITT,Gosport,Aug 14 1834,2mths
151/1203,Sarah widow of Wm,PAGE,Gosport,Aug 16 1834,84
151/1204,Robert son of James,CROOK,Gosport,Aug 17 1834,=
151/1205,Margaret,COOKE,Forton,Aug 20 1834,75
151/1206,Joseph,BARTLETT,Gosport,Aug 20 1834,28
151/1207,Joseph,GOODMAN,Gosport,Aug 25 1834,25
151/1208,James,ABRAHAM,Gosport,Aug 25 1834,56
152/1209,Mary wife of William,LUFF,Yore Common Alverstoke,Aug 26 1834,76
152/1210,Moses James,ALDERSLADE,Alverstoke,Aug 26 1834,14mths
152/1211,William son of James & Sarah,PALMER,Hardway,Aug 31 1834,11mths
152/1212,Robert,ROGERS,Gosport,Sept 2 1834,=
152/1213,Ann,HUNTER,Gosport,Sept 3 1834,=
152/1214,John,STEVENS,Forton,Sept 4 1834,75
152/1215,Ann,BROWN,Gosport,Sept 5 1834,5mths
152/1216,Elizabeth,WRIGHT,Forton,Sept 6 1834,10mths
153/1217,William son of Robert,KNIGHT,Dock Village,Sept 7 1834,1
153/1218,James John son of David,PARNELL,Gosport,Sept 9 1834,8days
153/1219,James,JENNINGS,Elson,Sept 10 1834,34
153/1220,Rebecca dr of Robert & Rebecca,WESTBROOK,Forton,Sept 10 1834,3
153/1221,Lydia,CROFT,Gosport,Sept 11 1834,93
153/1222,Thomas,COOKE,Brockhurst,Sept 14 1834,70
153/1223,John,VICKERS,Stoke Road,Sept 14 1834,16
153/1224,Charles,CAUSER,York Convict ship,Sept 15 1834,30
154/1225,Alfred son of John & Susan,TAURANCE,Bingham Town,Sept 15 1834,5
154/1226,William,LOVELL,Forton,Sept 17 1834,55
154/1227,Mary,WATSON,Gosport,Sept 19 1834,52
154/1228,Louisa,SPARSHOTT,Elson,Sept 24 1834,11
154/1229,Mary,GUEST,Forton,Oct 2 1834,75
154/1230,Sophia,FALLS,Gosport,Oct 6 1834,75
154/1231,Wm,ROACH,Poor House,Oct 6 1834,75
154/1232,Mary,CROUCHER,Poor House,Oct 9 1834,80
155/1233,John Henry,BIGNELL,Stoke Road,Oct 10 1834,40
155/1234,Louisa,KELSEY,Dock Village,Oct 16 1834,29
155/1235,James,MATTHEWS,Gosport,Oct 18 1834,72
155/1236,George Miller,BLIGH,Southampton,Oct 21 1834,50
155/1237,Wm,MUIRHEAD,Gosport,Oct 28 1834,5mths
155/1238,Elizabeth,JACOBS,Poor House,Oct 28 1834,37
155/1239,Ann,CLEWETT,Gosport,Oct 28 1834,36
155/1240,Jane Goldfinch,TWINEHAM,Gosport,Oct 29 1834,2
156/1241,John,HAMMOND,Forton,Nov 2 1834,38
156/1242,Eleanor,POLECLASS,Gosport,Nov 3 1834,=
156/1243,Charles,FARMER,Gosport,Nov 4 1834,30
156/1244,Blank,-,-,Nov 8 1834,-
156/1245,Sarah,LODGE,Gosport,Nov 12 1834,6
156/1246,James,AYLING,Weymouth,Nov 13 1834,73
156/1247,Carlos Maria,SILVA,Gosport,Nov 16 1834,3mths
156/1248,James,STEWARD,Yore Common,Nov 19 1834,6
157/1249,George,CHRISTIAN,Alverstoke,Nov 20 1834,10wks
157/1249,James,EVANS,Forton,Nov 23 1834,=
157/1250,Robert,COUSENS,Dock Village,Nov 25 1834,8mths
157/1251,Mary,LAPTHORNE,Forton,Nov 27 1834,80
157/1252,Mary,DYER,Gosport,Nov 27 1834,2
157/1253,Elizabeth,CREWS,Gosport,Nov 30 1834,78
157/1254,Sarah,WILDS,Poor House,Dec 2 1834,-
157/1255,Joseph,PUTTICK,Yore Common,Dec 3 1834,13mths
157/1256,William son of Wm,HARRIS,Alverstoke,Dec 7 1834,15mths
158/1257,Henry,SPEARING,Forton,Dec 7 1834,75
158/1258,Elizabeth Ann,BIRD,Hardway,Dec 7 1834,5mths
158/1259,Emma dr of Jno,FULFORD,Stoke Road,Dec 7 1834,18mths
158/1260,Edward,OWEN,Poor House,Dec 9 1834,102
158/1261,Sarah,GALLOWAY,Poor House,Dec 11 1834,=
158/1262,Catherine,CLEARY,Poor House,Dec 11 1834,=
158/1263,Sarah dr of Thomas,FOX,Stoke Road,Dec 11 1834,2
158/1264,Sophia,NEIL,Forton,Dec 13 1834,53
159/1265,Eliza,KILL,Gosport,Dec 16 1834,2
159/1266,Sarah,HAYNES,Gosport,Dec 17 1834,49
159/1267,Eliza Jane dr of Benjamin & Ann,SAMPHIRE,Gosport,Dec 17 1834,9
159/1268,Hester widow of John Smith,HALLIDAY,Stoke Road,Dec 18 1834,68
159/1269,Henry,STEWARD,Yore Common,Dec 19 1834,2
159/1270,William John son of Henry,STODGILL,Stoke Road,Dec 21 1834,4mths
159/1271,George son of Wm,HEWITT,Yore Common,Dec 21 1834,10
159/1272,Thomas,GARLAND,Poor House,Dec 23 1834,=
160/1273,Stephen,SPARSHOTT,Hardway,Dec 23 1834,80
160/1274,John,STEPHENSON,Crown St Portsmouth,Dec 26 1834,56
160/1275,Elizabeth,CAMSEL,Gosport,Dec 27 1834,72
160/1276,John,WILSON,Gosport,Jan 1 1835,89
160/1277,William,RUSSELL,Hardway,Jan 3 1835,26
160/1278,Henry,BIDEN,Gosport,Jan 6 1835,26
160/1279,Ann dr of John,MOORES,Gosport,Jan 9 1835,=
160/1280,Mary,CASEY,Poor House,Jan 9 1835,67
161/1281,Jane,EASON,Poor House,Jan 9 1835,87
161/1282,William,LOCK,Poor House,Jan 15 1835,70
161/1283,Thomas,PARSONS,Poor House,Jan 15 1835,=
161/1284,Mary Ann dr of Henry & Mary,WOLFE,Bingham Town,Jan 18 1835,15
161/1285,Charles,WILLIS,Poor House,Jan 20 1835,=
161/1286,George,MAYHEW,Gosport,Jan 20 1835,-
161/1287,Ann widow of Andrew,TRODD,Forton,Jan 21 1835,69
161/1288,Elizabeth,HAYLES,Forton,Jan 2 1 1835,50
162/1289,John,MARTIN,Anglesey,Jan 22 1835,58
162/1290,Charlotte,MOSELEY,Gosport,Jan 24 1835,72
162/1291,Dorinda,SAYER,Portsmouth,Jan 27 1835,74
162/1292,Elizabeth,WILLIAMS,Alverstoke,Jan 27 1835,45
162/1293,Moses,ROGERS,Forton,Jan 27 1835,9mths
162/1294,Brehina,LAWS,Forton,Jan 27 1835,9mths
162/1295,Mary,CUMMINS,Poor House,Jan 30 1835,=
162/1296,George,LANDER,Stoke Road,Feb 8 1835,73
163/1297,James,FAIRY,Bingham Town,Feb 8 1835,3
163/1298,George,FAIRY,Bingham Town,Feb 8 1835,5
163/1299,Marcella Kate,STEELE,Isle of Wight,Feb 9 1835,18
163/1300,Sarah,WILKINSON,Bingham Town,Feb 11 1835,26
163//1301,Mary,PRICE,Gosport,Feb 12 1835,50
163/1302,George,JINKS,Gosport,Feb 13 1835,26
163/1303,James,LITTLE,Brockhurst,Feb 13 1835,52
163/1304,Wm Hy,URRY,Forton,Feb 15 1835,3
164/1305,John,SCUTT,Forton,Feb 20 1835,50
164/1306,Lucretia,MURRANT,Forton,Feb 20 1835,22
164/1307,Ann Hannah,TURNBULL,Forton,Feb 27 1835,=
164/1308,Elizabeth,RYMES,Poor House,Feb 28 1835,45
164/1309,Thomas,COWARD,Yore Common,Mar 2 1835,27
164/1310,Harriet,MERRITT,Forton,Mar 3 1835,5
164/1311,Alfred,CLUETT,Gosport,Mar 5 1835,6mths
164/1312,Wm Samuel,RUSSELL,Gosport,Mar 5 1835,1mth
165/1313,Judith wife of -,BLAST,Gosport,Mar 6 1835,68
165/1314,John,BIGGS,Poor House,Mar 10 1835,=
165/1315,Edward,ROPER,Poor House,Mar 13 1835,12
165/1316,Sarah,EMERY,Poor House,Mar 18 1835,=
165/1317,Mary,McDONALD,Yore Common,Mar 22 1835,86
165/1318,Ann wife of Wm,WRIGHT,Gosport,Mar 29 1835,41
165/1319,Charles,SEAGROVE,Elson,Mar 29 1835,76
165/1320,Charles,SWEETMAN,Brockhurst,Mar 29 1835,1
166/1321,Richard,FRYER,Gosport,Apr 2 1835,5
166/1322,Fysher Colman,NEGUS,Bingham Town,Apr 3 1835,50
166/1323,Elizabeth Sophia,HARPER,Gosport,Apr 3 1835,4mths
166/1324,Maria Ann,MOUNTIFIELD,Hardway,Apr 6 1835,6
166/1325,Harriet widow of John,HIPPERSLEY,Gosport,Apr 6 1835,33
166/1326,Harriet,GRACE,Gosport,Apr 8 1835,8mths
166/1327,Kezia,THOMAS,Gosport,Apr 8 1835,15mths
166/1328,John,GOREY,Brockhurst,Apr 8 1835,9mths
166/1328,John,SYRED,Forton,Apr 8 1835,-
167/1329,Jane wife of George,BATCHELER,Haslar,Apr 12 1835,67
167/1330,Julia dr Hy,GARY,Haslar,Apr 12 1835,8mths
167/1331,Elizabeth,ETHERINGTON,Gosport,Apr 13 1835,10mths
167/1332,William son of Wm,NOBES,Gosport,Apr 16 1835,4
167/1333,Caroline dr of Jas & Ellen,SMITH,Forton,Apr 19 1835,6
167/1334,Baker son Baker & Harriot,GARRET,Gosport,Apr 21 1835,24
167/1335,Jane dr of Thomas,RIMES,Gosport,Apr 23 1835,=
167/1336,Emma,CASTIEU,Forton,May 1 1835,29
168/1337,Wm,TAYLER,Poor House,May 7 1835,72
168/1338,George,GREEN,Poor House,May 8 1835,64
168/1339,John,WHITEMAN,Forton,May 10 1835,54
168/1340,Catherine,KELLY,Forton,May 11 1835,93
168/1341,John,COOPER,Alverstoke,May 12 1835,63
168/1342,James,JOHNSON,Stoker Road,May 12 1835,65
168/1343,Rebecca widow of John,VOKE,Bingham Town,May 15 1835,84
168/1344,Mary,CRUMP,Gosport,May 19 1835,84
169/1345,Frederick John,HIPPERSLEY,Gosport,May 20 1835,8
169/1346,Sarah,ALLEN,Yore Common,May 22 1835,53
169/1347,Benjamin Charles son of Benjamin,MORRIS,Gosport,May 22 1835,4days
169/1348,Amelia dr of Baker,GARRETT,Gosport,May 30 1835,31
169/1349,Sarah Smith wife of Thomas,PRICE,Gosport,June 2 1835,70
169/1350,Edward,LUCAS,Forton,June 12 1835,62
169/1351,John,MILLARD,Forton Barracks,July 1 1835,42
169/1352,Eleanor Elizabeth dr of John,BUTLER,Gosport,July 1 1835,8mths
170/1353,Sarah,COOPER,Alverstoke,July - 1835,35
170/1354,Mary,THAINE,Gosport,July 8 1835,74
170/1355,John,PITMAN,Gosport,July 16 1835,72
170/1356,John,CASEY,Alverstoke,July 16 1835,52
170/1357,Thomas,BUTSON,Hardway,July 19 1835,77
170/1358,Alfred son of Robert,BRAY,Gosport,July 20 1835,2mths
170/1359,Lambert,LAMBETH,Hardway,July 21 1835,24
170/1360,Samuel Young Henderson,HARDING,Forton,July 23 1835,44
171/1361,Thomas Legall,YATES,Brockhurst,July 24 1835,51
171/1362,Francis,MORGAN,Gosport,July 26 1835,45
171/1363,Timothy,MAFFEY,Fleretlands,July 29 1835,=
171/1364,Richard James Bickford,LAMBETH,Hardway,Aug 16 1835,2
171/1365,Ann Louisa,LASHLEY,Gosport,Aug 18 1835,1 day
171/1366,Robert son of William,FRYER,Ann’s Hill,Aug 18 1835,14days
171/1367,John,EMMINGS,Haslar,Aug 24 1835,=
171/1368,John,BROWN,Haslar,Aug 31 1835,25
172/1369,James,PEACHEY,Poor House,Sept 3 1835,=-
172/1370,Elizabeth,ROY,Poor House,Sept 4 1835,70
172/1371,Frederick son of Matthew,HABENS,Alverstoke,Sept 8 1835,4mths
172/1372,Charlotte wife of Thomas,JURD,Alverstoke,Sept 15 1835,33
172/1373,Therza dr of Joseph,HOBBS,Clayhall,Sept 23 1835,5mths
172/1374,Henry,OWEN,Forton,Oct 1 1835,11mths
172/1375,Mary,PRICE,Poor House,Oct 2 1835,=
172/1376,Ann,KNOWLES,Forton,Oct 2 1835,=
173/1377,William,ADNAMS,Forton,Oct 11 1835,22
173/1378,Mary Ann,ALDRED,Gosport,Oct 12 1835,10mths
173/1379,Sarah,JESSE,Stoke Road,Oct 18 1835,22
173/1380,Sarah wife of Robert,HYSLOP,Gosport,Oct 24 1835,46
173/1381,John,MOUNTIFIELD,Hardway,Oct 27 1835,23
173/1382,John,PHILLIPS,Alverstoke,Oct 29 1835,84
173/1383,Margaret,SMITH,Clayhall,Nov 6 1835,94
173/1384,Daniel Thomas,WALLER,Titchfield,Nov 9 1835,28
174/1385,James,MILLER,Poor House,Nov 12 1835,71
174/1386,Elizabeth,PRICE,Forton,Nov 15 1835,47
174/1387,Charlotte,BUTSON,Hardway,Nov 15 1835,17
174/1388,Elizabeth,HAMILTON,Poor House,Nov 16 1835,84
174/1389,Mary,BUTLER,Poor House,Nov 16 1835,80
174/1390,George son of George,SEXTON,Binhgham Town,Nov 19 1835,=
174/1391,Ann,HINKWORTH,Hardway,Nov 24 1835,40
174/1392,Charlotte dr of James & Elizabeth,STARES,Forton,Nov 29 1835,14mths
175/1393,John,CASELICK,Gosport,Nov 29 1835,14mths
175/1394,Ann,THOMPSON,Gosport,Dec 6 1835,=
175/1395,Ann Jane dr of Rich’d & Ann Jane,MADDEN,Alverstoke,Dec 13 1835,2yrs& 7mths
175/1396,William James son of Rich’d & Ann Jane,MADDEN,Alverstoke,Dec 13 1835,8mths
175/1397,Hannah Jane dr of Jno,CANDELL,Gosport,Dec 15 1835,8mths
175/1398,Stephen,BLACKMAN,Gosport,Dec 15 1835,45
175/1399,Charlotte,DERRICK,Gosport,Dec 15 1835,2
175/1400,John,TOMKINS,Forton,Dec 18 1835,57
176/1401,George Scott,CLAUGHTON,Forton,Dec 18 1835,6mths
176/1402,Sarah,LEMON,Gosport,Dec 20 1835,8mths
176/1403,Mary Ann,SUCHEZ,Poor House,Dec 20 1835,=
176/1404,Henry,DERRICK,Gosport,Dec 26 1835,25
176/1405,Edw George,COOPER,Alverstoke,Dec 26 1835,9mths
176/1406,Joseph son of Wm,PAUL,Gosport,Dec 27 1835,15mths
176/1407,Jane Amelia dr of Henry,WOLFE,Bingham Town,Dec 27 1835,13mths
176/1408,Emma dr of Hy & Sarah,HAWKINS,Bury,Dec 27 1835,10days
177/1409,Elizabeth Ann dr of Wm,HOLDER,Gosport,Dec 27 1835,3mths
177/1410,Ann,KERSWELL,Hardway,Dec 28 1835,51
177/1411,Timothy,BUTT,Bury,Dec 29 1835,63
177/1412,Constant,PARKER,Gosport,Jan 1 1836,70
177/1413,Malachi,KNIGHT,Gosport,Jan 1 1836,27
177/1414,Wm,ELDERFIELD,Elson,Jan 4 1836,62
177/1415,Phoebe,POCOCK,Alverstoke,Jan 5 1836,52
177/1416,John Robert son of Job & Jane,ADAMS,Brockhurst,Jan 10 1835,3
178/1417,Sarah,DAWKINS,Poor House,Jan 10 1836,72
178/1418,Elizabeth,BRISK,Forton,Jan 14 1836,52
178/1419,Sarah,BYNG,Gosport,Jan 17 1836,84
178/1420,William George son of Thomas,CHILDS,Bingham Town,Jan 17 1836,2
178/1421,Henry,CLEAVES,Poor House,Jan 21 1836,73
178/1422,John,FLETCHER,Gosport,Jan 23 1836,63
178/1423,Mary,PIDDELL,Forton,Jan 29 1836,65
178/1424,Henry,KILL,Gosport,Jan 31 1836,63
179/1425,Mary Green,CLARK,Hrdway,Jan 31 1836,2mths
179/1426,Robert,SHEPHERD,Gosport,Jan 31 1836,65
179/1427,Elizabeth,COOK,Alverstoke,Jan 31 1836,61
179/1428,Mary,MURRAY,Alverstoke,Feb 5 1836,12
179/1429,Mary wife of James,LEAR,Alverstoke,Feb 7 1836,48
179/1430,Thomas,KAINS,Alverstoke,Feb 10 1836,82
179/1431,Maria,SYRED,Alverstoke,Feb 17 1836,36
179/1432,Caroline,HANCOCK,Stoke Road,Feb 21 1836,26
180/1433,John,DROVER,Gosport,Feb 21 1836,14
180/1434,Thomas,PYE,Poor House,Feb 27 1836,53
180/1435,Emma,DASH,Brockhurst,Feb 28 1836,4
180/1436,Mary,ALFORD,Gosport,Mar 13 1836,3mths
180/1437,William,ANDREWS,Gosport,Mar 13 1836,54
180/1438,Isabella,GRUNTER,Clayhall,Mar 18 1836,72
180/1439,John,TOWNSEND,Gosport,Mar 22 1836,6
180/1440,John,DORE,Alverstoke,Mar 23 1836,89
181/1441,Julia dr of David & Anne Letitia his wife,COMPIGNE,Gosport,Mar 24 1836,22
181/1442,Joseph James,DAWKINS,Brockhurst,Mar 30 1836,82
181/1443,Harriet,CARTER,Brockhurst,Mar 31 1836,24
181/1444,Sophia,KING,Gosport,Apr 1 1836,2
181/1445,Joseph,CARTER,Forton,Apr 2 1836,44
181/1446,John,SPRAGGS,Gosport,Apr 10 1836,66
181/1447,Maria,ELLICOTT,Gosport,Apr 10 1836,66
181/1448,Harriet wife of Frederick,TERGELAR,Bingham Town,Apr 17 1836,49
182/1449,Robert,CHURCHER,Brockhurst,Apr 21 1836,59
182/1450,George,NORRIS,Elson,Apr 24 1836,2
182/1451,Charles,KINENMENT,Hardway,Apr 24 1836,76
182/1452,Edward,TAYLOR,Poor House,Apr 26 1836,78
182/1453,John,STUDLEY,Poor House,Apr 28 1836,69
182/1454,Emily Ann dr of Henry,BASTARD,Gosport,Apr 30 1836,4mths
182/1455,Sarah,DUBBER,Brockhurst,May 1 1836,46
182/1456,Henry,COTMAN,Hardway,May 5 1836,10
183/1457,Henry,KNIGHT,Elson,May 6 1836,51
183/1458,Esther Augusta,BAKER,Stoke Road,May 7 1836,2
183/1459,Richard Peter,LAMBETH,Hardway,May 12 1836,88
183/1460,Jane,SHEARING,Gosport,May 14 1836,6
183/1461,Benjamin,LANGLEY,Forton,May 14 1836,2mths
183/1462,Sarah,BERRY,Forton,May 16 1836,43
183/1463,James,WESTMORE,Gosport,May 20 1836,68
183/1464,Henry,COTMAN,Hardway,May 20 1836,53
183/1464,Thomas Lowton,ROBINS,Gosport,May 21 1836,76
184/1465,William,HABENS,Hardway,May 22 1836,53
184/1466,Ann,GOSDEN,Gosport,May 22 1836,19
184/1467,John,LONG,Elson,May 23 1836,19
184/1468,John,MITCHELL,Gosport,May 24 1836,=
184/1469,Johanna,GOSPER,Poor House,May 27 1836,=
184/1470,John,LANE,Gosport,June 3 1836,64
184/1471,Nicholas,RAMSAY,Alverstoke,June 5 1836,=
184/1472,Maria,SAUNDERS,Hardway,June 5 1836,5
185/1473,Matilda,GOODWIN,Gosport,June 7 1836,2
185/1474,Donald Francis,MACLEAN,Gosport,June 18 1836,10
185/1475,Edward,STEWARD,Yore Common,June 14 1836,9
185/1476,William,CARTER,Forton,June 18 1836,55
185/1477,Abraham,DAY,Poor House,June 21 1836,=
185/1478,Eleanor,MAY,Poor House,June 1 23 1836,42
185/1479,William Henry son of James & Ann,BIRD,Forton,June 28 1836,4
185/1480,Marian Eliza,HANDYMAN,Anglesey,June 30 1836,15
186/1481,Phillis wife of Richard,KINCH,Poor House,June 30 1836,74
186//1482,Sarah,SHIELDS,Gosport,July 2 1836,55
186/1483,Maria,MORRIS,Gosport,July 4 1836,22
186/1484,Jane,HEWITT,Forton,July 5 1836,56
186/1485,John,PARDOE,Gosport,July 5 1836,43
186/1486,Charlotte,SPAIN,Forton,July 6 1836,48
186/1487,Moses,LIGHT,Hardway,July 17 1836,=
186/1488,John,MATTHEWS,Hardway,July 17 1836,31
187/1489,Rebecca,TRODD,Hardway,July 24 1836,50
187/1490,Ann,PHILLPOTT,Forton,July 31 1836,=
187/1491,Richard,HABGOOD,Forton,Aug 9 1836,=
187/1492,Sarah,STODGELL,Stoke Road,Aug 14 1836,65
187/1493,Sarah Ann,LASHLEY,Gosport,Aug 23 1836,2mths
187/1494,Deborah,DEWEY,Stoke Road,Aug 26 1836,77
187/1495,Elizabeth,MORRIS,Stoke Road,Aug 30 1836,43
187/1496,Sarah,JESMAN,Poor House,Sept 8 1836,70
188/1497,Nathaniel,LAPTHORNE,Forton,Sept 9 1836,84
188/1498,Jas,STUBINGTON,Poor House,Sept 15 1836,70
188/1499,Emily,HUNT,Gosport,Sept 18 1836,2mths
188/1500,Frederick,ALDRICH,Haslar Barracks,Sept 2 3 1836,48
188/1501,Augustus Richard son of William,ABURROW,Gosport,Sept 25 1836,3days
188/1502,Philip,STEADMAN,Gosport,Sept 25 1836,68
188/1503,William Henry son of Edw’d,VINGOE,Alverstoke,Sept 25 1836,2days
188/1504,Ann Eliza,BUTLER,Gosport,Sept 27 1836,1mth
189/1505,George,COBB,Alverstoke,Oct 5 1836,1mth
189/1506,Mary,HOPKINS,Brockhurst,Oct 8 1836,48
189/1507,Molly,WETHERLY,Gosport,Oct 9 1836,=
189/1508,Stephen,MOORE,Forton,Oct 10 1836,58
189/1509,Edwin& Emma twins of Isaac & Ann Elizabeth,MUNDAY,Gosport,Oct 11 1836,7mths
189/1510,James,BERRY,Forton,Oct 13 1836,67
189/1511,Mary Ann,DROVER,Gosport,Oct 19 1836,15
189/1512,Polly,GALTON,Southsea Portsmouth,Oct 24 1836,71
190/1513,Elizabeth,BULL,Gosport,Oct 25 1836,80
190/1514,Thos,NORTHCOTE,Poor House,Oct 26 1836,60
190/1515,Georgina,CHRISTIAN,Alverstoke,Oct 27 1836,6mths
190/1516,Henry,HANDLEY,Poor House,Nov 5 1836,2mths
190/1517,George,RHODES,Staplers Isle of Wight,Nov 14 1836,77
190/1518,Charlotte,MOORE,Gosport,Nov 17 1836,2
190/1519,Mary,JOHN,Southsea,Nov 21 1836,71
190/1520,Thomas,PAUL,Gosport,Nov 26 1836,61
191/1521,Mary Ann,RICHARDSON,Hardway,Nov 27 1836,39
191/1522,Ann,MOORE,Gosport,Nov 27 1836,34
191/1523,Harriet,COOK,Elson,Nov 28 1836,=
191/1524,Ann,BURNETT,Elson,Nov 30 1836,60
191/1525,Sarah,BUTTON,Stokes Bay,Dec 5 1836,93
191/1526,Mary,LEWINGTON,Gosport,Dec 5 1836,82
191/1527,Andrew,MUIRHEAD,Forton,Dec 13 1836,39
191/1528,John,ALLEN,Poor House,Dec 15 1836,62
192/1529,Edwin,BILLINGTON,Gosport,Dec 15 1836,4mths
192/1530,Hannah,WESTMORE,Gosport,Dec 17 1836,74
192/1531,John,YALDIN,Forton,Dec 18 1836,54
192/1532,Mary widow of Peter,CHAMBERLAIN,Elson,Dec 21 1836,79
192/1533,James Henry,SAXTON,Stoke Road,Dec 21 1836,1mth
192/1534,George,ASHFORD,Gosport,Dec 21 1836,81
192/1535,Elizabeth,BROWN,Haslar,Dec 22 1836,2
192/1536,George,MELSNO-SH,Portsmouth,Dec 25 1836,36
192/1537,John,LEAL,Poor House,Dec 30 1836,77
193/1538,Sophia,JACKSON,Poor House,Dec 30 1836,45
193/1539,Henry,BEZANT,Poor House,Jan 6 1837,77
193/1540,Mary Ann,BEAMES,Gosport,Jan 8 1837,26
193/1541,Elizabeth,HEWITT,Dock Village,Jan 10 1837,63
193/1542,Jane,LANDER,Stoke Road,Jan 15 1837,77
193/1543,Fanny,WHITE,Bury,Jan 15 1837,=
193/1544,Thomas,RYAN,Poor House,Jan 16 1837,=
194/1545,Lambert,LAMBETH,Hardway,Jan 18 1837,2
194/1546,Mary Ann Elizabeth,JOHNSON,Stoke Road,Jan 18 1837,2yrs & 6mths
194/1547,Samuel,ROOK,Poor House,Jan 21 1837,66
194/1548,Martha,BENNETT,Poor House,Jan 21 1837,68
194/1549,Joseph,LASHLEY,Poor House,Jan 22 1837,31
194/1550,James,MORGAN,Gosport,Jan 22 1837,46
194/1551,Sarah,CRAAFLAND,Brockhurst,Jan 22 1837,71
194/1552,James,RIDOUT,Bingham Town,Jan 24 1837,64
195/1553,Mary,WITCHELL,Dock Village,Jan 25 1837,73
195/1554,Sarah,HARDY,Alverstoke,Jan 26 1837,62
195/1555,Olive,GREENFIELD,Brockhurst,Jan 26 1837,3
195/1556,John,SANGER,Alverstoke,Jan 26 1837,72
195/1557,Francis,WRIGHT,Alverstoke,Jan 26 1837,1
195/1558,Margaret,SMITH,Forton,Jan 26 1837,73
195/1559,Mary,TOTTERELL,Gosport,Jan 26 1837,=
195/1560,Sarah,BROWN,Gosport,Jan 28 1837,74
196/1561,Mary,TOTTERELL,Stoke Road,Jan 29 1837,72
196/1562,William,AYLING,Gosport,Jan 30 1837,72
196/1563,Mary,DUNNING,Gosport,Jan 30 1837,58
196/1564,Rachel wife of Jas,HUTCHINGS,Gosport,Jan 30 1837,87
196/1565,Jane dr of Henry & Ann,NICHOLSON,Gosport,Jan 30 1837,4mths
196/1566,Henry,GANGE,Poor House,Jan 30 1837,=
196/1567,Mary,WOOLGAR,Poor House,Jan 30 1837,70
196/1568,Eliz’th,HENLEY,Poor House,Jan 30 1837,60
197/1569,Ann,McCORMICK,Gosport,Jan 31 1837,82
197/1570,Ann,McDONALD,Poor House,Jan 31 1837,76
197/1571,Andrew,VALENTINE,Poor House,Jan 31 1837,86
198/1572,Michael,LONG,Poor House,Jan 31 1837,71
197/1573,William,STAPLES,Forton,Feb 1 1837,60
197/1574,William,COOMBES,Haslar,Feb 1 1837,50
197/1575,Mary Ann,BIRD,Forton,Feb 1 1837,32
197/1576,Sarah,PITMAN,Gosport,Feb 2 1837,15mths
198/1577,Ann wife of Wm,LEWINGHTON,Gosport,Feb 2 1837,61
198/1578,Mary,STOCKEY,Gosport,Feb 2 1837,71
198/1579,Robert,HARRIS,Poor House,Feb 2 1837,60
198/1580,Andrew,NASH,Poor House,Feb 2 1837,72
198/1581,Henry,BROOKS,Poor House,Feb 2 1837,=-
198/1582,Mary,BRADFORD,Alverstoke,Feb 3 1837,96
198/1583,Elizabeth,MASTERS,Forton,Feb 5 1837,84
198/1584,Stephen,FARMER,Forton,Feb 5 1837,37
199/1585,Sarah,JARVIS,Gosport,Feb 6 1837,54
199/1586,Charlotte,COOK,Poor House,Feb 6 1837,45
199/1587,Mary widow of Joseph,WILSON,Southsea Portsmouth,Feb 7 1837,76
199/1588,George,BATCHELER,Haslar Hospital,Feb 7 1837,64
199/1589,Samuel,MORGAN,Gosport,Feb 7 1837,9
199/1590,Mary Ann,LAMBETH,Gosport,Feb 8 1837,=
199/1591,Julia,TOSER,Poor House,Feb 9 1837,87
199/1592,Fanny dr of Geo & Fanny,GARRETT,Gosport,Feb 9 1837,15mths
200/1593,Robert Walker,MASON,Haslar,Feb 11 1837,48
200/1594,Sarah,HUNTER,Gosport,Feb 11 1837,78
200/1595,Elizabeth,BARTLETT,Bingham Town,Feb 12 1837,82
200/1596,Ann,GARRETT,Poor House,Feb 12 1837,=
200/1597,George Richard,BULLER,Poor House,Feb 12 1837,=
200/1598,Sarah,TOMS,Gosport,Feb 16 1837,1
200/1599,Mary,HEWSON,Gosport,Feb 18 1837,71
200/1600,Thomas,DOWLING,Stoke Road,Feb 19 1837,41
201/1601,Mary Ann,BUSHELL,Gosport,Feb 19 1837,1
201/1602,Sarah,ROBERTS,Gosport,Feb 19 1837,86
201/1603,James,BECKERVAISE,Gosport,Feb 21 1837,11mths
201//1604,John,BRUCE,Gosport,Feb 26 1837,20
201/1605,Amelia,ADAMS,Gosport,Feb 26 1837,26
201/1606,Robert,BIDDLECOMB,Gosport,Feb 27 1837,60
201/1607,Edward,BENJAMIN,Poor House,Feb 28 1837,74
201/1608,George,MACKEY,Haslar,Mar 1 1837,2
202/1609,Frances,GRIFFIN,Gosport,Mar 4 1837,76
202/1610,James,WILSON,Stoke Road,Mar 6 1837,3
202/1611,William,COLLINS,Gosport,Mar 7 1837,72
202/1612,Charles,SALMON,Gosport,Mar 10 1837,2
202/1613,William,THOMPSON,Poor House,Mar 10 1837,43
202/1614,John,SPRAGGS,Forton,Mar 12 1837,74
202/1615,Sarah dr of George & Mary,RICHARDSON,Hardway,Mar 15 1837,1
202/1616,Alfred son of Jno & Ann,DENMAN,Gosport,Mar 15 1837,16mths
203/1617,Pamela dr of Wm,KNAPP,Hardway,Mar 16 1837,8
203/1618,Elizabeth,ROPER,Gosport,Mar 16 1837,64
203/1619,William,PARSONS,Forton,Mar 19 1837,101
203/1620,Ann,MURRAY,Hardway,Mar 21 1837,51
203/1621,James Henry son of James,GARNER,Stoke Road,Mar 21 1837,11mths
203/1622,Mary Ann dr of John,LUCAS,Elson,Mar 30 1837,3mths
203/1623,Charles John,FLETCHER,London,Mar 31 1837,24
203/1624,John son of John,SHIRLEY,Gosport,Apr 2 1837,2mths
204/1625,Anna wife of Richard,POULDEN,Gosport,Apr 9 1837,40
204/1626,James,NEWMAN,Gosport,Apr 10 1837,8mths
204/1627,Mary Jane dr of John,MITCHELL,Anglesey,Apr 14 1837,20mths
204/1628,William Henry John son of -,MACLEAN,Gosport,Apr 14 1837,16
204/1629,Louisa Frances,KING,Anglesey,Apr 15 1837,1
204/1630,John,CUMMINGS,Stoke Road,Apr 16 1837,47
204/1631,James son of Thomas,PAUL,Gosport,Apr 16 1837,9
204/1632,Rebecca dr of Thomas,PARKER,Portsea,Apr 18 1837,18
205/1633,Harriet,RYMES,Poor House,Apr 20 1837,5
205/1634,Mary Ann,GILMAN,Poor House,Apr 23 1837,=
205/1635,James,EDWARDS,Gosport,Apr 28 1837,75
205/1636,Caroline Harriet Elizabeth dr of John & Sarah,COOPER,Anglesey,Apr 28 1837,18mths
205/1637,Hannah,SHILLITOE,Poor House,Apr 29 1837,42
205/1638,Julia,MAINWARING,Bury Cross Alverstoke,Apr 29 1837,77
205/1639,Susannah National dr of George Wellington & Hannah Tracy,REED,Gosport,May 6 1837,13mths
205/1640,Wm Rich’d,POPE,Stoke Road,May 7 1837,7mths
206/1641,Blank,-,-,May 12 1837,-
206/1642,Blank,-,-,May 12 1837,-
206/1643,Mary Ellen Williams dr of Samuel,KENTISH,Stoke Road,May 13 1837,11
206/1644,Clarissa,PARRY,Stoke Road,May 14 1837,61
206/1645,Sarah,RUSTON,Gosport,May 14 1837,=
205/1646,Elizabeth,BANKS,Forton,May 18 1837,10mths
206/1647,Betsey wife of Luther,MORGAN,Bedenham Farm,May 20 1837,55
206/1648,Thomas,TRODD,Brockhurst,May 24 1837,59
207/1649,Charles Henry son of Charles & Henry,FLETCHER!,Stoke Road,May 26 1837,11mths
207/1650,Sarah,SALMON,Gosport,May 27 1837,10mths
207/1651,Thomas,HUTCHINSON,Gosport,May 28 1837,77
207/1652,Henry,ELLICOTT,Gosport,May 28 1837,10mths
207/1653,Jane,DUNDEE,Gosport,May 30 1837,7mths
207/1654,John,SAUNDERS,Poor House,May 30 1837,=
207/1655,Anne,GUY,Haslar,June 1 1837,32
207/1656,Samuel,COOPER,Bingham Town,June 4 1837,63
208/1657,Faith,NEWLAND,Stubbington,June 4 1837,2
208/1658,Elizabeth,WINDLEY,Bingham Town,June 4 1837,89
208/1659,William,KING,Gosport,June 11 1837,41
208/1660,Maria,SPARSHOTT,Elson,June 18 1837,15
208/1661,James,KNIGHT,Brockhurst,June 10 1837,26
208/1662,John,DUNAWAY,Brockhurst,June 10 1837,31
208/1663,Elizabeth widow of James,BARNETT,Gosport,June 19 1837,96
208/1664,James,WAUGH,Forton,June 22 1837,56
209/1665,Elizabeth Eleanor dr of Wm,GRIFFITH,Gosport,June 22 1837,3
209/1666,Sarah,DOUGLAS,Gosport,June 25 1837,28
209/1667,Emma,CARR,Gosport,July 4 1837,8
209/1668,Joseph,GARRARD,Poor House,July 14 1837,50
209/1669,Jane dr of Joseph & Sarah,FOX,Gosport,July 18 1837,2
209/1670,William,DAY,Brockhurst,July 19 1837,25
209/1671,Ann wife of William,SMITH,Ewer Common,July 19 1837,37
209/1672,Charlotte,NEWMAN,York convict ship,July 20 1837,10
210/1673,James Henry son of Henry & Martha,CANNON,Gosport,July 25 1837,3wks
210/1674,Mary,FRYER,Forton,Aug 1 1837,72
210/1675,Jane,HAMMOND,Forton,Aug 1 1837,18mths
210/1676,Louisa,VICK,Forton,Aug 1 1837,3
210/1677,Sophia Holmes,CARTER,Gosport,Aug 2 1837,61
210/1678,Henry,DAVIS,Stoke Road,Aug 3 1837,64
210/1679,Amelia,VICK,Forton,Aug 3 1837,3
210/1680,Joseph,HOBBS,Clayhall Alverstoke,Aug 6 1837,50
211/1681,James,WATTS,Bingham Town,Aug 11 1837,23
211/1682,John son of William,HARRIS,Alverstoke,Aug 13 1837,2
211/1683,William son of -,BILLINGTON,Gosport,Aug 13 1837,3
211/1684,James,HUTCHINGS,Poor House,Aug 14 1837,77
211/1685,Charles,PUTTOCK,Ewer Common,/aug 14 1837,2mths
211/1686,Winifred,TULLY,Poor House,Aug 16 1837,=
211/1687,Ann,BOOKER,Gosport,Aug 20 1837,53
211/1688,Ann,TOMS,Gosport,Aug 20 1837,38
212/1689,William,SOFTLY,Yore Common,Aug 20 1837,3
212/1690,Robert son of Job,ADAMS,Brockhurst,Aug 22 1837,54
212/1691,George,PENN,Forton,Aug 22 1837,54
212/1692,James,RICHARDS,Gosport,Aug 27 1837,20mths
212/1693,Joseph,HOBBS,Yore Common,Aug 29 1837,8wks
212/1694,Ann Maria,SMITH,Forton,Aug 30 1837,3mths
212/1695,Thomas,GADEN,Poor House,Aug 31 1837,64
212/1696,James Edward,DAYSH,Brockhurst,Sept 1 1837,6mths
213/1697,Sarah Short,FORD,Brockhurst,Sept 10 1837,42
213/1698,Letey Hannah,SMITH,Gosport,Sept 12 1837,15
213/1699,Kate dr of John,COOPER,Anglesey,Sept 14 1837,6
213/1700,Hannah wife of William,MITCHELL,Bingham Town,Sept 17 1837,28
213/1701,John Francis son of James,QUEW,Brockhurst,Sept 18 1837,18mths
213/1702,John,ALDERSLADE,Brockhurst,Sept 18 1837,66
213/1703,Phoebe dr of George & Hannah,GERMAIN,Gosport,Sept 18 1837,3
213/1704,John,MITCHELL,Alverstoke,Sept 22 1837,9
214/1705,Jane,JONES,Forton,Sept 22 1837,75
214/1706,Charles,PATTEN,Brockhurst,Sept 23 1837,77
214/1707,Christian,ABRAHAM,Bury,Sept 24 1837,65
214/1708,Elizabeth,GREEN,Gosport,Sept 25 1837,71
214/1709,Esther,MATTHIESON,Gosport,Oct 1 1837,1
214/1710,Rosina,KELLY,Poor House,Oct 2 1837,80
214/1711,Abraham,MARCHANT,Alverstoke,Oct 5 1837,50
214/1712,Sarah,DUNAWAY,Gosport,Oct 8 1837,66
215/1713,Charles,SEXTON,Stoke Road,Oct 9 1837,2days
215/1714,Mary dr of Joseph,GOODEVE,Gosport,Oct 17 1837,22
215/1715,Mary Ann,COLE,Gosport,Oct 22 1837,2
215/1716,John,ELLIOTT,Poor House,Oct 24 1837,79
215/1717,Esther,ARNOLD,Brockhurst,Nov 2 1837,=
215/1718,Margaret,COLLINS,Gosport,Nov 6 1837,68
215/1719,Sarah wife of Jno,COLEMAN,Yew Common,Nov 7 1837,53
215/1720,Mary,ROSE,Hardway,Nov 12 1837,83
216/1721,Elizabeth,SOMERVILLE,Plymouth,Nov 14 1837,=
216/1722,William,SMITH,Poor House,Nov 14 1837,22
216/1723,Henry Dunford son of Charles Gerrard & Harriet,KING,Forton,Nov 15 1837,6
216/1724,William son of Thos,SANGER,Gosport,Nov 16 1837,=
216/1725,Martha,JENKS,Gosport,Nov 24 1837,66
216/1726,Elizabeth,CHURCHER,Brockhurst,Nov 24 1837,73
216/1727,Barbara Katherine dr of Charles Gerrard & Harriet,KING,Forton,Nov 25 1837,4
216/1728,Michael,ROWE,Stoke Road,Nov 26 1837,47
217/1729,John,HOWARD,Ewer Common,Nov 26 1837,61
217/1730,George,MARTIN,Bingham Town,Nov 29 1837,82
217/1731,Mary,WILKINS,Poor House,Nov 30 1837,82
217/1732,Elizabeth,HALL,Brockhurst,Dec 6 1837,47
217/1733,James son of Thos,WOOD,Gosport,Dec 10 1837,2
217/1734,John,STEVENS,Forton,Dec 14 1837,42
217/1735,Thomas,VINE,Portsmouth,Dec 16 1837,62
217/1736,Elizabeth,COX,Poor House,Dec 19 1837,=
218/1737,John,SIMMONDS,Anglesey,Dec 20 1837,45
218/1738,Thomas,PEACHY,Poor House,Dec 21 1837,60
218/1739,Charles Edward,TURNBULL,Gosport,Dec 24 1837,14mths
218/1740,Frances,SPRAGG,Brockhurst,Dec 31 1837,77
218/1741,Elizabeth,HUTCHINSON,Gosport,Jan 10 1838,72
218/1742,John,HOLLAND,Poor House,Jan 12 1838,70
218/1743,Edward,FUTCHER,Poor House,Jan 12 1838,67
218/1744,Sarah,BEEMS,Gosport,Jan 14 1838,43
219/1745,Richard,NOYCE,Gosport,Jan 14 1838,40
219/1746,Sarah dr of Thomas,CHILDS,Dock Village,Jan 14 1838,1wk
219/1747,Elizabeth,ANNAFORD,Gosport,Jan 14 1838,76
219/1748,Martha,TITHERIDGE,Forton,Jan 14 1838,1
219/1749,Henry son of Wm,SMITH,Gosport,Jan 19 1838,5
219/1750,Alfred,ROWE,Stoke Road,Jan 21 1838,18mths
219/1751,Edward son of Benjamin,SAMPHIRE,Gosport,Jan 21 1838,7
219/1752,Emily Howell dr of John,HARPER,Forton,Jan 21 1838,22days
220/1753,Ninian,JEFFREYS,Gosport,Jan 22 1838,84
220/1754,George Gregory son of George,JOHNSON,Forton,Jan 22 1838,8mths
220/1755,William,PERRY,Hardway,Jan 23 1838,76
220/1756,Elizabeth,SCOTT,Forton,Jan 26 1838,62
220/1757,William,CANNON,Gosport,Jan 28 1838,29
220/1758,Elizabeth,PHILLIPS,Forton,Jan 28 1838,41
220/1759,Andrew,PARRINGTON,Brockhurst,Jan 28 1838,=
220/1760,Mary Ann,KING,Gosport,Feb 2 1838,4
221/1761,Elizabeth,CARR,Poor House,Feb 4 1838,76
221/1762,Elizabeth,DROVER,Privett,Feb 4 1838,40
221/1763,-,HARLING,Poor House,Feb 5 1838,=
221/1764,Mary,HARLING,Poor House,Feb 5 1838,=
221/1765,Sarah,FURNACE,Poor House,Feb 8 1838,80
221/1766,Ellen Jane dr of Henry,ABSALOM,Portsea,Feb 9 1838,9
221/1767,Mary Ann,STACEY,Alverstoke,Feb 11 1838,33
221/1768,Jane,MASON,Stoke Road,Feb 14 1838,86
222/1769,Stephen,SMITH,Gosport,Feb 16 1838,66
222/1770,Elizabeth,CAMPBELL,Poor House,Feb 22 1838,88
222/1771,Elizabeth,LACY,Elson,Feb 25 1838,=
222/1772,Fanny,PAGE,Elson,Feb 26 1838,=
222/1773,Elizabeth,FOSTER,Elson,Feb 27 1838,78
222/1774,Nelly,SLAUGHTER,Gosport,Mar 1 1838,85
222/1775,Harriet,HILLMAN,Anglesey,Mar 6 1838,47
222/1776,Edward,USHER,Poor House,Mar 10 1838,79
223/1777,Elizabeth,TITHERIDGE,Forton,Mar 11 1838,25
223/1778,Edward,FLEMING,Poor House,Mar 12 1838,40
223/1779,Christian,BOYT,Stoke Road,Mar 18 1838,78
223/1780,Edward,BROWN,Poor House,March 22 1838,70
223/1781,John,TAURANCE,Gosport,Mar 22 1838,49
223/1782,Hannah,GRIGG,Gosport,Mar 25 1838,9mths
223/1783,Richard George,HORSLEY,Brockhurst,Mar 28 1838,51
223/1784,Elizabeth,JAMESON,Poor House,Mar 30 1838,95
224/1785,William,JESSEY,Gosport,Mar 31 1838,46
224/1786,Daniel,LUFF,Portsea,Apr 1 1838,70
224/1787,Elizabeth,WILLIS,Alverstoke,Apr 7 1838,87
224/1788,Sarah wife of Wm,THOMPSON,Forton,Apr 12 1838,47
224/1789,Mary dr of Wm & Mary,BRINE,Alverstoke,Apr 12 1838,2
224/1790,Sophia,ABRAHAM,Bingham Town,Apr 15 1838,42
224/1791,Maria,HIGGS,Gosport,Apr 19 1838,69
224/1792,David son of John,VICKERS,Alverstoke,Apr 22 1838,8
225/1793,David son of John,VICKERS,Alverstoke,Apr 22 1838,8
225/1794,Mary Ann,NEWCOMB,Forton,May 6 1838,1
225/1795,Sarah,WESTLAKE,Hardway,May 6 1838,20
225/1796,Adelaide,HIPPESLEY,Gosport,May 13 1838,8
225/1797,Elizabeth,NEWMAN,Gosport,May 18 1838,4
225/1798,Henry,KNIGHT,Brockhurst,May 2 1838,56
225/1799,Mary,WATKINS,Poor House,May 20 1838,81
225/1800,James,HANIFORD,Poor House,May 20 1838,29
226/1801,Henry,STELLERY,Hardway,May 26 1838,50
226/1802,Augusta Ann,HILL,Hardway,May 28 1838,22
226/1803,John,PEACHEY,Poor House,May 29 1838,63
226/1804,Emma,GOLDSMITH,Clayhall,May 30 1838,3
226/1805,Mary Ann,POOR,Alverstoke,June 3 1838,16
226/1806,Ann,HENSHAW,Alverstoke,June 8 1838,68
226/1807,Georgina,WEBBER,Gosport,June 9 1838,4
226/1808,Daniel,TAPPY,Poor House,June 22 1838,77
229/1809,Margaret,SPARSHOTT,Brockhurst,June 27 1838,2
227/1810,Elizabeth Susannah,TRIPPLE,Alverstoke,June 27 1838,4wks
227/1811,Eliza Louisa,BUTLER,Alverstoke,July 1 1838,4mths
227/1812,Elizabeth,DIVOST,Brockhurst,July 2 1838,38
227/1813,Jane,HEWITT,Poor House,July 3 1838,57
227/1814,Elizabeth Ann,MORRIS,Gosport,July 5 1838,=
227/1815,James,McDOWELL,Gosport,July 5 1838,58
227/1816,George,HICKMAN,Forton,July 8 1838,75
228/1817,William,ANDERSON,Hardway,July 19 1838,69
228/1818,Charles,GARRICK,Poor House,July 24 1838,73
228/1819,George Henry,GRIGG,Gosport,July 25 1838,4mths
228/1820,Thomas,POOR,Alverstoke,July 29 1838,17
228/1821,Thomas,ADAMS,Bingham Town,July 31 1838,61
228/1822,John,FRYER,Brockhurst,Aug 2 1838,76
228/1823,Isaac,BARTON,Ewer Common,Aug 5 1838,7
228/1824,Frances Jane Bush,ABORROW,Gosport,Aug 7 1838,7mths
229/1825,Ann,WHITE,Gosport,Aug 8 1838,58
229/1826,Thomas,NIGHTINGALE,Stoke Road,Aug 8 1838,55
229/1827,John,CUMMINS,Priddy’s Hard,Aug 9 1838,67
229/1828,Henry,LEAR,Ewer Common,Aug 11 1838,7mths
229/1829,Charles,BLANCHARD,Gosport,Aug 15 1838,73
229/1830,Edward,CANNON,Gosport,Aug 15 1838,18mths
229/1831,Cornelius,WELLS,Dock Village,Aug 16 1838,44
229/1832,Thomas George,WALL,Hardway,Aug 22 1838,7
230/1833,Mary Ann Emma,MARTIN,Gosport,Aug 26 1838,20
230/1834,Thomas,WILMOT,Poor House,Aug 30 1838,79
230/1835,Peter,CHURCHER,Brockhurst,Nov 2 1838,23
230/1836,Mary Ann,RIGBY,Gosport,Sept 2 1838,37
230/1837,John,GREGORY,Poor House,Sept 4 1838,46
230/1838,George,WILLIAMS,Stoke Road,Sept 11 1838,9mths
230/1839,Jeremiah,COLLINS,Haslar,Sept 22 1838,24
230/1840,Joseph,PAINE,Bingham Town,Sept 23 1838,54
231/1841,Edmund George,STODGELL,Stoke Road,Sept 30 1838,6
231/1842,William,NEWLAND,Brockhurst,Oct 6 1838,73
231/1843,Joseph,WOODS,Poor House,Oct 12 1838,=
231/1844,Sarah Ann,BRYER,Brockhurst,Oct 13 1838,=-
231/1845,Walter,HILLMAN,Anglesey,Oct 13 1838,16
231/1846,George,WOLFE,Bingham Town,Oct 16 1838,7mths
231/1847,Edward,WATSON,Spring Gardens,Oct 16 1838,4mths
231/1848,Mary,CARTER,Gosport,Oct 24 1838,35
232/1849,Rebecca,WESTBROOK,Forton,Oct 28 1838,48
232/1850,John,CHURCHER,Poor House,Sept 1 1838,4
232/1851,Henry,BAYLY,Forton,Nov 3 1838,27
232/1852,Jane,MILLETT,Brockhurst,Nov 3 1838,8
232/1853,Emma,CHURCHER,Brockhurst,Nov 11 1838,5
232/1854,William,DROVER,Brockhurst,Nov 13 1838,79
232/1855,John,STEWART,Gosport,Nov 15 1838,39
232/1856,Elizabeth,MUDGE,Poor House,Nov 17 1838,64
233/1857,Maria,MUIRHEAD,Gosport,Nov 18 1838,73
233/1858,John,NOYCE,Gosport,Nov 20 1838,46
233/1859,Mary,LYNCH,Gosport,Nov 21 1838,75
233/1860,George,LUKE,Anglesey,Nov 25 1838,14mths
233/1861,James,SPARKMAN,Brockhurst,Nov 27 1838,85
233/1862,John,SAWYER,Alverstoke,Nov 30 1838,=
233/1863,William,HEWITT,Ewer Common,Dec 9 1838,58
233/1864,Harriet,CHRISTIAN,Alverstoke,Dec 20 1838,14
234/1865,Jane,ALLEN,Poor House,Dec 21 1838,=
234/1866,Jemima,ROBERTS,Gosport,Dec 22 1838,25
234/1867,Johanna Rebecca,TURNBULL,Gosport,Dec 23 1838,45
234/1868,Mary Ann,JOHNSON,Forton,Dec 26 1838,2mths
234/1869,Richard,KINCH,Poor House,Dec 28 1838,76
234/1870,Charlotte,KATE,Hardway,Jan 1 1839,
234/1871,Ann,GOREY,Bury,Jan 3 1839,7wks
234/1872,Thompson,HAYWARD,Forton,Jan 4 1839,90
235/1873,Elizabeth,HOBBS,Brockhurst,Jan 6 1839,90
235/1874,William,BUDDEN,Stokes Bay,Jan 6 1839,80
235/1875,Harry,HAWKINS,Forton,Jan 7 1839,9mths
235/1876,Amelia Wilson,YOUNG,Brockhurst,Jan 10 1839,27days
235/1877,Mary dr of James,HEPWORTH,Gosport,Jan 12 1839,6
235/1878,James,COUZINS,Brockhurst,Jan 14 1839,10mths
235/1879,Mary,SALMON,Gosport,Jan 18 1839,6
235/1880,Edward,BURTON,Haslar,Jan 20 1839,30
236/1881,Henry,DASH,Clayhall,Jan 20 1839,25
236/1882,Mary Jane,HORTON,Forton,Jan 27 1839,3wks
236/1883,Jane Holding,EASON,Clayhall,Jan 3 1839,26
236/1884,Mary Ann,BONE,Forton,Feb 3 1839,18
236/1885,George,HIGGINS,Forton,Feb 13 1839,2mths
236/1886,Elizabeth,LIGHT,Forton,Feb 20 1839,80
236/1887,Elizabeth Ann,JEFFERIES,Dock Village,Feb 28 1839,31
236/1888,Esther,SHILLINGWORTH,Poor House,Mar 8 1839,85
237/1889,- of Charles & Joanna,FOSTER,Stoke Road,Mar 15 1839,5mths
237/1890,John,FRYER,Forton,Mar 17 1839,82
237/1891,James,GOODEVE,Portsmouth,Mar 23 1839,70
237/1892,Sarah Eliza dr of Thomas,HILL,Forton,Mar 24 1839,6
237/1893,Ann,USHER,Poor House,Mar 23 1839,75
237/1894,Sarah,TITHERIDGE,Forton,Mar 26 1839,5
237/1895,Jane,SMITH,Forton,Mar 29 1839,75
237/1896,Elizabeth,BROWN,Alverstoke,Mar 29 1839,70
238/1897,William,KIRK,Poor House,Apr 16 1839,52
238/1898,James,FREAKER,Bury,Apr 19 1839,78
238/1899,George,HOWELL,Gosport,Apr 19 1839,59
238/1900,James,RUSSELL,Hardway,Apr 21 1839,36
238/1901,George Burges son of George,ADAMS,Brockhurst,Apr 22 1839,5wks
238/1902,Joseph,HORSEY,Poor House,Apr 25 1839,=
238/1903,Eliza,YOUNG,Hardway,Apr 30 1839,22
238/1904,Thomas,YOUNG,Alverstoke,May 5 1839,79
239//1905,George,ARNOLD,Stoke Road,May 6 1839,2
239/1906,John,FULFORD,Forton,May 8 1839,62
239/1907,Ann,ALDRIDGE,Gosport,May 11 1839,80
239/1908,Thomas,IVAMEY,Gosport,May 11 1839,6mths
239/1909,Jacob,ROMAIN,Poor House,May 13 1839,67
239/1910,Mary,INCLEDON,Forton,May 20 1839,54
239/1911,George,LACY,Haslar,May 21 1839,24
239/1912,Louisa,WRIGHT,Gosport,May 23 1839,1
240/1913,John Short,FORD,Brokhurst,May 23 1839,49
240/1914,Mary,KNIGHT,Stoke Road,May 26 1839,70
240/1915,Mary Ann,NORRIS,Elson,May 26 1839,61
240/1916,John,ALLEN,Poor House,May 29 1839,78
240/1917,James,HICKMAN,Gosport,June 2 1839,9mths
240/1918,Sarah,HEWITT,Gosport,June 6 1839,51
240/1919,Robert,BARTLETT,Ewer Common,June 15 1839,22
240/1920,Thomas,ADNAMS,Forton,June 17 1839,68
241/1921,Joseph,WOODMAN,Poor House,June 17 1839,62
241/1922,Mary,BAKER,Forton,June 18 1839,70
241/1923,Eliza Ann,DEE,Bury,June 20 1839,5
241/1924,Charlotte Sarah Bayne,HALLILAY,Anglesey,June 26 1839,10
241/1925,Sarah,CARR,Gosport,July 4 1839,43
241/1926,James,PERRY,Poor House,July 6 1839,67
241/1927,Thomas,HOBBS,Portsmouth,July 9 1839,94
241/1928,William,WASHINGTON,Poor House,July 10 1839,58
242/1929,Maria,JUDD,Gosport,July 16 1839,66
242/1930,Thomas,ALDERSLADE,Alverstoke,July 23 1839,9
242/1931,Sophia,OSBOURNE,Alverstoke,July 25 1839,=
242/1932,Mary Ann,VICK,Elson,Aug 1 1839,18mths
242/1933,Ann,HOLLIS,Poor House,Aug 6 1839,34
242/1934,James,COLLINS,Gosport,Aug 10 1839,78
242/1935,John,RUSSELL,Gosport,Aug 13 1835,3
242/1936,William Hohn,HEWITT,Forton,Aug 14 1839,79
243/1937,Marianne dr of Charles & Ann,HILLS,Gosport,Aug 16 1839,2
243/1938,Elizabeth,LINDEN,Hardway,Aug 18 1839,60
243/1939,-,HERBERT,Bingham Town,Aug 18 1839,9
243/1940,William Henry son of Thomas & Jane,CAINES,Gosport,Aug 18 1839,4mths
243/1941,James,LACEY,Bingham Town,Aug 20 1839,25
243/1942,Jemima Elizabeth,LINDEN,Gosport,Aug 25 1839,4days
243/1943,Sarah,ELLERY,Gosport,Aug 25 1839,91
243/1944,William,SHIRLEY,Gosport,Aug 28 1839,25
244/1945,David,JACKMAN,Haslar,Sept 1 1839,56
244/1946,Richard,STAPLES,Gosport,Sept 3 1839,56
244/1947,Abel,GOULDRIDGE,Gosport,Sept 5 1839,56
244/1948,Thomas Ensor son of John & Emma,PAUL,Gosport,Sept 8 1839,2wks
244/1949,Julia Emily Victoria,CHURCHER,Alverstoke,Sept 12 1839,2
244/1950,Harriet Sarah,EDE,Stoke Road,Sept 12 1839,15mths
244/1951,Rebecca,DAWSON,Gosport,Sept 15 1839,=
244/1952,Henry son of Wm,BARROW,Gosport,Sept 15 1839,3
245/1953,Caroline,ELLIS,Gosport,Sept 19 1839,9mths
245/1954,Thomas,HILLMAN,Anglesey,Sept 21 1839,51
245/1955,Henry,GOODALL,Gosport,Sept 25 1839,9mths
245/1956,Elizabeth dr of Ja’s,TERRY,Bingham Town,Sept 27 1839,6mths
245/1957,Fawke,MOORE,Forton,Sept 3 1839,48
245/1958,Jane wife of William,ROGERS,Gosport,Oct 1 1839,42
245/1959,John,LEE,Haslar Hospital,Oct 3 1839,27
245/1960,James,WILSON,Gosport,Oct 3 1839,3
246/1961,Wm Henry,SHARP,Stoke Road,Oct 10 1839,7mths
246/1962,Harriet Louisa,HAYLES,Alverstoke,Oct 13 1839,3
246/1963,William,HILLS,Forton,Oct 16 1839,84
246/1964,Georgina,DAVENPORT,Forton,Oct 25 1839,1mth
246/1965,Thomas,DREDGE,Gosport,Oct 27 1839,80
246/1966,Selina dr of Thomas,HOBBS,Ewer Common,Nov 4 1839,5
246/1967,Henry Aubery,WRIGHT,Stoke Road,Nov 6 1839,14mths
246/1968,John,ROWE,Gosport,Nov 7 1839,56
247/1969,Mary,FULFORD,Poor House,Nov 10 1839,=
247/1970,Rachel wife of Richard,BROWN,Bingham Town,Nov 10 1839,52
247/1971,Nathaniel Martin son of Thomas,FIELD,Gosport,Nov 20 1839,4
248/1972,Amelia wife of Joseph,PUTTICK,Ewer Common,Nov 21 1839,40
247/1973,Kate dr of Rich’d,DEAKNER,Alverstoke,Nov 24 1839,9mths
247/1974,William Henry son of John,MITCHELL,Alverstoke,Nov 28 1839,6mths
247/1975,Edward,CARTER,Brockhurst,Dec 1 1839,62
247/1976,Mary Ann,STOKES,Alverstoke,Dec 1 1839,21
248/1977,Charlotte,ROWE,Ewer Common,Dec 1 1839,9mths
248/1978,Nanny widow of William,PAUL,Dock Village,Dec 8 1839,70
248/1979,Pompey,PICKER,Gosport,Dec 8 1839,60
248/1980,Mary widow of George,BLAKE,Alverstoke,Dec 10 1839,77
248/1981,Sarah,BUTT,Forton,Dec 11 1839,7
248/1982,Louisa,CHURCHER,Hardway,Dec 15 1839,25
248/1983,Thomas,ARNEY,Brockhurst,Dec 15 1839,25
248/1984,David son of Joseph,PUTTICK,Ewer Common,Dec 15 1839,2
249/1985,Louisa,FORD,Stoke Road,Dec 15 1839,20
249/1986,William,HAYWARD,Brockhurst,Dec 19 1839,27
249/1987,Joseph,ROSE,Hardway,Dec 20 1839,73
249/1988,Elizabeth Ann dr of John,ALDRED,Gosport,Dec 21 1839,2days
249/1989,Elizabeth Ann,MATTHEWS,Stoke Road,Dec 23 1839,5mths
249/1990,Henry,JEFFERIES,-,Dec 26 1839,56
249/1991,John Collins,DANTER,Haslar,Dec 29 1839,2
249/1992,Isaac,FRYER,Forton,Jan 5 1840,6wks
250/1993,George,TAYLOR,Gosport,Jan 5 1840,4wks
250/1994,William,HONEYMAN,Brockhurst,Jan 9 1840,88
250/1995,Esther,YOUNG,Clayhall,Jan 12 1840,82
250/1996,William,HALL,Poor House,Jan 14 1840,73
250/1997,Thomas,WHITTAKER,Poor House,Jan 16 1840,=
250/1998,John,ALLEN,Brockhurst,Jan 19 1840,50
250/1999,John Joseph,BUNN,Poor House,Jan 21 1840,5mths
250/2000,Frances,GREENFIELD,Brockhurst,Jan 21 1840,6
251/2001,Jane,THOMPSON,Gosport,Jan 26 1840,81
251/2002,Emma,ALDERSLADE,Alverstoke,Jan 26 1840,16
251/2003,Mary,NORRIS,Gosport,Jan 26 1840,45
251/2004,Charles,POOLEY,Bury Road,Jan 30 1840,84
251/2005,Robert Moore,FORD,Stoke Road,Jan 31 1840,52
251/2006,Jane,CANNON,Gosport,Feb 2 1840,2
251/2007,Elizabeth Bell,JEFFERIES,Bingham Town,Feb 6 1840,23
251/2008,Charlotte,BAKER,Dock Village,Feb 9 1840,28
252/2009,Charlotte Amelia Primrose,MILLIDGE,Gosport,Feb 11 1840,60
252/2010,Ann,PETERSON,Poor House,Feb 12 1840,80
252/2011,Alfred,FRYER,Forton,Feb 14 1840,8mths
252/2012,James,ADAMS,Bingham Town,Feb 15 1840,85
252/2013,Lydia,HOWELL,Gosport,Feb 16 1840,59
252/2014,Caroline,HANCOCK,Gosport,Feb 16 1840,25
252/2015,Sarah,THOMPSON,Gosport,Feb 17 1840,93
252/2016,Mary dr of Richard,COLE,Alverstoke,Feb 23 1840,3wks
253/2017,Emiline dr of John,BALCH,Forton,Mar 2 1840,2
253/2018,Ann,TAYLER,Gosport,Mar 8 1840,30
253/2019,John,HALL,Poor House,Mar 12 1840,61
253/2020,Jane,MORTIMORE,Gosport,Mar 15 1840,2
253/2021,-,LASHLEY,Gosport,Mar 15 1840,=
253/2022,William Russell son of -,ABORROW,Gosport,Mar 15 1840,=
253/2023,Isabella Harriet,LANGLEY,Stoke Road,Mar 16 1840,6
253/2024,Isabella dr of Alexander,BEATTIE,Forton,Mar 23 1840,16
254/2025,Harriet dr of Wm,HAYWARD,Gosport,Mar 26 1840,8mths
254/2026,William son of Philip,STRIDE,Gosport,Mar 29 1840,18mths
254/2027,Hannah Maria wife of Henry,GALTON,Stoke Road,Mar 29 1840,59
254/2028,Jane,RAMSAY,Elson,Apr 12 1840,76
254/2029,William,CLARKE,Hardway,Apr 12 1840,56
254/2030,Abraham,DUNAWAY,Elson,Apr 12 1840,7
254/2031,Benjamin,SKEET,Poor House,Apr 14 1840,65
254/2032,George,BILLINGHURST,Anglesey,Apr 15 1840,31
255/2033,Louisa,HENDLEY,-,Apr 1840,=
255/2034,William,BEARD,Poor House,Apr 19 1840,60
255/2035,Harriet dr of William,WOLFE,Gosport,Apr 21 1840,12
255/2036,John,DOTTRELL,Poor House,Apr 23 1840,=
255/2037,Mary Ann,WILLIS,Hasler,Apr 24 1840,27
255/2038,Jane Ann,REDDING,Clayhall,Apr 25 1840,61
255/2039,William Howard,TURNER,BridgemAry,May 6 1840,40
255/2040,James,STAG,Elson,May 10 1840,70
256/2041,Charlotte,SALMON,Forton,May 17 1840,55
256/2042,Hannah,LUCKIE,Stoke Road,May 17 1840,12
256/2043,Edward,HANCOCK,Alverstoke,May 19 1840,
256/2044,Bridget,VALENTINE,Poor House,May 19 1840,70
256/2045,James,CROOM,Gosport,May 24 1840,60
256//2046,Benjamin,THOMAS,Alverstoke,May 27 1840,48
256/2047,Isabella Ann,WILSON,Bury Road,May 29 1840,5mths
256/2048,Ann,ROY,Poor House,May 30 1840,40
257/2049,George,POPE,Bingham Town,May 31 1840,93
257/2050,James Joseph,ABRAHAM,Bingham Town,May 31 1840,7mths
257/2051,William,CRASSWELL,Poor House,June 9 1840,92
257/2052,Mary,BLYTH,Gosport,June 10 1840,18
257/2053,John,HILLARD,Gosport,June 10 1840,7mths
257/2054,Mary,PRATT,Poor House,June 16 1840,86
257/2055,Betsy,ADAMS,Poor House,June 25 1840,32
257/2056,Mary Ann,INCLEDON,Forton,June 25 1840,22
258/2057,Maria,CHAPMAN,Little Anglesey,June 25 1840,19
258/2058,Henry,BUTLER,Gosport,June 26 1840,68
258/2059,Mary Louisa,LOCK,On board HMS Victory Portsmouth Harbour,July 8 1840,4
258/2060,Sarah Ann,BURTON,Hardway,July 12 1840,39
258/2061,John,EAMES,Brockhurst,July 16 1840,
258/2062,Joseph,MASON,Poor House,July 16 1840,57
258/2063,George,LANDER,Stoke Road,July 21 1840,39
258/2064,Man unknown found in Stokes Bay,-,-,July 21 1840,-
259/2065,Frances,BURNEY,Stokes Bay,July 24 1840,30
259/2066,John,CHAMBERLAIN,Poor House,July 24 1840,40
259/2067,Robert,THACKER,Gosport,July 25 1840,65
259/2068,Batthias,COWRITT,Gosport,July 29 1840,67
259/2069,Ann,JESSE,Stoke Road,Aug 2 1840,39
259/2070,Caroline,WOLFE,Gosport,Aug 2 1840,15
259/2071,Ann,LITTLE,Brockhurst,Aug 4 1840,17yrs & 4mths
259/2072,Jane,HALL,Poor House,Aug 14 1840,62
260/2073,Mary,RICE,Gosport,Aug 21 1840,46
260/2074,James,JEFFERIES,Stoke Road,Aug 23 1840,11yrs & 9mths
260/2075,Charles,STARES,Alverstoke,Aug 23 1840,2
260/2076,Thomas,HOLMDEN,Spring Garden Place,Aug 29 1840,37
260/2077,Amelia,ABRAHAM,Bingham Town,Aug 30 1840,13
260/2078,John,PALMER,Hardway,Sept 2 1840,21
260/2079,Henry,HAYWARD,Anne’s Hill,Sept 6 1840,26
260/2080,Jane,PEARCE,Poor House,Sept 7 1840,76
261/2081,John Thomas,NEWMAN,Gosport,Sept 9 1840,11mths
261/2082,Job,ROSE,Dock Village,Sept 10 1840,41
261/2083,Frances,GARRETT,Brockhurst,Sept 14 1840,66
261/2084,George Edward,EASTMAN,Gosport,Sept 17 1840,3mths
261/2085,Mary Jane,LANE,Brockhurst,Sept 17 1840,1yr 1mth
261/2086,Thomas,CHIDDLE,Alverstoke,Sept 18 1840,38
261/2087,Elizabeth,GODFREY,Poor House,Sept 19 1840,71
261/2088,William,HUMBY,Ryde View House,Sept 21 1840,3mths
262/2089,Adaline Selina,HILLS,Hardway,Sept 22 1840,19
262/2090,Mary,McCARTHY,Poor House,Sept 24 1840,84
262/2091,William,JEFFRIES,Bury,Sept 27 1840,44
262/2092,Mary,MARTIN,Poor House,Sept 28 1840,78
262/2093,George,BECKLER,Hardway,Sept 29 1840,40
262/2094,Mary Anne,WOLFE,Gosport,Oct 1 1840,19
262/2095,Elizabeth,RUSSELL,Poor House,Oct 6 1840,71
262/2096,Frederick,BEST,Brockhurst,Oct 8 1840,16
263/2097,Margaret,HOWARD,Ewer Common,Oct 11 1840,40
263/2098,Mary Ann,ISAAC,Stoke Road,Oct 11 1840,18
263/2099,Jane Victoria,ROOK,Gosport,Oct 15 1840,12mths
263/2100,Margaret,NELSON,Dock Village,Oct 20 1840,33
263/2101,Elijah,HALL,Poor House,Oct 23 1840,36
263/2102,William,DOLAND,Poor House,Oct 28 1840,76
263/2103,The Reverend Edward Rector of Alverstoke,BARNARD,Rectory House Alverstoke,Oct 30 1840,77
263/2104,Anna,REYPART,Forton,Nov 1 1840,36
264/2105,Thomas,PERRY,Stoke Road,Nov 1 1840,3mths
264/2106,James,STOKES,Southsea,Nov 7 1840,56
264/2107,John,LANGDON,Brockhurst,Nov 14 1840,40
264/2108,Albert,REYPART,Forton,Nov 16 1840,18days
264/2109,Louisa Forbes,BALL,Bury Road,Nov 16 1840,60
264/2110,Stephen,VINSON,Alverstoke,Nov 18 1840,37
264/2111,Elizabeth,ROGERS,Gosport,Nov 29 1840,26
264/2112,Sophia,WILKINSON,Gosport,Dec 2 1840,31
265/2113,Jessey,DOTTERILL,Forton,Dec 8 1840,13
265/2114,William,FLETCHER,Gosport,Dec 13 1840,38
265/2115,Joseph,EVANS,Poor House,Dec 17 1840,63
265/2116,Elizabeth,CUTHBERT,Poor House,Dec 7 1840,88
265/2117,Elizabeth,SPEARING,Gosport,Dec 4 1840,47
265/2118,William Godfrey,GREENFIELD,Brockhurst,Dec 28 1840,
265/2119,John,RICE,Gosport,Dec 22 1840,63
265/2120,Moses,SHIRELY,Gosport,Dec 22 1840,82
266/2121,Mary Jane,WOODMAN,Stoke Road,Dec 23 1840,35
266/2122,Sophia,ATTWELL,Gosport,Dec 23 1840,40
266/2123,Arthur,LAWRENCE,Gosport,Dec 26 1840,70
266/2124,Daniel,SHELL,Poorhouse,Dec 29 1840,80
266/2125,Elizabeth,ROPER,Gosport,Jan 9 1841,91
266/2126,Helen,MATHIESON,Gosport,Jan 12 1841,5mths
266/2127,Elizabeth,MOWBRAY,Gosport,Jan 13 1841,90yrs 6mths 12days
266/2128,Mary,HILL,Gosport,Jan 14 1841,66
267/2129,John,EDWARDS,Forton,Jan 19 1841,74
267/2130,Charlotte,ADAMS,Newtown,Jan 24 1841,20yrs 6mths 12days
267/2131,Mary,PENNY,Poorhouse,Feb 2 1841,80
267/2132,James,PITMAN,Gosport,Feb 9 1841,1
267/2133,James,BARTHOLOMEW,Poorhouse,Feb 9 1841,10wks
267/2134,Jane,VAUGHAN,Newtown,Feb 11 1841,62
267/2135,Harriet Henrietta,NOBES,Newtown,Feb 12 1841,19mths
267/2136,Mary,KNIGHT,Brockhurst,Feb 14 1841,37
268/2137,John,LIDDELL,Forton,Feb 18 1841,15yrs 8mths 12days
268/2138,Thomas,HORNE,Stokes Bay,Feb 24 1841,69
268/1139,Richard,WATTS,Gosport,Feb 25 1841,55
268/2140,Richard,HEWITT,Gosport,Feb 26 1841,5mths
268/2141,Anthony James,LINDER,Gosport,Feb 28 1841,4mths
268/2142,Mary,CHAMBERLAIN,Gosport,Feb 28 1841,62
268/2143,Samuel Isaac,COOMBS,Forton,Mar 2 1841,5
268/2144,Sarah,DOUSE/DOUST,Brockhurst,Mar 11 1841,55
269/2145,Sarah,STENSON,Newtown,Mar 13 1841,57
269/2146,Joseph,WEST,Elson,Mar 17 1841,80
269/2147,Sarah,KENDALL,Gosport,Mar 21 1841,36
269/2148,Mary,PEARCE,Forton,Mar 25 1841,74
269/2149,Mary Ann,SPARKMAN,Brockhurst,Mar 28 1841,81
269/2150,William New,BEATTIE,Forton,Mar 29 1841,29yrs 10/12
269//2151,Margaret,LAPTHORN,Poor House,Mar 29 1841,25
269/2152,William,SMITH,Gosport,Apr 3 1841,6wks
270/2153,John,MEREDITH,Gosport,Apr 5 1841,40
270/2154,Mary,THOMPSON,Poor House,Apr 6 1841,63
270/2155,John,THOMPSON,Poor House,Apr 6 1841,80
270/2156,Susan,TAYLOR,Dock Village,Apr 11 1841,61
270/2157,Sarah,KNIGHT,Forton,Apr 18 1841,28
270/2158,Samuel,DROVER,Gosport,Apr 18 1841,44
270/2159,Kojn,KIMBER,Hardway,Apr 18 1841,80 5/12yrs
270/2160,Mary,WEEKS,Clayhall,Apr 22 1841,66
271/2161,Jane,KNOWLES,Clayhall,Apr 28 1841,88
271/2162,James,LEGGETT,Poor House,Apr 30 1841,80
271/2163,Stephen,MASON,Bury Road,May 1 1841,55
271/2164,Elizabeth,RATTEY,Elson,May 6 1841,10mths
271/2165,Harriet,SPRAGGS,Gosport,May 8 1841,30
271/2166,Thomas,RYMES,Poorhpuse,May 12 1841,87
271/2167,Maria,SAUNDERS,Hardway,May 14 1841,5 2/12yrs
271/2168,Henry,ELMS,Gosport,May 25 1841,15
272/2169,Mary,JEFFERIES,Gosport,May 26 1841,95
272/2170,Robert,ATKINS,Elson,May 27 1841,60
272/2171,Rosetta Alice,PINK,Gosport,May 29 1841,3yrs 8/12
272/2172,Mary,TRODD,Brockhurst,May 31 1841,55
272/2173,Rebecca,PINK,Stoke Road,June 6 1841,67yrs 5/12
272/2174,William,IVEMY,Gosport,June 12 1841,37
272/2175,William,ADAMS,Haslar Hospital,June 15 1841,16
272/2176,Sarah,FITZGERALD,Poorhouse,June 15 1841,52
273/2177,Frederick James,TOMBS,Stoke Road,June 22 1841,4mths
273/2178,William,HAYWARD,Brockhurst,June 22 1841,56
273/2179,Eliza,PETERS,Hardway,June 23 1841,41
273/2180,James,GODFREY,Alverstoke,June 29 1841,80
273/2181,Emma,TRODD,Brockhurst,July 14 1841,14
273/2182,Emily Ensor,PAUL,Gosport,July 6 1841,8 5/12yrs
273/2183,Mary Arm,EDWARDS,Woodcut Farm,July 6 1841,69
273/2184,John,BLUNDELL,Gosport,July 11 1841,67
274/2185,Betsy,STONE,Forton,July 18 1841,5 6/12yrs
274/2186,Charles,ROSE,Forton,Aug 12 1841,7mths
274/2187,William,SALTER,Gosport,Aug 15 1841,42
274/2188,Mary,WILKINSON,Poorhouse,Aug 16 1841,77
274/2189,Rebecca,MASON,Brockhurst,Mar 28 1841,85
274/2190,James,RUSSELL,Hardway,Aug 25 1841,75
274/2191,George,SMITH,Gosport,Aug 23 1841,10mths
274/2192,William,RAMSEY,Brockhurst,Aug 25 1841,87
274/2193,Harriette,BROWNE,Hardway,Aug 28 1841,33 6/12
275/2194,Jane,WOODCOCK,Alverstoke,Sept 11 1841,77
275/2195,Elizabeth,HILL,Poor House,Sept 14 1841,18
275/2196,John,GOODEVE,Gosport,Sept 17 1841,68 8/12yrs
275/2197,Jane Elizabeth,TOMLIN,Forton,Sept 18 1841,37
275/2198,Charles,HERVEY,Forton,Sept 27 1841,14days
275/2199,Louisa Amelia,NEWMAN,Gosport,Sept 28 1841,7mths
275/2200,Thomas,SEAGER,Gosport,Sept 29 1841,76
276/2201,William,POPE,Elson,Sept 30 1841,86
276/2202,William,STODGELL,Stoke Road,Sept 30 1841,77
276/2203,William,IVEMY,Gosport,Sept 30 1841,65
276/2204,Charles Pafoot,FOSTER,Stoke Road,Oct 5 1841,6mths
276/2205,Ann,OWEN,Gosport,Oct 5 1841,6mths
276/2206,Hannah Eliza,NORTH,Forton,Oct 5 1841,26
276/2207,Lucy Hannah,NORTH,Forton,Oct 5 1841,4days
276/2208,William,SMITH,Priddy’s Hard,Oct 7 1841,13 5/12yrs
277/2209,James,HAYSOM,Stoke Road,Oct 10 1841,3mths
277/2210,Emma Sophia,BELL,Ann’s Hill,Oct 11 1841,44
277/2211,Mary,CHURCHER,Clayhall,Oct 11 1841,78
277/2212,John,PAGE,Hardway,Oct 16 1841,72
176/2213,Caroline Eliz’th,NORTH,Forton,Oct 17 1841,1mth
277/2214,Catherine,SEDDON,Anglesey,Oct 18 1841,15
277/2215,Mary,RICE,London,Oct 23 1841,74
277/2216,Eliz’th Ann,WASHINGTON,Gosport,Oct 28 1841,9mths
278/2217,Ann,PARSONS,Gosport,Nov 10 1841,11wks
278/2218,Henry,HICKS,Gosport,Nov 11 1841,52
278/2219,Jessie Maria,WELCH,Brockhurst,Nov 12 1841,6 5/12yrs
278/2220,William James,RUSSELL,Gosport,Nov 16 1841,10mths
278/2221,Eliza,INCLEDON,Camberwell,Nov 19 1841,17
278/2222,Caroline Louisa,SAMPHIRE,Gosport,Nov 22 1841,19wks
278/2223,Mary Ann,HOBBS,Gosport,Nov 24 1841,24
278/2224,Catherine,PITMAN,Gosport,Nov 25 1841,36
279/2225,Thomas,WEEKS,Dock Village,Nov 26 1841,63
279/2226,Humphrey,HOPKINS,Brockhurst,Nov 26 1841,54
279/2227,John,BENNETT,Gosport,Nov 28 1841,37
279/2228,Joseph,CHERRETT,Bingham Town,Nov 28 1841,57
279/2229,Charles Frederick,BARNES,Bingham Town,Dec 1 1841,10mths
279/2230,Alexander,CATO,Poor House,Dec 1 1841,73
279/2231,Sarah,JACQUES,Gosport,Dec 1 1841,71
279/2232,William Thompson,SHERWIN,Gosport,Dec 1 1841,5 3/12yrs
280/2233,Sarah Matilda,WATERMAN,Bingham Town,Dec 5 1841,22
280/2234,Thomas,DASH,Brockhurst,Dec 9 1841,31
280/2235,William,PARSONS,Gosport,Dec 9 1841,80
280/2236,Henry,PRICE,Forton,Dec 12 1841,76
280/2237,Edward,CANNON,Gosport,Dec 22 1841,61
280/2238,Martha,WILLIAMS,Forton,Dec 24 1841,3 mths
280/2239,William Henry,MARSH,Clayhall,Dec 27 1841,=
280/2240,Henry,COLPOYS,Stokes Bay,Jan 1 1842,6
281/2241,John,WHITEHEAD,Grove Building Stoke Road,Jan 2 1842,46
281/2242,William Henry,WELCH,Brockhurst,Jan 3 1842,10 5/12
281/2243,Baker,GARRET,Gosport,Jan 8 1842,57
281/2244,Sarah,CHATER,Poor House,Jan 8 1842,75
281/2245,Elizabeth,GATES,Poor house,Jan 8 1842,78
281/2246,William Edward,SHIELDS,Gosport,Jan 9 1842,3
281/2247,Amelia,MILLET,Brockhurst,Jan 12 1842,3
281/2248,George James,SEALY,Gosport,Jan 16 1842,8mths
282/2249,Richard,PEARCE,Forton,Jan 19 1842,81
282/2250,Thomas,MARTIN,Forton,Jan 23 1842,90
282/2251,Angelina Helen,BREWER,Gosport,Jan 28 1842,3 8/12yrs
282/2252,Alexander Robert,COX,Gosport,Jan 29 1841,2 7/12yrs
282/2253,Fanny,TAYLOR,Gosport,Jan 30 1842,4 8/12yrs
282/2254,William,TAYLOR,Gosport,Jan 30 1842,10mths
282/2255,Sarah,LACY,Bridgemary,Jan 30 1842,53
282/2256,William,MURPHY,Forton,Jan 30 1842,87
283/2257,Henry,BATE,Southsea near Portsmouth,Feb 4 1842,26
283/2258,Lucy Ann,EMAN,Gosport,Feb 4 1842,73
283/2259,George,SMITH,Priddy’s Hard nr Gosport,Feb 6 1842,54
283/2260,William,PINK,Forton,Feb 11 1842,79
283/2261,Georgiana Margaretta,JOHNSON,Gosport,Feb 12 1842,27
283/2262,Elizabeth,WASSELL,Gosport,Feb 16 1842,74
283/2263,Susanna,BROWNE,Poor House,Feb 16 1842,75
283/2264,James,SALTER,Gosport,Mar 6 1842,8mths
284/2265,Henry,WOLFE,Gosport,Mar 9 1842,3yrs & 10mths
284/2266,Mary,McAVOY,Poor House,Mar 15 1842,77
284/2267,Louisa,WOLFE,Gosport,Mar 17 1842,2yrs & 9mths
284/2268,Sidney North,PARKINSON,Anglesey Ville,Mar 19 1842,18mths
284/2269,Joseph,BARNETT,Poor House Lane,Mar 22 1842,75
284/2270,Ann,GARRETT,Gosport,Mar 23 1842,66
284/2271,William,WOLFE,Gosport,Mar 27 1842,14mths
284/2272,William,MOREHARD,Poor House,Mar 30 1842,40
285/2273,Selina,RUSSEL,Hardway,Apr 3 1842,13
285/2274,Henry,PALMER,Hardway,Apr 5 1842,2 7/12yrs
285/2275,Louisa,VINSON,Gosport,Apr 7 1842,21 8/12yrs
285/2276,James,HENWOOD,Poor House,Apr 12 1842,70
285/2277,William,SHARPE,Haslar Hospital,Apr 14 1842,47
285/2278,Sarah,WHITEAR,Anns Hill,Apr 22 1842,85
285/2279,Alfred Henry,JAMES,Anglesey Ville,Apr 30 1842,19hrs
285/2280,Abraham,AYLWARD,Bingham Town,May 2 1842,67
286/2281,Susannah,ASPINALL,Gosport,May 11 1842,71
286/2282,James,BURGES,Brockhurst,May 15 1842,15mths
286/2283,George,RICHARDSON,HM ship Winchester,May 16 1842,39
286/2284,Sarah Ann,EADES,Gosport,May 19 1842,2 2/12yrs
286/2285,Jannet,URRY,Forton,May 22 1842,59
286/2286,William,ABRAHAM,Privett,May 25 1842,18 2/12yrs
286/2287,Elizabeth,ROSER,Anglesey Ville,May 25 1842,62
286/2288,Mary Ann,SIMPSON,Hardway,May 29 1842,16
287/2289,Frances,POPE,Poor House,May 30 1842,23
287/2290,Harriett,CUMMINS,Gosport,June 1 1842,72
287/2291,Eleanor,HEWITT,Dock Village,June 2 1842,15mths
287/2292,Ann,DOWLING,Forton,June 5 1842,78
287/2293,Phoebe,SHERMAN,Poor House,June 10 1842,55
287/2294,William Vincent,BROWNE,Hardway,June 13 1842,9 2/12
287/2295,Ellen Maria Broomina,JONES,Bury,June 13 1842,12 1/12
287/2296,Charles,COLLINGE,Stokes Bay,June 14 1842,50
288/2297,Mary Ann,BAILEY,Poor House,June 16 1842,23
288/2298,Philip,AUSTIN,Gosport,June 18 1842,79
288/2299,Jemima,MEREDITH,Gosport,June 28 1842,32 10/12
288/2300,Sarah,SOFTLY,Ewer Common,July 5 1842,9
288/2301,Frances,BEVERIDGE,Poor House,July 7 1842,78
288/2302,Philip Lindsay,BROWNE,Hardway,July 8 1842,11
288/2303,Thomas,FOX,Poor House,July 8 1842,37
288/2304,Jane,CHIDDELL,Gosport,July 17 1842,4 3/12yrs
289/2305,Harriet Worsley,RICKETTS,Shirley nr Southampton,July 19 1842,75
289/2306,Louisa,YOUNGS,Romsey nr Southampton,July 19 1842,4
289/2307,James Richard,HILL,Gosport,July 21 1842,10mths
289/2308,Ann,JENNINGS,Gosport,July 25 1842,11mths
289/2309,Archibald,MUIRHEAD,Gosport,July 26 1842,77
249/2310,Charles Henry,JENKINS,Gosport,July 28 1842,3mths
289/2311,John,HOLMES,Gosport,July 29 1842,47
289/2312,Thomas,HAMILTON,Alverstoke,July29 1842,25
290/2313,Eliza,COLLINS,Fort Monkton,July 30 1842,2mths
290/2314,George Henry Martin,CARTER,Fort Monkton,Aug 1 1842,9mths
290/2315,George Hart,MORLEY,Stoke Road,Aug 2 1842,30
290/2316,Thomas,VICE,Gosport,Aug 3 1842,2 4/12yrs
290/2317,Samuel,TRUSCOTT,Gosport,Aug 6 1842,77
290/2318,John,PUGSLEY,Gosport,Aug 6 1842,91
290/2319,John,SPRAGG,Poor House,Aug 7 1842,55
290/2320,Margaret,GOLIGHTLY,Southampton,Aug 10 1842,=
291/2321,Charles Augustus,NORRIS,Elson,Aug 12 1842,5 3/12yrs
281/2322,Philip Matthews Chitty,GENGE,Gosport,Aug 16 1842,22
281/2323,Robert,PAYNE,Alverstoke,Aug 23 1842,1
291/2324,Esther Amelia,EDEN,Gosport,Aug 26 1842,13mths
291/2325,Elizabeth,FULFORD,Gosport,Aug 28 1842,1 7/12yrs
291/2326,Ann Amelia,TOMS,Gosport,Aug 28 1842,6 6/12yrs
291/2327,John,WOODMAN,Gosport,Sept 2 1842,68
291/2328,Williiam,WRIGHT,Gosport,Sept 2 1842,58
292/2329,Harriet,BARNETT,Poor House Lane,Sept 8 1842,74
292/2330,William,CLARK,Stokes Bay,Sept 14 1842,4
292/2331,Ellen Rose,LAPTHORN,Gosport,Sept 16 1842,1 8/12yrs
292/2332,Alexander,HABENS,Gosport,Sept 16 1842,77
292/2333,Ellen,CARTER,Gosport,Sept 17 1842,34 3/12yrs
292/2334,Mary,GROOM,Forton,Sept 23 1842,29
292/2335,Frederick,GATESMAN,Gosport,Oct 7 1842,65 8/12yrs
292/2336,Hannah,BEZANT,Clayhall,Oct 7 1842,76
293/2337,Caroline,THOMAS,Clayhall,Oct 7 1842,8mths
293/2338,Phoebe,LOVEDEN,Forton,Oct 8 1842,45
293/2339,William,ROBINSON,Gosport,Oct 8 1842,63
293/2340,Edward,SUTTON,Gosport,Oct 11 1842,74
292/3241,Frederick William,HALL,Gosport,Oct 14 1842,22
293/2342,Jane Eliza,HARDING,Portsea,Oct 16 1842,22
293/2343,John,HUTCHINGS,Gosport,Oct 17 1842,=
293/2344,George,SAMPHIER,Gosport,Oct 20 1842,3 9/12yrs
294/2345,John,SHERWIN,Gosport,Oct 27 1842,4
294/2346,Lucy,GARNETT,Brockhurst,Oct 30 1842,4 9/12yrs
294/2347,Charles,CHURCHILL,Bury,Oct 30 1842,=
294/2348,Charlotte Ann,McCAUGHIE,Bury,Nov 2 1842,2 5/12yrs
294/2349,James,BUTLER,Poor House,Nov 6 1842,72
294/2350,Harriet Viner,GARRET,Gosport,Nov 12 1842,23
294/2351,Ann,WHITE,Gosport,Nov 13 1842,41
294/2352,James,VICK,Forton,Nov 14 1842,42
295/2353,James,KISDEN,Gosport,Nov 17 1842,3 7/12yrs
295/2354,Sarah,HOBBS,Poor House,Nov 18 1842,22
295/2355,William,WOODMAN,Gosport,Nov 20 1842,52
295/2356,John,SLADE,Gosport,Nov 21 1842,3days
295/2357,Emma,COLE,Gosport,Dec6 1842,2 1/2yrs
295/2358,Edward Rose,MITTON,Gosport,Dec 8 1842,23 9/12yrs
295/2359,John,STARES,Alverstoke,Dec 8 1842,25
295/2360,Catherine,BERRY,Gosport,Dec 10 1842,65
296/2361,Mary,DUMMER,Gosport,Dec 11 1842,92
296/2362,James,LEFEVRE,Gosport,Dec 12 1842,5mths
296/2363,John,SMITH,Gosport,Dec 25 1842,48
296/2364,Edward George,VICK,Forton,Jan 1 1843,3 1/2yrs
296/2365,Sarah,GODFREY,Alverstoke,Jan 6 1843,70
296/2366,Jane,MATTHEWS,Stoke Road,Jan 8 1843,7mths
296/2367,Catherine,DEE,Bury,Jan 10 1843,1
296/2368,Mary,CAPELLARE,Alverstoke,Jan 13 1843,63
297/2369,Jane,CLARKE,Gosport,Jan 13 1843,18 4/12yrs
297/2370,George,WHITCHELL,Poor House,Jan 16 1843,80
297/2371,Herman Marenius,STRUBEN,Cowes Isle of Wight,Jan 24 1843,13mths
297/2372,Anna Maria,BALL,Bury Road,Jan 26 1843,64
297/2373,John,SMITH,Gosport,Jan 26 1843,65
297/2374,Charles March,WADE,Gosport,Jan 30 1843,67
297/2375,George Henry Garrett,PURVIS,Anglesey Ville,Feb 2 1843,22
297/2376,Ann Caroline,DRIFFIELD,Gosport,Feb 4 1843,74
298/2377,John,COLES,Alverstoke,Feb 5 1843,85
298/2378,Thomas,BUXEY,Poor House,Feb 5 1843,27
298/2379,Ann,STEWART,Gosport,Feb 12 1843,74
298/2380,Martha,EVANS,Alverstoke,Feb 15 1843,88
298/2381,James,SMITH,Gosport,Feb 16 1843,54
298/2382,John,GREGORY,Poor House,Feb 18 1843,70
298/2383,John,MOREY,Poor House,Feb 25 1843,78
298/2384,Ann,STOKES,Gosport,Feb 26 1843,10mths
299/2385,Mary,SMITH,Gosport,Mar 10 1843,54
299/2386,Ellen Jane,TERRY,Gosport,Mar 12 1843,1yr & 5mths
299/2387,William Henry,HELBY,Gosport,Mar 17 1843,13mths
299/2388,Susanna Elizabeth,LITTLEFIELD,Alverstoke,Mar 22 1843,11mths
299/2389,Rachel,DEAR,Alverstoke,Mar 22 1843,78
299/2390,Lavinia Cook,MESSUM,Fratton Portsea,Mar 26 1843,3
299/2391,Alfred Boundieu,JONES,Bury Road,Apr 1 1843,1yr & 8mths
299/2392,Temperance,BUCKLER,Hardway,Apr 2 1843,40
300/2393,Mary Ann,MILLER,New Town,Apr 4 1843,1yr & 9mths
300/2394,Peter,CARROLL,Gosport,Apr 12 1843,74
300/2395,George,LIDDELL,Forton,Apr 19 1843,10
300/2396,Martha,MITCHELL,Gosport,Apr 20 1843,70yrs & 4mths
300/2397,Ann,FUTCHER,Poor House,Apr 23 1843,70
300/2398,Charles,COMPTON,Elson,Apr 23 1843,29
300/2399,Susanna,HUNT,Poor House,Apr 24 1843,39
300/2400,John Landon,JONES,Bury,Apr 25 1843,52yrs &9mths
(there are separate pages under "G" for CHRIST CHURCH GOSPORT, ELSON ST THOMAS , FORTON CHURCHES,

Many more pictures of the Gosport & Alverstoke area can be found here. All photographs copyright Linda & Tony Knight 2006
St Mary Alverstoke (inc St Faith & St Francis)
St Mary Roman Catholic Church, Gosport