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55M70 / PR1
Chilbolton Christenings 1699-1726
December 13 1699 Edward son of John BURGESS
March 14 1699 Thomas son of John DURNFORD
December 10 1700 Richard son of Anthony MANSBRIDGE
December 12 1700 Jane dau of John WILLIS
December 15? 1700 Elizabeth dau of Rich GATCOMB
February 27 1700 Elizabeth dau of Stephen PRANGNELLS
April 21 1701 John & Thomas sons of John BURGESS Twins
May 8 1701 Catherine dau of Ralph MILLER
May 25 1701 John son of John WAKE
June 11 1701 John son of John MACHIN
July 31 1701 William son of Robert POOR Born after his father’s death about 8 months
December 31 1701 Jane dau of Robert ANTHONY
March 10 1702 William son of Anthony MANSBRIDGE
November 5 1702 Elizabeth dau of Francis WHITE
November 7 1702 Martha dau of Richard GADCUM
October 6 1702 Elizabeth dau of John POWELL
November 27 1702 Martha dau of Thomas LEACH
December 3 1702 Robert son of Thomas NASH
December 29 1702 Mary dau of Thomas PHILPOT
January 8 1702 John ye son of John REEVES & Jane his supposed wife
March 10 1702 Richard son of John BURGESS
June 8 1703 Mary dau of Richard RAMSBURY
August 8 1703 Alice dau of John WILLIS
August 15 1703 Richard son of Edward UBSDELL
October 1 1703 Mary dau of Edward WILLIAM
October 5 1703 Thomas son of Anthony MANSBRIDGE
October 7 1703 Richard son of John MARTYN
October 21 1703 Thomas son of Stephen PRANGNELL
December 8 1703 Mary dau of Robert SPENCER
January 7 1703/4 Richard son of John HUTCHINS
January 12 1703/4 Thomas son of Thomas PHILPOT
January 13 1703/4 Thomas son of Thomas NASH
September 21 1704 Sarah daughter of Anthony MANSBRIDGE
October 18 1704 Mary dau of Anthony MANSBRIDGE
November 8 1704 Catherine dau of Edward OBSTELL
January 25 1704 Ann dau of Richard GADCOME
January 12 1704 William son of John BURGESS
February? 6 1704 Francis son of Francis WHITE
March 4 1704 Eliz. dau of Edward WILLIAM
March 2 1704 John ANTHONY son of Robert ANTHONY
June 21 1705 Mary dau of John POWELL
July 19 1705 Eliz. dau of Richard RAMSBURY
July 26 1705 Thomas son of John MARTIN
October 3 1705 Mary dau of Edward YOUNG
November 8 1705 John son of Thomas PURFEER
January 17 1705/6 John son of Thomas NAISH
July 11 1706 John son of Robert SPENCER
November 1 1706/7 Eliz daughter of Rich FULKER
November 2 1706/7 Rich son of Thos PURFIER
November 7 1706/7 Alice daughter of Edw UPSDALE
November 12 1706/7 Edw son of Edw WILLIAMS
January 1 1706/7 Rich son of Rich HORN
February 12 1706/7 Martha daughter of John HUTCHINS
July 20 1707 Mary daughter of John WILLIS
September 11 1707 Ann YOUNG daughter of Edw YOUNG
October 9 1707 Sarah daughter of John PORSELL
November 24 1707 Mary daughter of Robert PETERS
March ?2? 1708 Dorothy daughter of Edw UPSDALE
June 12 1708 John son of Thos LEACH
June 24 1708 Will son of Thos NAISH
September 21 1708 Rich son of John MARTIN
October 3 1708 Ann daughter of Francis WHITE
January 1 1708/9 Catherine daughter of John DOWLING
February 24 1708/9 Eliz daughter of John BURGES
June ?? 1708/9 Eliza daughter of Robert ANTHONY
April 3 1709 Catherine daughter of John HUTCHINS
November 1 1709 Thos son of Richard TYLER
January 29 1709/10 Ann daughter of John PURSELL
February 21 1709/10 Robt son of Rich RANSBURY
March 17 1709/10 John son of Robt PETER
March 8 1709/10 Mary daughter of Rich HORN
??? ?? 1710 Jone? LEACH (LARCH?) daughter of Richard
June 29 1710 John son of John DOYLE
September 22 1710 Mary daughter of James REVES
November 15 1710 Martha daughter of Tho PRAGNAL
February 15 1710 Hanah daughter of Rich GADCOMB
April 5? 1711 Mary daughter of John & Martha
July 16 1711 ????? son of John BURGIS & Joan his wife
July 19 1711 Eliz daughter of Christopher CHAPLIN & Eliz his wife
October 16 1711 Eliz daughter of William TREDGOLD & Eliz his wife
October 21 1711 Thos the son of John RUTTER & Sarah his wife
October 26 1711 Thos the son of Tho WHITE & Eliz his wife
October 30 1711 Mary the daughter of Benjamin Calm CLARK and Judith his wife
Dec 12 1711 Robert the son of Tho? KINGS? & Eliz his wife
March 23 1711/12 Richard the son of Richard RAMSBERY & Eliz his wife
May 6 1712 Ann the daughter of Abraham HATCHET & Patience his wife
November 11 1712 Robert the son of Robert PITTER & Margery his wife
March 24 1712 Richard the son of John RUTTER & Eliz his wife
May 10 1713 William the son of William & Elizabeth TREDGOLD
May 10 1713 Ann & Martha twin daughters of Christopher CHAPLIN & Eliz his wife
May 10 1713 ????? the son of Tho LEACH & Mercila? his wife
June 21 1713 Jane daughter of Edward UPSDEAL and ??? his wife
July 7 1713 Mary the daughter of John LINNY & Mary his wife
July 21 1713 Mary the daughter of ???? SUTTON?? & Mary his wife
July 30 1713 Jane the daughter of Tho PRAGNALL
November 29 1713 Ann the daughter of Benjamin Calm CLARK & Judi his wife
December 18 1713 Richard the son of Richard? FULKER? & Katherine his wife
January 11 1713 William the son of John STUTCHFIELD
February 9 1713 Robert the son of Robert RAMSBURY & Eliz his wife
July 15 1714 John son of Francis WHITE & Elizabeth his wife
August 15 1714 George the son of Tho LEACH & Drusilla? his wife
November 30 1714 Mary daughter of Tho NASH & Eliz his wife
March 9 1714 John son of Will TREDGOLD & Eliz his wife
March 12 1714 George the son of John RUTTER & Eliz his wife
March 21 1714 Charles the son of Benj Calm CLARK & Judith his wife
March 22 1714 Elizabeth daughter of George SUTTON jun & Mary his wife
March 29 1714 Elizabeth the daughter of Robert PITTER? & Margery his wife
April 26 1715 John son of John COOPER & Katherine his wife
November 4 1715 William son of Thomas PURFER
November 9 1715 Veretey the daughter of Richard FULLER
October 7 1716 Mary daughter of Robart TALMADGE
November 15 1716 Martha daughter of Robart PEELER
February 7 1716 Elizabeth daughter of John COOPER
March 3 1716 George son of George SUTTON
May 16? 1717? Mary daughter of William TREADGOLD
September 18 1717 Jane daughter of Christopher CHAPLON
October 17 1717 Joseph & Martha the son & daughter of John DOWLON
October 31 1717 Ann daughter of Thomas PURFER
November 10? 1717 Frances daughter of James HERON
November 16 1717 Cathrine the daughter of Richard FULCKER
February 11 1717 William MARTEN son of John
April 28 1718 John LINNY son of John
September 11 1718 Sara the daughter of Edward PICKERNELL
September 12 1718 Mary daughter of Joseph HOMES
February 3 1718 William son of Robart PEETTERS
May 12 1719 William son of John COOPER
August 5 1719 Rose daughter of Robert & Rose ANTHONY
October 21 1719 Ann daughter of William & Elizabeth TREDGOLD
November 10 1719 Ann daughter of George & Mary SUTTON
November 12 1719 Richard son of Thomas & Mary PURFER
December 21 1719 Edward son of Edward & Martha COX
December 31 1719 Mary daughter of Joseph & Christian LETFORD
February 20 1719 Robert son of Robert & Lucy TALMAGE was baptised privately
March 20 1719 Richard bastard child of Mary CHAPLAIN
March 22 1719 Moses son of John RUTTER
May 12 1720 Hannah daughter of Christopher CHAPLAIN
April 26 1721 Isaac son of John & Katherine COOPER
June 13 1721 Martha the daughter of Richard FULKER
July 18 1721 Mary the daughter of Robt ANTHONY & Rose
July 21 1721 Charles son of John LINNY & Mary his wife
September 20 1721 John son of Joseph & Patience PAYNE
October 22 1721 John son of Edward & Margaret PICKERNELL baptised privately
November 16 1721 Elizabeth daughter of John & Sarah RUTTER
November 27 1721 Thomas son of Robert PITTER & Margery his wife baptised privately
November 30 1721 Jane daughter of Joseph HOLMES & Jane his wife
January 6 1721 Thomas son of Joseph LETFORD was privately baptised
January 8 1721 John son of Robt TALMAGE
January 21 1721 Mary daughter of Thomas & Elizabeth ALDRICH Sojourners
February 18 1721 John the natural son of Mary SUTTON
May 3 1722 Mary daughter of John & Mary LEWIS
June 25 1722 Richard the natural son of Mary SIMONS
September 20 1722 Jane daughter of William & Elizabeth TREDGOLD
December 18 1722 Mary daughter of Edward PICKERNELL
February 7 1722/23 Mary daughter of John POWELL jun & Mary his wife
March 15 1723 Annabella daughter of the Hon William POWLETT Esq & Lady Ann his wife
April 4 1723 Martha daughter of George SUTTON & Mary his wife
May 7 1723 Joseph son of Joseph & Patience PAYNE
June 5 1723 Elizabeth daughter of Joseph LETFORD
June 6 1723 Mary daughter of John STANBROOKE & Mary his wife
June 13 1723 Mary daughter of John COOPER & Catherine his wife
June 18 1723 Joseph son of Joseph HOLMES
October 24 1723 Elizabeth LINNY daughter of John LINNY
October 30 1723 Thomas son of Thomas MOORE
November 19 1723 Elizabeth daughter of Robt & Rose ANTHONY
December 5 1723 Elizabeth daughter of John & Mary LEWIS
January 23 1723 Elizabeth daughter of Thomas PURVER
February 13 1723 John son of John & Mary TREDGOLD
February 26 1723 John son of John RUTTER privately baptised
July 14 1724 Martha daughter of John & Mary LINNY
August 28 1724 Martha daughter of William & Elizabeth TREDGOLD
March 25 1725 Martha daughter of Robert TALMAGE
27 April 1725 Christian daughter of John & Mary LEWIS
13 June 1725 John son of John & Mary STANBROOK
8 July 1725 Elizabeth the daughter of Joseph & Patience PAINE
27 July 1725 Jane dau of Robert & Rose ANTHONY
July 29 1725 Thomas the son of George & Mary SUTTON
October 12 1725 John son of John & Mary POWELL
November 2 1725 Thomas son of John & Kathryn COOPER
November 18 1725 Mary daughter of John & Mary TREDGOLD
June 14 1726 Elizabeth daughter of John & Mary STANBROOK
October 14 1723 Elizabeth the daughter of Robert PITTER
September 16? 1726 William son of Joseph & Patience PAINE????
September? 26? 1726 Anne the daughter of ???? LETFORD
??? 8? 1726 Robert the son of Edward PINKERNELL
October 22 1726 Sarah the daughter of George? SUTTON & Mary his wife
October 27 1726 Thomas the son of Stephen G???
December ? 1726 Thomas the son of John LEWIS
February 21 1726 Richard the son of Richard GADCOMBE
May 1? 1726 Thomas the son of John & Mary LINNY
September 6 1727 Robert the son of Robert & Rose ANTHONY
December 12 1727 Elizabeth the daughter of John POWELL jun and Mary his wife
January 18 1727 Mary the daughter of Joseph and Patience PAINE was baptised privately
April 22 1728 Elizabeth daughter of John RUTTER? and Joan his wife
May 2 1728 Anne the daughter of John & Catherine COOPER
June 10 1728 Mary the daughter of Thomas & Mary POWELL
December 5 1728 Susannah the daughter of John & Mary STANBROOK
December 6 1728 Anne the daughter of John & Mary TREDGOLD
June 19 1729 Robert the son of Stephen & Mary ?????E
January 26 1729/30 George the son of George MORE & Anne his wife
June 19 1729 Mary the daughter of Edward BURGESS
August 10 1729 John the son of John DORE & Jane his wife
August 24 1729 Joseph the son of John LEWIS & Mary his wife
September 23 1729 Richard the son of Richard & Mary WHITEAR
September 30 1729 George the son of George & Elizabeth YATES
October 14 1729 Richard the son of Richard & Alice ANNELL was privately baptised
November 30 1729 John the son of Richard HUTCHENS & Anne his wife
December 4 1729 Thomas the son of Joseph & Patience PAINE
November 9 1729 William the son of the Honourable William POWLETT & the Lady Annabella his wife, was born and baptised December 6 1729
December 9 1729 Job the son of John POWELL jun and Mary his wife
December 18 1729 Thomas the son of Thomas DYDIUMS & Sarah his wife
January 6 1729/30 William the son of Richard GADCOMBE
April 11 1730 Isaac the son of John & Katherine COOPER
April 21 1730 Richard the son of Robert & Rose ANTHONY
July 20 1730 Jonathan the son of John & Mary STANBROOK was privately baptised
October 1 1730 William the son of Richard ANNELL & Alice his wife
October 1 1730 Elizabeth the daughter of Thomas POWELL & Mary his wife
November 27 1730 Joseph the son of Joseph LETFORD
January 8? 1730/31 John the son of Thomas DYDIUMS & Sarah his wife
January 11 1730/31 Richard the son of Richard HUTCHENS & Anne his wife was privately baptised
August 13 1731 James the son of Richard BUNCH was privately baptised
December 21 1731 Aaron the son of John STANBROOK & Mary his wife
January 12 1731/32 Annie? the daughter of Joseph & Patience PAIN
January 13 1731/32 Mary the daughter of Richard & Mary WHITEAR was baptised privately
April 25 1732 John the son of Richard GADCOMBE
May 11 1732 Sarah the daughter of Thomas & Mary SORBELL
May 18 1732 Anne the daughter of John & Mary POWELL
July 30 1732 Mary the daughter of Stephen GLUE and Mary his wife
August 6 1732 Anne the daughter of Richard HUTCHENCE & Anne his wife
August 12 1732 John the son of Robert & Rose ANTHONY
February 9 1732/3 Thomas the son of Thomas & Sarah DYDUMS
February 15 1732/3 Sarah the Daughter of John & Sarah CUMMINS
May 9 1733 Michael the son of John COOPER & Catherine his wife
May 10 1733 Jane the daughter of Joseph LETFORD
July 26 1733 Thomas the son of Thomas SEWELL
August 1? 1733 Betty the daughter of Edward THORNTON
March 13 1733/4 William the Son of Richard HUTCHENS & Anne his wife
April 16 1734 Sarah daughter of John STABROOK & Mary his wife
April 21 1734 Mary daughter of Richard ANNEL
October 8 1734 Mary the daughter of Charles & Anne TALMAGE was privately baptised
October 22 1734 John the son of Edward BURGESS
October 31 1734 Sary the daughter of John & Mary POWELL
January 30 1734/5 Edy the daughter of John & Catherine COOPER
February 11 1734/5 Robert the son of Joseph PAIN & Patience his Wife
March 2 1734/5 Mary the daughter of John CUMMING & Sarah his wife
April 3? 1735 Mary the daughter of John COLE & Mary his wife
April 5? 1735 John the son of Stephen GLUE & Mary his wife
August 7 1735 Susannah the daughter of John STANBROOK & Mary his wife
August 10 1735 Thomas the son of Robert CROOK & Mary his wife
October 1 1735 Charles the son of Charles TALMAGE & Mary his wife
November 16 1735 Thomas the son of Thomas MARTIN & Jane his wife
December 11 1735 John the son of Thomas POWELL & Mary his wife
February 12 1735/6 Mary the daughter of Thomas SMITH & Sarah his wife
March 21 1735/6 Charles the son of Richard HUTCHENCE & Anne his wife
April 22 1736 Joseph the son of Joseph LETFORD
April 28 1736 Sarah the daughter of Thomas DYDUMS & Sarah his wife
June 17 1736 William the son of Robert & Rose ANTHONY
July 23 1736 William the son of Mary LINNY
August 1 1736 Sarah the daughter of Richard & Mary ANNEL
November 18 1736 Anne the daughter of Thomas MARTIN & Jane his wife
January 19 1736/7 John the son of John COLE & Mary his wife
February 2 1736/7 Patience the daughter of John POWELL & Mary his wife
March 7 1736/7 Elizabeth the daughter of Robert & Mary CROOK
June 25 1737 Moses the son of John STANBROOK and Mary his wife
June 30 1737 Betty the daughter of Joseph & Patience PAIN
July 13 1737 Anne the daughter of Edward & Elizabeth THORNTON
January 3 1737/8 John the son of John CUMMINS
March 16 1737/8 Robert the son of Thomas POWELL alias DUNFORD and Mary his wife
July 16 1738 John the son of Thomas SMITH & Sarah his wife
July 25 1738 Jane the daughter of Thomas TYLER
??? ?? ???? Mary the daughter of John CUMMINS & Sarah his wife was baptised
August 18 1738 Stephen the son of Stephen PRANGNEL
September 15 1738 John the son of Thomas MARTIN & Jane his wife
December 28 1738 William the son of Robert CR???? & Mary his wife
January 7 1738/9 Robert the son of John PHILLIPS & Mary his wife
March 14 1738/9 John the son of William & Mary TAYLOR
May 3 1739 Edward the son of Edward BURGESS and Jane his wife
July 8 1739 Mary the daughter of David VINCENT & Margaret his wife
September 10 1739 Hannah the daughter of Joseph LETFORD
October 4 1739 Dinah the daughter of John & Mary POWELL
November 8 1739 Edward the son of Edward DAVY alias GRONNDSEL
December 4 1739 William the son of John STANBROOK & Mary his wife
January 1 1739/40 Richard the son of Richard & Mary ANNEL
February 15 1739/40 Martha the daughter of Stephen PRANGNEL
February 24 1739/40 Mary the bastard child of Elizabeth COX
March 27 1740 Sarah the daughter of Thomas VALARSH??
May? 4? 1740 Elizabeth the daughter of Stephen GLUE
May 6 1740 Jane the daughter of Joseph & Patience PAIN
June 12 1740 Betty the daughter of Thomas DYDUMS & Sarah his wife
July 6 1740 William the son of Thomas & Jane MARTIN was privately baptised
September 13 1740 Edward the son of Edward THORNTON & Elizabeth his wife
December 11 1740 Mary the daughter of Thomas TYLER
January 18 1740/41 Richard the son of Robert & Mary CROOK
February 22 1740/41 Mary the daughter of John & Mary PHILIPS
March 10 1740/41 Anne the daughter of Peter & Mary GOATER
November 27 1741 Thomas the son of Stephen PRANGNELL
December 21 1741 Lucy daughter of John & Mary PRANGELL? was privately baptised and brought into church Dec 21
January 8 1741/2 Abraham the son of Thomas CLARKE was baptised privately
May 19 1742 James the son of James PERRY? was privately baptised
May 26 1742 Anne the daughter of William PORE?
July 4 1742 Betty the daughter of David VINCENT & Catharine his wife
January 8 1742/3 William the son of William & Anne NOYES
March 29 1743 Mary the daughter of Peter GOATER & Mary his wife
May 12 1743 Mary the daughter of Stephen YOUNG & Mary his wife
June 11 1743 Joseph & Benjamin the sons of John PHILIPS & Mary his wife were privately baptised
July 19 1743 William the son of Thomas MARLIN & Jane his wife
July 28? 1743 Elizabeth the daughter of John SMOAKER & Elizabeth his wife
September 11 1743 Hannah the daughter of Matthew & Martha PRITCHARD
December 13 1743 John the son of Stephen PRANGNELL
December 28 1743 Margaret the daughter of Robert BAKER & Elizabeth his wife
February 19 1743 John the son of William & Mary S??D?? who say they were of the Parish of Preston in Somerset
March 21 1743/4 Thomas the son of ??? TYLER
May 15 1744 John the son of Richard & Jane DOWLING
May 22 1744 John the son of Charles TALMAGE
June 28 1744 Margaret the daughter of David & Margaret VINCE
August 12 1744 Sarah daughter of Stephen GLUE
October 17 1744 Jane the daughter of John & Jane CARY
October 20 1744 James the son of Richard & Mary ANNEL
October 25 1744 John the son of Stephen & Mary YOUNG
October 25 1744 Robert the son of Thomas & Jane MARTIN
February 17 1744/5 Simon the son of William & Mary DORE
March 18 1745 Elizabeth the daughter of John & Elizabeth KEMP was privately baptised
September 6 1745 Thomas the son of Thomas & Mary PRANGNEL
September 19 1745 John the son of John & Elizabeth SMOKER
September 19 1745 Jacob the son of John & Mary POWELL
October 22 1745 Samuel the son of John & Mary PHILLIPS
March 20 1746 Robert the son of Robert & Elizabeth BAKER
March 21? 1746 Thomas the son of William & Mary TAYLOR was privately baptised Admitted into the congregation May 19
April 13 1746 Jane the daughter of Richard & Jane DOWLING
June 24 1746 Mary the daughter of Stephen PRANGNELL & his wife
July 15 1746 Elizabeth the daughter of Joseph LAMBOURN & Sarah his wife
July 22 1746 Jane the daughter of Stephen GLUE
September 24 1746 David VINCE the son of David & Margaret VINCE was privately baptised
October 9 1746 Mary the daughter of John & Jane CARY
April 5 1747 Kezia the daughter of William & Mary DORE
April 21 1747 Hannah the daughter of Stephen & Mary YOUNG
October 28 1747 Sarah the daughter of David & Margaret VINCE
February 2 1747 Mary the daughter of Joseph LAMBOURN & Sarah his wife
February 9 1747 John the son of John KEMP & Elizabeth his wife
February 20 1747 Moses the son of Richard & Jane DOWLING was privately baptised
March 7 1747/8 John the son of Thomas PRAGNELL & Mary his wife was privately baptised
September 22 1748 Mary the daughter of Robert & Elizabeth BAKER
September 30 1748 William the son of John & Elizabeth SMOKER
October 6 1748 John the son of William & Anne NOYES
December 4 1748 Betty the daughter of Samuel & Martha IRELAND
February 19? 1748 Francis the son of Dorothy FULKER was baptised
March 28 1749 Elizabeth the daughter of James & Mary NOYES
May 4 1749 Peter the son of Stephen PRANGNELL
May 18 1749 John the son of John & Jane CARY
July 11 1749 James the son of Thomas & Mary PRANGNEL
July 13 1749 Anne the daughter of Nicholas & Sarah SMITH
January 25 1749 Jane the daughter of Thomas & Jane MARTIN
March 18 1750? Elizabeth the daughter of Peter & Mary GOTHER
July 1 1750 Anne HAMILTON the daughter of Elizabeth SKEATE
December 6 1750 Michael & Samuel the sons of Samuel IRELAND were privately baptised Admitted into the church December 26
December 18 1750 Richard the son of Richard & Jane DOWLING
June 23 1751 John the son of Robert & Hannah CROOK
July 29 1751 Jane the daughter of Robert & Elizabeth BAKER
August 27 1751 Mary the daughter of John KEMP & Elizabeth his wife
February 18 1752 Martha the daughter of Thomas & Jane MARTIN
March 8 1752 William the son of John & Jane CASEY
March 31 1752 Charity the daughter of Joseph & Sarah LAMBOURNE
April 9 1752 Peter the son of Peter & Mary GOTHER
May 12 1752 Anne the daughter of William & Anne NOYES
August 4 1752 Thomas the son of Thomas & Elizabeth LAMBOURNE
January 17 1753 Mary the daughter of Stephen & Mary YOUNG was baptised privately Admitted into the Congregation Feb 13
January 21 1753 Mary & Martha the daughters of Samuel & Martha IRELAND
February 2 1753 John the son of John HARFIELD
February 16 1753 Peter the son of John & Elizabeth PIKE of Leckford
March 9 1753 Mary the daughter of William & Anne HULL was privately baptised
March 11 1753 Edward the son of Edward AVIS was baptised
May 4 1753 John the son of David & Margaret VINCE was privately baptised
January 5 1754 Thomas Henry the son of the Reverend Mr Robert LOWTH Arch Deacon of Winton
January 25 1754 Thomas the son of Robert & Hannah CROOK
February 2 1754 William the son of Richard GADCOMBE jun was baptised
April 15 1754 Martha the daughter of Robert & Elizabeth BAKER
June 24 1754 John the son of Thomas & Elizabeth LAMBOURNE
July 10 1754 Martha the daughter of Edward & Martha PEARSON was privately baptised
September 1 1754 Mary the daughter of John SMOKER
Feb 23 1755 John the son of Thomas HELLIER
April 20 1755 Mary the daughter of Robert & Hannah CROOK
May 23 1755 John the son of John & Elizabeth KEMP
June 29 1755 David the son of David & Margaret VINCE
August 10 1755 William the son of William & Anne HULL
November 15 1755 Joseph the son of Joseph & Anne SANDUM
December 14 1755 Richard the son of John & Jane LINNY
July 7 1756 William son of Edward & Martha PEARSON
August 12 1756 Stephen the son of Stephen & Mary YOUNG
December 9 1756 John the son of Thomas & Jane HELLIER
March 7 1757 Joseph the son of Joseph & Sarah LAMBOURNE was privately baptised
June 12 1757 Elizabeth the daughter of Edward & Deborah AVIS
July 4 1757 Edward the son of Edward & Jane KNAPP
July 7 1757 John the son of John LAMBORNE was privately baptised
July 23 1757 Daniel son of Joseph & Anne SANDUM was privately baptised
November 27 1757 Hannah the daughter of Robert & Hannah CROOK
April 3 1758 Anne the daughter of John & Jane ANTHONY
October 19 1758 Anne the daughter of Joseph & Anne SANDUM
November 19 1758 Thomas the son of John & Elizabeth SMOKER
February 25 1759 William the son of Thomas & James HILLER
March 18 1759 John the son of John LAMBORNE
July 22 1759 George the son of Stephen YOUNG
Oct 2? 1759 Mary the daughter of John & Anne ANTHONY
November 29 1759 Elizabeth the daughter of Thomas & Mary POWELL
January 6 1760 William the son of Elizabeth SHER???
January 8 1760 Elizabeth POWELL was admitted into Congregation
January 13 1760 Charity the daughter of Joseph & Sarah LAMBORNE
March 2 1760 William the son of Edward & Deborah AVIS
June 24 1760 Thomas the son of John & Elizabeth KEMP
June 28 1760 Robert the son of Edward & Jane KNAPP was privately baptised Admitted into the congregation July 13
July 20 1760 Edward the son of Edward & Martha PEARSON
October 14 1760 John the son of William & Hannah GALE
December 26 1760 Mary daughter of Thomas & Sarah LINNY
January 25 1761 William son of Joseph & Anne SANDUM
February 25 1761 Richard son of Richard & Mary INGLEFIELD
May 5 1761 John son of John & Anne ANTHONY
May 11 1761 Elizabeth the daughter of John LAMBORNE
May 13 1761 Mary daughter of Thomas POWELL jun & Mary his wife
July 9 1761 John son of William & Betty SPRATT?
August 22 1761 Nanny the daughter of Robert & Hannah CROOK
September 17 1761 Edward the son of Edward & Jane BURGESS
January 31 1762 Gabriel son of Thomas & Jane HELLIER
March 22 1762 Anne daughter of Stephen & Mary YOUNG
May 9 1762 John son of John & Patience HANNINGTON
July 15 1762 Thomas son of Richard & Mary INGLEFIELD
October 26 1762 John son of John & Sarah PAIN
December 4 1762 Elizabeth posthumous daughter of Jane BURGESS was baptised
March 20 1763 Sarah daughter of Matthew & Jane GALE
May 10 1763 William son of William & Hannah GALE
May 19 1763 Anne daughter of Edward & Jane KNAPP was privately baptised and was admitted into the congregation June 1 1763
September 9 1763 Charles son of John & Mary LINNY? was privately baptised and admitted into the congregation October 2 1763
October 4 1763 Anne daughter of Thomas & Elizabeth POWELL was baptised and admitted into the congregation Oct 20
December 29 1763 Robert son of John & Sarah PAIN
January 8 1764 Mary daughter of Joseph & Anne SANDUM
March 23 1764 Mary daughter of Richard & Anne ANNEL was baptised privately and was admitted into the Congregation April 22
April 22 1764 Edy daughter of John & Patience HANNINGTON
April 27? 1764 Robert son of Thomas & Mary? POWELL
June 24 1764 Elizabeth daughter of George & Anne ANDREWS
July 15 1764 Elizabeth daughter of William & Edy SPRATT
July 23 1764 Alexander COOPER son of Anne RETFORD
August 19 1764 Peter son of Thomas & Jane HELLIER
September 22 1764 Mary daughter of Mary & Richard INGLEFIELD was privately baptised
October 14 1764 Sarah daughter of Joseph & Sarah LAMBORNE
February 21 1765 John & Martha twin son & daughter of John & Martha MARTIN were privately baptised
April 7 1765 Thomas son of Matthew & Jane GALE
April 29 1765 Peter son of John & Anne ANTHONY
May 3 1765 Martha daughter of George ANDREWS
July 30 1765 John son of Thomas POWELL sen & Elizabeth his wife
October 6 1765 William son of John & Mary LAMBOURNE
October 20 1765 Richard son of Richard & Anne ANNEL
December 30 1765 Sarah daughter of Sarah & John PAINE
February 5 1766 Elizabeth daughter of Joseph & Anne SANDUM was baptised privately and admitted into the congregation May??? 1756
February 26 1766 Joseph son of William & Hannah GALE
March 9 1766 Sarah daughter of John & Patience HANNINGTON
March 23 1766 Richard son of Richard & Jane SHEPHERD
April 30 1766 Mary daughter of Thomas POWELL jun & Mary his wife
June 12 1766 Betty daughter of Benjamin DEW & Martha his wife
August 19 1766 Elizabeth daughter of Richard & Mary INGLEFIELD baptised privately
November 20 1766 Betty daughter of Stephen PRANGNELL & Mary his wife privately baptised
December 17 1766 Mary daughter of William & Idy SPRATT
May 10 1767 John son of Matthew & Jane GALE
May 20 1767 John the son of Richard & Jane SHEPHERD
June 18 1767 Mary daughter of Thomas & Jane HELLIER
July 17 1767 Elizabeth daughter of John & Anne ANTHONY
December 31 1767 William son of Thomas & Mary POWELL
January 18 1768 Mary daughter of Samuel & Jane COLE
February 25 1768 Anne daughter of John & Sarah PAINE
March 6 1768 Sarah daughter of Richard & Anne ANNELS
March 6 1768 Dinah daughter of John & Patience HANNINGTON
April 26 1768 Mary daughter of Stephen & Mary PRANGNELL
May 22 1768 Robert son of Matthew & Jane GALE
May 27 1768 Mary ???? daughter of Benjamin & Martha DEW
June 5 1768 Hanah daughter of Joseph & Mary LAMBOURNE
June 5 1768 Anne daughter of Edward & Jane KNAPP
June 5 1768 John son of William & Elizabeth STANLEY (travellers)
June 12 1768 Sarah daughter of Joseph & Anne SANDUM
July 3 1768 Elizabeth daughter of Thomas & Elizabeth POWELL
October 29 1768 Anne daughter of Richard & Mary INGLEFIELD
November 5 1768 Thomas son of Robert & Sarah MARTIN
November 19 1768 Mary & Martha twin daughters of Richard & Jane SHEPHERD
December 25 1768 Dinah daughter of Joseph & Sarah LAMBOURNE
May 19 1769 William the son of William & Edith SPRATT was baptised He was received into the congregation on 21 May
28 May 1769 James the son of Richard & Anne ANNALE
November 12 1769 Martha the daughter of Stephen & Mary PRANGNELL
March 28? 1770 Samuel the son of Samuel & Jane COLE
June 3 1770 Robert the son of Robert & Sarah MARTIN was privately baptised Received into the congregation June 24
June 8 1770 Martha the daughter of Benjamin & Martha DEW
June 24 1770 Dinah the daughter of Joseph & Ann SANDHAM
June 30? 1770 Robert the son of John & Anne ANTHONY privately baptised
July 29 1770 William the son of John & Mary LAMBOURNE
August 12 1770 Elizabeth the daughter of William & Edith SPRATT
September 2 1770 Job the son of John & Patience HANNINGTON
September 16 1770 Matthew the son of Matthew & Jane GALE
January 20 1771 William the son of Richard & Anne ANNALL
January 27 1771 Mary the daughter of Richard & Jane SHEPHERD
April 4 1771 John the son of Thomas & Mary POWELL
April 21 1771 John the son of John & Mary COLE
June 9 1771 Elizabeth the daughter of Stephen & Mary PRANGNALL
June 30 1771 Elizabeth the daughter of John & Sarah PITTER
January 19 1772 Robert the Bastard son of Elizabeth POWELL Widow and William BAKER was baptised. Born last Oct?
May 3 1772 Thomas the son of John & Mary COLE
June 21 1772 John the son of Benjamin & Martha DEWES
August 2 1772 Mary the daughter of William & Hannah GALE
October 18 1772 Jacob the son of John & Mary LAMBOURNE
November 17 1772 Lucy the daughter of Joseph & Ann SANDHAM was privately baptised & received into the congregation Dec 13
November 22 1772 Elizabeth the daughter of Samuel & Jane COLE
December 13 1772 William the son of William & Edith SPRATT
January 17 1773 Ann the daughter of John & Patience HANNINGTON
March 14 1773 Mary the daughter of Thomas & Mary MORRIS (or NORRIS)
April 12 1773 Ann the daughter of Stephen & Mary PRANGNELL
May 13 1773 Anna Maria the daughter of Thomas & Mary POWELL
September 8 1773 Lucy the daughter of Robert & Ann SNOOKS was privately baptised
November 14 1773 Hannah the daughter of Joseph & Ann SANDHAM
December 12 1773 Ann the daughter of Thomas & Jane HELLEAR
December 26 1773 William the son of Richard & Jane SHEPHERD
Copyright © 2006 Linda & Tony Knight
All Rights Reserved
partial transcription 1825 - 1858 MUNDAY family
Eli son of William & Hannah MUNDAY , labourer, May 29 1825
Amy daughter of Edward & Sarah MUNDY from Chilbolton, labourer, December 17 1826
Sarah daughter of Edward & Sarah MUNDY of Chilbolton,€ labourer April 05 1829
Mary Anne aged 9years daughter of Edward & Sarah MUNDY from Chilbolton, labourer May 16 1841
George Anthony base born son of spinsterJane MUNDY from Chilbolton August ? 1843
Hellen daughter of James & Mary MUNDY from Chilbolton ,labourer January 31 1847
Thomas son of William & Anne MUNDY from Chilbolton, servant February 21 1847
Edward son of William & Anne MUNDAY from Chilbolton, labourerMay 13 1849
Thomas son of Thomas & Catherine MUNDAY of Chilbolton, shepherd May 05 1850
Matilda daughter of James & Mary MUNDY of Chilbolton , labourer January 19 1851
Emma daughter of William & Ann MUNDAY of Chilbolton, servant August 08 1851
Margaret daughter of Thomas & Catherine MUNDAY of Chilbolton, shepherd June 06 1852
Maria daughter of Eli & Sarah MUNDAY, Chilbolton, labourer October 17 1852
Charles son of James & Mary MUNDAY ,Chilbolton, labourer September 18 1853
Martha daughter of Eli & Sarah MUNDAY of Chilbolton, labourer March 05 1854
Ann daughter of John & Maria MUNDAY, Chilbolton, labourer April 23 1854
Martha daughter of Thomas & Catherine MUNDAY of Chilbolton, shepherd February 09 1855
George son of Eli & Sarah MUNDAY of Chilbolton, labourer May 25 1856
Alfred son of Charles & Louisa MUNDAY , from Chilbolton, labourer August 23 1857
William son of Eli & Sarah MUNDAY from Down Farm, labourer May 23 1858
Copyright © 2006 Joy Waters Contact Joy on joy2811uk at - substitute @ for at
All Rights Reserved
55M70 / PR1
Marriages Chilbolton 1699-1726
October 1 1699 Wm REEVES of Hurstly & Mary REEVES of this Parish
January 25 1699 John WILLIS & Alice PRANGNELL
March 17 1699 John WAKE & Ann BEAK Widow
December 2 1700 Wm JEFFREY & Sarah NOAK
June 10 1701 Wm HASKIN Bullington & Jane ASHRIDGE Wonston
February 12 1701 Edward WILLIAMS & Patience PARR Widow
June 5 1703 William KNIGHT & Grace BISHOP
September 29 1704 John DUKE & Patience BAKER
July 31 1705 Richard HORN & Mary PLIMPTON
July 11 1706 Richard FULKER & Katharine REEVES
April 2 1708 Abraham HATCHET & Patience WILLIAMS
May 12? 1709 James KEENE & Mary BARNABY
August 22 1710 James BADGER Gent & Mary LAYFIELD
September 12 1710 Mr Benjamin CULMER & Judith LAYFIELD
November 25 1710 John UPSDEAL & Dorothy PRAGNALL
August 31 1712 John LING & Mary HUTCHINS
September 29 1712 George SUTTON & Mary LEACH
October 14 1712 John COOPER & Katherine HUTCHINS
April 1 1714 John WATCHER & Ann YOUNG
May 28 1714 Tho JUDD & ?
September 26 1714 Robert GALMAY & Lucy RUMBALL
January 20 1714 Tho PURSIER? & Mary REEVES
December 22 1716 Nicholas JEFFERY & Elizabeth NEWMAN
October 7 1717 Edward PICKERNELL & Marget TAPAS
October 31 1717 William PUTT? & Mary MILLER
May 4 1719 John TREADGOLD & Mary NEYL
July 6 1721 John POUET & Mary WILLIAMS
December 30 1722 Thomas MOORE & Joan ANTHONY
December 1 1723 Henry PICKERNELL & Mary FAULKNER
September 30 1724 John POOR & Ann WITHER
June 20 1726 Thomas UWING of the Parish of Wherwell & Anne COX widow of this parish were married
May 14 1727 Richard WHITEAR of the parish of Midhurst Sojourner in the Parish & Mary SUTTON of this Parish
March 10? 1727 Thomas POWELL alias DUNFORD & Mary PITTER both of this Parish
April 22 1728 William YONG (or TONG) of Stockbridge & Eliz WILLIAMS of this Parish
October 8 1728 George YATES & Elizabeth POWELL both of this Parish
October 16 1728 Thomas ORAM of the City of Winchester Widower & Mary CARD of Little Somborne Widow
December 5 1728 Thomas DYDUMS Sojourner in the Parish & Sarah POWELL of this Parish
January 1 1728/9 John BEAR & Martha CASTLEMAIN of Longstock Parish
September 7 1729 Richard ANNEL of the Parish of Wherwell & Alice UPSDALE of this Parish
January 20 1729/30 John STUBB of Bransbury in the Parish of Barton Stacy & Mary JAMES of this Parish
June 10? 1731 Edward SHEPHERD of Long Parish & Mary FULLER of this Parish
September 30 1731 George APPLETON of Newton Stacy & Mary ALLEN of this Parish
October 20 1731 John CUMMINS & Sarah HOLLOWAY of this parish
October 17 1732 Robert HENBERRY of the Parish of Wherwell & Margaret MILLER of this Parish
October 28 1732 Timothy SPRAG of Cliddesdon & Catharine RUTTER of this Parish
April 29 1733 Richard AMEL & Mary LEACH both of this Parish
May 5 1733 Robert CROOK & Mary UPSDALE both of this Parish
February 24 1733/4 John COLE & Mary PERRYEAR both of this Parish
April 28 1734 Charles TALMAGE & Anne ALEXAH both of this Parish
June 10 1734 John SOAN of the Parish of St Johns Wood & Anne ???? of the Parish of St Swithun? by the consent of ???????
August 20 1734 Thomas GUE & Elizabeth ELCOMBE both of Rumsey Parish
October 27 1734 Thomas SMITH & Sarah HOWARD both of this Parish
November 6 1734 Thomas KIMBER of Leckford & Mary NOYES of this Parish
June 30 1735 Francis WESTCOT of Longstock & Jane DALE of Leckford
October 1 1735 John PHILIPS & Mary STONE both of this Parish
September 30 1736 John SMITH & Phebe TANNER both of this Parish
October 31 1736 James PERRY & Mary WILLIS both of this Parish
January 22 1737/8 William TREDGOLD & Grace MILLS both of this Parish
April 6 1738 John BALDWIN & Anne MACKRELL both of the Parish of Andover
September 13 1738 John DOSWELL of the Parish of St Bartholomew Hide in Winton & Anne POOR of this Parish
March ?? 1738/9 David VINCENT & Catharine COX both of this Parish
April 8 1739 William SMITH of the City of Winchester & Frances BYE of the said City were married
January 3 1739/40 William COLLINS an inhabitant of this Parish & Mary HOLMES of the Parish of Stockbridge
September 29 1740 Peter GOWLER of the Parish of Wherewell & Mary POWELL of this Parish
December 29 1740 John SHORT of Newton in the Parish of Barton Stacey & Elizabeth POOR of St Thomas Parish in the City of Winchester were married
October (2)3 1741 Stephen YOUNG of this Parish & Mary SEALY?? of Barton Stacey
December 24 1741 William NOYES & Anne MACKRELL both of this parish
August 8 1742 John SMOAKER & Elizabeth PHILPOT alias PURSER both of this Parish
November 21 1742 John BEAVIS of the Parish of Wherewell & Susan STACY of this Parish
February 4 1742/3 Matthew PRITCHARD of the Parish of King’s Somborne & Martha PITTERS of this Parish
April 5 1743 Thomas BALDIN & Dorothy SMITH both of the Parish of Andover
September 29 1743 John CARY & Jane PRANGNELL both of this Parish
September 29 1743 John KEMP & Elizabeth LETFORD both of this Parish
January 3 1743 Richard DOWLING & Jane BURGESS both of this Parish
August 24 1744 Thomas PRANGNEL of this Parish & Mary GRUNSELL of the same
September 30 1744 William JUDD & Anne CULLY both of Wherwell Parish
November 11 1744 John SMITH & Elizabeth LEWIS both of this Parish
April 16 1745 John COOKE of Longparish & Margaret LAWRENCE of this Parish
April 21 1745 John PAINE & Martha GADCOMBE both of this Parish were married
June 3 1745 Thomas MATON of the Parish of Enford in the County of Wiltshire & Martha PRANGNEL of this Parish
July 3 1745 James VEAR of the Parish of Longparish & Elizabeth STANBROOK of this Parish
January 19 1745 James NOYES & Mary COLE widow both of this Parish
February 23 1745/6 Joseph LAMBOURN & Sarah SUTTON both of this Parish
December 24 1747 William MATON of Lower Wallop & Elizabeth COOPER of this Parish
April 21 1748 Robert PITTER & Joan LANGLEY both of this Parish
July 11? 1748 Thomas TYLER & Elizabeth PARKER both of this Parish
October 11 1748 Edward KNAPP & Jane PEARSON both of this Parish
August 28 1749 Robert ANTHONY & Katharine HALL both of this Parish
September 30 1751 William HULL & Anne HEWSE? both of this Parish
October 15 1751 Thomas LAMBOURNE & Elizabeth SHEPPARD both of this Parish
December 2 1751 William OCCUMOOR of this Parish & Elizabeth RUTTER of the Parish of Bullington were married
January 17 1753 John PIKE of Leckford & Elizabeth POWELL of this Parish
January 25 1753 John MUNDAY of the Parish of Barton Stacy & Mary HUTCHENS? of the Parish of St Maurice Winchester
March 4 1753 Thomas PAIN & Mary POOR both of this Parish
March 5 1753 Edward PEARSON & Martha LINNY both of this Parish
October 11 1753 David TOBERY & The Widow Elizabeth TYLER both of this Parish
January 6 1754 John SUTTON of the Parish of Compton & Sarah PARKER of this Parish
Copyright © 2006 Joy Waters Contact Joy on joy2811uk at substitute @ for at
All Rights Reserved
55M70 / PR1
Burials Chilbolton 1699-1726
February 13 1699 Catherine NASH
September 17 1699 Henry BARNABY
November 10 1699 Jane PRANGNELL Infant daughter of Stephen PRANGNELL
March 1 1700 John LEWIS
March 6 1700 Robert POOR
March 25 1701 Mary REEVES Wife of Wm REEVES
April 12 1701 Elizabeth LEWIS Widow of John LEWIS
April 27 1701 Thomas son of John BURGESS
May 9 1701 John PARR
December 27 1701 Wm POOR
December 12 1702 Robert son of Thomas NASH
January 3 1702 Mary daughter of Thomas PHILPOT
January 22 1702 Martha daughter of Thomas LEACH
April 20 1703 Madam Catherine SCOTT
October 13 1703 Elizabeth REEVES
October 31 1703 Thomas son of Anthony MANSBRIDGE
November 26 1703 Jane WILLIS
December 5 1703 Richard MARTYN
January 10 1703/4 John son of Robert SPENCER
September 5 1704 Alice COX
June 26 1704 Christopher CHAPLAIN Clerk of this Parish
March 19 1704 Jane HORN Wife of Richard HORN
April 16 1705 Mary MANSBRIDGE
May 11 1705 Eliz. MANSBRIDGE
July 14 1705 Henry HENDY
October 6 1705 Jane PARR
May 9 1706 Mary HENDY
April 21 1706 John BURGES
July 8 1706 Joan WHITHEAD
October 29 1706 John son of Robert SPENCER
November 3 1706 Richard son of Thos PURFIER
November 7 1706 Mary wife of Thos PURFIER
November 14 1706 Edward son of Edward WILLIAMS
January 23 1706/7 John son of Thos PURFIER
October 29 1707 Mary daughter of John WHITE
June 18 1707 Eliza SPENCER
October 28 1708 John son of Rich TYLER
July 11? 1708 Sarah wife of Will JEFFERYS
January 7 1708 John son of Abraham HATCHET
June 22 1709 Eliz daughter of John TREDGOLD
October 9 1709 Eliz daughter of Thos PRANGNELL
January 4 1710 Tho WHITHEAD
April 1 1711 Lucy PRAGNELL Widow
April 10? 1711 Mary ???? was buried
October 25 1711 Jane? LEWIS Widow
October 29 1711 John WATTES??
December 20 1711 John son of John RUTTER
May 12 1712 Tho JEFFERYS
October 25 1712 Rachel SUTTON
February 10 1712 John the son of John RUTTER
February 26 1712 William SUTTON
July 22 1713 Mary the wife of Luke SUTTON
December 9 1713 Mary the wife of Richard HORNE
April 23 1714 Susanna BEAK the daughter of Wm WAKE
May 9 1714 Eliz daughter of Will GOODGOLD
May 14 1714 Ann daughter of Chris CHAPLIN
June 3 1714 Luke SUTTON
June 9 1714 Eliz daughter of Robert ANTHONY
July 5 1714 Stephen son of Wm BARNABY
September 30 1714 Martha daughter of Chris CHAPLIN
December 29 1714 Anthony MANSBRIDGE
January 9 1714 Jane daughter of Edward UPSDEAL
April 24 1715 Tho PURDUE
April 29 1715 John FLETCHER
May 7 1715 Mary daughter of Christopher CAP??
May 9 1715 Farmer John TREDGOLD sen
May 24 1715 Charles LAYFIELD D.D. Rector of this Parish buried at Winton living? ??? Prebendary of that Church
May 25 1715 Richard TREDGOLD
May 28 1715 Died Jane STACY wife of Tho STACY and ?co????nially? married to John REEVES Adultress Adulterer
June 8 1715 Ann WAKE
??? ? 1715 The Widow TALMAGE was buried
July 8 1715 Joan the wife of John BURGIS
July 24 1715 Mary TALMAGE was buried
July 24 1715 The Widdow HUTCHINS
July 25 1715 Patience the wife of Abraham HATCHET
July 28 1715 Richard RAMSBURY
July 31 1715 Robert ANTHONY
August 4 1715 Eliz daughter of Robert & Margery PITTER
August 27 1715 The Widow ANTHONY
September 4 1715 John HUTCHINS
September 5 1715 Christian HUTCHINS
October 17 1715 Edward UBSDELL
October 19 1715 Elizabeth daughter of John LINNY?
October 27? 1715 Mary the wife of Thomas PRANGNELL
October 31 1715 Charles HUTCHINES
November 3 1715 William ERYES
November 1 1715 Joseph son of John DOWLON
September 2 1718 Mary HUT
September 11 1719 Katherine JEFFERIES
December 12 1719 Rose daughter of Robt & Rose ANTHONY
February 10 1719 William son of John & Katherine COOPER
March 3 1719 Robert son of Robert & Lucy TALMAGE
May 16 1720 Richard son of John MARTIN was buried Affidavit returned May 23
July 6 1720 John WITCHER was buried Affidavit returned July 13
July 25 1720 William son of Robt PITTER was buried Affidavit returned Aug 1
January 19 1720 Jane PRANGNELL was buried Affidavit returned Jan 23
March 28 1721 Elizabeth wife of Christopher CHAPLAIN was buried Affidavit returned April 4
June 3 1721 The Widow WITCHER was buried Affidavit returned 4 June
July 13 1721 Hannah daughter of Richd GADCOMBE
September 8 1721 Elizabeth the wife of Richd GADCOMBE was buried Affidavit returned Sept 16
September 8 1721 Richard the son of Thomas & Mary PURFER was buried Affidavit returned for Richd PURFER alias PHILPOT September 14
November 1 1721 Katherine daughter of Ralph MILLER was buried Affidavit returned November 3
November 16? 1721 John son of Edward & Margaret PICKERNELL was buried Affidavit returned November 21
December 1 1721 Thomas son of Robt PITTER was buried Affidavit returned Dec 8
January 8 1721 Thomas son of Joseph LETFORD was buried Affidavit returned January 16
January 11 1721 Charles son of John LINNY was buried Affidavit returned Jan 12
January 17 1721 Mary wife of Richard BULL of Drayton in ye Parish of Barton Stacy was buried Affidavit returned January 22
January 24 1721 John son of Richard BULL of Drayton was buried Affidavit returned January 24
February 18 1721 Thomas NOYSE was buried Affidavit returned Feb 19 1722
March 25 1722 William HUTCHINS was buried Affidavit returned March 31
March 29 1722 Edward son of Edward COX was buried Affidavit returned March 31
April 27 1722 Ann daughter of Thomas PURVER was buried Affidavit April 27
May 11 1722 The Widow BARNABY was buried Affidavit returned May 12?
October 21 1722 Jane daughter of William TREDGOLD was buried
February 27 1722/23 Richard GADCOMBE was buried Affidavit returned March 1
June 17 1723 Elizabeth RAMESBURY widow was buried Affidavit returned June 20
June 28 1723 Stephen WITCHER was buried Affidavit returned June 30
July 18 1723 Jonathan LEACH was buried Affidavit returned July 27
July 22 1723 Jane TREDGOLD Widow was buried Affidavit returned July 30
October 14 1723 Margery wife of Rob PITTER was buried Affidavit returned Oct 18
October 24 1723 Elizabeth daughter John LINNY was buried Affidavit returned October 24
November 1 1723 Ann FOX was buried Affidavit returned November 1
December 25 1723 Elizabeth daughter of Robert & Rose ANTHONY was buried Affidavit returned December 28
March 1? 1723 John son of John RUTTER was buried Affidavit returned March 6
March 29 1724 Thomas LEACH was buried Affidavit returned April 5
May 19 1724 Isaac son of John COOPER was buried Affidavit returned May 19
May 19 1724 Elizabeth daughter of the Widow CHAPLEN was buried Affidavit returned May 19
January 26 1724 Mary RAMESBURY Widow was buried Affidavit returned Jan 30
25 June 1725 John son of John & Mary STANBROOK buried Affidavit returned
8 August 1725 Jane daughter of Rob & Rose ANTHONY buried Affidavit returned
8 August 1725 Thomas the son of George & Mary SUTTON
October 1 1725 Elizabeth the daughter of Joseph & Patience PAINE was buried Affidavit returned
??? ? 1726 The Widow CHAPLEN
November 11 1726 The Widow WILLIS? was buried Affidavit returned Nov 12
December 30 1726 Mary the daughter of John & Mary TREDGOLD was buried
November? ?? 1727 Joseph HOLMES was buried Affidavit returned ????mber 11 1727
December 26 1727 John UPSDALE was buried Affidavit returned Dec 29 1727
January 16 1727 Margaret the wife of John BURGESS was buried Affidavit returned Jan 20
June 15 1728 William the son of Joseph & Patience PAINE was buried Affidavit returned for him
August 5 1728 William TREDGOLD of Penton was buried Affidavit returned for him on the same day
September 29 1728 Anne the daughter of John & Catherine COOPER was buried Affidavit returned Oct 5
February 19 1729/30 The Widow SUTTON was buried Affidavit returned Feb 21
April 17 1729 Edward PICKERNELL was buried Affidavit returned May 2
August 18 1729 Sarah FULKIRK of the Parish of St Thomas Winton was buried Affidavit returned Aug 24
October 13 1729 The Widow NOYES was buried Affidavit returned Oct 18
October 22 1729 Richard the son of Richard & Alice ANNELL Affidavit returned Oct 27
January 20 1729/30 Martha the wife of John MARTIN was buried Affidavit returned 23 Jan
February 13 1729/30 Thomas the son of Thomas & Sarah DYDUMS was buried Affidavit returned Feb 17
April 15 1730 John LEWIS
May 12 1730 Joseph the son of the Widow LEWIS was buried Affidavit returned May 18
May 28 1730 Elizabeth the wife of John CRADOCK of Penton Mewsie Affidavit returned the same day
July 10 1730 Martha SUTTON was buried Affidavit returned July 11
August 4 1730 Jonathan the son of John & Mary STANBROOK Affidavit returned Aug 8
August 5 1730 George son of George & Elizabeth YATES Affidavit returned Aug 8
October 4 1730 William the son of Richard ANNELL & Alice his wife Aff returned
February 13 1730/31 Walter PARKER was buried Affidavit returned
March 6 1730/31 Richard the son of Richard HUTCHENS was buried Affidavit returned March 11
August 17 1731 James ANNELL was buried Affidavit returned Aug 21
August 19 1731 John MARTIN was buried Affidavit returned Aug 21
August 26 1731 Alice the wife of Richard ANNEL was buried Affidavit returned August 27
August 28 1731 Margaret PICKERNELL Widow was buried Affidavit returned September 2nd 1731
September 18 1731 John BURGESS was buried Affidavit returned Sept 23
October 29 1731 Robert RAMESBURY was buried Affidavit returned Nov 2
February 15 1731/32 Robert PICKERNEL was buried Affidavit returned Feb 17
April 25 1732 Katherine the Wife of Richard GADCOMBE was buried Affidavit returned for Katherine GADCOMBE May the 2nd 1732
May 4 1732 Ralph MILLER was buried Affidavit returned May 8
May 21 1732 Thomas PARR was buried Affidavit returned May 24
June 2? 1732 The Widow Dorothy UPSDALE was buried & affidavit returned
July 31 1732 Sarah the daughter of Thomas & Mary PORVELL was buried Affidavit returned Aug 5
March 24 1732/3 Elizabeth the wife of John POWELL sen was buried Affidavit returned
April 7? 1733 Timothy the son of Tymothy & Catherine SPRAGG was buried Affidavit returned
October 16 1733 William CUNSTABLE was buried Affidavit returned Oct 22
January 4 1733/4 Joseph DONNHEART was buried Affidavit returned Jan ??
Feb 22 1733/4 John POWELL sen was buried Affidavit returned Feb 25
May 18 1734 Susannah the daughter of John & Mary STANBROOK was buried Affidavit returned May 22
June 29 1734 The Widow WILLIS was buried Affidavit returned for the Widow Alice WILLIS July the 4th 1734
October 15 1734 Mary the Daughter of Charles & Anne TALMAGE was buried Affidavit returned Oct 16
February 22 1734/5 Mary MARTIN was buried Affidavit returned Feb 24
April 22 1735 The Widow Ursula LEACH was buried Affidavit returned Apr 24
May 6 1735 John BEAVIS was buried Affidavit returned May 7
August 9 1735 John RUTTER was buried Affidavit returned Aug 15
November 25 1735 William the son of Richard ANNEL was buried
April 10 1736 Mary the daughter of Catherine SPRAGG was buried Affidavit returned for Mary SPRAGG
May 19 1736 Susannah the daughter of John STANBROOK was buried Affidavit returned May 27
February 25 1736/7 John the son of Thomas POWELL? was buried Affidavit returned Feb 26
May 12 1737 Mary the wife of Edward BURGESS was buried Affidavit returned May 13
January 13 1737/8 Margaret HEMBRY was buried Affidavit returned Jan 14
February 27 1737/8 Daniel BATT was buried Affidavit returned Feb 27
April 9 1738 Jane the daughter of James & Mary PERRY was buried Affidavit returned April 11
May 14 1738 Mary PERRY the daughter of James & Mary was buried Affidavit returned May 19
May 25 1738 John COMYNS was buried Affidavit returned May 26
August 12 1738 Betty the daughter of Joseph & Patience PAIN was buried Affidavit returned Aug 16
February 5 1738/9 Catharine TYLER was buried Affidavit returned Feb 8
January 7 1739/40 Sarah the daughter of John POWELL was buried Affidavit returned Jan 8
April 23 1740 Edward BURGESS was buried
April 26 1740 Elizabeth NOYES was buried
May 23 1740 Edward PLIMPTON was buried Affidavit returned May 24
July 10 1740 William the son of Thomas & Jane MARTIN was buried Affidavit returned July 11
August 17 1740 Mary the daughter of Elizabeth COX was buried Affidavit returned for the said Mary COX infant August 21
January 10 1740/41 A traveller was buried who was found dead in the field Name unknown
June 11 1741 Anne TREDGOLD was buried Affidavit returned June 18
January 10 1741/2 Abraham the son of Thomas CLARKE was buried Affidavit returned for Abraham CLARKE infant Jan 15
February 11 1741/2 Robert TALMAGE was buried Affidavit returned Feb 13
April 19 1742 Ephraim MOSES was buried Affidavit returned April 20
June 1 1742 John COLE was buried Affidavit returned June 2
June 11? 1742 Thomas? PURSER?? was buried Affidavit returned June 14
September 28 1742 James PERRY an infant was buried Affidavit returned Oct 2
October 12 1742 Thomas PRANGNELL was buried Affidavit returned Oct 23
September 17 1743 Mary YOUNG an infant was buried Affidavit returned Sept 24
September 25 1743 Mary PURSER otherwise PHILPOT widow was buried Affidavit returned for the Widow PURSER Sept 26
October 12 1743 Joseph PHILIPS infant was buried Affidavit returned Oct 17
November 30 1743 Anne SUTTON was buried Affidavit returned Dec 1
December 16 1743 George SUTTON was buried Affidavit returned Dec 17
April 20 1744 Elizabeth the wife of Thomas CLARKE was buried Affidavit returned for Elizabeth April 25
August 16 1744 Sarah BEAVIS widow was buried Affidavit returned for the widow BEAVIS y James DAY
September 25 1744 John PRANGNEL & George SUTTON were buried Affidavits returned Sept 30
November 25 1744 Benjamin PHILIPS was buried Affidavit returned Nov 30
February 17 1744/5 Martha the wife of Edward COX was buried Affidavit returned for Martha COX Feb 19
March 21 1745 Elizabeth the daughter of John & Elizabeth KEMP was buried Affidavit returned March 25 1745
October 26 1745 John MACKRELL was buried Affidavit returned Oct 30
November 5 1745 Lucy POWELL was buried Affidavit returned Nov 8
April 16 1746 John COOPER was buried Affidavit returned Apr 23
May 3 1746 Richard FULKER was buried Affidavit returned May 5
October 6 1746 David VINCE the son of David & Margaret VINCE was buried Affidavit returned Oct 9
October 24 1746 Alice the wife of Thomas TYLOR was buried Affidavit returned for Alice TYLER October 29
January 16 1746 Edward COX was buried Affidavit returned Jan 19
January 17 1746 Mary the wife of Robert CROOK was buried Affidavit ret Jan 30
March 1 1746/7 Elizabeth SMOKER was buried Affidavit returned March 2
March 27 1747 Richard BULL was buried Affidavit returned March 29
March 28 1747 Mary LETFORD was buried Affidavit returned March 30
May 18 1747 Anne the wife of John POOR was buried Affidavit returned May 20
October 23 1747 Thomas CLARKE was buried Affidavit returned Oct 25
February 29 1747 The Widow MACKRELL was buried Affidavit returned March 7
May 1 1748 John POOR of this Parish was buried Affidavit returned May 7
July 24 1748 Robert BAKER infant was buried Affidavit returned July 27
August 9 1748 John PRANGNEL infant was buried Affidavit returned Aug 11
September 13 1748 Patience the wife of Joseph PAIN was buried Affidavit returned for Patience PAIN Sept 17
October 14 1748 Mary the wife of Richard WHITEAR was buried Affidavit returned for Mary WHITEAR October 17
December 23 1748 Mrs Catharine COOPER Widow was buried Affidavit returned for Mrs. COOPER Dec 29
January 6 1748/9 Thomas MARTIN son of Thomas MARTIN was buried Affidavit returned Jan 11
May 25 1749 Thomas TYLER was buried Affidavit returned May 27
June 29 1749 John LEWDEN infant was buried Affidavit returned July 2
October 19 1749 Peter GOTHER (a child) was buried Affidavit returned Oct 21
October 30 1749 Susannah the wife of Richard MORETON was buried Affidavit returned Oct 31
November 27 1749 Anne GOTHER was buried Affidavit returned Dec 1
January 19 1749 Elizabeth IRELAND an infant was buried Affidavit returned Jan 22
September 6 1750 Robert PITTER sen was buried Affidavit returned Sept 10
September 11 1750 Mary the wife of Thomas LEWDEN was buried Affidavit returned Sept 15
January 16 1750 Thomas the son of Robert & Mary CROOK was buried Affidavit returned January 22
March 25 1751 The Widow LINNY was buried Affidavit returned March 28
April 2 1751 Samuel IRELAND an infant was buried Affidavit returned Apr 6
June 8 1751 John SPRIGG buried Affidavit returned June 9
June 14? 1751 Mary the wife of William DORE was buried Affidavit returned Jun 21
September 8 1751 James LEUDEN an infant was buried Affidavit returned Sept 9
February 6 1752 Kezia DORE an infant was buried Affidavit returned Feb 14
March 12 1752 William LONG was buried Affidavit returned March 16
March 14 1752 Mary the wife of Thomas PRANGNELL was buried Affidavit returned March 16
May 3 1752 The Widow BRAXTON was buried Affidavit returned May 4
June 22 1752 Anne CONSTABLE widow was buried Affidavit returned Jun 28
January 29 1753 John TREDGOLD sen was buried Affidavit returned Feb 3
Feb 3 1753 Martha IRELAND the daughter of Samuel IRELAND an infant was buried Affidavit returned Feb 5
April 12 1753 Mary TYLER was buried Affidavit returned April 14
April 30 1753 Charity LAMBOURNE was buried Affidavit returned May 7
May 4 1753 Mary POWELL was buried Affidavit returned May 6
December 30 1753 John HARFIELD an infant was buried Affidavit returned for John HARFIELD Jan 3 1754
January 16 1754 Anne PITTER Widow was buried Affidavit returned Jan 21
July 12 1754 Joice the wife of Thomas DURNFORD otherwise POWELL was buried Affidavit returned July 14
June 7 1755 Thomas the son of Robert CROOK was buried Affidavit returned Jun 9
December 28 1755 Edward ANTHONY an infant of Barton Stacy was buried Affidavit returned Jan 1 1756
January 6 1756 Mary widow of Thomas PAINE was buried Affidavit returned Jan 8
March 29 1756 Frances BAKER was buried Affidavit returned March 30
January 19 1757 Mary SUTTON widow was buried Affidavit returned Jan 24
February 4 1757 Lucy TALMAGE widow was buried Affidavit returned
June 13 1757 Mary the daughter of Robert CROOK was buried Affidavit returned for her June 18
July 10 1757 John the son of John LAMBORNE was buried Aff returned Jul 13
July 25 1757 Daniel son of Joseph & Anne SANDUM was buried Affidavit returned July 29
January 7 1759 Mary the wife of Thomas POWELL snr was buried Affidavit returned Jan 10
September 13 1759 Elizabeth wife of John SMITH was buried Affidavit returned
November 17 1759 Mary LEWIS was buried Affidavit returned
January 2 1760 Peter son of Peter GOTHER was buried Affidavit returned Jan 7?
February 9 1760 Mary ANNELL was buried Affidavit returned Feb 13
March 6 1760 John NOYES was buried Affidavit returned March 8
April 28 1760 Mary COLE was buried Affidavit returned May 4?
June 24 1760 Mary wife of John PHILLIPS was buried Affidavit returned June 25
September 12 1760 Richard DOWLING was buried Affidavit returned Sept 16
October 19 1760 James NOYES was buried Affidavit returned Oct 22
January 27 1761 Richard MOXETON was buried Affidavit returned Jan 31
March 30 1761 Martha the wife of John PAIN was buried Affidavit returned Apr 4
May 26 1761 Mary POWELL was buried Affidavit returned May 26
June 9 1761 Elizabeth daughter of Thomas & Elizabeth LAMBORNE was buried An infant Affidavit returned June 14
November 16 1761 Elizabeth wife of John KEMP was buried Affidavit returned for her Nov 21
December 6 1761 Richard son of the Widow DOWLING was buried Affidavit returned Dec 10
December 6 1761 Mary wife of Richard ANNEL was buried Affidavit returned Dec 10
December 22 1761 Martha wife of John? BAVERSTOCK was buried Affidavit returned Dec 28
December 25 1761 William DEAN was buried Affidavit returned Dec 28
December 30 1761 Farmer Thomas PRANGNELL was buried Affidavit returned Jan 7 1762
January 1 1762 Charles TALMAGE was buried Affidavit returned Jan 7
January 5 1762 Anne the wife of William HULL was buried Affidavit returned Jan 7
January 30 1762 John PHILLIPS was buried Affidavit returned Feb 4
April 3 1762 James ANNEL was buried Affidavit returned Apr 9
April 23 1762 Thomas SMOAKER was buried Affidavit returned Apr 28
June 17 1762 Edward BURGESS was buried Affidavit returned June 24
August 17 1762 Mrs? TREDGOLD was buried Affidavit returned Aug 21
October 4 1762 Anne MARTIN was buried Affidavit returned for her
October 28 1762 Elizabeth the wife of David TOBERY was buried Affidavit returned
November 28 1762 Elizabeth wife of Robert BAKER was buried Affidavit returned for her Dec 3
January 15 1763 Rose the wife of Robert ANTHONY was buried Aff retd for her
April 30 1763 The Widow FULKER was buried
June 14 1763 John SMOKER was buried Affidavit returned June 17
July 25 1763 John LETFORD was buried Affidavit returned July 31 1763
August 5 1763 Edward AVIS was buried Affidavit returned Aug 6
December 23 1763 Elizabeth wife of Benjamin BAKER of Rumsey was buried Affidavit returned for her Dec 27
May 23 1764 Anne KNAPP an infant was buried Affidavit May 26
August 3 1764 Alexander COOPER son of Anne RETFORD was buried Affidavit returned August 8
September 22 1764 Elizabeth SPRAT an infant was buried Aff returned Sep 26
January 1 1765 Joseph LETFORD was buried Affidavit returned Jan 2
February 25 1765 John & Martha twin son & daughter of John & Martha MARTIN were buried Affidavit returned March 1
May 26 1765 John CARCY was buried Affidavit returned June 1
July 15 1765 Mr John TREDGOLD was buried
October 7 1765 Samuel FORREST was buried Affidavit returned Oct 14
April 2 1766 Peter HELLIER was buried Affidavit returned Apr 8
November 23 1766 Betty daughter of Stephen PRANGNELL & Mary his wife
December 26 1766 The Revd John OSBORNE Curate of this Parish 42 years was buried
March 1 1767 Richard ANNELL was buried
March 26 1767 Joseph GALE son of William & Hannah
May 10 1767 Ann TALMAGE
May 20 1767 Peter ANTHONY
January 10 1768 Robert CROOK
February 17 1768 Sarah HANNINGTON
April 5 1768 Thomas ROWE a traveller
August 19 1768 Elizabeth LAMBOURNE
October 8 1768 Thomas GALE
October 23 1768 John SMOKER
April 19 1769 Richard GATCOMBE was buried
April 21 1769 Robert ANTHONY
May 25? 1769 William the son of William & Edith SPRATT
June 25 1769 Mary the wife of James PERRY was buried Affidavit returned
October 9 1769 Thomas MARTIN was buried Affidavit returned
November 18 1769 Mary the daughter of Richard & Jane SHEPHERD was buried Affidavit returned
March 2 1770 Robert GALE
March 13 1770 Joseph LETFORD
May 16 1770 Anne MARTIN of Sutton?
June 26 1770 Thomas POWELL
July 5 1770 Robert the son of John & Anne ANTHONY
September 11 1770 Thomas TILBURY
March 5 1771 Martha PRIDGET was buried Affidavit returned
April 13 1771 Margaret VINCE was buried Affidavit returned
May 25 1771 Sarah BUTTER alias DOWLAND was buried Affidavit returned
June 23 1771 Mary IRELAND was buried Affidavit returned
July? 26 1771 Elizabeth the infant daughter of Stephen & Mary P??? was buried Affidavit returned
December 9 1772 Thomas SMITH
January 10 1773 Lucy SANDHAM
January 31 1773 Jacob LAMBOURNE
April 15 1773 John the son of Thos POWELL
June 7 1773 Mary KEMP
June 17 1773 John SHORT was buried
June 23 1773 Joseph PAIN
July 5 1773 Mary the wife of Thomas PO???
July 13 1773 Mary the wife of John ????
August 1 1773 William the son of Matthew & Jane GALE
August 15 1773 Thomas the son of M??? & Hannah MARTIN
September 16? 1773 Lucy the daughter of Robert & Ann SNOOKS was buried

Diz Swift 2006